What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    How is a Navy Seal burpee different from a standard burpee?
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    Okay, so I haven't been logging for a while. I have been away for about four weeks- was visiting my daughter in Thailand, for about ten days, then travelled to Turkey to celebrate my fiftieth birthday. In Thailand I wasn't tracking my macros but was actually pretty good on diet. Exercise wasn't quite there in part because some nagging injuries' picked up- long standing back issue and a shoulder injury that feels like rotator cuff. Turkey was a writeoff as it was basically five days of eating and drinking by the seaside, then four days of enjoying Istanbul. At the end of the day I put on 2kg, which is not bad for all the fun I had.

    Anyway, back to it now. Today was the first day tracking macros again. Yesterday I did a very short jog (20 minutes) and today a quick strength workout. Just some back squats, dips and pullups and ab work. Trying back squats to see if my back likes a break from front squats and dips to see if pressing down is easier on my shoulder than horizontally or upwards. Because I didn't lift for a couple of weeks and I haven't back squatted much in the last year and haven't done dips in years, I took it easy.

    I really wanted to stick to the exact program I designed for six months, or at least the template, before messing with it. But injuries are getting in the way. So I am toying with some changes. Full body three times a week might be a bit hard on recovery at my age.

  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member

    Back day.

    3x10 Pendlay rows
    3x Superset of Lat prayers and palms facing lat pull-downs
    3x12 barbell bicep curls
  • RunningGirlKC
    RunningGirlKC Posts: 140 Member
    Chest/Shoulders/Triceps (3x8-10)
    • Barbell Bench Press
    • Dumbbell Flyes
    • Side Lateral Raise
    • Seated Barbell Military Press
    • Tricep Pushdown (Rope)
    • Lying Tricep Press
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    Elliptical hills, one hour, 5.88 mi.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    Trying dips to see if pressing down is easier on my shoulder than horizontally or upwards.

    My shoulders totally object when I do dips, hopefully you get better results.
    Full body three times a week might be a bit hard on recovery at my age.

    I hear ya. You might switch to full body twice a week, with an extra cardio day on what was the middle lift day, or if you want to keep lifting three times per week you can try an upper-lower split, alternating. This has you lift upper twice one week, lower once; next week is lower twice, upper once. I personally have been enjoying doing upper-lower with four lifting days per week...upper on Mon/Thu, lower on Tues/Fri, with cardio on Wednesday (and Saturday, when I'm motivated enough to hit the gym on the weekend).
  • AllaboutDaCake
    AllaboutDaCake Posts: 789 Member
    5 mile hike
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,929 Member
    Hike in the woods looking for chanterelles. Didn't find any. But I did get two things; wet feet and one bolete. That rhymes.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    Gorgeous Fall day yesterday, sunny and 70s F / low 20s C, and I missed all of it (other than car to building walks) because of schedule complications, some unplanned. So I did a 30'+3' CD stationary bike instead of any outdoor thing. :|

    All-day drizzle-to-rain today and colder, cancelled rowing, so repeat on the stationary bike.

    About 8-point-something pseudo-miles both days, moderate pace, more Z3 yesterday, more Z2 today.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    edited October 2023
    Shoulder focused push day. Also, for some reason my front delts are sore, likely from messing with my squat (tried high and low bar 2 days ago) so went a little light on volume.

    3x10 OHP
    2x12 machine chest press
    3x15 cable side lateral raid
    2x supersets of seated skull crushers into unweighted dips
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    Upper Hypertrophy

    Incline Bench Press 3x5
    Machine Fly 3x12
    BB Row 3x10
    Pulldown 3x10
    Machine Lateral Raise 3x12
    Machine Curl <superset> Machine Pushdown 3x10
    Perloff Press 3x15sec

    Backing off a set on hypertrophy day, from 4 sets to 3, see if that helps my elbow be more agreeable going forward.
  • RunningGirlKC
    RunningGirlKC Posts: 140 Member
    1. Barbell Squat - 3x8 - 75% max
    2. Dumbbell Lunges - 3x10
    3. Seated Leg Curl - 3x10
    4. Stiff Legged Barbell Deadlift - 3x8 - 60-65%
    5. Seated Calf Raise - 3x10
    6. Standing Calf Raise - 3x10
    7. Crunches - 4x30 sec
    8. Hanging Leg Raise - 3x10
    9. Med Ball Side to Side - 4x30 sec
    10. Mountain Climbers - 4x30 sec
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    30 minute run on the treadmill. Felt good- could have gone for longer. But taking it easy for now and gradually working back. If I wake up early tomorrow morning (which I probably will) and it isn't raining I will probably go for a short run outside.

    The plan is now to lift twice a week for a while, and run more for a while. I'll do full body both lifting days, lower body and core assistance day one and arms/chest/upper back assistance on day two. It probably makes more sense to lift less and run more when I am dieting anyway.
  • mw5hd6dp7q
    mw5hd6dp7q Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2023
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited October 2023
    Climbing; 3hours. It was a mixed session.

    I was terrible at slab, which I'm normally good at. I was good at dynos and thuggy overhangs, which I'm normally terrible at. There was one dyno I was very pleased to get; quite a far jump with a single hand catch.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 533 Member
    Slogged out a Friday 10k. Humidity was 90% even though it was in the lower 80s according to weather report because of the humidity it felt like 91. I agreed. Had another 3/4 of mile to get back home, but by 5 miles I was running in wet shoes. So once the 10k was done I took a breather and then squished my a s s home. The bright side was used the relaxing walk as cool down period.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    Finally got some rowing weather, or at least it was rowing weather for a quad (windy for singles with water getting cold), and we luckily did have 4 rowers. Once again, we had one of this year's learn-to-row students in the boat with us, so we kept to moderate steady state rowing with some technical focus calls spread through the 7k-ish.

    Air was unusually warm for late October, mid-60s F (18-ish C) even early in the day . . . I rowed in a short-sleeved t-shirt, which hasn't happened recently.