Skinny Minnie by Christmas Challenge



  • OlibecaMom
    Down only 1.2, but a loss is still a loss! Sorry I missed the deadline - didn't know there was one. Was out walking a 5K with with my 2 & 5 year old daughters! Will be looking to see what the challenge for the week is!
  • djanson24
    djanson24 Posts: 42 Member
    My challenge:

    Add 2 hours of cardio to your typical weekly exercise routines. Try and do something you've never done before!

    Good luck everyone!
  • wildbeal
    ok i say try a different exercise routine ex( if you walk try run walk) or if you were like me and HATE CARDIO :noway: ease into a different form.... but good job every body ... oh yeah .....a certain person must wear a UNC TARHEEL shirt and post it:devil:
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    hey everyone!!! i'm soo sorry i missed the weigh in today!! i am visiting one of my friends and of course she doesn't have a scale!!!! i'm going to take wildbeal's challenge and head to the gym monday. i have a gym membership i never use so maybe ill try a class or a machine ive never done before! ill weigh myself monday, too! (:
  • OlibecaMom
    Ok! I figured out how to add 2 hours to my weekly plan! Choosing that challenge!

    Here's to a great week everyone!!!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    So far we have two options to choose from:

    1. ok i say try a different exercise routine ex( if you walk try run walk) or if you were like me and HATE CARDIO ease into a different form.... but good job every body ... oh yeah .....a certain person must wear a UNC TARHEEL shirt and post it

    2. Add 2 hours of cardio to your typical weekly exercise routines. Try and do something you've never done before!

    Still waiting for the last challenge!
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    The results are in and the top losers from each group are:

    Group 1- djanson24 lost 1.6 pounds this week!

    Group 2- Wildbeal lost 7 pounds this week!

    Group 3- fstender lost 3 pounds this week!

    Congratulations you three! It is now your turn to come up with a challenge. It does not have to be exercise related if you do not want to. Try to be creative with this!

    The ones who will need to choose one of the three are:

    Please try to get your challenge posted by tonight or tomorrow morning.

    Group 3 Challenge...Find2 dinner recipes that are under 300 calories and post on your status !
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    So far we have two options to choose from:

    1. ok i say try a different exercise routine ex( if you walk try run walk) or if you were like me and HATE CARDIO ease into a different form.... but good job every body ... oh yeah .....a certain person must wear a UNC TARHEEL shirt and post it

    2. Add 2 hours of cardio to your typical weekly exercise routines. Try and do something you've never done before!

    Still waiting for the last challenge!

    All challenges have been posted. Here are the options.

    1. ok i say try a different exercise routine ex( if you walk try run walk) or if you were like me and HATE CARDIO ease into a different form.... but good job every body ... oh yeah .....a certain person must wear a UNC TARHEEL shirt and post it

    2. Add 2 hours of cardio to your typical weekly exercise routines. Try and do something you've never done before!

    3. Find 2 dinner recipes that are under 300 calories and post on your status !

    The people who did not make their weigh goal for the week or who did not make the weigh in time, please choose one of the three and have it done by next Saturday!
  • jaimieht
    I am going to do a challenge just because :)

    I am going to do the try a new exercise routine one - I ordered Yoga Meltdown last week and when it comes (Monday or Tuesday) I am going to yoga myself. lol
  • irunn2doorz
    I'll do the 300 calorie dinner recipe, because cardio is something I do pretty often. My issue is eating. PLUS...I have NO idea where to find a Tar Heel shirt on Duke Campus (plus as a student I feel that it would be the ultimate betrayal to wear it :P).
    I'll find some good ones for yall!
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    Sunday morning and it is going to be over a 100 in Phoenix AGAIN- I am headed for the high country to do some hiking!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    Most of us have an ideal way we want our body to look like, our thighs being able to fit into a certain size jean, our midsection to have a certain amount of tone to it, arms to have a certain amount of muscle, and our faces not to have a double chin. My question for you all is, what do you want to your body to look like when you are completely done with your weight loss journey?

