my accountability thread Day one



  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Beverly.....thanks for checking in. Glad day one went well for you. I was a runner for many years and had to give it up do to sciatica in my leg. I am going to a neurologist but so far not much is helping. I loved running and miss it so much. I do walk several times a week and swim a few times. Yesterday I was under my calorie count as well. Weekends are my downfall but I plan to get through this weekend unscathed! Glad you are still running and the plank challenge sounds interesting! Good luck everyone will be a good day.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello Sarah! Day two was a little harder than day one, but still a good day! I was under my calorie goal.
    It was a rest day on my running calendar so I did some strength exercises, which I hate! I was able to do a straight armed plank for 210 seconds. Today I might try the bent arm version because my wrists hurt
    more than anything:( Weekends are the hardest for me also, but this weekend WE will stick to our goals.
    Today was our long run of 70 minutes but hubby feels like he is getting a cold and it is supposed to rain with sunny weather tomorrow so we moved the run to tomorrow. We live in NW Louisiana, closer to Dallas than New Orleans, how about you? Have a Good Day!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Beverly.....I had a good day yesterday and hope to today as well. I try to plan what I am going to eat ahead of time so I make the right choices. I am not much of a meat eater so I have been eating a lot of salads. I also eat protein bars/drinks to make sure I am getting enough protein. I don't want to lose any muscle at my age...want to keep what I have. That is great about the plank exercises...way to go! I hope you get your run in today. I plan to swim today at a gym I belong to. I always dread getting into the water but then feel so well after I am done. Today it is raining and cool here....this weekend it should be nice. I live in Atlanta. Love this city!! Have a great day and thanks for checking it! We got this!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi Sarah! Day 3 and life is Good! I try to plan ahead also, sometimes I get off my plan but keep the calories in range, sometimes not in range:( I grill a lot of our protein once or twice a week and eat it all week. Usually chicken, sometimes tuna steaks, salmon, hamburgers, steaks. Yesterday I bought some turkey smoked sausage for something different. I lost the majority of my weight by eating a salad every day for lunch but I've been having problems with eating too much fiber the day before I run so now I only have one the day before a non run day. I agree with you not wanting to lose any muscle. I would love to be thin but not frail or scrawny!!! I do not have a runners body. I'm 5'1" and curvy (hubby would say big on top!). I weighed 126.4 this morning. I would like to lose 1 pound a week. That will be challenging for 5 weeks but with your help I can do it! My main goal is to stay within the calorie goal I set for myself. What a coincidence that you live in Atlanta. We just flew there last weekend. We flew Friday and did a 5k race in Covington Saturday morning. We went to baseball game Saturday night & Sunday afternoon. When is your vacation scheduled? Have a Great Day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Happy Saturday Sarah! I missed hearing from you yesterday. I hope you are well. I stayed within my calorie range and did my 70 minute long run in range. I "think" I would enjoy swimming if I had a pool
    close to us. We have a membership at Planet Fitness but haven't gone in a long time mostly because we were training for a half marathon which we did in April and we were too tired! Sometimes I did strength training at home. I am sorry to hear about your sciatica. That has to be a bummer. Is it severe? What treatments have you tried? Let's work hard this weekend to stay within our calorie goal ranges, we can do it! I hope to hear from you today. Bev
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello Sarah! Boy have I missed hearing from you. Hope it is because of fun times! Just checking in today!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Sarah, I thought we would check in every day but I haven't heard from you in several days. I hope you are well and wish you the best in your journey. Bev
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Oh Beverly....I am so sorry I have not been logging in. I have to be honest I failed this weekend on Sunday . Ugh. I was super busy this weekend but I really am going to try to log in every day. On my sciatic I have tried several treatments. Injection, IDD therapy and physical therapy. I have never gone to a chiropractor but I may look into it. It is OK if I don't run but I would like to be pain free when I walk. The pain is not bad just kinda irritating. I just do not want surgery because it is not that bad. I ran several half marathons during the pandemic and I think that is how it happened. Not sure. I am just glad I can walk and swim which I do. Thanks so much for checking in. How did it go this weekend for you? I hope you are doing well. I am a work in progress.....trying again and hoping the month of May will be good for me.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi Sarah! I'm happy that it was just life, that happens to us all. I came down with some sort of "bug", head cold or something on Friday, yuk. But it is a new day, new week and new month so I refuse to use this as an excuse to overeat as I have done in the past. I am having a slight pain in the outside of my knee when I run. It sounds like an IT band issue so I am taking a few days off of running, which I hate but hopefully it will feel better soon. I might go to the gym and see if the stair master irritates it (no promises!) Have a Good Monday!
  • healthierorbust
    healthierorbust Posts: 24 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hi there! Count me in. I’m 44 & 5’4”. This is my 3rd (4th?) go around with tracking etc. The first time, I did WW for 5-6 months and lost about 20 lbs. Felt good with the weight off but it was tough - I felt like I was borderline starving myself. Then I eventually gained it back and a little more. Then had two kids, was doing ok-ish and then the pandemic hit, we moved far away from my home & family, and and I’ve gained probably 20+ lbs in the last three years 😭 switched to MFP a few years ago when I felt like the lbs were creeping on and I always seem to start strong and fizzle out. This time I really want to be committed for the long haul. I am a former competitive athlete and my body loves exercise, but I feel like my body is totally different than it used to be - I’m much more tired and sore after workouts. I’m also battling anemia and being tested for celiac. It seems really hard to lose any weight at all and I’d like to lose 30lbs ideally. I just completed my first full week of tracking religiously and I think I did so well but I lost zero weight. I got my period today so IDK how much that impacts the scale. Long story short - I am discouraged but going the stick with it! Would love to join a daily check in!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Welcome heathierorbust! I know how discouraging it can be to track all week and not lose a thing. It may just be water weight though and hopefully you will see some pounds come off soon. I did not eat well yesterday and today I feel so sluggish and tired...hate that. Hoping tomorrow I will feel less tired and more upbeat.
