100 Day Challenge #17 September 23, 2023 through December 31, 2023



  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 170.4
    Challenge GW: 155

    Week 1 Loss: -2.6
    Total Loss: -2.6
    September Loss: -2.6

    Week 2 Loss: -1
    Total Loss: -3.6

    Week 3 Loss: +1.2
    Total Loss: -2.4

    Week 4 Loss: -3
    Total Loss: -5.4

    Week 5 Loss: +1.6
    Total Loss: -3.8
    October Loss: -1.2

    Week 6 Loss: -3.8
    Total Loss: -7.6 This is right where I want to be, average of 1-1.5 pounds lost per week.

    Week 7 Loss: -1
    Total Loss: -8.6

    Week 8 Loss: -1.2
    Total Loss: -9.8

    Week 9 Loss: -0.4
    Total Loss: -10.2
    November Loss: -11.4 Not as good as it looks. I started the month bloated from eating out for the previous 3 nights!

    Week 10 Loss: -4
    Total Loss: -14.2

    Week 11 Loss: 0
    Total Loss: -14.2

    Week 12 Loss: -2.4
    Total Loss: -16.6

    Week 13 Loss: -0.6
    Total Loss: -17.2

    Day 92: Sat, 12/23: 153.2
    Day 93: Sun, 12/24: 151.4
    Day 94: Mon, 12/25: 153
    Day 95: Tue, 12/26: 153.6
    Day 96: Wed, 12/27: 152.8
  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 397 Member
    Back again! I went from 79 kg to 71.5 kg in the last Challenge. Planning to get down to 67 kg (147.4lb) in the next 100 days.
    Day 01-09/23-xxxxx- 71.5 kg. Received news this morning that a family member in Ireland has had a heart attack. It was partly her fault because she heard of my weight loss success and tried to go on a crazy sort of almost religious diet with nothing but raw fruit and walking 18,000 steps a day. At 62 years old! Luckily she is recovering well, but it makes me more careful about sticking to a slow, sustainable rate. The tortoise always beats the hare.

    Day 02-09/24-xxxxx- 72 kg. Unsure of my BMI because I used to be 5' 10" (177.8 cm) but now I've lost, maybe an inch? Or Two? I'll tentatively say 175 cm. So 23.5 BMI. Pretty good, but I'd like to, ideally, 22. But will settle for 22.5.

    Day 03-09/25-xxxxx- 72 kg. Found a whole $NZ3.00 (USD1.80) out walking today. Wish it was like that everyday!

    Day 04-09/26-xxxxx- 71.5 kg. Went to an Art Exhibition opening and demolished a plate of sandwiches. I am not safe in the presence of bread.

    Day 05-09/27-xxxxx- 72.1 kg. Whatever has happened! Could it be something I ate last night?

    Day 06-09/28-xxxxx- 71.3 kg. I think the scale has a sense of humor and is playing pranks on me.

    Day 07-09/29-xxxxx- 71.9 kg

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 kg gain. Not off to the best of starts. Trying to keep the total calories in at less than 1600 regardless of amount lost through exercise.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 08-09/30-xxxxx- 72 kg. Normally I drink my coffee black, but today I had my annual treat of pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. (the smallest size)

    Day 09-10/01-xxxxx- 71.5 kg. ....number on the bathroom scale, whither will you wander? Upstairs, downstairs, in the refrigerator....

    Day 10-10/02-xxxxx- 71.7 kg.

    Day 11-10/03-xxxxx- 71.3 kg. Hopefully have recovered from the mindless snacking of the last 10 days and back to better habits ..... but now I am stress shopping online a lot .... telling myself that it is all for Christmas gifts....

    Day 12-10/04-xxxxx- 71.2 kg.

    Day 13-10/05-xxxxx- 71.2 kg. Second day in a row off eating less than I burned ..... hopefully I can go the next 5 days and see some results. Picking up the exercise to 90 mins walk a day.

    Day 14-10/06-xxxxx- 71.1 kg. Ate some cheese I hadn't planned for, walked for an extra 60 mins to burn it off. Tired but in a positive mood.

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN :minus 0.8 kg - more than anticipated - seems like I was eating a lot and not losing much, but I started Week 2 heavier than at the start of Week 1.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.4 kg. Hopefully I can lose this much every week in order to meet my goal of 67 kg.

