Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #10

BACK ON TRACK AND READY TO ROLL!!!! Welcome to Week #10!!! Wow! Can you believe it?!?!?!?


(I am actually kind of upset :frown: because I deleted some items from my photobucket account and found that when I delete it from there, it deletes it from here too. So all of the previous weeks no long have charts :sad: )

On a positive note... We are back on track with timing and it seems a lot of people have been able to pull themselves out of their slump. I'm not going to lie, I've been in pretty bad shape myself for a couple weeks now, recording gains regularly. At first I thought it would be a bad idea to show that I'm gaining while push you all to lose. On the other hand, I don't find any positive in lying to a group of people that are working so hard to improve themselves. On that note, I have decided to crawl out of my own slump and kick my own @$$!!! :noway:

We are ten weeks into this challenge (almost half-way over!) and there are some people that are just blowing me away with their results!!! Take a look at those numbers people!!! If you are in a rut and think it's not possible, here is documented proof that it definitely is!!! Hard work, dedication, and NO EXCUSES!!!! :huh:

LUVMYJP.... WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?!?!? :bigsmile: 11.59% total loss in just NINE WEEKS!!! Now THAT is something amazing! Congratulations, on so many levels! :flowerforyou: You are just 3 pounds away from your Christmas goal!

And there are a few others that are pretty close to their goal too! And others that have recorded wonderful losses! You are all incredible! And really... My inspiration :blushing:

Now onto the challenges:

Now, I didn't see too many people getting into the planks. That's unfortunate because those are full body holds that really have an effect. For those that did push themselves, I'm sure you're feeling it!!! :sick: And remember, these challenges don't have to end just because the week is over. Didn't get your full 25 minutes in yet? Keep going until you do!

Now, let's have a little fun! LET'S DANCE!!!
Ok, ok. I'm sure you know that a night of dancing can leave you sweaty and sore so it MUST be good exercise. But did you know that dancing has more benefits than just what it can do for your legs...

Dancing can be magical and transforming. It can breathe new life into a tired soul; make a spirit soar; unleash locked-away creativity; unite generations and cultures; inspire new romances or rekindle old ones; trigger long-forgotten memories; and turn sadness into joy, if only during the dance. On a more physical level, dancing can give you a great mind-body workout. Researchers are learning that regular physical activity in general can help keep your body, including your brain, healthy as you age. Exercise increases the level of brain chemicals that encourage nerve cells to grow. And dancing that requires you to remember dance steps and sequences boosts brain power by improving memory skills.

Who knew?!? So your challenge this week is to DANCE YOUR @$$ OFF!!! I want an hour of your time in the next 7 days! Put on some music and GET MOVING! Get that heart rate up and really put some effort into it. Try to do a solid ten minutes at a clip so that you are getting the most out of it.

I recently started a weekly tradition in my house. Every Thursday evening, my three year-old and I have a DANCE PARTY! We use the On-Demand feature on the TV and she picks whatever songs she wants and we dance around like maniacs! It doesn't matter who's around you, stop caring what other people think and just do it for YOU!

I know you've hear the saying,
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”

So THIS is also your personal challenge for the week. This challenge is not just for your body, but also for your soul!
Take a moment and check out the Fred Astaire Dance Studio's 10 Benefits of Dancing and see why...

Sorry for such a long post, but it feels more than overdue :happy: I am happy to be back in the game and thrilled that you have all come along for the journey! :drinker: NOW GET DANCING!!!


  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :heart: :heart: Glad your back in the game Jenn ~ your daughter is lucky to have such a fun Mom!!!! Great Job:flowerforyou:

    I am glad you are getting on the train to skinny town! Its a wild ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am finally joining the NSV gang! I got 2 compliments today one from a co worker and another for a lady at running class again!!!! They said I look like I have lost weight and asked how! I said I couldn't do it with out MFP and all my friends!

    Thanks for the support! You all inspire me!
  • leslyta
    wow!! I'm not gonna lie i've been a little lazy lately.. realizing that I dont have a lot to go left till xmas and someone is almost there?? it just makes me wanna get off my butt and work out more..!! I have to actually do it, not just say it and I will!! Lets get moving dolls!!
  • athederan
    athederan Posts: 61 Member
    CW: 222

    Bust 41.5
    Waist 38
    Hips 45
    Arms 15
    Thighs 28

    Sorry for it being late and not making the chart. I need to get focused so I can reach my mini goal by my birthday. I have 17 pounds to go which doesn't seem possible but if I can get close I'll still be happy. I need to be dedicated for this next month and maybe the dedication will form a habit and things will get easier for me. Sorry I didn't post any recipes as well. I don't really know any so I'm excited to try out all of the ones that were posted. Thanks for everything Jen!!!

