Women 200lb+, Let's Apply Ourselves This August!!!

RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
edited August 2023 in Motivation and Support
🌞Hello, ladies, and Happy August!!!🌞

🌞There's only one month left of summer(for most of us, at least)! How do you hope to spend it? Any plans lined up, big or small?

🌞This month we are working hard and applying ourselves. What is something that you need to work a little harder on or, conversely, an area you've already applied yourself to and have shown improvement in?

💛If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM! you're one of us.

💛In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

💛All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

💛Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🌞Let's be amazing and awesome this August!!!🌞


  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new! Weighed in last Friday to try to tackle the mountain that is my weight and I'm 261 lbs. I basically need to lose 100lbs as I'm 5'8. Trying to focus on my first target which is to lose 10lbs

    The turning point has been that we have just returned from a 2 week holiday that was made utterly miserable because whenever we walked anywhere my back was agony. And I know the first thing anyone will say if I go for help is that I need to lose weight.

    Would love to make friends who are also fighting a similar battle so please do add me

    Welcome! I'm also 5'8. I have 110lbs to drop. I'll send you a friend request if that's ok ❤️
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hello all. I have missed a few months of this group but im back. I'm about 5lbs down and trying intermittent fasting again but struggling as I eat after dinner. I'm trying to add snacks in my day. I'm currently on diet pills from the doctors too which means I have to eat low fat things. Happy August!
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »

    Welcome! I'm also 5'8. I have 110lbs to drop. I'll send you a friend request if that's ok ❤️

    That would be great! Tried to friend request you but have no clue how - anyone???
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    edited August 2023
    roz0810 wrote: »

    Welcome! I'm also 5'8. I have 110lbs to drop. I'll send you a friend request if that's ok ❤️

    That would be great! Tried to friend request you but have no clue how - anyone???

    just sent you a request now. you have to click on the profile then view profile then mfp profile then the right icon (two people) to send a friend request on android
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    Well done 💯👍
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    SW: 300 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs
    Prev Low: 191 lbs
    Aug 1: 209 lb..... ugh!!!!!

    Hey all!!! I know the first part of the year I was posting on Raven's monthly threads almost daily. Then I had parental visits, stress eating, crazy work stuff, daughter stuff, husband in hospital early in the year stuff..... and I let a lot of things slip. Through my daughter's summer break I all but disappeared from the community boards. I really need the accoutability of checking in and to be all the way back. For those that follow my Healthy Eating social media and recipe blog I'm sure you've noticed the lack of constant posts or the lack of real recipes for the blog in July. This is me saying I need to take my health back and going in strong with the school year started, not so many non-work interuptions throughout the day (I work from home so my daughter wanting snacks was NOT helpful), and I need my next A1C to be just as amazing as it was in May.

    For any who don't know me, I'm Linda. Currently 40 years old and have been on this journey for about 14 years of trying to take my health back. There have been so many backslides, fights with my body to cooperate since I have PCOS, going from pre-diabetic to type 2 diabetic, pregnancy (YAY!!!!), and raising this crazy kid. My husband is super helpful and supportive. However, he's a big guy also and whenever he isn't eating well it becomes a family size bag of chips within 2 sittings or less kind of thing. It means when we both fall at the same time that we eat everything in sight. Super supportive in the good times but also super willing to let me eat it all in the bad ones. At least there is no judgement no matter which side of the fence I'm on at any part of my life. He loves me for who I am no matter what. I do write and run a healthier eating facebook, instagram, and blog. Until the past 2 months or so it was up to date. I'm bringing it back along with pushing myself in the right direction again.

    🌞There's only one month left of summer(for most of us, at least)! How do you hope to spend it? Any plans lined up, big or small?
    Our 15 year wedding anniversary was on Aug 1. The plan is to go out this Sunday and celebrate. We're going to lunch and to see Hello Dolly at a community theater while our daughter hangs out with a friend for the day. I'm also planning one of my best friend's surprise birthday party for this Saturday. I'm in 4 book clubs at this point (why do I do this to myself???) so lots of meetings, gatherings, and books to be read. Since school started back today it will be a lot more school and kid centric plans coming up. No more summer for us at the moment.

