How much i would lose kg in 1 month

kelly23000k Posts: 1 Member
I’m 98kg and 180cm if i eat 1500 calories daily and burn 700 calories daily how much i will lose in 1 month I’m a men


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,575 Member
    No one can answer this. You haven't given enough information to even let us give you an estimate.

    If you want an estimate, go to an outside calorie calculator (really an estimator) and put in the full correct data about yourself. For every 1100 calories per day you eat below what it says you need to stay at your current weight, it thinks you'd lose one kg per week. Only trying it would confirm whether the estimate is correct for you or not.

    Here's a reasonably good estimator that will let you compare multiple research-based estimating formulas:

    For sure, at your size, if you eat only 1500 total, and burn 700 calories via exercise, you're under-eating to the point of increasing risks of health problems, unnecessary amounts of muscle loss alongside fat loss, and other issues. That's if you can stick to it, which is potentially going to be quite hard to do long term, since weakness, fatigue, and extreme cravings are quite probable when eating so very little compared to your needs.