🍃🍂September Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge🍂🍃



  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. This daily group accountability is awesome! I absolutely love this group.

    Goals for September:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week
    Strength training...what I can tolerate and build from there
    Hit my original goal weight of 150

    I am going to be transitioning slowly to a maintaining phase of my journey. But I think I do want to get into the mid 140's. So, I want to take this month to lose weight but slow the process down. I will be doing my morning 5 mile walks during the week but I won't push myself to get the same amount of steps each day. I think about 12-15k per day will be good. I will be adding strength training. I have never been good at maintaining so this will be a learning process and I want to slow my weight loss down and gradually get there.

    September SW:155
    September GW:150 or a few pounds into 140's
    UGW:150 or below

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Logged, walked, 10k+
    3. Logged, walked, 10k+, strength training
    4. Logged, walked, 10k+, strength training
    5. Logged, walked, 15k+, strength training
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,953 Member
    @makanacapellocullen Looking good!
    @deepwoodslady - So sorry to hear about your community. Thinking of you. I've been meaning to ask (I might have missed the post when you discussed), but what are you doing to your home with all the handymen?
    @Melwillbehealthy Glad to hear hubby is doing well. Now it's time for you to take of you!
    @buckeyebabe7l7 Look at you with all the strength training 😉💪
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,292 Member
    I'm Janice...54 yrs old, married 26 years with 4 kids, One 24 week old grandbaby and a small zoo :D I live in Edmonton.Alberta,Canada and I work for Hallmark. I am an avid cyclist...I love to walk, hike, spin class, BodyCombat and BodyPump. I sometimes teach spin classes at a friends gym. I also like to read(audiobooks) and watch movies!!😁
    9 year breast cancer survivor...Osteoarthritis in most of my joints...limited range of motion in my knees, but all bearable for now..
    Highest weight:197.6
    1. Following my Les Mills September calendar
    2. Yoga
    3. Tracking everything
    4. Journaling

    September WI
    1 - 154.2 - up again but not sad about it - ate out - BFF's birthday yesterday <3
    2 - 154.2 - Just glad it's leveled out again :)
    3 - 154.2 - 🍷🍷
    4 - 154.4 - 😡😡
    5 - 154.2 - 😞
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Hi, All! I'm a 46 year-old, 5'4" mom of four who always has some new ailment each month. Lol. My sciatica has finally subsided but I still have this lingering, painful rotator cuff/deltoid sprain. I'm a two-time cancer survivor and, as a result, it seems that I am prone to injury and slow healing. I've had some allergic reactions again, so daily and accurate logging is essential. My fitness goals are to continue my PT exercises, take more walks in this glorious fall weather, enjoy playing rugby when I can, and drop down into a new decade.

    9/1: I forgot to hit save. Lol.
    9/2: 183.2
    9/3: DNW
    9/4: DNW
    9/5: 182.4 - Such a busy weekend working. I had lost my full-time job in June, so I have been picking up more hours at my part-time job at an amusement park this last month. The 16-hour days on this holiday weekend has taken its toll, but now those hours are gone, as the park is closed during the week. I finally had an interview for full-time work and am now waiting to hear if I have made it through to the second round of interviews. While I am stressed to not have many hours, at least I will not be eating anymore of those super late dinners which I am hoping will help to jumpstart the scale again.
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Congrats to several members who have moved down into new decades! Well done!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    @BittersweetVita I hope you hear good news back on the initial interview and move to the next round. 🤞
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,953 Member
    Hello I'm Darlene. I am 63, married, (Greg), have one daughter, 29 (Allyson) and one 4-year-old Goldendoodle, Monty. I have been with this group since April of this year. I love this group.

    Happy Fall

    September Goals 🍂
    Lose 4 pounds ⚖️
    Hit the 1,750 mile marker towards my 2,023 in 2,023. 🏃‍♂️
    16k Steps Daily 👣
    Drink 6-8 Glasses of Water Daily 💦
    Strength Train 3 days a week💪
    Tai Chi or Some Stretching exercise 1 day a week 🧘
    Log my food daily 🖥️
    Read 📖
    Do something creative daily - Knit, Crochet, Color, puzzel etc. 🧶 🖍️ 🧩
    ⚖️ 🏃‍♂️👣💦💪🧘 🖥️ 📖🧶 🖍️ 🧩

    Weight Loss to Date: 48.2 Pounds
    July Ending Weight: 179.8

    Sep 1: 179.8 👣💦💪🖥️📖🧶 🖍️
    Sep 2: 179.6 👣💦🖥️📖 🖍️
    Sep 3: 179.8👣💦 🖥️ 🧶 🖍️
    Sep 4: 179.4👣💦 🖥️ 📖🧶
    Sep 5: 179.2 👣 💦🖥️ 📖
    Sep 6: 179 We are refinishing our hallway/pantry floor this week, so emptied the pantry, washed the shelves and painted. Busy day - starting refinishing the floors today. It's surprising how much stuff I had in that pantry closet. My living room is filled with junk! Can't wait for it to be finished so I can put my house back in order. Met my 1,600 mile marker yesterday! 😁