    @Beverly...hope you are feeling better. I know how that is when you feel bad it is an easy excuse to go off plan. Glad you made it through the weekend. Hope your knee gets better. It has been over a year since I ran but I would do it so often I really missed it. I do walk and swim several times a week. I am taking pickleball classes as that is the rage around here so I will see what that is all about. I sometimes need to force myself to learn something new. Yes, it is a new month and a new beginning ...May is our month.
    Have a great Monday and I plan to check in tomorrow.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm so excited that you decided to join us Healthierorbust! It feels wrong to say we can't control our weight but there are so many factors that influence the scale, eating my calories later in the day, medication, drinking a lot of water, muscle vs fat, just to name a few. I can control my calories in and calories out, so that is what I do! Patience and Persistance rule my world!!!
    My cold is less annoying today and I'm going to the gym to see if the stairmaster bothers my knee. Healthier, what was your competitive activity?
    Have a Good Tuesday!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi Everyone! Checking in. Actually I thought i checked in this morning but I must have forgot to hit send. Oh well...that's just like me to do that. All is well here and feeling much better today. I was so drained yesterday for some reason. I'm just glad I stuck to eating well. Today I did go swimming which always makes me feel better. My dinner was not that healthy because I have my 9 year old granddaughter a few days a week for dinner and she wanted nachos for dinner. Whats a grandma to do? Nachos it was but I didn't have a huge amount. I'm know it was way too many calories though. Going to take the dog for a walk later. Have a great day everyone.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! Checking in for today. I am doing well ...eating well (no binging -which I am known to do). Keeping off any sugar is key for me. I feel so much better. Trying to get good sleep which is difficult for me. Going walking this morning to get my metabolism ready! How is everyone doing? I am really trying to get through the month of May with eating healthy and exercising. Have a great day everyone!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Morning Friends! I'm doing well. I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in a long time. I didn't overdo it, I wanted to see if I could use the stair master without knee pain. I can still feel something wrong in my knee. From everything I've read appears to be a IT band issue. It is actually called a runner's knee. Anyway, it doesn't really "hurt" so I'm planning a run for tomorrow. Today is working around the house. I've stayed within my calorie goal for 8 days. There are definitely times when I want to quit, but somehow I've made it. Something I read today - In a world where you can be anything, Be Kind.
    Have a good day!
  • healthierorbust
    healthierorbust Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, all! Yesterday was my birthday 🎉 Had a good day. Tried to keep things on track & also enjoy a treat! Went for a long walk & hike with my husband and felt good to spend time outside. I finally dropped one pound since I started tracking about two weeks ago! I weigh myself every day, but not sure if that is a good approach or not.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Happy Birthday @healthierorbust! So glad you had a nice one! So happy you are back on board @sarah7591 and doing well. It would be so hard, calorie wise, for me to have the grandkids or kids around all day. I'm really looking forward to a nice easy run this morning since I haven't run since last Friday. I bought me a knee brace yesterday and my new running shoes were delivered! Yay! I felt hungry all day yesterday. I had to keep telling myself, drink water, chew gum and it is ok to be hungry! My hubby also struggles to keep his weight at an acceptable level. It is so nice having him encouraging me and vice versa except when one of us is feeling weak!!! He had gotten in the habit of buying KIND ice cream bars when he went to the store. Yesterday I had to say if you buy anything please eat it on your way home (Yes, all 6 bars!)! So enough of my rambling. I hope everyone has a successful day!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday @healthierorbust ! That is great you lost a pound! I did as well but just worried it will come back this weekend. Weekends are so hard for me! This weekend I have two social (drinks/food)events so it will be REALLY hard. I have to be vigilant. I also weigh myself every day. Can't imagine waking up and not doing that.
    @BeverlyW1108 I hope the knee brace works out for you! I hope some day to go running again. For now though swimming and walking will do. Just happy I can do that. What type of running shoes did you get Beverly? I always wore the HOKA's ....have you heard of them? My hubby struggles with weight as well. I only have about 6lbs to lose but I know I will feel much better if I do lose. Husband has lots more to lose. We do support each other but eat very different as I do not eat meat (well VERY rarely). Have a great day everyone. Thanks for checking in and I hope we can keep going strong.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! This is the start of the weekend, let's not negate all the hard work we did this week! I weigh every morning also, always have. But hubby and I consider Fridays as our weigh in day!
    Last Friday I was 126.4, today 125.2! Yeah! I cannot say it was easy. So much of my focus is on counting calories. I've stayed within my set calorie range every day. Yesterday we made plans for a short weekend trip to visit family in a couple weeks. We all know what that means, birthday cake and eating out :(. I'm going to allow myself extra calories, but still set a maximum goal. I always log but Always go way over. I'm going to try to focus more on my enjoyment coming from activities rather than food. Have a Good Weekend!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Yikes, I’m hungry😬 Grilling chicken right now and it smells so good! Drink Water, Chew Gum, It’s Ok to be Hungry!