    @RavenStCloud Thank you for this thread again! You're a rock star.

    @Shoppie2023 Welcome!!! The ladies in this thread are always so amazing. I'll send you a friend request this morning also.

    @roz0810 Welcome back! Good to know I wasn't the only one who dropped out of the community through the summer. Out of curiosity, what pills does the doctor have you on?

    @justanotherjen13 HOA rules can be so stupid. We got a letter last week that the house was too dirty on the outside and to get it pressure washed. While that's all well and good, it wasn't in the budget for this month. My husband was outside on a ladder with a hose and sprayer hooked up trying to get the top so we aren't fined. Truthfully, it wasn't that much or that bad. Definitely worse in the neighborhood and it wasn't even the front of the house. Our back goes to 6 other houses back yards thanks to a cul-de-sac 2 doors down. I don't even know how that little bit was seen except by someone making a complaint vs talking to me.

    @lisa032722 Welcome!

  • hessiondesign4
    hessiondesign4 Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello, I've been over 200 for several years now (8-9 maybe)....my average weight used to be 155-165, 5'9" (I'm currently close to 5'8"!!); until about 40yrs old when I went up to 180, held there for several years then after an illness went up over 200. I am currently tracking around 218-223, down from a top of 226. I am fairly active, in menopause from chemo for about 10 years now and on meds for blood pressure (it had started to go back to an acceptable level with my increased activity, but then it just started going up again so I agreed to start medication to control it so I didn't have to worry about it anymore). I also had my thyroid gland removed about 21 years ago so, that whole system is managed by Levothyroxine and my doctor says I may just be fighting some things out of my control as far as being able to take weight off. All I want is to be sure I'm healthy, if that means the scale stays at 200 or above I'm ok with that as long as I feel fit and able to do the things I like to do.

    I'm open to accepting 'friend requests' I tend to be fairly regular in my logging in and my logs are open to view I believe, I don't always remember to check into the community groups but love the support that they offer. I'm happy to see a group like this one :D

    My goals for the month: I had been setting a 6,000 step a day goal at least 5 days a week (there's always one or two days that things just don't align for me) - I think it's time to increase to 7,000 steps at least 5 days. Also, about 9-10 years ago I had switched to a primarily vegetarian diet to try and get 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies a day...I maintained that for several years but gradually went back to eating meat and having less veggies as it became difficult to concoct 2 meals for just 2 people (it was easier when the kids were still in the house, because my meal was like sides for them and my son like the vegetarian options, hubby and daughter not as much) ANYHOW, goal #2: is to increase vegetable and fruit consumption and reduce red meats and refined breads. (trying to figure out how to do it in a way that is hubby friendly so he can enjoy the health benefit too, but still have food available if he doesn't like the 'side' dish I've prepared as the vegetarian option....luckily he doesn't hate salads, so that's where I start :D
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Today is the end of my first week of this health kick so I weighed in and have lost 2 lbs 🎊👏. Pleased as I had a couple of slips but as my weight is so high I guess it comes off a bit more easily.
  • diggskl
    diggskl Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for this group looking for motivation just turned 40 and at my highest weight 248. I need to take action now because I'm so unhappy with myself
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited August 2023
    40 years old, 5'7"
    SW: 300 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs
    Prev Low: 191 lbs
    Aug 1: 209 lb..... ugh!!!!!
    Aug 4: 203.4 lb (obviously I had been retaining some on my Aug 1 weigh in. THANK GOD)

    Being the first day of school yesterday, I let me daughter pick everything. We traditionally go out for an ice cream cone at her favorite place when I pick her up the first day. I stuck to a sugar cone and single scoop. Before going out I had only consumed a handful of calories throughout the day. She wanted tacos for dinner. We always bulk up the taco meat with extras so it isn't just beef. By the time I also had only a half serving of rice, put one on hard shell but the second on a low carb tortilla, had some grilled zucchini with it... my overall calories for the day were pretty great. I did see a jump in my fasting blood sugar after the carbs the previous day. Hoping that is just for the one day though.
    FYI, if you want to see what I do to bulk up our taco meat the recipe is here https://www.healthyeatingwithlinda.com/post/bulked-up-taco-meat