    @bittersweetvita Fingers crossed you get a call back! 🤞
  • LunasPaigeLily
    LunasPaigeLily Posts: 34 Member
    Hello, my name is Paige Lily. I struggle with mental health issues (schizoaffective depressive type) which means that I am on medication to control my symptoms that increase my hunger and decrease natural satiety, making weight a huge struggle for me, but I am determined. I am forty-five. I have a cat by the name of Luna, she's my little precious one. She's a huge part of my world and emotional well-being. I'm from southern Missouri, where food is usually fried after being battered with eggs, flour, and seasoning and butter and lard rule! So, in this culture also gives me a bit of a hard time trying to stay on track with things as I am surrounded by food options such as several rib places, one within walking distance of my apartment! Actually, make that two! I forgot about one for a moment. LOL I do writing for my job, not making much of it at the moment, but I am still an unknown and have not completed a work, yet, just got up a couple of scenes for one of my stories.

    Goals for September:
    1. Strength Train twice a week
    2. Do cardio three times a week
    3. Between 4,000 and 5,000 steps each day (limited due to my dietician's request from unstable eating habits)
    4. Lose between 4-10 lbs

    Original SW: 393.8
    September 1: 347.0; 4017
    September 2: Didn't weigh; 4644
    September 3: 343.8; 1883
    September 4: 341.2; 3935
    September 5: 336.8; 6266; seated cardio
  • EllieLou3
    EllieLou3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Louise from England. I'm a 47 year old mother of two boys - they've returned to school after the summer break today and so it's time to regroup and focus on my goals! I'm hoping this group can help!

    Weight has been an issue for me for a long time - never a huge issue but 25 pounds hanging around that I would be so much better without! And - despite what people say - I would be happier...mainly because I love fashion and the weight inhibits my ability to wear what I like. My happiness isn't dependent on this...but it would be enhanced!

    September 22 was the start of a new life for me, having left a successful career and changed to running my own property business. It took a while to adjust and decompress but I eventually realised this was also an opportunity for me to enhance my wellbeing, reduce stress and generally feel a lot more alive! Dog walking was my main focus but in January 23 I joined a gym that focuses on resistance training - it's great. All was going well until this August when a 2 week cruise and subsequent partying messed up my routine. Today marks the start of getting back on track again!

    I'm currently a large UK size 14-16. I want to be a solid 12!

    September Goals 🍂

    OBJECTIVE: To ensure mind, body & soul are fully aligned

    BY: sticking to a routine, tracking, exercising, spending time in nature, connecting with loved ones & finding the time each day for creative pursuits.

    1. MAINTAINING A STRICT STRUCTURE ROUTINE[/b] - 6am start, 10pm bed & use daily diary
    2. TRACKING ALL CALORIES-1500 calories every day - no cheating, including the weekend!
    4. EXERCISE by attending 3 gym classes per week
    5. SPENDING TIME IN NATURE every day - dog walking + podcast/ audiobook
    6. CONNECTING with the people I love
    7. BEING CREATIVE - read or play the piano every day.

    SW: 191.6 (6th Sept)
    GW: 165
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @BittersweetVita Wishing you much luck in your job interview process!

    Welcome @LunasPaigeLily and @EllieLou3
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi! I’m a grandma of 8. I am T2 diabetic. My goal is to get healthier. I’ve lost 40 lbs. in the last 6 months, decreased my bp and blood sugar. I count calories, swim, and do osteoporosis prevention aerobics.

    Starting weight: 230
    Goal weight: 120
    Height: 5’2”
    Sept. Goal: 185-186 lbs.

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs.
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6
    August-7 lbs. joined a ‘challenge’

    Sept. 1- 190.4 up from yesterday
    Sept. 2- 190
    Sept. 3- 189.6 1hour swim
    Sept. 4- 189.8 osteo aerobics
    Sept. 5- DNW
    Sept. 6- 191.2 overate carbs and calories again. Going to make more effort to lower my carb level, and up my protein. Aerobics. I will try harder to get back and stay in the 80’s🙂
    Sept. 7-
    @BittersweetVita good luck on your job hunt. Let us know if you made it through to the next round. I know sometimes it’s a real waiting game

    Paige Lily. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy this group. I know joining this challenge has helped me focus more on my personal goals. I think it must be difficult having so many good restaurants nearby. Luckily, the restaurants near me are too expensive for me to want to eat there very often.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 489 Member
    Hi, I'm a 50 yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    Starting Weight Aug 2023: 212.7

    September Goals:
    Lose 2 lbs. | Consistently log food | Bike &/or Treadmill 4 days a week | Aim for 7 hours sleep/day

