

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld So take out 2 things in your freezer and cook/use them in healthy meals so then you'll have room for 2 frozen meals. Things like Amy's or Lean Cuisine really don't take up much space. Good job on another day of water.

    @cbabie Yaaaay on your 30 min exercise. Yes Redo. I'm glad you are having success in mindset change.

    So I went to Minneapolis today to Mall of America. For some reason my foot started hurting and still hurts. I hope it goes away tomorrow so I can do my walk and gym. I ordered a salmon salad. Ate half and brought half home. Then ate half a serving of some good Southwest enchiladas I made yesterday for dinner. All of these halves is cause I planned in some ice cream.

    10 carbs under/134 cals under
    15 min walk
    17 oz water
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie Yay!!! I'm so happy for you! Thank you, I did well yesterday.

    @theslightedgeforever I don't really like frozen meals, I really don't, so I'll probably put a family-sized Rana lasagna in the freezer. I probably wouldn't eat the single-sized frozen meals. But I'll find something to work! Oh no about your foot. I hope it's not plantar fasciitis. Is it better today? Yay for the salmon salad, that sounds good and healthy. Way to plan for the ice cream.

    Hi all. Well, I gained 0.8 lbs this week. I'm disappointed as I had been on a losing streak and had hoped to have lost every week in August but oh well. I had a better day yesterday, I was still over but only by 65 cals and it was all planned for, and healthy, foods. I am trying a new water aerobics class tonight, it's called Aqua Interval - Deep. As the name says, it's held in the deep end of the pool with a flotation thing around your waist. Here's the description: A tough workout that utilizes intervals and high-intensity activity. I can't wait!

    Water yesterday: 95 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld Doesn't matter what is in the freezer as long as it's single-portioned and healthy. Something that can be cooked quickly so you aren't tempted by high-calorie/high-fat take out food. Did you enjoy your water aerobics? I think my stress fracture has just flared up. I'm giving it rest for the next couple of days. Tomorrow I'm headed to Iowa for a couple of days.

    Food: 14 carbs over/ 4 calories over
    Exercise: none
    Water: 17 oz

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The lasagna is enough for lunch the next day + for my husband. But I don't overeat it. I didn't go to water aerobics for a couple of reasons: I got anxious...about the class and also we are expecting a tropical storm this weekend and I'm very nervous about it. We have that leak in our back window (still, long story basically the guy upstairs has to replace his leaking window and is refusing). Also, it was such a nice day yesterday, I wanted to go to coffee with my husband so we did that and we walked around before and after. That's good you are giving your foot a rest. Enjoy Iowa!

    Hi all. As I said to slightedge above, we are expecting the worst tropical storm in our history starting tonight. There are already lightning storms in the east county. My work closed the campus on Monday due to the storm. I'm doing pretty good. Yesterday, I ended the day under my calorie goal and didn't snack at all.

    Water yesterday: 125 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Hi all!
    Hope all is well! Can’t believe it is already mid-August!

    Light is getting brighter… 3 weeks left of class then a break for 12 weeks yay 😀 I’ll get to enjoy my favorite season of fall!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    ~ Missy and pups 🐶

    SW: 228.9
    CW: 214.2
    GW: 110
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @gemwolf110 Hi nice to "see" you! Congrats on your weight loss. I'm glad things are going well.

    Hi all. So far, just a little rain here. But it's supposed to get worse at about 2 pm. I ate terribly yesterday. Not as bad as in the past, but bad enough to be over significantly. We went out to dinner with some people to an Italian restaurant. It wasn't even good but I ate it all.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Evening all, We had a birthday party today, so I didn't do well. Big piece of Birthday cake. It wasn't even that great. A little dry. LOL. But the family had a great time and that is more important.

    @trooworld So sorry to hear that storm has you stressed out. I remember the neighbor window thing. I am praying it blows over and you don't get it. It was supposed to storm here, but haven't seen a drop..just overcast and humid. LOL. Okay you didn't eat great today, but you are going for the gold, not for a one night stand. LOL. You have got this.

    @gemwolf110 Good to hear from you and so happy you are getting a break at your favorite time of the year.

    @theslightedgeforever Enjoy Iowa and hope your foot heals fast. Rest is probably good...better to miss one or two days for healing than a month to say I did it. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie I hate when I do that, eat something that's not worth it. I'm glad you had a good time with family. Yeah the window thing has been going on since 2019, 4 years now. The HOA is talking to an attorney but they aren't pressing him hard enough. I need to press them harder. I like that, I am going for the gold not a one night stand! Thank you, so do you!

