LESS Alcohol ~ DECEMBER 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    @globalhiker thank you for sharing such deep honesty about where you are this 2nd month of being AF.
    I think your mindfulness about what flavors you like to have, when and why will carry you far. I love my chocolate pea protein shakes, and need to make them more often. How about some sugar free mocha creamers or almond milk chocolate pudding?
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    Going to the gym this morning, and then to a holiday gathering with four girlfriends today.
    Planning for some appetizers and a little white wine and a lot of stories and smiles. Would like to come away with under 2 glasses of wine (8 oz.)

    I do love what @MissMay mentioned as well.

    “Being mindful and aware is as important as the actual act of not consuming as much”.

    I have been super aware this month that I am being triggered to have A on many days despite my well written plan. Starting tomorrow I’m committing to AF for at least 3 days in a row.

    I just read a quote from Jesse Owens…..”The struggles within yourself - the invisible, inevitable battles inside of us - that’s where it’s at.”

    Current tally:
    AF - 4
    A - 7 (LA choices)
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    @Michieb125 Jesse Owens nailed that. Profoundly true. And inevitable :D Thanks for sharing it.
    @globalhiker Thanks for sharing your thoughts, too. I agree the best part of the thread is the honesty.

    DH and I celebrate both our birthdays, xmas, NYE and our anniversary in a 3 week span that started yesterday with my birthday. It's kind of a rolling celebration for us starting now through the end of the year, and I don't feel bad about it. @MissMay is right... it's the self-awareness that changes first and makes all subsequent change possible. My plan is to stay AF weeknights at home but to toast with my friends on weeknights out through the end of the year. It does feel out of the ordinary and special, and that's nice. It feels a bit sad missing special people who have died, but it also feels right to celebrate everyone who is still kicking. With or without alcohol.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,716 Member
    Had a glass of port wine visiting my son last night. Had a long drive home so that was more than enough. Great to see him!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    @MissMay Whew - a good ending on that one and thought provoking reflection. I hope you got that task that was weighing on you completed and are walking a little lighter today.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    Hello everyone
    This is a long post so skip around. It is not earth shattering news, just my rambling

    DH and I went out for a latesh lunch and I had 2 beer's yesterday. My choice. I could have said no but the devil was on my shoulder yesterday. I was returning from my first trip to my OH rheumatologist, took xrays, bone density and many many viles of blood. I go back in January for the results. Up until now I was being treated for my arthritis by my dermatologist as it related to my psoriasis. New Dr. seems to think I have two forms osteo and psoratic arthritis (please forgive the spelling errors). I am hoping for a new treatment plan as the pain is getting severe enough in my toes that I can only walk/stand for 10 min or so before the pain has me walking with a limp and from there it goes downhill.

    But now on a questionable positive side. They made me get on the scale uggggg.....I have put my scale away for my own mental health since June. Shocker yep I gain nearly 20lb since last year. Most since living here in OH. It is getting back to my loved exercise but the pain in my foot has not helped.

    My new goal is to drop at least 5lbs somehow (without getting my scale out to monitor) before I go back in a month. Very doable....during the holiday.....sure. I love a challenge.

    So today I am prepping another loaf of sourdough bread to bake. Of course it won't get to go in the oven until sometime tomorrow. But I saw this great design of a Christmas tree I want to put on it so when it bakes the design stands out. If it works out I will post it here.

    I am going to make some bees wax wraps and gift the bread to neighbors, friends, and some family. Something I enjoy, a gift from the heart and who does not like homemade sourdough 'San Francisco' style bread?

    In the past the wine/alcohol devil was sitting on my shoulder every dangit night. Now it is the snack monster (I think it looks a great deal like the cookie monster but that is my opinion) I never thought the wine devil would leave and trade it in for this new model. Anyway I am going to haverein him in if I want to hit that 5lb goal now. I hate engaging the diet mentality back into my life. The amount of stress this gives me is huge. But I keep reminding myself I can do this for 1 month until I weigh in. Just a one time commitment then I stop the insanity again in my head.

