my accountability thread Day one



  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm still on track. Got up and out early this morning to get a one hour walk done before it rained.
    Beverly: A few pounds gain considering you were travelling for 6+weeks. I'd say that is awesome! You will have that off in no time.
    Sweetheart: Good that you started walking. I seem to sleep better on the days I've been on a walk.
    Sarah: how are you doing?
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hello Beautiful People!
    @BeverlyW1108 welcome back and if you only gained a few pounds the whole time you were on vacation is a WIN. Those last 5-10 pounds are so stubborn aren't they?? @ Marla that is interesting to hear that these last pounds should be no more difficult to get off. I have been doing really well. Not really losing but I am eating healthy and that is good for me. I did go out to eat yesterday to lunch with friends and I had this beautiful quinoa bowl with all these beautiful vegetables and it did put 2lbs on me! yikes! Hoping it was just water weight and will come off tomorrow.
    @sweetheart....I hope you are feeling more upbeat. So easy to get down when we are not eating well. At least for me it is.
    It is so hot here that there is not much you can do outside. Next week the temp is going to drop and that will be much nicer. I wanted to walk last night but the temp was 98!! Today I am babysitting new granddaughter and excited to see her.
    Have a great day everyone and eat healthy!!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    God's Morning!
    I hope everyone is doing good! I have stayed below my calorie goal of 1200 for 3 days in a row. I'm shooting for 4! I can do it! Can you? Yesterday was a rest day for exercise, today we are going back to the gym and the dreadmill! It is supposed to be a few degrees cooler tomorrow. Fingers crossed we can run outside without having a heat stroke!
    Hunger is the Best Seasoning!

    Have a Great Day!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    God's Morning!
    I hope everyone is doing good! I have stayed below my calorie goal of 1200 for 3 days in a row. I'm shooting for 4! I can do it! Can you? Yesterday was a rest day for exercise, today we are going back to the gym and the dreadmill! It is supposed to be a few degrees cooler tomorrow. Fingers crossed we can run outside without having a heat stroke!
    Hunger is the Best Seasoning!

    Have a Great Day!

    Hunger is the Best Seasoning! I love this and is so very true. My mom (who was a widow for many years) used to say "food tastes better when eating it with someone." So true! That is great Beverly you have stayed below 1200 for 3 days! WOW! That is something. I am not too good at tracking but do usually eat about 1800 a day otherwise I am prone to binge which is my big downfall. I have been eating healthy for 7 days now and feel amazing. Sleep is going OK which really helps. If I get 5 hours intermittent sleep that is good for me.
    Do any of you do intermittent fasting? I am thinking of trying that in a week or so. What do you all think?
    Have a great Sunday ! Health is Wealth!!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Morning All!
    I've completed day 4 of eating under my calorie goal. Today will be day 5!
    I am anxious to go run outside for the first time since in forever, so I don't have much time to post.
    I hope everyone is sticking to their plan. I know you can do it.
    Have a Good Day!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi - this is my first time trying to find people to help me with support in losing weight. I’m about 50 pounds overweight and for now want to work on losing my first 20 pounds.

    I’m trying to figure out how to get some friends to help me. I’m in my 60s and would appreciate connecting with ladies in my age group with a similar amount of weight to lose. My husband never had a weight issue, so I’m on my own at home with this weight loss thing.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    Hi - this is my first time trying to find people to help me with support in losing weight. I’m about 50 pounds overweight and for now want to work on losing my first 20 pounds.

    I’m trying to figure out how to get some friends to help me. I’m in my 60s and would appreciate connecting with ladies in my age group with a similar amount of weight to lose. My husband never had a weight issue, so I’m on my own at home with this weight loss thing.

    Darla! Welcome! We got you covered! I hope we can all support you. I am in my 60's too so you are not alone.
    Beverly- good for you! Keep up the good work. I am on day 8 I think of eating healthy and I do feel so much better. I want to keep this streak going. Eating a lot of healthy food.
    Have a good Monday everyone! Thanks for posting.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome Daria! I am also a senior! You found good company with this group.
    I now have 28 consecutive days under my calorie limit.
    I also walk 1 hour every day. (unless there is lightning and thunder)
    The weight is coming off as long as I am consistent with eating and exercise.
    It takes a little longer because post menopause a woman's metabolism slows down. But it will happen.
    Sounds like everyone is doing great.
    Sarah I've been intermittent fasting since April. I found lots of info on YouTube and decided to give it a go. So far, I like it.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Monday morning everyone! Thank you Marla and Sarah for your encouragement. Also, it sounds like you, Beverly, are doing well. Glad you are back from vacation. It can be hard on those that are trying to loose weight.
    I am feeling much better than I did last week. I took your advice about watching my sugars; I enjoy my bread and butter, so have cut back on that as well. I do not have a specific day to weigh in as I got out of the habit. I struggle with the when…before bathroom time or after…in the morning or evening before going to bed. I know it needs to be consistent. If, I have had a bad week, I will avoid the scale like the plague. I need to give myself a good talking to 🤗 Until next time have a wonderful day!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome Darla…I am over 65 and could do with loosing 50lbs. But right now I seem to go up a bit and then down a bit. Recording my meals has been a great benefit. I do need to move more, but the arthritis is a discouragement. What use to be an hour walk is now 20-30 minutes, depends very much on the day. I find this group of people helpful and encouraging.🤗
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Happy to have you join us Darla! Keep coming back, we will be here for you! I'm 65 and been watching what I eat my entire adult life, well, off and on :*
    Marla, Wow, 28 days, that is awesome. Isn't it funny how if we do what we know we need to do then it works! I've made 5 days now and I have had a couple weak moments, but I gritted my teeth, literally!, and stuck to it. I'm going to make it 7 days for sure!
    Sarah, Intermittent fasting wasn't for me. I personally do best with several low-calorie meals during the day. Also, because I'm trying to lose weight right now I'm focused more om low-calorie than healthy. I know that is not the best for me but I can overeat healthy and gain weight so I have to be careful.
    Sweatheart, Bread and butter, oh my! I had extra calories to eat for dinner and I splurged on 2 pieces of low calorie bread with country crock (measured to not go over my calorie goal). It was so good and will keep me happy for at least a week! Hubby likes his sugar but carbs and fat are definitely my weakness.

