C25K - WK1 DAY 1 - Who's with Me?



  • ok i'll start tomorrow! I've just come back from the supermarket with a bag of vegetables so i'm ready to start this with you all. so what days is it? tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays?
  • Tell you what, if you guys want to start today that's cool....I think we will all still be doing it within the same weeks as in, everyone will be completed with week 1, this week so we should be all good.
  • Tell you what, if you guys want to start today that's cool....I think we will all still be doing it within the same weeks as in, everyone will be completed with week 1, this week so we should be all good.

    Let's do this!!
  • HI there, to answer your question about running music with C25K app...

    I just start Pandora (or your chosen music app) first, then start your running app. Works great for me anyhoo on my Droid :) hope that helps.

    Also I am starting week 2 day 1 today so I hope I can hang with you guys!! Good luck to all who are starting tomorrow! Julie

  • Also I am starting week 2 day 1 today so I hope I can hang with you guys!! Good luck to all who are starting tomorrow! Julie

    thanks Julie
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Good luck to everyone here! I'm on week 3 of C25K. You guys/gals can do this.

    Here's a thread that has a bunch of C25K podcasts listed. I'm using the one from NHS (when I'm not feeling inspired to listen to my own stuff with the C25K app). It's a nice podcast since it has music and verbal cues for what to do and when, as well as a few tips and words of encouragement.

  • Good luck to everyone here! I'm on week 3 of C25K. You guys can do this.

    Here's a thread that has a bunch of C25K podcasts listed. I'm using the one from NHS (when I'm not feeling inspired to listen to my own stuff with the C25K app). It's a nice podcast since it has music and verbal cues for what to do and when, as well as a few tips and words of encouragement.


    Thank you
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    To the poster who was inquiring about music with the C25k app, the pro version ($1.99) for the Droid, allows you to stream music from your phone to play as well, so you can customize tracks, and still get the audio notifications to switch between your walking/jogging/ and cool downs. (To me, that was worth the $2 bucks -for the notifications)

    Although, I do agree with the previous poster, Pandora or any other music app, would do just fine as well.
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    HI there, to answer your question about running music with C25K app...

    I just start Pandora (or your chosen music app) first, then start your running app. Works great for me anyhoo on my Droid :) hope that helps.

    Also I am starting week 2 day 1 today so I hope I can hang with you guys!! Good luck to all who are starting tomorrow! Julie

    Thanks so much for all the advice on how to run the music. I had actually tried to download a few apps for the droid (MP3s), but for some reason couldn't get them to download. Will definitely give this a try! Appreciate ALL the advice...ready to start moving and get up off the couch!! whoo hoo!
  • cfreema
    cfreema Posts: 30 Member

    I would love to start the C25K program with you! I have been walking on my lunch hour for a half an hour. I don't see why I couldn't push the envelope and run! I will be ready to go tomorrow!

  • Hi!

    I would love to start the C25K program with you! I have been walking on my lunch hour for a half an hour. I don't see why I couldn't push the envelope and run! I will be ready to go tomorrow!


    sounds good
  • Shineonme06
    Shineonme06 Posts: 73 Member
    What is it??? I trying PX90 next month. Had the DVD's for about 5 months now and only saw the intro DVD. Damn shame!!!!
  • What is it??? I trying PX90 next month. Had the DVD's for about 5 months now and only saw the intro DVD. Damn shame!!!!

    I am in the middle of my second run of P90x ... granted there are a lot of things I still can't do. Some of those dang pushups are CRAZY!!!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm in as well - and because it is already late Tuesday here in Aus I finished my first day today and survived it. I am 55 so as this is my first ever try at running since I left school in the seventies - I am pretty proud of myself:)
    Love the way the app directs you so well and if you pay a tiny bit extra it measures your distance and everything---Yay
  • cfreema
    cfreema Posts: 30 Member
    I just completed day one! I was worried about the timing, but the free app for my phone worked great!
  • completed day one today using my iphone app. feel good :bigsmile:
  • taraketch
    taraketch Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I am in as well. I have tried to finish C25K twice now and haven't made it past week 7. I ran a 5K race last month and managed to run the whole time, but it was a huge strain on my body and I had trouble getting back into running since. I am trying to ease back into it and do it the healthy way.

    I finished W1D2 this morning. My days will be different, but I will follow the same week. We can do this!



  • What is the C25k? and how Do I get on board?
  • What is the C25k? and how Do I get on board?

    It's the couch to 5k program...www.c25k.com/ .....this is our week 1....see my post above for the new forum to post your results if you decide to join us....