my accountability thread Day one



  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Morning, not good but Morning! I attempted a run this morning after foam rolling and with my knee brace on. It wasn't real painful but I could feel a little niggle. I don't want to injure it more so I will put off running until after vacation :( I'm not a happy camper. I'm sitting here eating graham crackers because I am feeling sorry for myself. Yes, I will regret it later but for now they are solving all of my problems!!!
    Not really and my problems are so small compared to others. Have a Good Day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Thanks for listening to my whining.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Morning, not good but Morning! I attempted a run this morning after foam rolling and with my knee brace on. It wasn't real painful but I could feel a little niggle. I don't want to injure it more so I will put off running until after vacation :( I'm not a happy camper. I'm sitting here eating graham crackers because I am feeling sorry for myself. Yes, I will regret it later but for now they are solving all of my problems!!!
    Not really and my problems are so small compared to others. Have a Good Day!

    Oh sorry that happened. I know how much you miss running. Just listen to your body important.
  • grmabea63
    grmabea63 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone, i would like to join in if it's ok. I just turned 60 and it seems like losing anything is impossible. I'm battling a lot of physical and medicine issues. The meds they have put me on have made me a nonstop eating machine. I have seen a lot of great ideas to help me on my journey. I think being able to be accountable to someone might help.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All- just checking in. Yesterday was a good day and today will be better. Thinking of you all!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good morning All and Welcome @grmabea63 Nice to have you join us. My morning is going better than yesterday. It's a new day, I'm still here and the sun is shinning. I am trying to grow blackberries and blueberries this year. Last year the mockingbirds ate them all! This year hubby made a netting contraption, so I plucked some nice plump berries this morning. Not many but this is a work in progress. Healthy homegrown fruit just tastes so good. I'm fixing to go foam roll and exercise for a short while. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    grmabea63 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, i would like to join in if it's ok. I just turned 60 and it seems like losing anything is impossible. I'm battling a lot of physical and medicine issues. The meds they have put me on have made me a nonstop eating machine. I have seen a lot of great ideas to help me on my journey. I think being able to be accountable to someone might help.

    Welcome grmabea63!!
  • grmabea63
    grmabea63 Posts: 33 Member
    Busy day today. Grocery shopping (I kept to the list) Home Depot for something for the husband, but ended up with a bunch of flowers. Also added a watermelon plant and some broccoli to the garden. Actually cooked the things I planned and ate my serving and was done. I started putting the food away after making plates so the temptation of doing second helpings was not there.
    @BeverlyW1108 we are trying for blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. This year we put them in our old pheasant fly in closure. It kept the birds in so hopefully it will keep the birds out. 😊 Night all , going to bed before something in the refrigerator or pantry starts calling my name.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    grmabea63 wrote: »
    Busy day today. Grocery shopping (I kept to the list) Home Depot for something for the husband, but ended up with a bunch of flowers. Also added a watermelon plant and some broccoli to the garden. Actually cooked the things I planned and ate my serving and was done. I started putting the food away after making plates so the temptation of doing second helpings was not there.
    @BeverlyW1108 we are trying for blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. This year we put them in our old pheasant fly in closure. It kept the birds in so hopefully it will keep the birds out. 😊 Night all , going to bed before something in the refrigerator or pantry starts calling my name.
    @grmabea63 It sounds like your garden is a lot larger than ours! We only have 3 blueberry and 3 blackberry bushes which I will double to 6 each next year since the netting worked well. ionv5c85d3t6.jpg

    I think I just posted a picture of my blackberry "pickings" from yesterday!!!
    (I've never posted a picture so hoping it worked!)
    It might not be many but boy were they good. And they were so much lower in calories than any of my other options,
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Welcome @grmabea63! So happy to have you join us! I like this group because it is a lot smaller than the UAC. We can get to know each other on a more personal level.
    I did good yesterday, but I use Friday as my "official" weigh in day and it isn't looking good this week. Que Sera, Sera (what will be, will be. Doris Day!!!) At my age I still learn new things!
    I'm going to the gym this morning while hubby does his 90-minute run. I hope Everyone has a Happy and Healthy Thursday.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    Hi All- just checking in. Yesterday was a good day and today will be better. Thinking of you all!

