Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Nifty Novemeber!!!



  • deejoan
    deejoan Posts: 52 Member
    Here I am , trying again. I just seemed to lose it in August. Got below 95 kilos and then stopped everything.cos now I’m somewhere between 98 and 100 kilos.. I really want to get below 95 before Christmas. I need to log all my food , weigh daily , post here at least twice a week. I need to make healthy choices, eat good food, cut out the crap. I’m trying to swim at least 3 times a week, gym twice, walk daily.
    Ive had some bad things happen lately, but I cant let that derail me. Obesity does not help!

    Hi, Logging all my food really has been the only thing that is working for me. The days I log I am more mindful and that really helps rather than just guessing on the days that I do not log. I am not saying I don't stall losing weight at times, but for the last 6 months I have done better by logging and weighing myself daily. Good Luck!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    Good morning!!!!

    Today is my Friday as I took a vacation day for tomorrow. Our friend from home (Maryland) is coming to visit us for the weekend (in South Carolina). He's driving down right now and we're hoping to see him in another 9 to 10 hours. Woot!!!! I'm so crazy excited for us to see our friend. My daughter even asked him on a previous visit if he could be her honorary uncle. My husband, who is an extreme introvert and doesn't spend time with many people, is happy to be off work today when this friend arrives. This is literally one of our favorite people in the world. When I get quiet all weekend, it's because I'm neck deep in laughs, catching up, board games, and having a blast with our friend.

    I have all my labs on Monday and then see my doctor the following week. It's going to be bad. I know I've gone backwards. Not just with weight loss, but also with my blood sugars. Since I'm diet and exercise controlled only for my type 2 diabetes, this is going to cause a "conversation". Last time my A1C was all the way to 5.4. I mean, that's about as normal as physically possible. Now it's probably all the way back at 6.5 or higher. I just messed everything up the past couple months. Emergencies, vacations, stress... it all came together and I just ate all those feelings. Ugh!

    @kristinwoods919 I sent a friend request. I’m in the same boat. I got almost to my goal weight and then put 27 lbs back on. All within this year. We can do this together.

    @sandramarshall200 You aren’t alone. I also seemed to lose the plot and went backwards this year.

    @kathyandreasen67 Welcome!!!! It sounds like you have good goals. I hope you give yourself some leniency for Thanksgiving though.

    @justanotherjen13 Congrats on hitting 220!!!! It sounds like you have a plan to fit in your pizza. I hope it’s absolutely delicious.

    @jessadipoe Welcome! If you are concerned about the emotional toll of using a scale, maybe wait on that and considering using a tape measure instead. First, even when your weight doesn’t move, sometimes your measurements will. Especially if you’ve been exercising. Just as someone can be 150 lbs and super small but muscled… or…. They can be 150 lbs and have a little jiggle. Granted, I’ve backtracked and know I have plenty to lose but I have found that sometimes when the scale seems daunting that the tape measure changing makes me good, just like a smaller pair of jeans suddenly fitting unexpectedly.

    @kufanmary Welcome!!! Congrats on your previous weight loss! I’m so sorry to hear you were injured.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    @pamperedlinny Oh, the pizza absolutely was delicious. It didn't look super appetizing because I used fat free cheese and it doesn't melt well, but it tasted just fine to me (I'm not super picky about pizza). I had 3 slices last night and it was probably way too much. I should have stopped at least partway through the third slice because I was stuffed, but I just love it so much, I kept eating. I was still down .4 this morning so it all worked. And I had once slice for breakfast this morning because what's the point of all that work if I can't have a cold slice in the morning with my coffee?
  • kufanmary
    kufanmary Posts: 7 Member
    I have lost 117 pounds since August 3,2022 lol sorry it does look like I lost all that weight since Aug 22nd some times my brain goes faster than my fingers lol
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 132 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello everyone! I rejoined MFP on Nov 1 and have been tracking since then. My starting weight was 263 lbs and since I'm 5'8" that means I have exactly 100 lbs to lose for a healthy BMI. I'm very sedentary and starting at 1500 cals, eating around 1400-1500 per day depending on how I'm feeling.

    I'm doing diet only changes for now because my joints have gotten weak and I have a bad knee from taking a bad fall on ice several years ago. Once I lose a bit of weight and lessen the strain on my joints and knee I'm hoping to slowly add exercise back into my routine. Also I became very sedentary during Covid and struggled to break out of that because both my dad and grandma died over the past two years and I've been depressed and grieving. I'm glad to finally have the energy for making healthy changes.