    Day 15-10/07-xxxxx- 71 kg Ate over my limit. Start again and try for a week.

    Day 16-10/08-xxxxx- 71.3 kg. Ate under my limit, but then had a can of gin and soda....(a rare event for me)

    Day 17-10/09-xxxxx- 72 kg. Looking in my closet I found a size 4XL top I haven't worn since I was 100 kg (220 lb), back in 2021. I dropped it off at the Salvation Army after making a solemn vow never to get that heavy again.

    Day 18-10/10-xxxxx- 71 kg. Started off with avo on toast for breakfast, but later in the morning felt very unwell. Stayed in bed for the rest of the day with no food, just water/

    Day 19-10/11-xxxxx- 70.5 kg. Was able to get up and go out today. Still not much of an appetite, and coffee taste horrible, but at least I'm losing weight.

    Day 20-10/12-xxxxx- 70 kg Waist 31.5 ins, Hips 40.5 ins.- not the best way to reach the stretch goal I set at the start of the year, but I'll take it. Feeling much better today, still ate some extra protein and went easy on the fiber. At the start of the year I made myself a disincentive promise that if I didn't lose the weight I would send a $240 donation to a Politician I Very Much Hope Is Not Reelected. If I can keep at the current weight until the end of the year Mister Obnoxious will get nothing from me!

    Day 21-10/13-xxxxx- 70 kg. Exercising a little less, for maintenance, but also eating a little less - only half a lemon cupcake as a treat today, everything else was healthy. My focus now is less on continuing to lose and more on keeping the weight steady through the Holiday Season to the end of the year - which will be on us sooner than we expect! I do still have my rescued can of beer in the fridge, but will wait a few more days - alcohol once a week is enough.

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: minus 1 kg.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.5 kg - that's a little over one pound a week, just as MFP predicted.

    Day 22-10/14-xxxxx- 70.3 kg. I took some of the money I have found on the ground during my daily walks and bought a bag of colorful cotton yarn at the Sally Army. Intending to knit myself a pretty summer shawl. Then I met up with a friend for lunch and we shared a chicken salad wrap, which I thought would be healthy, but it turned out to have a bucketload of super sweet mayo.

    Day 23-10/15-xxxxx- 70.1 kg. Today was very wet so I stayed in and knitted. Changed my mind about the shawl and started to knit a lacy summer top - in size M!!! ..... well, a pretty loose size M, but M nonetheless. I did make pizza for dinner, but it had a sprouted seed base, not too much cheese and loads of veggies.

    Day 24-10/16-xxxxx- 70 kg. Started a new health goal - gradually cutting back on coffee. Hoping to have it down to one small cup a day by the end of the month, and cut it out completely in the New Year. In the past, when I was on stricter diets, I found coffee acted as an appetite suppressant. When I tried going cold turkey I started eating like crazy - after I was able to wean myself off for 18 months I was in a much better place both physically and mentally.

    Day 25-10/17-xxxxx- 69.8 kg

    Day 26-10/18-xxxxx- 69.9 kg. "Only" 4 cups of coffee today, and slightly over my calories allowed (but still in a deficit - just not a 500 cal deficit).

    Day 27-10/19-xxxxx- 70 kg. Grapes are fruit. Fruit is good, but the calories still count .... it couldn't have been the toasted cheese.....

    Day 28-10/20-xxxxx- 69.7 kg.

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: minus 0.3 kg
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: minus 1.8 kg

    Day 29-10/21-xxxxx- 69.8 kg

    Day 30-10/22-xxxxx- 69.5 kg (152.9 lbs). Another 70 days to lose the last 2.5 kg - a little under 1.5 ounces per day (I switch from kilos and grams to pounds and ounces depending on which number seems more manageable - or impressive!) Losing 35.2 lbs sounds way better than losing 16 kg.

    Day 31-10/23-xxxxx- 69 kg. Mainly healthy eating today, but was shopping for canned fish and mushrooms when I got waylaid by a chocolate bar .... need to exercise more self control with the holiday season coming up.

    Day 32-10/24-xxxxx- 69.3 kg

    Day 33-10/25-xxxxx- 69.5 kg.

    Day 34-10/26-xxxxx- 69.3 kg.

    Day 35-10/27-xxxxx- 69 kg.

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: minus 0.7 kg
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: minus 2.5 kg. Overall progress slow and steady - just over a pound a week. Just what the doctor ordered.

