Daily check in for support and accountability



  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @chelsea121991 Welcome. I think a lot of schedules are off with the summer so this thread has been quiet, but this is a great group sharing similar goals. Without overstepping, I wish I could go back and tell my 31 year old self some things. I think I would say I first have to accept myself as I am-good enough. Then I would focus on treating myself kind and eating foods that are nourishing most of the time. Finding some type of movement that I enjoy doing and do it as much as I can. It took me several more decades to start to figure that out. The diet industry lifestyle, I have led, is quite ingrained so at times I still beat myself up if I eat something "bad."
    Great job leaving those cookies behind- that can be so hard to do! I also have a tremendous sweet tooth and do much better when I don't have those extras in my house. Have a great Day!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    SW 234
    LW 201
    CW 198.3
    GW 150

    Onederland is back. That's very satisfying. I look better, hubby notices and friends too. I even have to go to home office in 2 weeks and will show off my 35 pound progress.

    The challenge: every month, my.body in its infinite wisdom spends one week (week 1) bulking up for my m cycle. 5-6 pounds up. Keep that on until my period 2 weeks later. Then slowly comes off over period week (week 3). That leaves me one short week (week 4 "bye week") to make progress. And I have to hit it hard. So that's where I'm at: in the middle of my bye week right not trying to do what I can.

    The bummer: I hope I'm not posting this twice cause I wrote it already and the draft disappeared: I'm so depressed, lately at 10,000 maniacs "like the weather" level. Not suicidal, but bed ridden. I've managed anxiety/depression for decades with therapy and meds. 1.I wonder if wegovy is impacting the efficacy.of those meds. 2.I had hormone tests: low progesterone, low testosterone. But there are cancer risks etc associated with taking these things too. 3.hubby has aneurysm surgery Tuesday. 4.work is a flub and I need to give them an ultimatum. Trying to move slowly and find a fix for this depression with least risk. But all options are on the table. I'm throwing everything at it as usual. I'll start with hoping surgery goes well. Then I share to the company board my proposal.in order to keep me. If those 2 resolutions to open issues don't work, it's increase meds. Then maybe hormones. Anyone have experience with those two.
    But I'd love to get out of bed and start enjoying the weight loss. Be careful what you wish for, I guess I'm having to read some more Jordan Peterson get my aim set properly. :)
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @harringtona1 Sorry I've been MIA. It's been a long and insanely busy month. I haven't logged as I should but I haven't really gone anywhere either. Just so busy!

    I just finished as a volunteer for the Ride To End ALZ over the weekend. It's a 3 day bike ride that is over 280 miles. While I didn't ride, I did pass out waters, pickle juice, snacks, and whatever was needed for the riders at various stops. I'm also working at my church VBS every night this week. It's just a lot packed on top of each other.

    Great causes. My mom died with dementia. Anyone who can be spared that experience is worth whatever it takes. If you have a go fund me, I'd love to contribute.

    Keep kicking butt and taking names!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @harringtona1- sending you strength and positive vibes. I hope everything goes smoothly with your husband's surgery and the work stuff resolves favorably. Be well and congrats on the 35 lb. loss.

    @pampered- I second Harrington's comments. It's so great that people like you take the time to give of yourselves for a such an important cause. I shy away from those fundraiser bike rides because they exceed my biking ability and never think there are other ways to contribute.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    The summer is flying by and all of the distractions are taking up most of my focus. I haven't logged in daily and I'm definitely eating more snacks and desserts. I was glad to see the scale is only up a few pounds. I am trying to regroup this morning and starting with reminding myself why I want to improve my health/wellness and how I plan to do it.
    I know that it's helpful for me to log and review what I'm eating, but I'm not sure I want a specific calorie limit. It may be keeping me in the diet mentality rather than focusing on making better food choices more often than not. We shall see...
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'm back. School has started. My husband is in the office full time. My neighbor is going to start walking with me again. Also, my fasting blood sugar has been higher that it should be and I need to fix that. So.... I'm back and buckling down again.
  • Foreverchanged1
    Foreverchanged1 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good morning! I’m new to the MyFitnessPal community though I initially connected with the app awhile back. I’m hoping to join you guys with the accountability piece -and encouraging each other in a group is totally what I need. I’m finding it just isn’t happening alone or with those here with me locally . . . but I SERIOUSLY need to do this. FOR REAL. So here goes!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    @Foreverchanged1 Welcome!!!! Accountability definitely helps with keeping on course.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @Foreverchanged1- Welcome. Are you working on specific goals or overall weight loss. I am trying to focus on improved health by making better food choices and getting some exercise. I don't pay too much attention to the scale but I don't ignore it either :smile:
  • mannyleigh314
    mannyleigh314 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new to My fitness pal and looking for accountability and support. I am 37, 5ft 9in woman and just reached my heaviest weight in my life, 245lb. Up 10lbs from this time last year. I am getting serious about my health and started tracking my food about a week ago and have been walking daily 30 min briskly and just started lifting weights. My goal is to lose 60lb, but short term is 30lbs. Thank you to this group, it looks like everyone gives good support and check ins. Thank you
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    I had a touch and go day yesterday. Around 2pm I really wanted to start snacking. I had a handful of pretzels and some cream cheese. Then I still wanted things... not because I was still hungry but because I was stressed, working, calculating, and just annoyed at the world. I wanted to take a 15 minute work break just to attack the pantry. Instead, I got myself some diet soda over ice, sipped it for some caffeine and flavor, then got busy again. Thankfully, that means I still finished my day without having any binging or going overboard.

