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Parity between mobile/web recipe interface

kdplaskon Posts: 7 Member
I am a heavy user of your recipes module. I regularly log, update and reference my own recipes in my daily log. There are several gaps between how the web and the mobile interfaces work.

Specifically, the web interface allows me to copy an existing recipe in order to adjust it for ingredient variations. The mobile interface does not have a copy function. The mobile interface lets me search for recipes, but I can’t then copy one that I want to adjust. The web interface lets me copy recipes, but does not let me search for the one I want.

As an example I regularly make clafoutis but the fruits I use differ with season. I can’t search for a version in Mobile and then copy that version to adjust the ingredients. Currently I address this by editing the recipe and Mobile so it’s at the top of my list and then going to Web and copying it to make the adjustment. I do this because I can’t search on the web and clicking through pages and pages of logged recipes ( my list is at least 18 to 20 pages long) is far too time-consuming.

The nutritional content of the food I make is why I want different versions of similar recipes. For example, if I making a food with dark meat chicken versus light meat chicken, the fat content is going to change. It may be the same other ingredients, but the nutritional content is different.

Please improve feature parity in your recipe interfaces so that your Users can copy and search in either interface.

1 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 736 MFP Staff
    Thank you for this feedback on the Recipes feature. I'll be sure to pass this along to the team to consider for a future update!