    Day 36-10/28-xxxxx- 68.8 kg. Down to a BMI of 22.5 or so, depending on how tall I actually am. It's harder to measure height accurately than weight. So long as I stay in the healthy range I'm not so concerned about BMI - more concerned about waist/height and waist/hip ratios which are also used for risk assessment.

    Day 37-10/29-xxxxx- 68.9 kg

    Day 38-10/30-xxxxx- 69 kg. So a slight increase, but I cheer myself on by realising I am down 31 kg (68.2 lbs) from my highest weight, about 3 years ago.

    Day 39-10/31-xxxxx- 68.8 kg. We don't really celebrate Halloween here (tho the marketers are trying hard to push it) The seasons are the wrong way round for us. Hope all my American online friends have a fun night.

    Day 40-11/01-xxxxx- 68.7 kg. Years ago I stayed for 3 months on a dairy farm. The family all drank raw milk and they were fine. The cows were free of disease. But after a few weeks of drinking it myself, I developed severe gastro-intestinal problems. Even after leaving the farm, I had diarrhea for 18 months and lost a ton of weight. It only cleared up after I cut out dairy completely. Nowadays, I can tolerate it in small amounts, but if I have more than half a cup of milk daily, after a while the gut/bowel problems come back. I rarely drink milk, but have been eating quite a bit of cheese lately, and it is definitely beginning to affect me. I need to give it up for a while, or at least cut back.

    Day 41-11/02-xxxxx- 68.6 kg. I am rapidly losing the battle to quit coffee .... but drinking it helps suppress my appetite and keeps me from snacking.

    Day 42-11/03-xxxxx- 68.5 kg.

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.5 kg
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3 kg. Yes! I can have a slice of pizza now and then and still lose weight. How awesome that at the age of 65 I am finally learning to practice moderation.

    Day 43-11/04-xxxxx- 68.6 kg.

    Day 44-11/05-xxxxx- 68.7 kg.

    Day 45-11/06-xxxxx- 68.4 kg. I hadn't thought of this previously, but a few months ago my doctor reduced one of my medications - which has increased appetite and weight gain as side effects! I did, in fact, start to eat more and gain more after I was put on it. Now I am eating less, but I'm not hungry.

    Day 46-11/07-xxxxx- 68.3 kg. Went for a walk across the campus today and saw a dollar coin (USD0.60) on the ground. But when I went to pick it up some prank playing student had glued it to the sidewalk!

    Day 47-11/08-xxxxx- 68.2 kg

    Day 48-11/09-xxxxx- Forgot to post for the first time in 225 days! (I did skip one other day but I was out of town and had no net access.)

    Day 49-11/10-xxxxx- 68.2 kg.

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: minus 0.3 kg. Now that I weigh less I need less calories to sustain me and given that my daily net limit remains at 1210, my deficit is less and the rate is slowing down. Still pretty confident of getting to 67 kg by the end of the year.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.3 kg

    Day 50-11/11-xxxxx- 68 kg! Yeah, scale, you goin' DOWN!

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 3.5 kg (7.7 lb) GONE!!!! I think I can .... I think I can ..... get to my goal in the next 50 days. 67 kg here I come - maybe even 65!

    Day 51-11/12-xxxxx- 68 kg. Waist 31 inches. Hips 40 inches.

    Day 52-11/13-xxxxx- 68.1 kg. I can fit comfortably into size 14 jeans for the first time in I don't know how many years - think that's a US size 10. But the dress size measurements vary so much between manufacturers you always have to try the durn things on anyway. Vanity sizing!

    Day 53-11/14-xxxxx- 68 kg. The students are all finished with exams and I had to be careful in my walk across campus today because there was a load of junk dumped outside all the abandoned digs. I did pick up a whole still wrapped dozen rolls of toilet paper and a couple other useful things.

    Day 54-11/15-xxxxx- 67.9 kg.

    Day 55-11/16-xxxxx- 67.8 kg. I have heard from my family member in Ireland who is recovering well from her heart attack, but she has also been diagnosed as prediabetic. I tell myself I don't eat much cake and cookies - well, I don't buy or bake them. But looking back at my food diary, the truth is whenever I'm at an event or just having coffee with a friend, if I'm offered goodies I can't say no. Also looking thru the pantry I'm shocked at the amount of sugar in cereals, baked beans, sauces, etc. I need to be much more vigilant.