    38 years old
    SW: 263 lbs
    CW: 259 lbs

    1st goal: 199 lbs
    2nd goal: 163 lbs
    Final goal: 140 lbs
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all! 49 year old cranky perimenopausal woman back in the wagon. I've yo-yoed for years but as I stare down turning 50 in June (I still feel like I'm 30 and it's very disconcerting..haha), I know I need to fix it.

    My coworkers and I are doing a 10 week weight loss challenge, ending 1/8/2024. Just started it on Monday and so far so good. I just finished my first 16/8 fast, drinking my water and eating well. My ultimate goal is to get to 130-140lbs, so 74-84lbs weight loss.

    I'm 5'3" for reference.

    SW (11/6/2023): 214
    CW (11/9/2023 unofficial since we're all weighing in on Mondays): 212

    By 1/8/2024: 190 (too aggressive of a goal or not aggressive enough?)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    @pamperedlinny Oh, the pizza absolutely was delicious. It didn't look super appetizing because I used fat free cheese and it doesn't melt well, but it tasted just fine to me (I'm not super picky about pizza). I had 3 slices last night and it was probably way too much. I should have stopped at least partway through the third slice because I was stuffed, but I just love it so much, I kept eating. I was still down .4 this morning so it all worked. And I had once slice for breakfast this morning because what's the point of all that work if I can't have a cold slice in the morning with my coffee?

    Why is it that cold pizza is always so good the next morning? :D
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for the advice and sympathy. I hope I’m on it now. I agree that tracking helps.. I made a squash and winter herbs pie today. It took so long, but it was lovely. Quite high in calories but I allowed for it. The recipe called for 3 heads of garlic, but I did 2 because peeling garlic takes forever. I am fairly sure we won’t be troubled by vampires in the foreseeable future!
  • deejoan
    deejoan Posts: 52 Member
    kufanmary wrote: »
    I have lost 117 pounds since August 3,2022 lol sorry it does look like I lost all that weight since Aug 22nd some times my brain goes faster than my fingers lol

    That is a lot of weight to lose in 14 months. Congratulation!!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    November 7- 227.4
    Novemver 10- 223.4

    short term goal 217
    by january 207
    overall goal 165
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    We did our weigh-in at work for the 10 week weight loss challenge and I was the biggest loser this week!!! I'm down 5 pounds! I know that most of that is water weight but it's still motivating. :smiley:

    SW (11/6/2023): 214
    CW (11/9/2023 unofficial since we're all weighing in on Mondays): 212
    11/13/2023: 209
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 132 Member
    We did our weigh-in at work for the 10 week weight loss challenge and I was the biggest loser this week!!! I'm down 5 pounds! I know that most of that is water weight but it's still motivating. :smiley:

    SW (11/6/2023): 214
    CW (11/9/2023 unofficial since we're all weighing in on Mondays): 212
    11/13/2023: 209

    That's amazing!! You should be proud! ☀️
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    Good morning all!!!!

    My friend came from Thursday thru Sunday. We ate all the things.... breakfast at a mom & pop place, Indian food, pizza, over the top ice cream sundaes, Mexican food, we hit up the Mexican bakery too, chips, dip, candy.... However, during his visit he also mentioned that he had joined the YMCA back home and had been going more often. So I asked him to try out it's usage nationwide and go try a new exercise class with me at 8am on Saturday morning. We tried TRX and we survived. :D I did ask him if he was still my friend afterwards though. It was killer.

    Also, I tried out the Barre class at the YMCA last night. I can say that I probably won't be back. It was hard and I actually didn't hate it. However, I have a bad hip from a car accident about 20 years ago that just wasn't cooperating. I actually stopped doing a few of the things, even modified it was too much, because I could feel the joint wanting to slip. It's been known to pop out of joint and me be unable to walk well for a week or two at a time. Just not worth it for an exercise class. I do believe I'll go back to TRX though. Then again, my friend at the class was laughing that my red sweatband and my red shirt were the same exact color as my red face when I was trying to do certain things.

    In other good news, I went for my 6 month labwork and my A1C was 5.8. Since I'm diet and exercise only controlled type 2 diabetic, this is fabulous. I really thought I had slipped so much in recent months that it would be crazy high and we'd have to have the talk about possible medications. But it's below 6 so I'm in the clear!!! Other than my weight being up, all tests and results look good. I guess I'm not as bad off as I thought. Just need to re-lose this 30 lbs I found again this year.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * walk at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk (15 minutes bike; 30 minutes treadmill, and arm exercises)
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make good food choices (going to be hard with the holidays coming up)

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    November SW: 226.6
    CW: 219.4 (11/15)
    GW (short term): 220 200
    GW (long term): 165