    Sarah7591, You are a blessing in my life.
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    I have been super exhausted the last few days. Couldn't even get enough energy up to see what was going on here. I am hoping it is part of the healing process combined with me increasing my activity.
    Funny, but I ate a stack of Graham wafers last night @BeverlyW1108 Solved my problems for a few minutes anyway. I have been whining a lot lately. It's been difficult digging my way out of this slump. I know getting back to regular activity is going to take time but man, oh man it's a tough head game.
    Psyching myself up my physio appointment this afternoon. It just plain really hurts 🤷🏻‍♀️ Wah, wah, wah
  • grmabea63
    grmabea63 Posts: 33 Member
    @BeverlyW1108 Excuse my lack of knowledge, but what is the UAC? When it stops raining, hailing or giving us a very, very rare tornado warning. I will take a picture of the garden.
  • grmabea63
    grmabea63 Posts: 33 Member
    edited June 2023
    It's still raining and now we have flood warnings. Thankfully we aren't in any bad spots. There are also Mormon crickets invading our town, but they haven't made it out this far. This year has been crazy for Nevada. Man, this afternoon I just had an eating binge craving attack. But I picked strawberries and half of the leftover stir fry. Surely not my normal choices. It felt like a feeding frenzy, but I made myself stop. I quartered the recipe I created for dinner (Beef Cheek Tips in an AF Red Wine Sauce) the best that I could, so it's close in nutritional info. Also did steamed red potatoes and cauliflower. There are still enough calories left for some kind of dessert. Maybe I'll have some. Have a great night or morning depending on where you are.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    @grmabe63 Sorry I thought you were in another group that I'm in. It is in the Challenges section, called Ultimate Accountability Challenge.
    My weigh in was horrible this morning. I knew better than to eat pasta late in the day plus I went over my calorie goal by about 190. I only put my weight for my own benefit. And yes, I am so ashamed I will start doing better even though today we leave for vacation.
    Friday 4/28 - 126.4
    Friday 5/5 - 125.2
    Friday 5/12 - 125
    Friday 5/19 - 124.0
    Friday 5/26 - no weigh in out of town for funeral
    Friday 6/2 - 127.6

    Have a Good Weekend and remember Weekend and Vacation Calories do count!
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    @BeverlyW1108 please do not be ashamed. There is no way you gained that in fat. The pasta will retain water- where the name carbo”hydrate” refers to. It will wash away as your body normalizes. This is why I have tried to going to a once a week weigh in. Daily weigh ins can affect my whole attitude. Lost a pound… maybe I deserve a treat. Gained a pound or two overnight… WTF? I suck! Such an annoying rollercoaster of emotions.
    I used to gain a couple of pounds the day after a long run- most likely due to my muscles retaining water following stress but still a bummer to see on the scale.
    It makes me sad when I read your post. Want to give you a hug and somehow make you feel better. I have for 40 years fought this internal battle with the scale and tried to not take it out on my family on those days it just made me want to cry and not eat for days.
    I am 56 years old and trying to correct all of the time I lost worrying about this. I do need to lose some weight for my health but I am trying to do it right. It is hard.
    Take care of yourselves this weekend 🩷
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    Hi All- just checking in. Yesterday was a good day and today will be better. Thinking of you all!

    Sarah7591, You are a blessing in my life.

    Oh my goodness.....that is the nicest compliment. Thank you Beverly....I feel the same!!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Wow...sorry I did post got in the way...too busy. @BeverlyW1108 it is so discouraging when you gain even a pound. I gained over the weekend but I think a lot of it was water weight. Also, when you only have 5-10 pounds to lose I feel those pounds are so hard! I have been doing well all weekend but oh boy here comes the weekend! I will make it through this time. I get very discouraged with myself when I do so well during the week and then binge on the weekend. Crazy ...I know.
    The blackberries...WOW....they are just beautiful. Sometimes when I look at fruit or flowers I am amazed at their beauty! sorry you are feeling down....pain will do that. I hope you start to feel better soon. I know what you mean about that internal battle with food. I have struggled with that so long. I obsess over it too much. It's crazy. It's my internal secret and never talk about it but am so grateful to be able to share here in a safe setting.
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I will try to check in. I need to to stay motivated over the weekend.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!!! Hope you all do well this weekend. I am on a streak here and don't want to break it!! Best to you all!
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    @sarah7591 It has always been my internal secret as well (very well put). I hate when people start to discuss the latest diet they are on or weight loss supplements they are taking. It gives me a lot of anxiety. Or if I loose some weight then it’s all about “how did you do it?” And then the let down of gaining it back because I did it in a stupid, non sustainable way.
    I especially hate it when people comment on what is, or isn’t, on your plate. And why won’t you have dessert- in a really loud voice so everyone knows you are “on a diet”. The same goes for alcohol. I can often just not feel like having a drink and you would think I just offered to dampen everyone’s mood! I just wish that people would stay in their own lane and do what makes them happy!
    Enough ranting- I need to get on with my day.
    Hope you all have a good Saturday- Melanie