my accountability thread Day one



  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,338 Member
    You did it!! Take care of your knee, it sounds like you are going to keep at it with alternative activities. Smart.
    I usually set an alarm

    The thread is about this, in setting yourself up for success. Your post shows you entered it a 2:00 p.m., try setting your alarm for 2:00 p.m. tomorrow, then try to post again tomorrow at 2:00 p.m., maybe you'll surprise yourself that that is just a more reasonable time to do your daily accountability check, rather than first thing in the morning. Good luck.
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    Busy day. First day of actual physio- she was really happy with the progress I have been doing with my at home exercises the surgical team gave me. My knee is straighter than previous to the replacement and I have improved my flexion by 10 degrees. Yay!
    I haven’t been tracking the last couple of days. Still at my daughters. Ate out twice so difficult to guestimate. Making sure I am getting enough protein and keeping my portion sizes respectable 🤷🏻‍♀️ Doing my best.
    That darned IT band @BeverlyW1108 I had issues with it too. My doctor was an ultramarathoner and he told me that although I was pronated, to stay away from pronation shoes- that they tend to cause those issues in some runners. He told me to go to a really cushioned shoe instead- I have run in Hokas ever since and never had an issue again. My husband said they looked like space shoes but I see a lot of other companies are now copying the idea.
    As for upper body- I strength train upper body twice a week in my basement gym. Not fancy, just some free weights, bands, and a bench. I usually like to follow a You Tube trainer and do a 6 week or so plan. It gives me some guidance and isn’t as boring as going at it alone. My fav is Carolyn Girvan.
    I get hit with poor sleep every once in awhile- managing insomnia would be tough @sarah7591 I woke up again
    around 3 last night. Read for 20 minutes which put me back to sleep but I felt it today. I have taken an over the counter sleeping aid the odd time but they knock the crap out of me the next day. Hope it’s a good night for you!
    Take care all!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Almost the weekend and it's going to be a tough one as we are taking a weekend trip out of town to my great niece's 3rd birthday party and her 6yo sister's dance recital. @chris_in_cal . Thank you for your advice, that is a good idea. Since my running is on hold for a short time, I am not getting up extra early to beat the heat. I set my alarm for 4pm (we are on central time) but if I think of it before time I will check in earlier. Melanie, I do not pronate so I've never bought shoes for that reason but I just started running in a new pair of Asics Gel Nimbus 25. I will look and see if they could be the problem. I hope not. Good luck to everyone on their weekend health. One of my many mantras is "Define Myself". I will try repeating that this weekend and define myself as a healthy eater, not a cake lover :D

  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! I hope you all are doing well. @BeverlyW1108 - I'm so sorry your knee is hurting. I hate that you cannot run because I know how important it is. I miss it so much but have adjusted. I am swimming and walking but still miss running. Beverly - have your heard about the Jeff Galloway method of running? He has a big following in ATL and several running stores. That is the method I would run (run/walk). Google it because he has all kinds of books and advice and so much great advice on line on his website. Yes, I had decent nights sleep and feel so much better and ate healthy again today. Hope all you others are doing well. Have a great day!
  • hoarc1987
    hoarc1987 Posts: 52 Member
    Way to go! I love your accountability thread! Have you tried visualizing yourself doing what you struggle with? Athletes are told to use it. I literally take a photo of my feet on an elliptical and look at the photo while exercising and visualizing myself on an elliptical while still at home. It’s hard to keep my attention on it for any long time, but it helps with exercise execution!
  • hoarc1987
    hoarc1987 Posts: 52 Member
    edited May 2023
    You may have gotten a meniscus tear.. be careful twisting and standing up. You tear and overuse the meniscus so much and then it snaps and you need surgery to remove the snapped flapping part.. happened to my dad in middle age. The knee is like that - when something inside it snaps, it means you’ve been straining and making small tears in it for a long time and then did a sudden motion when the knee isn’t warmed up that snapped the weakened cartilage or ligament..
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Still struggling a bit with energy but finally got caught up at work completely.
    Feels good going into the long weekend (our holiday Monday in Canada). Things usually pretty slow the Friday before.
    Headed home after supper. We are vaccinating our cows and calves on Monday. Usually have about 30 neighbours helping that all get fed and watered 😉 lunch and supper, then about 10 that will stay over to help move everything out to pasture on Tuesday. Luckily my sister as well as my son’s mother in law will be there to do about most everything for me. It’s a big job but feels good when we finish.
    I hope you are improving Beverly.
    Hard to pass up a good piece of cake Sarah 🙂
    Take care!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,338 Member
    @chris_in_cal . Thank you for your advice, that is a good idea. ...I set my alarm for 4pm