    Day 56-11/17-xxxxx- 67.8 kg

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: Only 0.2 kg lost this week, but it's still a loss. We are getting close to the feasting season, and I'm already succumbing to the offered treats.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: Minus 3.7 kg.

    Day 57-11/18-xxxxx- 67.7 kg. Did Not Eat Sugar Today! Will try to avoid it for the whole of this week.

    Day 58-11/19-xxxxx- 67.7 kg. I fasted before early Mass as usual, only for 12 hours, which has never been a problem before. Father asked me to do the readings, OT, Psalm and Epistle. So 3 in a row, quite lengthy. I was part way thru when I started to feel a bit light headed, but kept going, and then the words started to blur. I just got to the end of the last reading, then blacked out. Everyone was very kind and helpful. Someone brought me some cold water and after a few sips I felt better. They wanted to call an ambulance, but I insisted it wasn't necessary and was able to walk home afterwards. I've had this problem for years. When I'm moving I'm fine, but getting up in the morning and standing for long periods always makes me dizzy. My doctor says it is low blood pressure, but doesn't want to put me on drugs. She says it isn't dangerous unless I hit my head falling.

    Day 59-11/20-xxxxx- 67.6 I didn't worry about eating under my limit today, I just ate healthy (no sugar) and drank lots of water. I'm thinking I may have been losing weight a bit too fast and that accounts for the weakness yesterday. So I will just concentrate on keeping my weight stable until New Year. If I do get down to 67 kg that's great, otherwise I'm already slap bang in the middle of the healthy BMI range. I'd like to get my waist back down to 30 inches, but I'm taking my time.

    Day 60-11/21-xxxxx- I did check with my doctor today, and she said it was likely due to dehydration. I need to be more vigilant about drinking water whenever I feel the urge for coffee, instead of opening the fridge door and grabbing whatever's there. She did weigh me, and on her scale I am 73 kg! (albeit fully clothed) I am 5.3 kg (11.66 lb) heavier than I thought I was! But still in the healthy weight range. Maybe I will drop another kilo by NYE, maybe it will have to wait till 2024.

    Day 61-11/22-xxxxx- 72.5 kg. Alleluia! Dropped a half kilo overnight! Which Saint do I thank for this miracle?! Is there a patron saint of weight loss?

    Day 62-11/23-xxxxx- 72.4 kg.

    Day 63-11/24-xxxxx-72 kg.

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: PLUS 4.2 kg!!!! Durn scale.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:plus 0.5 kg. Not so bad after all. If I can end this 100 Day Challenge at the same weight as I started, despite scale variation, I'll be happy.

    Day 64-11/25-xxxxx- 71.5 kg. Yay! back where I started.

    Day 65-11/26-xxxxx- 71.4 kg. Just 5 weeks to the end of the Challenge and the end of the year. With today's deficit, MFP tells me I will get down to 69 kg.

    Day 66-11/27-xxxxx- 71.3 kg. Today I decided to eat up what was left in the fridge and pantry (not much left from my Eat Down The Pantry Challenge). For breakfast I had butter flavor popcorn and 2 apples. Lunch I mixed a spoonful of ricotta with some milk powder, an egg and a little Italian seasoning and turned a poppy seed bagel into savory French toast - I prefer mine savory to sweet. Dinner I cooked up some potato gnocchi with the last of the frozen broccoli and a can of mushrooms, and instead of sauce I stirred in a generous amount of garlic hummus. Sounds like a weird day of eating but it was all quite tasty, and I still came in under my calorie limit. Oh and a banana for a snack. I still have plenty of rice and flour and lots of canned veges, beans and fish which will last me till next Tuesday when I get paid. I will also be able to access my Christmas Club money then and will use some of that to stock up again.

    Day 67-11/28-xxxxx- 71 kg.

    Day 68-11/29-xxxxx- 71.2 kg. I had an attack of the munchies in the wee hours ....

    Day 69-11/30-xxxxx- 71.2 kg. I can fit a Medium top comfortably.

    Day 70-12/01-xxxxx- 71 kg.

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: minus 0.5 kg.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: minus 0.5 kg. Down 8 kg since the beginning of the first Challenge. Down 14.5 kg since started tracking on MFP. Down 29 since my highest weight ever. My aim is to maintain over the holidays.

