Weight Loss and Exercise



  • kraft024
    kraft024 Posts: 10 Member
    Unorthodox suggestion and I'm not a paid shill, but it works so well for me. I buy Home Chef meals every week and they have the calories per meal already calculated for you--it's great portion control. Make a 2 serving meal and save one for leftovers. The calories are between 350-750 per meal and because it's more fresh ingredients and not processed/frozen, it takes longer for your body to break them down and you feel fuller longer. The trick is waiting that extra 10 or 15 minutes for your stomach to feel full after consuming a meal and not continuing to eat more. I really love breakfast foods, but I've gotten my body used to intermittent fasting and now I even drink my coffee black so I can IF until lunch every day. With exercise added back in (strength training with dumbbells, lawn mowing, and walking my dogs) I'm often able to eat 2 home chef meals and still have a half-pint of my favorite ice cream as an evening snack and still hit my goal. By working in food that I like, it doesn't seem so onerous and monotonous.

    It doesn't take a lot of work to make the meals and the food is so good. I don't feel like I'm dieting at all. I just thought of this for your issue because it might help you to control some more of the factors around your weight and see what the results may be. I also don't stress MFP calorie counting perfection at the close of every day. It's more about putting in the calories you consume from earlier in the day so you can make good final choices at the end of the day. The proof is in the weight loss rate calculated over multiple weeks. Mine started at about 2.33 pounds per week and it's been levelling down to 2.1 per week as I continue with my regimen.