    I hope everyone has a Wonderful Day!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 755 Member
    Thanks all for the warm welcome!

    Any support is appreciated.

    BTW the spelling of my name is Daria, with an “i”. 😀
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 755 Member
    Marla86336 wrote: »
    Welcome Daria! I am also a senior! You found good company with this group.
    I now have 28 consecutive days under my calorie limit.
    I also walk 1 hour every day. (unless there is lightning and thunder)
    The weight is coming off as long as I am consistent with eating and exercise.
    It takes a little longer because post menopause a woman's metabolism slows down. But it will happen.
    Sounds like everyone is doing great.
    Sarah I've been intermittent fasting since April. I found lots of info on YouTube and decided to give it a go. So far, I like it.

    Thank you for the warm welcome Marla! I know if I persevere and work toward supporting myself with good choices and good supportive people I will get back on track and start losing weight again. I’m currently looking into getting some personal training sessions set up. That’s always been a great motivator for me.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Morning MFP Fam!
    Daria, so sorry I misspelled your name!
    I went over my calorie goal by 25 yesterday, grrrrr. So I made it 5 days under 1200. I will start again today. I have an appointment set up with a personal running coach this afternoon, I hope she can answer the questions I have so I can sign up for this extra motivation!
    The weather has cooled a little here in NW Louisiana. It felt like fall yesterday and I loved running outside.
    I hope everyone has a Good Day!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello my lovely friends, Weigh-In Wednesday: = up .6#. I expected that after food poisoning influenced abnormal loss last week.
    I have walked 1 hour for 7 days in a row! It's been cooler than normal and definitely feels like fall not summer. It's my challenge to keep the walks going and of course keep the calories on track.
    Beverly - if you decide to hire a personal coach that will be super accountability for you. You'll sail over that finish line lighter and faster.
    Sweetheart - would you like to weigh in on Wednesday with me? I weigh myself when I get up after my bathroom visit. It would be a set day, same time every week for you. You don't have to report the results unless you want to. You could just write it in your food journal to keep track.
    Best of a healthy day to all.

  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 755 Member
    Good Morning All!
    I did fill in my food diary yesterday. I was over my 1200 calories by a couple hundred. Late last night I proceeded to eat some cookies. (After diary was complete and didn’t add in these extra cookies). Darn…. I’m still struggling with not eating in the evening. Hopefully I’ll make more effort not to eat after dinner tonight.
    I did sign up to work with a personal trainer beginning next week. Friday morning I’m going to begin an exercise class as well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All: It sounds like everyone is doing well. I think I am almost at two weeks with no sugar and eating healthy. Like you Darla it is so hard after dinner. Sometimes I go for a walk just to get my mind off of eating and it helps!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,882 Member
    Good Morning MFP Fam!
    Daria, so sorry I misspelled your name!
    I went over my calorie goal by 25 yesterday, grrrrr. So I made it 5 days under 1200. I will start again today. I have an appointment set up with a personal running coach this afternoon, I hope she can answer the questions I have so I can sign up for this extra motivation!
    The weather has cooled a little here in NW Louisiana. It felt like fall yesterday and I loved running outside.
    I hope everyone has a Good Day!

    I would count over by 25 as a win and within your margin of logging error. Keep the streak going!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    edited September 2023
    TGIF! And that is not an excuse to overeat :D
    Today was weigh in for me and I've lost 2.4 pounds from last week. I think I'm back to my pre trip weight but still am 7 pounds up from when I retired, October 1, 2019. I would really like to lose between 3-5 of those pounds. My meeting for questions regarding my running coach didn't work out. I'm not sure if they didn't show (because it said waiting for host), or if I forgot how to do a Zoom meeting. It seemed pretty straight forward.
    I hope everyone has a busy weekend that keeps our minds off of eating!!!

    Thanks Summer, but over is over and if I allow 25 then next time it could be more. I'm on day #2 now!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning, here it is the start of another month. There is 4.2# less of me than on 8/1. I'm coming down the home stretch. I am going to stay on track for the month of September. Who wants to join me?
    Beverly: down 2.4# in one week is wonderful. Good for you!
    Being consistent (even when the motivation wanes) wins the race. (Heard this on YouTube)