I just sort of want to have a thread for chatting with dieters.



  • anlanbear
    anlanbear Posts: 5 Member
    hard to be patient and stay the course! as in, continue to track daily and stay within allotted calories, but number on the scale bounces around 1 pound gain/loss. I think this just means I'm supposed to continue and not give up rather than decrease my caloric goal (1440 calories a day, I'm 5'6") Sooooo, rather than eat, I went online and bought new underwear, and sweaters! cuz those are not likely to change dramatically even with successful weight loss! tee hee hee
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    So today is monday and it is my weigh in day. Another awesome weight loss. If the pattern that is emerging holds true I will gain some weight this week. Loose a medium amount week after and then have two weeks of incredible weight reduction the next two weeks after that.

    Today My weight is the same as it was when I returned from hospital after giving birth to my stillborn. I have lost my maternity leave weight I have lost my grief weight.
    Two years ago I was three months into my new life as an angel mother I had just learned that I was pregnant again i was panicked I couldnt stop myself eating. I dont think I healed at all mentaly whilst carrying my rainbow girl. I was so terrified. The healing started afterwards. Now I am loosing the weight I am mooving on in life. I am starting on those kgs that has been bothering me on and of for the last 13 years.
    I still wonder where I will find contentment in my weight the summer of 2014 I weighed 68 kg and was fairly happy with that wanted to loose 2-3 more. Before that I was carrying the maternity weight from my eldest. In 2003 I started working I weighed 62 kg as I started my apprenteiship and gained 10 kg that first year. I remember feeling I looked pretty good at 68 kg in 2006 but I was big on weightlifting back then. WIth two young children I dont have 8 hours a week for weightlifting so I am guesing I will not have the same muscle definition at 68 kg this time. Which leads me to belive I must go lower.

    What are you guys thoughts on weight where do you wanna wind up? Are your goals movable will you stop later or sooner if you se your bodyshape being okay?
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    My goal isn't so much weight-- I want to get rid of the jiggle on my belly. All of it. My goals are up in the air right now, and I'm probably not the best person to ask. I spent a lot of time looking for jobs and applying. Losing weight isn't a huge priority (pardon the pun). I would suggest focusing on body composition. If you have lower body fat, look trim, and are fit, weight goes out the window.
  • MelissaSheklian
    MelissaSheklian Posts: 141 Member
    I love the idea of chatting, having friends on MFP that share their successes and struggles has been so helpful. It is a hard journey to get and stay healthy(especially when there are those washboard abs people that it seems so easy for) but we can do it!
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    Been quiet from me for a while. I am unemployed but with an employment office that gets me work on short notice and last week I worked almost full time in 4 different locations. So it has not been time for much forum.
    I am stalling out on the diet at the moment I feel tht I deserve to enjoy myself at the weekends.
    Also the dark season is settling down on us here up in the north close to the arctic circle so its dark when I leave for work and dark when I come home. It just drains all my energy
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your unemployment, Cheery. It's nice the employment office is able to get you lined up with short term work fast.

    On my end, I'm starting my spring semester and recently, a new job. I decided to give myself a couple of weeks before losing weight again. I needed a break from the stress of job hunting, not having a good car, holiday stress, etc.
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    This will sound dumb, but I recently realized I don't care about losing weight as much as I care about how I *look*. I recently had a physical at the doctor and my results weren't great. Honestly with everything already on my plate, the idea of losing weight is more stressful. I would rather work toward getting a raise at work and graduating with honors.
  • I'm needing motivation. Need to lose 50 lbs.and it's looking big.
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
  • omelballardo7009
    omelballardo7009 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi folks I'm Mel. 39yo female. Lost all motivation to exercise and here for the inspiration. I've had some injuries to juggle but my main reason for not exercising is that I'm externally motivated and used to play team sport, I enjoyed the team commitment. After an injury I had to stop, and I've never found a sport I love enough since. I keep going I'll stumble across a friend to work out with but that's hard to do from the couch 😂😂😂😂😂
  • omelballardo7009
    omelballardo7009 Posts: 4 Member
    Keep hoping*
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    This is a very old thread and the people that posted are long gone. However, you can start your own thread or hope that there's interest and some people pick it up from here. Good luck.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    I started a new thread today. I think she just clicked on my profile and saw what other threads I have started. She has posted in my newest thread aswel as another old one. I kind of enjoyed the rerun to be honest. And I have done similar things in the past

    Would be fun of other people reapered aswell.