A Question For Single Women Only

sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
Do you go out by yourself? (dinner, movies, bars, shopping, coffee, concerts, etc.)
Are there some places you're willing to go alone to but not others?
If you're ok with sharing your age or age range, go for it.

..............sorry, that was really 2 questions.


  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Do you go out alone?
  • Although, legally I'm not single (yet), I do. When my ex has the kids I'll do shopping, and coffee alone but concerts, movies, dinner...always with a friend or group of friends. I'm still kind of naive when it comes to men/dating in general and I don't want to go making mistakes and since most of my friends are people who refuse to get married it tends to help me since it's a whole new world for me out there.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member

    Yes, I go out by myself, dinner, movies, shopping, coffee, beach, shows. I haven't been to a bar myself and don't see that happening as I am not really a big drinker. I wouldn't go anywhere that I wouldn't feel safe by myself.

    Sometimes it's because I couldn't find any one to go out with me, others because I just really want to be myself.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have been to other countries by myself.
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 22 and single. There are some places that I will go by myself and not others. I will shop, grab coffee, and see a movie by myself but I always have friends go with me to dinner or a concert. I would prefer to have someone go to a movie with me, but if I really want to see a movie and no one will go with me I don't mind seeing it by myself.
  • I go to the movies alone, restaurants alone and cafes alone. BUT, I am a former flight attendant, and as a flight attendant, this is something you do often. So, I've had years of practice. Also, I was unhappily married, and I really enjoy 'me' time now. It's much more pleasant that 'unhappy marriage' time. ;)
  • dotz01
    dotz01 Posts: 12 Member
    Alls I know is sometimes I get tired of waiting for other people. So I will do things like a museum, a movie, eating lunch out and some festivals on my own. You can move at your own pace and you don't have to consider what someone else wants to do.
    It can be a good thing.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I go to places alone like the gym, church, shopping, walking or riding my bike on the trail. But not dinner, movies, concerts, etc.
  • 23

    I'll go shopping, gym, small vacations, by myself ... I have ate alone in public but not my favorite thing, and I'd rather pick it up and take it home.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    All the time.
    I don't have friends that live anywhere near me so I do things by myself 99% of the time..
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Just curious - why do you ask?
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Yep, done it all except movies and that's just because I'd just as soon wait to watch it from the comfort of my own home. But dinner, vacations, etc yes.
  • allyjstone
    allyjstone Posts: 40 Member
    I do go out by myself-movies,bars, and sometimes out to eat-I usually go to my local bar though where I'll know someone either way but I do almost everything by myself.
  • If I was single I would. I prefer the company of myself over most other ppl.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    so i'm going to jump in on this. No i'm not single, but I am geographically single. So that just means I'm not looking for someone, but I dont have my partner to go out with me.

    So do you ever feel that others judge you when you go out alone? thats what keeps me from going places by myself. all my friends are married (since you know married couples gravitate to other married folks) or are single males and that just brings on a whole other set of feeling like i'm being judged.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    so i'm going to jump in on this. No i'm not single, but I am geographically single. So that just means I'm not looking for someone, but I dont have my partner to go out with me.

    So do you ever feel that others judge you when you go out alone? thats what keeps me from going places by myself. all my friends are married (since you know married couples gravitate to other married folks) or are single males and that just brings on a whole other set of feeling like i'm being judged.

    If anyone ever judged me for going out alone, that's their problem, not mine. I couldn't care less what anyone thought. If I want to see a movie none of my friends or family wants to see, I am not going to let what some stranger thinks of me being alone, stop me from going to see it.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I used to. I'd head into NYC from Stamford, CT, to museums or Carnegie Hall. I didn't know anyone when I moved there, and I didn't want my lack of having someone to do things with actually stop me from doing things.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    i'll go to a movie alone...shopping, coffee...dinner i'll pick up and take home...if i had the time off i'd go on vacation alone too.
    i wouldn't do concerts or restaurants alone...
    usually only because i want to go "right now" and can't be bothered waiting for other people.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    If anyone ever judged me for going out alone, that's their problem, not mine. I couldn't care less what anyone thought. If I want to see a movie none of my friends or family wants to see, I am not going to let what some stranger thinks of me being alone, stop me from going to see it.

    That's awesome, and that's the attitude I need to have! Good for you! :smile:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Do you go out alone?
    Yup. I go alone to all of the aforementioned. I've done the weekend getaway thing alone as well. I have done the bar alone, but I won't get drunk or stay long enough to have a roofie slipped in my drink. I'm in my early 30s. The older I get, the more place I'm willing to go by myself.

    My favorite alone-time thing is to smuggle snacks and a flask into the theater and watch a chick-flick drunk. It's the only way these films go down easily.