    Cool, two 4:00 p.m. check ins in a row. You might be on to something with this being what works for you. See you tomorrow. :)
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Morning All!
    @hoarc1987 I've looked into meniscus tears and everything sounds like a IT Band issue. It is on the outside of my knee and sometimes runs up the outer side of my leg. It is not swollen at all.
    I have a busy weekend planned. I hope ya'll have a good one.
    I am so excited that I lost a pound this week, not sure why I did since my calorie count was up but I'll take it :smiley:
    Friday 4/28 - weight 126.4
    Friday 5/5 - weight 125.2 (avg calories 4/28-5/4=1276)
    Friday 5/12 - weight 125.0! Yay! (avg calories 5/5-5/11=1565)
    Friday/19 - weight 124.0! Yay! (avg calories 5/12-5/18=1834)
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hi All! Thanks all for checking in. Wow...Melanie sounds like quite a job vaccinating cows!! You know I think cows are the sweetest animals...just so cute. I am a city girl so I have no experience with them at all but just love them. I know I have mentioned weekends are hard for me and here comes the weekend. I did lose a pound this week and I am not going to let that go!! Have a great day and thank you all for participating in this thread. Sarah
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    @sarah7591 Awesome! 👏 Yes, let’s not let that pound come back, I’m right there with you. Yes cows are adorable and it does sound like a lot of work 😬🐮
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! Hope you all are doing well! I'm doing well here. A friend and I hosted a potluck yesterday with about 20 people or so and it was a such a great time. I am always uneasy entertaining but it seemed everyone had a good time. There was several healthy foods and that is all I ate! No desserts for this old girl :) It's going to be a gloomy rainy weekend here but I will make the best of it!
    @BeverlyW1108 - you are right that pound is not coming back. Weigh in for me is on Monday! Have a great Saturday!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    edited May 2023
    How’s everyone doing? I did not do good yesterday but It’s a New Day and so far so good 😊 Busy day today.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,338 Member
    Good morning. I have a busy weekend too. I'll carve out time on Sunday to get out for some exercise. Should be nice and productive.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! Doing good here. I am almost through the weekend and have ate healthy. Need to get some exercise today though. Went out to dinner last night (that is so hard to eat a normal portion for me) and ate healthy. @BeverlyW1108 - today is a new day.
    Hope you all had a nice productive weekend.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,338 Member
    I made it out, I have my sneakers on, and just about to get some movement going this Sunday morning.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Morning! I hope everyone is doing well! I've totally blown it this weekend. This eating right is so hard, sometimes. I just read something that I hope will help me, "Whatever my problem is, eating is not going to solve it!" Driving in the car I get bored, bored, bored, I eat. Sometimes we bring fruit and I still eat the candy. Hubby and I talk a lot, listen to music and listen to books on tape on our headphones. I put lotion on, comb my hair, we get out and stretch every 2 hours (with my knee hurting we didn't walk as much as usual). We stopped to get gas and use the facilities and I come out and he is looking in the ice cream freezer. He got one so duh, I got one. Was I hungry, absolutely not. Anyway, today we are home and I'm going to the gym this morning. I am going to really cut back on calories this week to help my average weekly calorie count. Have a Blessed Day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    @sarah7591 It sounds like you are doing so good. Making it through the weekend is tough. Keep it up :)
    @chris_in_cal How did your walk go? I don't know how the weather is where you are, but it is beautiful here in NW Louisiana, starting to get hot but not unbearable yet~
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @BeverlyW1108 - hang in there. This is a new week and you will do better. Sometimes when I have one piece of candy or a cookie - that just seems to set me off on a binge. I did get through this weekend well for the first time in a long time. I even kept that one pound off and hope to lose another this week. I hope your knee is doing better Beverly and Melanie.
    @chris_in_cal - I hope you got some exercise in - I did get a short walk in yesterday as well.
    Well today is a new week - can't believe this weekend is Memorial weekend. Here comes summer!
    Weather has been so nice in ATL- have the windows open which I love.
    Have a great day everyone. Thanks for checking in.
    Going swimming today !
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,338 Member
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    Going swimming today !

    Good morning. Yup, it was hot, but I got out there. Today was laying low, but I like your idea, I'm going to go for a swim today too.