    @globalhiker You have done so well! You have put in the work. It is paying off. How is the ice skating going? or is it too soon?

    Ok off for now

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    Started off with Zumba yesterday and have to say many other individuals were also over 60! Granted, we don’t jump and twist quite like our fabulous young instructor, but I had a big a hah moment. When I saw my older self in the mirrored room, I thought I am rocking this and so are they, lol! Several years ago I had a few back injuries that took me weeks or months to recover. So very grateful for the healing I have experienced and have full functioning.

    Thanks to this LA group, coming here has been incredibly encouraging and supportive and I have way more energy to live each day anew.

    I followed through with staying AF last night and want to keep this up.

    Current tally:
    AF - 5
    A - 8
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,584 Member
    @ahoy_m8 Happy B-day to you and DH....!

    @Michieb125 good ideas you have. What brand pea protein do you use?

    @lmlmrn, it was @dawnbgethealthy that was our Canadian ice-skater. I hope she is listening and stops by to say hello. Also hoping @Lilylady3k is doing well.

    Still going NA. Tomorrow I go to the gym and I will see myself in the mirror (the scale would make me drink) and seeing myself in the mirror along with all the superfit people in that class will be enough of a motivation for me to not drink again tomorrow. One day at a time.

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    edited December 2023
    Can’t believe we’re mid way through December!
    I sense it’s a super busy time of year and hope you all are safe and taking good care of yourselves.

    This week has been extra busy but I did hit the gym twice. I can finally stay home for two days straight with no commitments! I need to clean up from the grandkids overnight visit and baking marathon. This weekend I would like to wrap gifts and have that all done.

    Posting for accountability, current tally:
    AF - 6
    A - 9
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    @globalhiker I have been using Orgain Pea Protein (shakes and powder) since 2020. It is an acquired taste for some and I think some people find pea to be grainy. But I will blend my ice, almond milk and fruit first (bananas or berries depending if chocolate or vanilla base), then add the powder just to blend well but not overly whip.

    I also order from Just Ingredients which is a whey and pea blend. No promotion here, just very tasty and clean.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    @lmlmrn really sorry to hear about your toes/feet as that sounds so painful and probably very frustrating. Glad you are getting more answers. I don’t know your situation, but your mini goal of 5 lbs is probably doable. Instead of thinking “diet” how about just healthier alternatives so instead of less alcohol (LA) maybe less sugar (LS)? I know personally have also increased my sugar consumption since going LA. Example: I had homemade sugar cookies last night…. But NOT today!
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 686 Member
    Sunday check in: added another category so I can see effort. Really wanted a dark red wine tonight but none in the house. Maybe that’s a good sign. I settled for a glass and a half of Kendall Jackson 85 calorie wine. Here’s to more AF days this week.
    AF - 6
    A - 7
    LA - 4 (low A content wine)
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    Michieb125 wrote: »
    @lmlmrn really sorry to hear about your toes/feet as that sounds so painful and probably very frustrating. Glad you are getting more answers. I don’t know your situation, but your mini goal of 5 lbs is probably doable. Instead of thinking “diet” how about just healthier alternatives so instead of less alcohol (LA) maybe less sugar (LS)? I know personally have also increased my sugar consumption since going LA. Example: I had homemade sugar cookies last night…. But NOT today!

    Thank you for your insight, just made me tilt my head and go hmmm....that sound reasonable lol lets look at this another way. Of course I did just the opposite and ate sugar last night as well as had a glass of wine....darn the devil has ahold on me strong.

    Today is a new day!

    So I got on the scale yesterday morning. I won't get on again until next Sunday and really try to concentrate on LS instead of focusing only on LA.

    Today I am starting 2 more loaves of sourdough and sourdough rye. This is a two day process but worth it. I am gifting loaves to friends for the holiday. The bad part is when I score the design if it does not turn out that is two days I have to start again and THEN we have to eat the unperfect loaf.....darn. DH is not complaining. I think I have baked 5 loaves over the past 1.5 weeks. But the starters are bubbling so got make bread.