    Day 71-12/02-xxxxx- 70.8 kg.

    Day 72-12/03-xxxxx- 70 kg. Dunno how that happened but I'll take it.

    Day 73-12/04-xxxxx- 70.2 kg

    Day 74-12/05-xxxxx- DNW

    Day 75-12/06-xxxxx-DNW

    Day 76-12/07-xxxxx-DNW

    Day 77-12/08-xxxxx-70 kg. I'm thinking this may be my destination weight reached. Some family and friends have commented I am getting too thin - but they are def on the larger side themselves. If I look at old photos I can see I weighed less in the past - and was taller - and people then thought I was normal. I think with the increase in obesity people's perception of healthy weight has changed. I remember in my childhood the popular TV series Bonanza. Big Hoss was thought to be a very big man at 300 lbs - but he was also 6' 4". Everyone was very shocked when he died suddenly in his 40s. I went to a high school of 400 and only one girl was truly obese. We were sorry for her because her home life sucked and we understood why she was eating all the time (some of the boys were mean, but they didn't really know her) We were all so excited to see her at the 25 year reunion - she'd been in therapy, lost all the weight and was running marathons. By contrast virtually all the rest of us had gained weight ....

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN:Minus 0.8 kg.

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: Minus 1.5 kg.

    Day 78-12/09-xxxxx- 70.2 kg. I had a fruit mince tart at a friend's today as a starter Christmas treat. It was soooo sweet I could barely finish it! So I am thinking I might not bake or buy any goodies this year, as they tend to come in amounts for families, and I am worried if I open the packet I will down the lot and wind up throwing up - as I used to when a kid, and ds did the same. I might get some nice cheeses instead - in smaller amounts. And some fresh cherries, since they are in season here now.

    Day 79-12/10-xxxxx- 70.1 kg. Attended the Service with Nine Carols this evening and enjoyed the singing by the guest Samoan choir. There was a special collection for those islands whose livelihoods are being affected by climate change. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to choose to eat less, and be able to buy nutritious food, when so many around the world are struggling with crops failing and seas being fished dry. Please remember the poor this holiday season.

    Day 80-12/11-xxxxx- 71 kg. A few too many goodies at the potluck supper last night....
    We have two priests, who I will call Father Round and Father Lean (how disrespectful!) Both are careful to keep the regular Friday fast, but Fr Lean does more. He runs three or four times a week, only drinks wine at mass and no soft drinks, mostly water and black tea, and only eats cake and cookies at celebrations like weddings, christening, Easter Sunday etc. Fr Round jokes that he can keep the fasts, but is a little too fond of the feast days (of course I don't tease him about his weight, when my own has been an on and off problem for years). I am thinking I really need to adopt Fr Lean's rules....

    Day 81-12/12-xxxxx 70.5 kg.- Our women's group met at a local cafe for lunch. It was more expensive than expected - was it inflation or because the portions were so enormous? I had a panini with Greek veges, which was nice, but the bread was quite sweet. I thought of eating only half and taking the rest home for tomorrow, but You Clean That Plate! Think of the Starving Children in India!

    Day 82-12/13-xxxxx- 70.2 kg. Time slipping by so fast - less than 3 weeks to the end of the year. My NY resolution (starting now!) will be to keep weighing and tracking daily. I also am resolved to not buy any yarn next year and work on knitting down my stash ..... I really do have too much, and think I will have to keep resolutely working away until I pass - and maybe after! If there's no knitting in Heaven I ain't going!!!

    Day 83-12/14-xxxxx- 70 kg. Splurged on some fresh raspberries for lunch, as they were on sale. They tasted less sweet than I remember as a teen, earning money for college by fruit picking at, I think it was, 7 cents a pound plus all you could eat.....

    Day 84-12/15-xxxxx- 70 kg.

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: minus 0.2kg
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: minus 1.5 kg

    Day 85-12/16-xxxxx- 70.5 kg. Only 2 weeks to the end of the year - maybe I can drop just one more kilo?

    Day 86-12/17-xxxxx- 70.4 kg.

    Day 87-12/18-xxxxx- 70.3 kg.

    Day 88-12/19-xxxxx- 70 kg.

    Day 89-12/20-xxxxx- 70 kg. Too many goodies at the party - feeling rather sick from so much sugar. Def have to cut it out.