    Today my big book club (I've joined 4... why do I do this to myself???) is going to see the Barbie movie together. I'm also meeting one of my best friends, who is in the club with me, for dinner beforehand. The plan is to split a pizza and a large salad. I'm going to maybe see if she wanted to share a popcorn too. That way I'm not all in for all the calories where I have zero self control. I really need to stay the course tonight because tomorrow we're celebrating that same friend's birthday. I've been planning this big surprise for her and it's KILLING me not to tell her. It's going to be Indian food at her favorite restuarant followed by a paint and sip night where we rented out the place for a private party. Cake, additional desserts, wines.... Given the stress of planning, paying for everything, and keeping the secret this long, wine & cake have been earned. :D

    @hessiondesign4 I tend to find ways of adding the veggies directly into the meat dishes sometimes. It stretches the servings and is easier to get people not looking to cut back on meat to actually consume more veggies too. Like the taco recipe I put above. Or adding shredded zucchini or cabbage into the cooking meat when prepping lasange. I don't necessarily hide the veggies but I don't walk out advertising that it's been added either. If my husband or daughter ask, I'll tell them what is different. Often, they don't even question the difference.

    @Shoppie2023 Congrats on 2 lbs down!!!

    @diggskl Welcome!!!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. I hit my July goals so I look forward to moving forward this month!

    Goals for August:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week
    Hit 100lb weight loss this month

    August SW:166
    August GW:155

    1. Walked, logged, 23k+
    2. Walked, logged, 24k+
    3. Walked, logged, 21k+
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good morning everyone! Happy August!
    🌞There's only one month left of summer(for most of us, at least)! How do you hope to spend it? Any plans lined up, big or small?

    Alright, so PT is rolling for me, back is getting better slowly but surely, and it's easier to do things in the gym than it was 2 weeks ago. So building on that progress is important for this month.

    Also just keeping sane this month, as we've got appointments of some kind 4-5 days every week this month. :weary:

    And at the end of this month, Starfield comes out, I'm so excited. Also to be excited about- we're prepping the garage to be a gym area, with gymnastics mats for the kids and a pole for me (!). That's a while away yet, it's all very expensive, and I have to do a lot of painting/sealing/etc before the exciting stuff. But we've started getting some excess stuff out of there and up into the attic, which feels great.
    🌞This month we are working hard and applying ourselves. What is something that you need to work a little harder on or, conversely, an area you've already applied yourself to and have shown improvement in?

    I need to re-apply myself to meal prep. When I do it, weight loss is on easy mode. I eat what I prepped, nothing more than that, and I tweak the prep if I end up too hungry or something. So tomorrow, I'll be prepping.

    Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 8/1: 174.4 (average 173.4)
    8/5: 173.3 (average 173.4)

    🌞 August Goals! 🌞

    🌞 July GW (average): 172.5

    💛Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    💛Log everything in grams ❌
    💛 Shut down the house every night❌

    Lol, I've been kid-free this week, so I've eaten some great food, no regrets. Going to get them today, back to normal. I'm enjoying the quiet house while it lasts (which is until we leave to get the kids, lol).

    Tag party time!

    Thank you as always @RavenStCloud for making sure we have this space. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    @Shoppie2023 Welcome, and congratulations on your first two pounds! That's great!

    @roz0810 HI ROZ!!! Welcome back! We can do this. :smiley:

    @justanotherjen13 smh HOAs are the worst. Also where is hubby to help with all this mulch he insisted on, uncool. One thing is true though- yardwork is great exercise, so you do have that going for you. Take care of you, too, hot bath with epsom salts for aches, and if hubby complains, tell him he can shovel mulch. :lol:

    @li327sa Hi Lisa! Welcome!