    1 Sep: 207.1
    2 Sep: 206.6
    3 Sep: 207.1 - We had chips+ with our salads yesterday. Still logged it all, but knew the number would go up. Also entering cycle bloat, so this will fluctuate over the next week. Cycles are in sometimes mode, and irregular with M, so who knows right now. : )
    4 Sep: 208.6 - Bloat + an open bag of pretzels. But it's back to food & exercise plan today. :)
    5 Sep: 207.6
    6 Sep: 206.7
    7 Sep:
  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 218 Member
    Sept. 1- 141.0 I logged :)
    Sept. 2- 139.2 I logged :)
    Sept. 3- 138.6 I logged :) I think I'm experiencing some quick weight loss that can happen when I simply start watching what I eat and drinking more water.... Nice to see; it will probably steady out.
    Sept. 4- 138.8 I logged :) A potluck yesterday and out to a restaurant today; determined to log
    Sept. 5- 139.4 (I liked yesterday's weight better. Oh well, keep moving forward.)
    Sept. 6- 138.8 Did not finish logging yesterday. It was cycle day 1 and I totally blew it on calories. Next time I plan to adjust my calorie goal to maintenance on cycle day 1... maybe that will help...
    Sept. 7-
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 489 Member
    edited September 2023
    I was tempted…..but I kept to my pre-logging plan. I’m glad I did. I’m still striving for those elusive 180’s.
    I know you will do this. We both can.
    Laufmane wrote: »
    Sept 04: 59.5kg / 131.2 lbs (this made me smile in the morning, maybe should stick to sweets then, jk)

    I love it when that happens. I've found it often will work for one day off plan, but if I try that two days in a row... :'( But I firmly believe we have to have days with some extras in them.

    @BittersweetVita Fingers crossed! I hope you hear good news soon.

    Welcome, @EllieLou3 - it's a great group, and several of us are newer being here.

    Have a great Wednesday, everyone.
  • makanacapellocullen
    Starting weight: 302.6
    Goal weight: 150
    Height: 5’5”
    Sept. Goal: 294

    Sept. 1: 302.6
    Sept. 2: 302.4
    Sept. 3: 302
    Sept. 4: 301.2
    Sept. 5: 301
    Sept. 6: 301.3
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Aug 31st): 191.8
    Goal: 187.8 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    09/01-193.2-(Trend Weight 195.0)-

    09/02-192.2-(Trend Weight 194.7)-

    09/03-NWP-(Trend Weight 194.7)-

    09/04-193.6-(Trend Weight 194.6)-

    09/05-192.0-(Trend Weight 194.3)- Another hot humid day here in Michigan. Being surrounded by the largest fresh-water lakes on Earth always brings such humidity! It does feel like Florida again today here. The handymen took the day off due to some doctor appointments they had so I should easily be able to fit in more exercise if the heat doesn’t get to me! Yesterday was a very good day food wise. I got in about 21 minutes on the exercise bike as well late last night. I am zig-zagging my calories and carbs and yesterday was the lowest day planned for this week. I was tempted…..but I kept to my pre-logging plan. I’m glad I did. I’m still striving for those elusive 180’s.

    09/06-192.0-(Trend Weight 194.1)- I’m very pleased to see my weight stayed stable. Yesterday was my highest calorie and carb day planned while I’m experimenting with the zig-zagging. Time will tell if it is worth my while. Minimal exercise yesterday. I will try to fit more in today but we are having thunderstorms all day and my handymen are here so we shall see.

    09/07-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/08-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/09-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    @EllieLou3 Welcome. We are so glad you are here!

    @BittersweetVita Sending out good vibes and sending Up some prayers on that 2nd interview.
  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi! I’m Athena, I’m about to be 33, divorced, and am 5’. I was in Jill’s challenges heavily last year and the year before that and saw great progress, I got to 139. I went back into old habits and have been fluctuating between 155 and 153. I’m ready to start making progress again!

    Starting weight: 153
    Goal weight: 126
    Month goal: 151


    🍂 Drink 3 jugs of water a day
    🍃 Work out 4Xs a week
    🍂 Portion control
    🍃 Track weight

    Sept. 6: 153
    Sept. 7:
    Sept. 8:
    Sept. 9:
    Sept. 10:
    Sept. 11:
    Sept. 12:
    Sept. 13:
    Sept. 14:
    Sept. 15:
    Sept. 16:
    Sept. 17:
    Sept. 18:
    Sept. 19:
    Sept. 20:
    Sept. 21:
    Sept. 22:
    Sept. 23:
    Sept. 24:
    Sept. 25:
    Sept. 26:
    Sept. 27:
    Sept. 28:
    Sept. 29:
    Sept. 30:
  • Laufmane
    Laufmane Posts: 21 Member
    Here in hopes to shed some baby weight, I am pretty good with daily excercices but my diet is a mess right now 🙈

    September Start Weight: 59.8kg / 131.8lbs (Aug 31st)
    September Goal Weight: 57.x kg/ 125lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 55kg / 121 lbs

    Sept 01: 59.6 kg / 131.4 lbs
    Sept 02: 59.7 kg / 131.6 lbs
    Sept 03: 59.7 kg / 131.6 lbs (uh, not too excited about stepping on the scales tomorrow.. sweets are my kryptonite)
    Sept 04: 59.5kg / 131.2 lbs (this made me smile in the morning, maybe should stick to sweets then, jk)
    Sept 05: 59.5kg /131.2 lbs
    Sept 06: 59.6kg / 131.4 lbs (enjoyed some cake as today my baby turns 1)