    Day 90-12/21-xxxxx- 70.1 kg.

    Day 91-12/22-xxxxx- 70.3 kg.

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: minus 0.2 kg.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: minus 1.2 kg.

    Day 92-12/23-xxxxx- 70 kg. DS usually prefers to do his own cooking, but this morning he asked me to make pancakes. We haven't had them for a long time. I made the batter from scratch, with no sugar since ds is diabetic, and anyway I like the plainness in contrast to my preferred topping - lemon juice and brown sugar, British style, much loved by my dad (when we were kids he would make them for us every Tuesday after dinner). It may sound weird to USians, but the sourness of the lemon with the slightly molasses like taste of the brown sugar makes a very nice combination. TBH, I find premade pancake mix with added sugar plus the maple syrup to be far too sweet. I recommend adding a pinch of salt to the home made batter to bring out the taste of the egg. Also the batter is improved if you allow it to stand for 30-60 mins before cooking. ff you can afford the extra carbs and want to make it a bit healthier, you could add a quarter cup of oats, or some yellow cornmeal (In the latter case I will put in leftover veggies to make savory pancakes)

    Day 93-12/24-xxxxx- 70.5 kg. It's already Christmas Eve here and my little piggy is well into the trough - er, I'm trying not to binge on all the goodies tonight. I've decided not to attend the Late Night Carols and Midnight Mass as I don't go out so much after dark nowadays. I'll just go to the Blessing of the Crib tomorrow.

    Day 94-12/25-xxxxx- 70.5 kg. There was temptation - a big box of Ferrero-Rocher choc hazelnut truffles on my doorstep when I got back from Christmas Morn service. Followed by Gluttony. Then the afternoon was spent in Sloth. Trying to remember who said something like "If you want to sin, sin boldly".

    Day 95-12/26-xxxxx- 70.6 kg. Good job Christmas comes but once a year - but it leaves you with enough leftovers for 12 days....

    Day 96-12/27-xxxxx- 70.7 kg. I emptied the pantry of all the unwrapped packets and boxes of cookies, cereals, bottles and jars of sauces - anything that contained sugar, and took it all to the free food community pantry. Someone else had left some of their garden produce (it is summer here) so I took a little kale, broad beans, and a couple kumara (sweet potatoes) and made a sort of paella for dinner with veggies, rice and leftover cooked ham. Yummy!

    Day 97-12/28-xxxxx-70.6 kg. Didn't go for a walk today - the first time I have missed in 270 days. Stayed home and knitted on my shawl instead - we are going to the geegees on New Year's Day, and while the weather is usually good, I sometimes need something to slip round my shoulders from a cool breeze.

    Day 98-12/29-xxxxx-

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 99-12/30-xxxxx-

    Day 100-12/31…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,616 Member
    Thank you for keeping us going @deepwoodslady !!
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2" (used to be 5'3"), 63 years old as of September 20th.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 118.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 4 out of the 6

    Week 1 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 1 actual weight - 142.0 - Started the week at 143.2

    Week 2 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 2 actual weight - 141.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - First week of eating 1/2 a banana each day

    Week 3 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 3 actual weight - 143.2 - Started the week at 141.8

    Week 4 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 4 actual weight - 142.4 - Started the week at 142.6

    WEEK 5 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 5 Actual weight: 142.2 - Started the week at 142.2

    WEEK 6 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 6 Actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - Hit the 141(.6) once during the week

    WEEK 7 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 7 Actual weight: 144.8 - Started the week at 143.0

    WEEK 8 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 8 Actual weight: 143.4 - Started the week at 143.4

    WEEK 9 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 9 Actual weight: 144.2 - started the week at 143.4. Ribs aftermath week.

