Cranberries and traditional Thanksgiving.

Although we are neither diabetic nor pre diabetic, we’ve watched our added sugar. I really like cranberries. This year as an experiment this year I strew raw cranberries in my dressing, mirepoix and a steamed green bean salad. It worked. The other food present dampens the sourness of the cranberry. We can eat our favorites without a calorie disaster.
My other idea, still in planning stage, is to lacto ferment cranberries in a kombucha.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I watch added sugar too. With baked goods desserts, I can usually reduce the sugar by 1/3 - 1/2. For the Joy of Cooking's fresh cranberry orange relish, I reduce the sugar by half and have small amounts.

    This made me think of when I used to cook for my neighbor and his daughters...if I didn't keep an eye on the youngest one, she'd eat half a can of cranberry sauce with dinner :lol:

    I'd put cranberries in savory dishes too, but my partner doesn't like tart, so that's a non-starter.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,047 Member
    Love cranberries in salad. Love green beans. Green beans and cranberries sounds great!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,645 Member
    Your salad sound excellent: Good idea!

    MFP boosted a recipe a while back for a salad of cooked frozen edamame (just the beans, not the pods), feta cheese, and dried cranberries. The dried berries are a little sweetened, so maybe that's too much sugar in your view. It was tasty, had some protein, and I found it reasonably calorie efficient for as filling as it was. Maybe that's not your thing, though, because of the sugar.

    (I neither eat much added sugar, nor worry about how much sugar I do eat.)
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,215 Member
    One of my absolute favorite salads is arugula, roasted beets, toasted walnuts, chèvre, dried cranberries, and balsamic vinaigrette.
  • VegjoyP
    VegjoyP Posts: 2,731 Member
    I made my own cranberry sauce with raw cranberries and monk fruit. Turned out surprisingly good