    Hi all. Well the stress did not help my eating yesterday. I didn't do terribly but I did get into tortilla chips and salsa. The window leaked horribly. We had to put a bucket up to keep the water contained. It was all over the floor.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld Look at all the water you've been drinking. Good for you. I've been watching the news coverage of the storm in Calif. Sorry about all the water.

    @gemwolf110 I've noticed you've been losing weight. Good for you. I'm sure you are so looking forward to that break.

    @cbabie One thing you can do for next time is once you realize the cake isn't that good, stop eating it. Or just swipe off the icing. You don't have to finish it. You ate bday cake with the family and saved yourself some calories.

    So back at my daughters house in MN. Yesterday I got to visit 2 extra states so I could check them off my list. S Dakota and Nebraska. Then back to Iowa and then drove back to MN. I was tired. But a good trip overall.

    I walked 30 min today to the theater and back. We saw Strays. it was funny. My goal is to hit the gym tomorrow for weights and stretching but no cardio. My foot is better but I think another day of rest would be good.

    Food: 28 carbs over/88 calories under
    Exercise: 30 min walk
    Water: 17 oz.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks but my water intake was horrible the past few days. I don't even know if I drank 12 oz yesterday. :( Thanks about the window. I'm glad you are enjoying the time with your daughter. You are quite the adventurer! I want to see Strays. Good for you for walking to the theater. And for giving your foot a rest.

    Hi all. I didn't track at all yesterday. I was distracted, I made some fall crafts. I didn't even eat dinner last night, I wasn't hungry so I didn't. The handyman of the HOA came yesterday and took the wood frame around the window down and the drywall above the window. It was all wet and needs to dry out. I will track today. And drink more water.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • ness8484
    ness8484 Posts: 42 Member
    I've been off track for a couple weeks, but using this week to get back on track. Tracked my food today finally. Have plans to get a couple stationary bike workouts in. I'm doing a 500 mile challenge that I'm also trying to get back on track with.

    Wishing everyone a good mindset week!

    Willpower is not reliable.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld Celebrate your water wins. Yes you had a bad day but you have had more than one good day I saw. My daughter is making me an adventurer. Her motto is if not now, when? But then it's hard to get back into a routine when I go home. Fall crafts sounds nice.

    @ness8484 Yaaay for getting back on track. It can be hard to start up again. But you did it. So go log one mile towards your 500.

    I have had a migraine most of the day. So didn't exercise. I was fine this morning so I don't know if going out in the heat caused it or what. I have to get back to my normal gym program.

    Food: over 48 carbs/under 12 calories
    Exercise: none
    Water: 24 oz.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @ness8484 Yay for tracking your food, that's an awesome step to getting back on track! How long do you have to do the 500 miles? Have a great week as well!

    @theslightedgeforever That's true so yay for my water! I like your daughter's motto. I can see how it would be very hard to get back into things when you get home. I'm sorry about your migraine, I'm glad it's gone now.

    Hi all. I wasn't feeling well at work, my stomach was upset and I had a headache. I went home and took a nap and relaxed. I did not eat well yesterday nor did I drink enough water. I did track, so that's something towards better health. I made bone broth in the pressure cooker over the weekend and it helped to sip on that yesterday. It was delicious. I think I will make some more this weekend for next week.

    Oh, I did make a healthyish decision when we ordered Thai food for dinner: I had fresh Thai spring rolls and Pad Thai with mock duck and instead of the regular noodles, I had moroheiya noodles. I hadn't heard of them, but apparently, they have the following benefits:
    • More beta carotene than carrots
    • More vitamin B (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B6 (Pyridoxine) and B9 (Folate) and vitamin E than spinach, broccoli or carrots
    • More fiber than the three vegetables mentioned above
    • Five times more calcium than spinach!

    I didn't notice a different taste or anything, they were good.

    Water yesterday: 37 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Afternoon all, sorry haven't been here, we have had a visitor from Alaska here all week. I am sneaking in me time to post. I haven't eaten too bad, but not my best and no exercise. I have been fighting headaches all week.

    @trooworld So sorry about the water in the window. However, you are doing all that you can and that is what you can be proud of. I also wanted to say great job on finding the positive in what you chose to eat and why.

