Is big loss without weight loss surgery possible?

I am booked for weight loss surgery in 3 weeks time. I have felt a bit unsure about it, but now ready to start the very low calorie diet (which I am looking forward to!) and all I can think about are the things that can go wrong.
I have just over 50kg to loose for a healthy BMI. My pathology is perfect- I have no underlying health conditions other than an under active thyroid which is under control.
I am 43 yo female.

With this amount of weight to loose, is it possible to loose it with a healthy diet, exercise and elimination of alcohol?

I have tried many things in the past including all of the above, but on reflection, I can see there were other things that were impacting my progress- for example I lost 2.5kg following a 12 week boot camp, but after a routine blood test, my thyroid was significantly underactive.


  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,674 Member
    Yes, of course it's possible. Whether or not it's doable depends on the individual. You've already booked the surgery, and so it seems as though you've already looked at your options and believe it's the best option for you. Good for you! Don't worry about whether other people can do it or not. There really is no right or wrong, just what works for you.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    In addition to reading through the Success Stories on the site, there is also a specialized "group" that has many people with the same issue or those who have overcome a large weight loss. Lot of info. You can read in the group without joining. Join to post in it. There are over a thousand members:
  • Calilassie
    Calilassie Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone!! I suppose I know my downfall which is that consistency is hard when results aren’t seen or are painfully slow.

    This is my first post here, I am a member of a support group on another platform, I chose to post here to gain a broader insight from people who have succeeded in weight loss rather than only people who have surgery.

    For perspective, I am a healthcare professional and seen clients come through with many complications and this is what sways me- the complications are real and scary and the surgery is drastic with no guarantees.

    I am good at exercise and eating well, I am bad at consistency.

    I hate posting anything that’s all about me, but the outcome is all about me AND my family and they feel my pain so don’t have a good objective insight.

    I will check out the forums suggested- thank you!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,365 Member
    I'm another example of a larger loss without weight loss surgery: I lost 35 kg as a 5ft5/166cm woman, 37 years old when I started (40 now).

    I've seen what weight loss surgery can do, the good and the bad.
    With and without surgery requires lifestyle changes, so I would keep surgery as a back-up option and first try just lifestyle changes.
  • Calilassie
    Calilassie Posts: 8 Member
    This is amazing- well done!!
  • Calilassie
    Calilassie Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies, suggestions and sharing you the story of your journeys. As many of you understand. Consistency is hard when results are slow/not seen, but I totally agree that a change of mindset is needed…that’s the hard part!

    I will sleep on this over the weekend and make my decision and will keep you posted.

    Thank you again!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    There are so many success stories in the forums.

    Is it easy? Not at first. It gets easier as the process unfolds.

    By the time the end of my weight loss happened I had pictures like those you see here. I also had a way of eating that had gotten me back to a healthy weight. I had a reasonable walking routine and a way of living. That just naturally comes with having to lose a lot of weight.

    Changes and introspection has to happen, regardless of how the weight is lost. Big changes, but for the good!

    I don't want to ever be that 220 pound woman ever again. No. It is so much better in every way - physically, mentally, spiritually - to be at 140.

    The not wanting to go back is a huge motivation. HUGE.