Help, I've been up and down for the past 5 weeks

pbm89gt Posts: 42 Member
edited November 2023 in Motivation and Support
For the past five weeks I feel like a yo-yo, I'll lose then gain, lose then gain. So far I'm currently sitting at 87lbs lost and it's getting hard! My weight now is 255 and my goal weight is 200, my calories are set at 1630.
I consistently stay under or at my calories. I skip breakfast everyday and only drink coffee, no sugary snacks. I do have a few carbs here and there but I'm trying to stay mostly low carb/keto diet. I don't do much exercises other than an occasional walk at a leisurely pace.
This week I had my highest gain of 2lbs am I freaking out over nothing?! I'm scared I've come to far to start sliding
backwards and in the past this is usually how it starts. I get discouraged when I get stuck in the yo-yo effect. Other than adding more physical activity I don't think I can do much more on the diet side. I can try just eating clean and cutting out all process food I still eat fast food but mostly lettuce wrapped hamburgers or no bun and salad with grilled chicken.
Any advice or stories of how you've accomplished your weight loss and maintaining would be appreciated because I'm struggling these past few weeks. If you feel like it throw me a friend request I need all the support I can get, I have none at home unfortunately and honestly I don't have many friends to lean on with this.


  • onhaltn
    onhaltn Posts: 28 Member
    I am 124 pounds down with another 20 to go and stuck in a plateau now for about 6 weeks, so I truly feel your pain! But I agree completely with frhabert, who said it is important to keep looking at how far you've come and accept that it is fine to be losing more slowly, especially as we approach our goal weight and our bodies don't need as many calories. But FWIW, if you so inclined, you might think about adding back some breakfast (experts always seem to say it is better to eat something in the morning, though I find it hard to do sometimes), and cutting out the meats in favor of fish and poultry, which are just as filling and can be just as delicious but are not as calorie dense. And without knowing your daily exercise regimen, is it possible to add 15 minutes to it, every day? Perhaps every little bit helps?? Don't lose heart!
  • Ll0ydD0bler
    Ll0ydD0bler Posts: 17 Member
    I've found that little slip-ups have a much bigger impact now that I've lost a bunch and am more than halfway to my goal. I'm doing 1700 calories a day to lose 2 lb a week, and I find that if I just do two or three days at 2000 or 2100 calories it stalls my weight loss by up to two weeks. I assume that if you've come this far you're adjusting your calories lower every week or two? Also for me, as soon as I hit 290 lb, my time to lose 10 lb went from 5 weeks to 8 weeks because it's just slower as you get lighter.

    Truth be told you're doing great, keep at it! I get in a funk when the scale doesn't move, but it's happened to me enough times now that I just roll through it and re-apply my focus. The key is to keep using the same process that you've had success with already, you know it works! Remember also you have the rest of your life to reach the goal, it'll happen.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,705 Member
    Your body may be 'fighting' you after such a big loss at a fair pace. Losing weight is stressful for the body, it might be time for a few weeks off eating at maintenance to give your body (and mind) a break.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,480 Member
    Wow! 87 pounds! You've been doing something right!
    Anything you really want is worth fighting for.
    If it's been easy so far, lucky you. If it's been hard but it's getting harder, take a deep breath, look around at where you are, how far you've come, and hang in there.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Don't blink. Or let your old self talk you into quiting.. you're doing great. let your body coast.. it may need that and will drop weight soon. You're doing everything right.. stick with it.
  • nolongergordo
    nolongergordo Posts: 41 Member
    Have you determined the calories you need to maintain your current weight?
    Can you find a way to increase your NEAT?
    Can you do more exercise?

    I have found it helpful to establish the current state of my self and adjust the variables that are under my control to produce the needed results over a long enough time frame.

    It's not easy but it is simple.
  • mikecollins3131
    mikecollins3131 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel all of this. I’ve lost and kept off around 50 pounds over the past 18 months. I lose a little more then gain a little of it back but largely stuck within that range which makes me think my body has found a new set point. I also try to remember that during the holidays I’m going to be eating more and be gentle with myself. The mental part of getting healthier is every bit as tough as the physical. And I agree with everyone else, you’re doing great!