    @theslightedgeforever Sorry you have a headache, could be the weather. I was thinking about you walking to the theater and it reminded me when we used to go visit Granny and we would walk to that little store and buy something, just to get out of her house. We walked by ourself too. LOL

    @ness8484 Good for you for not giving up and giving in. You are here now and that is what counts.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld Thanks for the info on the noodles. I haven't heard of them either. I was reading today that all it takes is one good decision to lead us down the pathway of other good decisions. Which determine whether we have a good day or bad day. Yaay on more water than you drank the day before.

    @cbabie Slight headache today too. It's was 107 here today with heat index. I had to go buy groceries and wasn't out long but then later when I returned there was the headache. Hope I'm not getting sick. That's usually the only time I get headaches. Shanks was the name of that store. Do you know we were kin to them? Good for you for not eating as bad as you might normally with a visitor.

    I had a do nothing day. Didn't track. Didn't exercise. Didn't drink much water. I did do the one thing that I said I was going to do which was leave my bottle of water on the stove at night. So I'll see it when I make breakfast and start drinking first thing. That's one of my habits I'm working on of course. Make the action small and so easy I can't help but do it.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie I have been fighting headaches for at least a week, too. I think it may be the weather in my case. That, or stress. Thank you!

    @theslightedgeforever I hadn't heard of them, either, I just saw them on the menu as an option so I looked into it and decided to try them. I believe that about one good decision. Thanks, I did good yesterday (although I am counting my bone broth as some of the water). That's a good idea to leave it on the stove. Would it be even better on your nightstand?

    Hi all. I did okay yesterday but did get into some store-bought chocolate chip cookies we have in the house. I will do better today.

    Water yesterday: 100 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • ness8484
    ness8484 Posts: 42 Member
    hi all!

    for those asking about the 500 miles, it started the middle of June and I have until October 31st to complete them. I've done it before and my best is 250 miles. I'd like to hit 300 miles at worst and I'm 142 miles in so completely doable.

    For those struggling keep the following things in mind:
    - Progress, not perfection - each decision you make to bettering your health is a good one, even the rest days because you are feeling unwell. That time to stop and take care of yourself is just as important as eating and exercising!

    - Life Happens! - birthday's, parties, temptations. a couple bad choices WILL NOT undo everything you've worked so hard for! I gained a couple pounds this month with my birthday and a family wedding and I got back on track this week and those pounds came right off. You have to celebrate how far you've come!

    Keep tracking and give yourself grace along the way!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    @trooworld I have a makeshift nightstand here at my dd's place but dh is on that side. Plus I had water there before and didn't drink it except to take my meds before bed. I put it last night on the stove and my dd moved it. :s I also put one next to my makeup bag in the bathroom. Yaaay on your water.

    @ness8484 Great words of wisdom. Yes your challenge is totally doable. It's good you are back on track.

    Food: 27 carbs over; 18 calories under
    Exercise: 30 min walk
    Water: 42 oz
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @ness8484 Good luck with the 500 miles! Thank you for the encouragement!

    @theslightedgeforever Oh ok. Oh no! Tell her your plan. Great job.

    Hi all. I don't know if I mentioned but I feel myself slipping back into oblivion. It started with my gain last Friday. I need to SNAP OUT OF IT. I gained again today.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, sitting here listening to a whiny crying baby. UGH....I just want time to work on things and that would be "me" things. LOL. I am really trying to figure out a routine, but it seems hard with all the distractions in this house. My grandson is here and we talk health and food. He is trying to drink more water and it's been good to have him here. I am trying to make small good choices. Like today, we only have whole milk in the house, so instead of a cup in my cereal, I had 1/2 cup and not even that, the baby "ate" my milk after got done with the cereal. LOL

    @trooworld You are NOT slipping back into oblivion...what we speak we speak, I had a couple off days and now I am BACK. LOL. good job at continuing your water challenge to yourself.

    @theslightedgeforever LOL I can see your DD face.. LOL. Great job on the little habits. you have got determination. You know I can share my plan, but they just look at here goes another one of "her" ideas. So I just keep them to myself and try to keep the attitude they can't beat me down. No I didn't know we were related to the Shanks.

    @ness8484 Great advice and good luck on the 500! I do want things perfect, but the older I get the more I know other things matter..
