Ozempic Users?



  • dontlikepeople
    dontlikepeople Posts: 142 Member
    So, first off, thank you to everyone who has contributed to this post in a productive manner. It's been difficult finding anecdotal reviews of semaglutide/GLP-1, what to expect, how it's going for people etc.

    I am starting my fourth week tomorrow and still on a very low does of 0.125, it took a couple of weeks before it started "working". I don't want to call it a miracle drug, but what it has been doing for me has been a miracle. I definitely have a lifelong problem with binge eating, and the ozempic has pretty much destroyed the urge to binge.

    Kind of echoing what people say, not only am I in general less hungry, but if I ever do over eat, or eat too quickly, I am rapidly "punished", and I am punished in a way that I will be completely devoid of appetite for a full day after. If anything my calories might be too low right now. But if you eat correctly, and slowly, it seems to be okay.

    I'm enjoying it so far. I'm not even sure I need to titrate up, but apparently that's the thing everyone does. I will talk to my dr about it.

    There are some minor side effects I don't like. I don't drink as much water, I don't seem to be pooping as regular as I used to. but the sides so far have been pretty mild. I've lost a good 5-6lbs in the past 3 weeks after not losing anything for a month, so I'm pretty hapy with that aspect.

    I don't want to be on it "forever", but we'll see what happens. I don't want my old appetite back at all.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Out of personal curiosity I would love to find out why the protocol (based on what people are saying) seems to be that they will keep increasing the dosage "on schedule" even if it appears to (still) be achieving the desired effect at a lower dosage.
  • dontlikepeople
    dontlikepeople Posts: 142 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Out of personal curiosity I would love to find out why the protocol (based on what people are saying) seems to be that they will keep increasing the dosage "on schedule" even if it appears to (still) be achieving the desired effect at a lower dosage.

    I literally just asked my doctor this exact question, and it's because statistics show that it is less effective long term at the lower doses.

    I do not know if that means it loses efficacy, or if your body adapts to the new reality. But apparently the statistically signficant weight loss in studies only happened at the higher dose.
  • Sneakyone73
    Sneakyone73 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been Ozempic for 2 months now and lost 9.6 kg . I have conditions that make it impossible to lose weight as well as insulin resistance and being prediabetic, this injection has changed my life

    I am still on the .50 dose and have been advised to stay on that by my doctor till the shortage ends
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    I don't view the drug as a 'cheat' like some folks do.
    Good, me neither. Addressing diabetes and obesity with the help of your doctor sounds like smart healthcare, and not a game where people can "cheat."
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    Tirzepatide (mounjaro) vs Semaglutides (Ozempic) just went head to head in a big study.


    The results? The both work amazingly well. All skeptical scientist worth their salt in the field of chronic obesity, should be pursuing end cases and exceptions for this treatment to help guide its use. The firehose of anecdotes and research point to this as the discovery of a real breakthrough.

    It still might all come crashing down, but it is not possible to deny our current results.
  • jesjesmarie
    jesjesmarie Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve been on semaglutide, for about 2 months and have lost almost 30 lbs so far. I’m still on the .5 dose and happy with results so far, I have no side effects!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    I'm happy your doctor and you found treatments that are keeping you healthy
    Iva_Gayle wrote: »
    I gained 2lbs a month no matter what I ate

    I kept logs of all my foods and water.

    Some MFPers obsessively focus on these statements like yours and disregard everything that you wrote.

    I came up with a saying: CI∞CO.

    Calories In, an infinite number of other variables, Calories out.

