This is changing more than just my weight

I have been taking care of myself lately. And it feels good.

Obviously, I have been focusing on eating healthy, losing weight and exercising.

But I am talking about other ways to care for myself.

As I got heavier over the last 10 years my desire to put on make up or cute earrings or necklaces went away. I felt like it was putting lipstick on a pig. My criteria for clothes was to find something that didn’t look horrible on me. I gave up trying to find “cute” clothes a long time ago. I didn’t realize I felt that way until recently when I started looking back. While I was yo-yo-ing through fad diets I always thought I would care for myself “when I lost this weight”.

I am happy to say I have extended my focus past my physical health to include taking care of myself in other ways.

I bought some new make up and make up brushes last week and have been practicing some new make up techniques I saw online. It makes me feel better.

Doing this as a lifestyle change and not just placing my hopes (and being disappointed) in a fad diet has truly been impactful in more ways than one. And it seems more like I am doing something FOR myself instead denying myself things I enjoy.

I wish I figured this out a decade ago.

Is anyone else seeing this spill into other areas of their life? I would love to hear about it.

Thank you for listening and sharing.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Because weight loss/gain/maintenance and fitness can only be done by YOU, then any success is the most meaningful because you had to endure it. Unlike work, status, freebies, etc., NO ONE can do the work for you. It's why it's so self fulfilling. And when you can get past hardships, then other challenges aren't as scary or difficult to uptake.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    edited July 2023
    Well said. It is VERY fulfilling to take control (finally) of something that caused such negativity in my life. Thank you for your response.

    Before, I didn’t realize how the negativity creeped into other areas of my life. I know it is possible to be heavier and still take care of yourself. That wasn’t me. This is my personal truth.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,907 Member
    edited July 2023
    Yes: Achieving things (like weight loss or fitness improvement) through personal effort is empowering. Doing it leads to the realization that one can achieve other (unrelated) things that also require chipping away patiently and persistently at big goals via small steps.

    It sort of sets up a "virtuous cycle" of achieving, feeling empowered, taking on new goals . . . on repeat. Good stuff!
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    It sort of sets up a "virtuous cycle" of achieving, feeling impowered, taking on new goals . . . on repeat. Good stuff!

    That is what I am finding. You guys are better at wording it than I am. I didn’t realize I was in a negative cycle before. I am really enjoying this more positive cycle. It has improved so many areas of my life. And I have not even met my goal yet.

  • Mark031111
    Mark031111 Posts: 15 Member
    Your experience highlights that self-care goes beyond appearances. Thanks for sharing your journey, it'll likely resonate with those seeking a balanced approach to self-care.
  • MurphmomSparkles
    MurphmomSparkles Posts: 208 Member
    Great post! I definitely am going through the same thing.