    Being 5'2'', any weight on me will make me look huge. MFP says a healthy weight range for my height is between 101.2lb-136.7. That to me is a very wide range, my personal goal is to get to 121lb. I don't know what size jeans that'd be but I do want to be a size 2 or 3! I don't think women having six packs are attractive so I just want to be toned enough to look good in a bikini and have a belly button ring! My double chin is slowly but surely going away. I can't wait till its completely gone. I have recently made a poster board of magazine pictures that I have cut out, they are all of women who have the body I want. I posted it up in my living room where I can see it when I work out and eat. Hopefully this will make me not want to eat the bad foods!
  • wildbeal
    i want to get back to my marinecorps size 230 wt 6' 3" lot of muscle im definetly going to have to work hard but its going to happen........oooooorah
  • irunn2doorz
    I'm the same. I would like to be the appropriate weight for my height, but also have a flat (not too muscular looking) tummy and my thighs don't have to be like "thigh-gap" skinny, but I would like for them to be a lot smaller than they are now. I just want to be toned and petite. :)
    Oh and recently I've become obsessed with tumblr as motivation.
  • rebeccagustafson
    rebeccagustafson Posts: 12 Member
    This is a fantastic challenge and am excited to join. I believe it is the motivation I need to get to a decent weight by Christmas. I will accept options 3 (losing 1.6 pounds per week). My family is going to Disney in February so this will get me motivated to loose the extra weight by then.
    Starting weight: 208
    First Goal. 198 Thanksgiving
    2nd: 186: Christmas
    3rd: 175: January 25th
    4th: 169: Feb 15th We leave for Disney this day!!
  • alwaysangel
    I have a goal of getting into the pair of shorts I wore 10 years ago in my profile pic. (They are hanging on the outside of my closet so I can look at them every day!) They are still like new. I was 127 back then. I want my husband to tell me I'm beautiful again. Mostly I just want to be healthy so I can be a good example for my family and live a long life watching my kids become adults and beyond.

  • CaliGirl313
    Sorry it took so long for me to log in! I lost ZERO pounds :( I tried too.. vacations are so good, yet so bad...
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    I've never been skinny so I have no idea what I would like like at a low weight. I know it says my healthy weight range is between 111.2 - 150.2 lbs so I am going to start off at the 150 range and see how I like my body at that weight. I really need to start working out my arms more because I'm tired of that under arm fat. My legs are really toned for being my weight but I've always had muscular legs. I just want to be toned but I not crazy muscular.
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    I would ideally like to be between 135 and 145lbs.. I think that is a nice range, because I know my body will fluctuate from time to time. Really, I just can't wait to be able to wear a dress, and not get the thigh chub rub, cause that really sucks. I'd also like to be rid of my bat wings, which I can admit are not that bad, but I just want my arms to be firm. I'll never be able to wear a bikini again, because my stretch marks are so terrible, it looks like a tiger took its claw and sliced right down my abdomen, but I would just love to have a flat tummy, and no more dropping mommy pouch.. Size wise, a comfortable size 6, possibly a snug 4, just so I can say I fit into it, lol..
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    Until about 7 years ago I weighed between 125-130 and that is where I want to be again. I like to be able to wear sexy dresses and look really nice in shorts- living in AZ that is almost a necessity! I've always had trouble with extra belly and thigh fat- even at my lowest weight of 115- so I am working on strength training and toning- I just want to be firm, but I don't need washboard abs to be happy. At 54, widowed and making a new life for myself I just want to feel good, look good and be healthy again.

    For the last two years I have been talking about losing 15-20 pounds. Then after LAST Christmas my weight hit 160- and I am only 5'6"- awful! I tried all kinds of jump-starts and could never shed more than 3-5 pounds and make it stay off, so when I found MFP on my blackberry apps I decided to give it a try. I have never belonged to a "fitness community" or posted or been a part of a challenge, so this is really helpful to me- and if I am successful in this challenge I will be more than halfway to my overall goal by the first of the year. A great way to start 2012!