    11/15 update: Hit a bit of a snag. Not sure what happened but I had dropped all the way down to 217.8 and then had the last two slices of my pizza plus lunch and a big dinner so I was up to 218.8 the next day and then the next day I was 220.2. Really confused because I don't think I was eating much different and still doing my daily exercise. So... who knows. I was back down to 219.4 this morning but it sucks because I should have been down even farther but it's not the end of the world. I'm supposed to start a new job this week, but they're having computer issues and it won't make my employee file. The hiring manager is frustrated because my job and the one other person the computer is having trouble with are the two jobs she desperately needs to fill. I was supposed to start training on Tuesday but now maybe Friday or Saturday. Does give me more time to find some pants that fit and some shoes. No idea how I'm going to manage a job and everything else. I've been a SAHM for almost 24 years. Being on my feet for just 2 hours causes horribly feet, hip and back pain. Even when I worked before, I was always in pain and I was only 190lbs back then (I have 30lbs to go before I'm that size). I'm hoping I can keep up the weight loss while working, but I'm afraid the stress will get to me and I'll start snacking again to relieve it.
  • laurengguerr12
    laurengguerr12 Posts: 1 Member
    🦫 November Goals! Glad I found this group 💁🏻‍♀️

    🍁SW: 219 (September-ish 2023)
    🍁LW: 207 (end of Oct and beginning of November)
    🍁CW: 211.8 (Nov. 15 2023)

    🍂I fell off the wagon after not logging my food and just eating whatever I wanted. This is a mental game for me when it comes to food and just being more cognizant.

    🍁1 goal: Log my food for the rest of November - January 1st
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    Today wasn’t a good weigh in. But I figured all last week was water weight. I have walked almost everyday.
    November 7- 227.4
    Novemver 10- 223.4
    November 17- 224.4
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 137 Member
    edited November 2023
    This is Hope.

    In December, want to lose 10 more pounds in 2023. I can’t believe how fast this year went! I need to exercise 5 times a week and do that consistently. I see my nephrologist for my kidney disease this week. I am joining Weight Watchers this week also. Double whammy!

    I’ve lost over 85 lbs. then regained some. I want to get to 190 lbs. ASAP. My highest weight was 290 lbs. in June 23. I want to be at my goal weight by the end of July 24.

    Let me know how you are strategically planning for Thanksgiving? How are you setting up your success?

    I have already planned out my meal. I need to exercise in the morning. It is all about moderation and portion control. I will enjoy people and the conversation, more than the food. Yes, the dogs will get a little turkey. Lol

    This month has been more of a struggle. I am giving up pop. So I ate other things that had sugar. I want to follow the 20/80 rule. I have a hard time with true moderation, since I am a binge eater. I want to get through these holidays and lose more weight. I see a nutritionist every 2 weeks. I am going to learn what moderation truly is...finally.

    I am blessed and grateful for all of you lovely ladies. I'm looking forward to posting more. I had a hard time of finding this thread again, lol.

    Rock this week ladies. I will post on 11/25. I am going out of town to see my best friend and her family with lots of fur babies. I can't wait. Take good care of yourselves!

  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 132 Member
    @kiteflyer105 I wasn't planning to track on Thanksgiving but since we'll be eating on the leftovers for a while I needed to input the recipes. Aside from the dessert, it actually doesn't seem too bad!

    I decided to try a few new recipes this year, one being a combo mashed cauliflower and mashed potatoes with parmesan cheese. It's a bit lower cal than regular mashed potatoes but I think it's gonna be really good. I'm also making sauteed green beans with slivered almonds instead of green bean casserole, which I never liked much anyway. Also doing some roasted brussels sprouts and only a turkey breast this year since it's just me and my husband. The turkey and sides aren't bad at all but for dessert I'm making a pumpkin mousse with mascarpone cheese and heavy cream and that is definitely not low cal 😂
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    @kiteflyer105 I don't really plan to do any tracking for Thanksgiving. I plan to enjoy that one day and then go back to what I normally do the following day.

    I go to see my doctor this afternoon. I know my weight is up but my A1C was decent last week when I had the labs run. So I hope it goes fairly smoothly. I'm in charge of the sweet potatoes, honey garlic butter carrots, and mixed vegetables for Thanksgiving. At least I know there will be some healthier options at dinner, but I still plant to have plenty of the other stuff too.
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    Working from home today. Not one of my normal days but Thanksgiving is throwing off my schedule. I'm a little stressed out because it's our weigh in for our work 10 week challenge and I'm missing it. My scale here at home isn't synced up to the one at work so I have no real clue what I may have lost this week.

    And I'm tired and hungry and still have another 2 and a 1/2 hours to go on my 16:8 fast. And apparently I'm very whiny today. ;)