    @pamperedlinny you're back! And you can do this! Hello Dolly and a surprise party for a friend sounds like a blast. :smile: BARBIE MOVIE! I want to see it so badly, lol.

    @hessiondesign4 you have a great plan, and I love the idea of a flexible meal plan that still encourages your hubby to partake in healthier options. Welcome!

    @diggskl welcome! looking forward to seeing you around here more, this is a great thread full of great people :smiley:

    @Buckeyebabe717 you're doing great as usual!

    Game plan for today:
    1. eat a good breakfast filled with vegetables
    2. take every rest stop to walk around, get some minimal exercise, what with all the driving
    3. skip lunch/small snack for lunch
    4. chicken gyros for dinner- maybe make mine into a salad depending on calories/whether Whatsisface wants to have a beer (our tradition on the weekends to have a beer together)
    5. video games with our friends/playing with the kids

    That's it, I think! Have a great day, everyone!

    One more thing- a bit of inspiration I found this morning :smile:
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    @diggskl welcome! I'm new too, also looking for friends to motivate one another. We can do this!

    @li327sa welcome to you too!

    @pamperedlinny you can do this! Keep fighting for what you want, we'll get there!

    @buckeyebabe your goals sound great and the sort of thing that is great for me to see and learn from as my goals are very basic - lose weight lol. Also stunned that you look after up to 6 little ones all aged under 3. You are a hero!

    @CupcakeCrusoe that sounds so exciting re your gym space and getting you a pole! And yay for kid free time!

    I'm struggling a bit with it being the weekend. We have a menu in the house that rotates over 3 weeks. Tonight is lasagne and garlic bread. The lasagne is so high in fat and cals I can't have much else today. I'm having carrots instead of the garlic bread - I can't afford that. And it's pouring rain so I've only taken the dog out once today. Boo.

  • lawandabee7555
    lawandabee7555 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    I’m Lawanda. My goals for this month is to work out by at least going on a 30 minute walk at a minimum seven days a week since I work from home. Usually I do more and incorporate the gym but that’s my minimum. I’m staying away from Happy Hour for now because in times past I got a little too happy and packed on the pounds in record time.

    Sw: 245 8/5/23
    1st Gw: 237 9/5/23

    I plan to meal prep as it makes my life so much easier when I take the thinking out of it.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    @pamperedlinny We unfortunately live on a corner lot so our whole side yard is exposed for them to judge. The HOA is mostly chill, but every once in awhile they get a bug up their butts and fine everyone for any little thing. God forbid your gate blows open and someone sees a garbage can.

    @CupcakeCrusoe My husband doesn't help with house stuff--that's for me to do since I don't work. He helped one day for like 20 minutes, but as soon as I went inside, so did he. The only one that has helped me was my middle daughter and she doesn't even live here anymore. She was visiting and spent a week of her vacation, tearing up grass in the yard and trimming bushes for me. I showed her a picture of what it looks like now and she apologized for not being able to help more. She's always been my little helper and I miss having her around. I'm out of mulch again so I went back to tearing up the grass between the pavers. Not sure what else to do. I'm afraid to move more rocks in case we don't get more mulch before it starts raining. I think we need at least 7 or 8 more bags if we leave the rocks around the plum tree. If not, we'd probably need an extra 3 or 4 to go around the tree. It's getting there slow and stead. Two hours is my limit of working. By then I'm in too much pain and too hot and gross to continue.
  • lawandabee7555
    lawandabee7555 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new! Weighed in last Friday to try to tackle the mountain that is my weight and I'm 261 lbs. I basically need to lose 100lbs as I'm 5'8. Trying to focus on my first target which is to lose 10lbs

    The turning point has been that we have just returned from a 2 week holiday that was made utterly miserable because whenever we walked anywhere my back was agony. And I know the first thing anyone will say if I go for help is that I need to lose weight.

    Would love to make friends who are also fighting a similar battle so please do add me

    Hi! I got into a car accident and have lower back issues and it’s my motivation to lose weight as well so you’re definitely not alone. ❤️. I’m 5’7, 245. We got this.