    I really need to find ways to deal with my stress that isn't food. I mean, when I only have a few minutes and can't go to the gym to deal with it. I need something I can do at my desk or in a moment that will combat other than snacks.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @pampered- great job stopping yourself from going overboard yesterday. It's so easy to just respond in a habitual way to our stress. I have been reading about habit formation and your question about what to do at that moment at your desk, definitely seems key. We can't fully control the stress and we are ultimately looking for a way to relieve it. For me I often respond by mindless eating. It must work because I have been doing it for a long time. Maybe if you keep doing what you did yesterday. Slowly enjoying that diet soda can eventually replace the desire to overeat if you keep repeating it.
    Unfortunately, I did not have such a controlled response yesterday. I was dealing with some discouraging news and I reacted by eating well above my daily calorie goal. I also need to figure out how to replace this knee-jerk reaction to stress or difficult emotions, with something besides stuffing myself.
    Welcome mannyleigh- you appear to be off to a good start.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    @dogwalker157 I did so well for the beginning of this year. It was only when my family was coming to visit that I let myself slip so hard. I'm trying to remember what worked for months with stress. Somehow going back to food is so much easier than all the good habits I had formed and when it got to be too much, I went back to old habits. Now I'm starting all over again. It's so hard.
  • LemonLizard
    LemonLizard Posts: 86 Member
    Hi all! I've been off and on with MyFitnessPal for years (signed up in 2013) but am coming back now after having gained all the weight back that I had lost back in 2016~.

    This time, I've got 70 lbs to lose but I'm feeling more motivated than ever! I do low carb/keto due to the lack of willpower I have when it comes to eating carbs (I am a carb binge eater - any pastas, rice, breads, desserts), and find I just struggle immensely with trying to allow myself to eat carby foods in moderation, because "in moderation" is not something I can successfully keep myself to!

    I restarted keto in January, fell off shortly after, then restarted again in June and am still going. I was not diligently tracking, however, which is probably why I fell off and/or hadn't been seeing much success. I'm restarting with tracking all my food by weight, and have been doing my best to eat more whole foods for satiety. Feel free to add me if you'd like another active friend to encourage you towards your goals!

    30F | SW: 205 | CW: 190 | GW: 120
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @pamperedlinny those are the times when I miss smoking lol.
    I read that it helps to schedule breaks so you don't get to a place of being overwhelmed with no strength to make smart choices. So first advice is to always take a break at X. I used to do that to work out with a trainer who came to my house. There was no option. And my boss was thrilled by the way. I blocked out in the calendar (still do this with lunch) and never schedule work during that time.

    Choices of what to do in your break instead of eat:
    Eat lol. A prepacked snack.
    Walk around the building
    Talk to a friend about nothing
    Stretch (to music even)
    Breathing/meditation exercise on your phone
    Shop online
    Clean (this is me. I work from home)
    Plan something
    Mess with your plants
    Stare out the window
    Change out photos in your frames (play in shutterfly)
    Nap in car
    File/paint your nails
    Pet an animal

    Hope something on there resonated. Good luck!!!

    52F | SW: 234 | CW: 194 | GW: 160
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 184 Member
    I am with you! I restart today, hoping to lose 70+ within a year or so...
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Quick update on where I've been this week.... On Sunday I started having tooth pain. On Monday my dentist was out of the office. On Tuesday I was told I need to see an endodontist because they are fairly sure I need a root canal. Today I have a consult with the endodontist. I'm not eating healthy but a lot of that is I don't want anything too hot, too cold, too crunchy, etc. So.... I keep eating softer carby foods. Honestly, tooth pain wins over healthy choices.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    New tooth pain update.

    I went yesterday for my endodontist consult. He decided, even though I had only been on the antibiotic for 24 hours, to squeeze me in to do the actual root canal. I've been told that between the infection and the procedure that I should expect to be sore for a few days, possibly thru the weekend. He didn't give me any pain meds, just told to take Advil. I need to go get a temp crown next week. After 30 days I need to switch to a permanent crown. I'm sticking to softer and easier to chew foods for the next day or two so my logging will be either non-existent or lacking for this week. I do have the most amazing husband though. He went out yesterday to get me a frosty from Wendy's and a soup from Chick-fil-A. He's a keeper.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @pamperedlinny- tooth pain is the worst. I'm glad you were able to get in and get that part taken care of. Very thoughtful of your husband to take care of you :smile: Hope you're feeling good soon!

    @harringtona1- All of those suggestions resonate with me at times. I just need to look at the list before I decide to eat my way through.

    I have been off the grid both with logging and paying attention to what I'm eating. I've had lots of company and always end up buying snacks and desserts to have in the house. Needless to say a lot of overeating these past few weeks. I feel like I have lost some interest in my goals. I would like to say that I'm here because I am refocused but the reality is I am not feeling very committed to the goal at the moment. I am up a few pounds and really do not want that trend to continue. So for today I am going to try to pay more attention. I'm not attempting to be rigid but just think before I eat.

    Have a good day All
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Just updating where I am at. Pretty much the same spot as the last post. Not really paying much attention to what I'm eating or activity. I think a lot of it has to do with the lack of schedule and entertaining, eating out and all of the other things that go along with summer. I would like to get back in to more of a routine as the summer winds down and I think that will help me to work on my health goals as well. I haven't weighed in awhile but I'm guessing up about 4 to 5 lbs. I am purposely avoiding the scale- which is not a good thing for me because it helps me to ignore my behaviors.

    We shall see what the day brings :neutral: