trouble gaining weight?

does anyone else feel like they can’t gain weight for the life of them? i was recently sick and i lost about 10 pounds i really can’t afford to lose. i have tried to eat more, and more nutritious foods, but i just can’t force feed myself all day long. it’s really hard for me to be hungry, because once i eat i feel full for a long time. i would really like some tips and tricks on gaining weight, if anyone has any ideas!! please feel free to discuss here, even if you’re having the same issues as me haha.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    What are "more nutritious foods?" To gain weight you need to consume more calories than you expend. If you have difficulty consuming enough calories it is probably because you're eating a substantial amount of low calorie foods. Consume low volume, high calorie foods...full fat dairy, nuts and nut butters, cook with fats and oils, fattier cuts of meat, avocados, etc. Basically more dietary fat to increase calories without consuming a lot of volume that fills you up.
  • courtneyp64
    courtneyp64 Posts: 1 Member
    I also need to gain weight and am struggling. Dietary restrictions - low fat 30-50 g, sodium 1500 - 2000 and generally low sugar? Tough to figure out. Any ideas? Thanks for any input!