    Question- How much money are we supposed to have saved up by now? I lost track :/
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Glad you are back and motivated! I am back on the wagon too, hopefully the next few weeks will show losses for both of us:)
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    Ooh i love to dance! Glad your back on track Jenn. Just remember, we are all here to support each other and we are here for you X :flowerforyou:
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    Now this is a challenge I will be happy to meet! Dancing is my favorite exercise! I'm sure it is tons of fun with a 3 year old! :)

    And I'll keep going with those planks until I hit the 25 minutes.

    Thanks! Have a great week, everyone!
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    Ok so I missed weigh in this week because things have been getting kind of crazy...but I've been getting back to the gym and am looking forward to weighing in on Friday!
    As for the dancing challenge, I love it! One of my favorite ways to exercise is to pop Just Dance 2 in my Wii and just have fun!
  • luvmyjp
    LUVMYJP.... WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?!?!? 11.59% total loss in just NINE WEEKS!!! Now THAT is something amazing! Congratulations, on so many levels! You are just 3 pounds away from your Christmas goal!

    For a little while I was having a hard time eatting at all because of all the stressors in my life...i am back to eatting regularly and what works for me is cutting out carbs. OF COURSE you need SOME carbs but after meeting with my trainer I learned that 10%of weightloss of Cardio 40% is diet and 50% is strength training (PLANKS ARE PERFECT) I try to make EVERYTHING i do exercise in someway....I go up and down on tippie toes when doing dishes, I do leg lifts and jackknifes in bed watching tv, I dance EVERYTIME I cook and I set aside 30 min of actually working out EVERYDAY!! I also found foods that I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I can handle eatting everyday! My diet is simple

    3/4 c Dannon light and fit yogurt with 1 tbs bear naked granola
    1 Smart Delicious smart wrap (whole wheat) filled with ground beef, lettuce, green onion, pepperjack (or low fat chedder) cheese, salsa and fat free sour cream
    Lettuce, celery, cucumber, green onions, cheese and salsa salad, topped with ground beef or ground chicken and I sprinkle taco seasoning on instead on pouring a whole package when its cooked to reduce sodium. For dressing I use fat free catalina...its an AWESOMELY SWEET tasting taco salad!! SOMETIMES I will have broiled asparagus marinited in fresh diced garlic and balsamic vinager and broiled salmon topped with spray butter, garlic and a pinch of adobo seasoning. I also have have 1/4 c low sodium low fat cottage cheese with every dinner.
    Special K crackers (1/2 serving) Frozen strawberries thawed out and mashed mixed with low sodium reduced fat peanutbutter softened I dip the crackers in it....
    Pickles, cheese, celery, pickled eggs (I HATE PLAIN BOILED EGGS)
    Once a week I make a BIG pot of soup with chicken and whatever veggies I have that are starting to turn, salsa, low sodium bullion, kidney beans and seasoning....this i will eat as a snack through out the week too.
    NOTE: NO POTATOES, PASTA, RICE or REG BREAD and hardly ANY processed foods! I LOVE CARBS just like everyone else but I LOVE feeling better about myself more!! ALSO if you look at the back of weight watchers type foods the carbs are INSANELY HIGH!! You look at it and it says 35% daily allowance but you need to remember that on a 2000-2200 cal diet...which we are NOT!!!!!!! I know ill be able to eat those carbs when I get HEALTHIER, just not today!!
  • shaverkl191
    Just got back from holidays and was surprised to find that I had a bit of a loss in weight! Totally wasn't expecting it but I'm super happy about it. Having a rough time getting back into the swing of things this week, but it helps that my sister is home and encourages me to run with her every night after work. Looking forward to the dancing challenge, I have two left feet but that won't stop me lol!!
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
    :smile: Ok I've gotten into the slump... The last few weeks I know it what I have been eating (a lot of eating out). This week my NSV is to only have 1 meal out (weekly date night with the boyfriend). The hard part is getting exercise in. I know everyone says their busy but dang here is a break down of 1 day for me:

    6:30AM: Wake up and get ready for the day
    7:30AM: Arrive to work
    4:00PM: Leave for my internship/class
    9:30PM: Leave internship to go home
    10:15PM: Arrive home
    10:30PM: Spend time with boyfriend
    11:00PM Bed

    This is my schedule 5 days a week!!!! Uggg, I just keep thinking 7 more months and I'll be done with my schooling :smile:

    When do I fit in exercise??? I try to walk on my lunch break at work but that really is only successful approx. 2 days a week due to my work schedule or weather. I need to really take advantage of the weekends but I also want to spread my exercise out throughout the week.