    You and your doctor seem to have done a good job of addressing some of those important variables. Be well.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited January 13
    CI∞CO <3
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm an currently enrolled in a physician monitored weight loss program that does utilize medications. I am currently up to the 1.0mg dose of semaglutide, along with an evening does of metformin (not diabetic, but am insulin resistant and over 300lbs). I have long suffered with binge eating and food addiction disorders and i have found this program to be game changer. I am about 9 weeks in and am 14 pounds down, it's a slow and steady loss, but I have also changed my diet and am working on new habits and lifestyle changes to help me to continue to have success long term, with the guidance of a team and an accountability to be weighed in each week.
    The medication has helped reduce the "food noise" in my head, and has truly helped me to not think about food the way I used to through the day. I've been able to learn more about batch meal prepping, and have transitioned to a higher protein, lower fat diet. I've also increased the amount I'm walking everyday, shooting for around 8000-10000 steps per day (where I was averaging around 3500 at the start of this journey).
    For anyone who thinks these drugs are a "cheat" a "quick fix" or anything other than a tool to be incorporated with lifestyle changes, you are incorrect. There is no such thing as a quick fix, my process and progress have not been quick....but I needed help and this is the first time I've consistently stuck with something for this long, and as long as I continue to see results, and learn more about how my body reacts to the foods I'm giving it, I will be positive about this experience.
    My struggles with it....some mild symptoms, like constipation and a full feeling along with some very mild nausea in the first few weeks of the injections; learning how to transition to better food choices and getting my water intake up (not all of those are related to the medication...but the other struggles are still very real for me too)
    I wish everyone the best who is trying this method, and I hope we can all reach our goals together!
  • Julie31171
    Julie31171 Posts: 24 Member
    akern1987 wrote: »
    I'm an currently enrolled in a physician monitored weight loss program that does utilize medications. I am currently up to the 1.0mg dose of semaglutide, along with an evening does of metformin (not diabetic, but am insulin resistant and over 300lbs). I have long suffered with binge eating and food addiction disorders and i have found this program to be game changer. I am about 9 weeks in and am 14 pounds down, it's a slow and steady loss, but I have also changed my diet and am working on new habits and lifestyle changes to help me to continue to have success long term, with the guidance of a team and an accountability to be weighed in each week.
    The medication has helped reduce the "food noise" in my head, and has truly helped me to not think about food the way I used to through the day. I've been able to learn more about batch meal prepping, and have transitioned to a higher protein, lower fat diet. I've also increased the amount I'm walking everyday, shooting for around 8000-10000 steps per day (where I was averaging around 3500 at the start of this journey).
    For anyone who thinks these drugs are a "cheat" a "quick fix" or anything other than a tool to be incorporated with lifestyle changes, you are incorrect. There is no such thing as a quick fix, my process and progress have not been quick....but I needed help and this is the first time I've consistently stuck with something for this long, and as long as I continue to see results, and learn more about how my body reacts to the foods I'm giving it, I will be positive about this experience.
    My struggles with it....some mild symptoms, like constipation and a full feeling along with some very mild nausea in the first few weeks of the injections; learning how to transition to better food choices and getting my water intake up (not all of those are related to the medication...but the other struggles are still very real for me too)
    I wish everyone the best who is trying this method, and I hope we can all reach our goals together!
    akern1987 wrote: »
    I'm an currently enrolled in a physician monitored weight loss program that does utilize medications. I am currently up to the 1.0mg dose of semaglutide, along with an evening does of metformin (not diabetic, but am insulin resistant and over 300lbs). I have long suffered with binge eating and food addiction disorders and i have found this program to be game changer. I am about 9 weeks in and am 14 pounds down, it's a slow and steady loss, but I have also changed my diet and am working on new habits and lifestyle changes to help me to continue to have success long term, with the guidance of a team and an accountability to be weighed in each week.
    The medication has helped reduce the "food noise" in my head, and has truly helped me to not think about food the way I used to through the day. I've been able to learn more about batch meal prepping, and have transitioned to a higher protein, lower fat diet. I've also increased the amount I'm walking everyday, shooting for around 8000-10000 steps per day (where I was averaging around 3500 at the start of this journey).
    For anyone who thinks these drugs are a "cheat" a "quick fix" or anything other than a tool to be incorporated with lifestyle changes, you are incorrect. There is no such thing as a quick fix, my process and progress have not been quick....but I needed help and this is the first time I've consistently stuck with something for this long, and as long as I continue to see results, and learn more about how my body reacts to the foods I'm giving it, I will be positive about this experience.
    My struggles with it....some mild symptoms, like constipation and a full feeling along with some very mild nausea in the first few weeks of the injections; learning how to transition to better food choices and getting my water intake up (not all of those are related to the medication...but the other struggles are still very real for me too)
    I wish everyone the best who is trying this method, and I hope we can all reach our goals together!

    I could have written this post.... looking for support if you are interested....I don't know how to "friend request" on MFP...
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    Julie31171 wrote: »
    ..I don't know how to "friend request" on MFP...
    It is a pretty good skill to learn for getting the most out of MFP.

    Somehow you get to the person's profile page. MFP makes it a little tricky. You might click on their name (my name @chris_in_cal ) Once there you should see a "go to the MFP profile" button. Then somehow get to their profile page.

    On their profile page, you'll see the "friend request" button. Give it a try, I look forward to getting your friend request.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,281 Member
    edited February 3

    Or note the user name you want to add as a friend, go to the main menu, click on friends and add them here:


    (This is an alternative way to do it on the iOS app)
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    CI∞CO <3

    Please log in this week and post.


    I hope you are well, I appreciate you logging in last week.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    I started 3 days ago on Saxenda. Always happy to have more support and friends as we all work to adjust our lifestyle and scale numbers.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member

    I could have written this post.... looking for support if you are interested....I don't know how to "friend request" on MFP...[/quote]

    Thanks Julie! I friended you! :D