    Any suggestions please!!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :smile: Ok I've gotten into the slump... The last few weeks I know it what I have been eating (a lot of eating out). This week my NSV is to only have 1 meal out (weekly date night with the boyfriend). The hard part is getting exercise in. I know everyone says their busy but dang here is a break down of 1 day for me:

    6:30AM: Wake up and get ready for the day
    7:30AM: Arrive to work
    4:00PM: Leave for my internship/class
    9:30PM: Leave internship to go home
    10:15PM: Arrive home
    10:30PM: Spend time with boyfriend
    11:00PM Bed

    This is my schedule 5 days a week!!!! Uggg, I just keep thinking 7 more months and I'll be done with my schooling :smile:

    When do I fit in exercise??? I try to walk on my lunch break at work but that really is only successful approx. 2 days a week due to my work schedule or weather. I need to really take advantage of the weekends but I also want to spread my exercise out throughout the week.

    Any suggestions please!!!!!

    WOW that is a challenge!!! I think you have to commit to a good work out Sat & Sun! Then for sure work in the walk at lunch. I know how hard it will be you are tired!!! But maybe get up at 6:00 do a 30 mins DVD, you can really get a good work out with some of those in just 20-30 mins! I have a Biggest Loser DVD, that I can pick and choose my own work out in 10-15 min time slots so I can make it as long or short as I want. Good Luck and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi There - Good job moving forward everyone! I am stressing out - I have to work with a big wig from Nestle tomorrow and another one on Thursday!!! I don't have alot set up for them and have to focus on that today. I made it to running class last night and was under my calories by the end of the night. But I did get up during the night and eat some choc chip cookie dough (a sample from work!!!) and a piece of cheese. I knew I was doing it and I am OK with it.

    I always have to look at the bright side...I only have to work with tomorrow's guy in the AM since I have to get him to the airport!!! Wish me luck I get some good appts set up! Gotta wash the car tonight.

    Have a Good Day
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    Well, I kinda fell off the grid for a couple of weeks, but I have a new pair of jeans sitting in my closet just WAITING for me to be able to fit in them. I tried them on after I purchased them and they are snug. Not just a little, A LOT snug. So, it is my newest motivation is to be able to fit in these jeans as soon as possible! So, by the middle of October, I want to be able to fit in these jeans!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    :smile: Ok I've gotten into the slump... The last few weeks I know it what I have been eating (a lot of eating out). This week my NSV is to only have 1 meal out (weekly date night with the boyfriend). The hard part is getting exercise in. I know everyone says their busy but dang here is a break down of 1 day for me:

    6:30AM: Wake up and get ready for the day
    7:30AM: Arrive to work
    4:00PM: Leave for my internship/class
    9:30PM: Leave internship to go home
    10:15PM: Arrive home
    10:30PM: Spend time with boyfriend
    11:00PM Bed

    This is my schedule 5 days a week!!!! Uggg, I just keep thinking 7 more months and I'll be done with my schooling :smile:

    When do I fit in exercise??? I try to walk on my lunch break at work but that really is only successful approx. 2 days a week due to my work schedule or weather. I need to really take advantage of the weekends but I also want to spread my exercise out throughout the week.

    Any suggestions please!!!!!

    I totally get where you're coming from. I have 3 very active boys, ages 16 (soon to be 17 and a junior in HS), 12 (7th grader), and 8 (3rd grader). I'm up at 5:30 and back in bed between 10 and 11. I HATE working out in the morning, but I do it anyway. I get up between 5:30 and 5:45 every morning, put on my clothes, and I work out at home in our family room downstairs. Just me and my wii zumba or 30 DS DVD with Jillian or Biggest Loser on xbox kinect. This morning, I did both zumba and 30 DS. I started working out in the mornings when this challenge started, and honestly, if I didn't do it every day, I would miss it. I even work out on Saturday mornings now.

    You can do this. Give yourself that 30 minutes from 6 to 6:30 every morning, and I promise, after about a month of being focused and doing this, you will feel better. It will change you and you will go from not feeling like working out to feeling like you're missing something in your life if you don't. Let that be your challenge for the next month and see how it goes.

    Take care and good luck!!
    Christine :flowerforyou:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hey all,

    Just checking in with all of you. I spent the night in the hospital and am checking out now. I have grad classes pretty much from 1:45 - 6, and then I can finally go home and rest for a bit before getting up at my usual 5:15am tomorrow to get back into the swing of things.

    Hope all is well... I'll catch up on the posts later :heart:
  • Butterbuns30
    Butterbuns30 Posts: 31 Member
    CW = 242
    Neck =15.5
    Bust = 41
    Arms = 39
    Waist = 40
    Hips = 53
    Thigh = 30.5
  • gennybunny1
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I did more than my quota of planks last week I promise! Doing 30 day shred, so counted about 4 minutes worth each day from level 3 and topped up with 2 minutes on their own each day.

    I'm always doing dancing with my children, probably on a daily basis - they insist on it - I always end up dancing to Aqua's barbie girl!

    Going well this week too - plenty of calories being burnt!

  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    I did more than my quota of planks last week I promise! Doing 30 day shred, so counted about 4 minutes worth each day from level 3 and topped up with 2 minutes on their own each day.

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!