    WEEK 10 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 10 Actual weight: 144.8 - started the week at 144.2

    WEEK 11 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 11 Actual weight: 145.8 - Started the week at 144.4, and during the week reached a higher weight than I have been at in 3 years

    WEEK 12 Goal: Getting back to my start weight of 143.4
    Week 12 Actual weight: 145.4 - Started the week at 146.6

    WEEK 13 Goal: Getting back to my start weight of 143.4
    Week 13 Actual weight: 144.4, started the week at 145.0

    Day 92-12/23 - 143.8 - Hmm. Well, I changed it up a little last night, had a cup of basmati rice with some chicken nuggets cut up into it. Maybe the rice cleaned me out? I was soooo tired after work last night, but stopped at Walmart since it is very close to where my second job is. I went specifically for some coffee cream so that I could have a nice morning and not have to run out to the store before having coffee. Very glad that I did that : - ) Steak and Prawns on the menu for today later. Officially on a few days off before I go to 38 days straight no days off. Going to try to rest my ankle, tidy up my house, listen to Christmas music and basically just chill. I saw my doc on Thursday, of course he wants me to lose weight to help my ankle. However, there are spurs over my plate and screws, that is leading to the internal bleeding. He has referred me to an Orthopedic surgeon, which he says is a very long wait list. I definitely could not take a couple of months off anyway at this point. I am going to get another injection of Kenalog (cortisone) next Thursday in the meantime.

    Day 93-12/24 - 144.4 - Well worth the .6 pound gain for the beautiful New York Striploin and Prawns that I had. I have officially booked off the day of my injection (Thursday) and the following night from my second job. Yeah, googled those injections, and they work better if you stay off of your feet for 24-48 hours. My second jobs doesn't involve as many "steps" on the pedometre, but is much more taxing on my body. So my 7 days a week will now not start until December 31st. Pretty happy with that. Hopefully my injection will give me some relief in order to do 34 straight instead of 38 straight. Really taking it easy today and tomorrow, just puttering around, trying not to have to put shoes/boots on too often. Green Christmas unfolding, so no temptation of cross country skiing and stuff.

    Day 94-12/25 - 145.2 - Merry Christmas everyone : - ) The weather dropped 13 degrees overnight here. No snow, but colder. Nice and sunny and blue although I have not ventured outside at this point. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful holiday time.

    Day 95-12/26 - 146.2 - I kept it reasonable, 1350 calories, some Christmas dance workouts, a nice forest walk. I did have my once per year snifter of B&B, I think that bottle has lasted me 20 years lol. Back to work today, but a fairly light week since I am taking 2 shifts off around my ankle injection, one from each job. Weather is going to be in the + in the afternoons for the next 2 weeks according to the Weather Network. Just didn't feel the same without snow. I have only had one Christmas without snow before, and that was at my parents' place in Florida. I rented "Holiday Inn" the movie, I loved it. I am going to keep wearing my Christmas earrings and stuff all of this week : - ) I have been eating "Christmas Dinners" since Thanksgiving mostly, and plan to keep that up just cooking up new veggies to add.

    Day 96-12/27 - 146.8 - climbing climbing climbing. My calories were 1123 yesterday, 200 less than the day before, and a good amount of exercise. Early dinners both days, good nights of sleep for a change. Oh well. Not going to get upset about it today. I did not get out on a trail, maybe that is it. Tomorrow morning I get my ankle injection and have taken the day off of work to give it a chance to "take". I will get lots of Fitness Marshall in beforehand since I will need to relax afterward.

    Day 97-12/28 - 146.4 - Had a nice trail walk after work, did not take an offered shift at the second job or attend the 8pm Christmas party at my first job. I have managed to book a few days off for after my injection this morning : - )
    It definitely looks like I will have gained in this 100. So be it. I won't be getting much exercise over the next few days, at least no walking or putting on shoes/boots. I can do Fitness Marshall in slippers and modify so that my ankle is not moving in any weird ways. I got up extra early to get a whole bunch of dances in before going for my injection. Kind of looking forward to not going to work for 3 days, I will putter around the house. I am going to eat what I feel like eating, within reason. I go back to work starting NYE 7 days a week until February 2nd, hopefully with an improved ankle.

    Day 98-12/29-xxxxx-

    WEEK 14 Goal: Abandoned my goal lol
    Week 14 Actual weight:

    Mini 21 day Challenge
    Legs straight up (draining) with arm weights exercises, 4-6-ish minutes.

    Round 1, June 25.23 start: 12.5" start, 11.75" end.
    Round 2: 11.75" start, 11.5" Even though my weight is higher, my batwings are getting smaller?
    I have a mole, so it is easy to measure in exactly the same place.
    Round 3: 11.5" - Wow, a whole inch off of my upper arm since beginning this!!
    Round 4: 11.0" start 11.5- So pleased!!
    Round 5: September 18 - October 08. 11.25 started with 11.0 but completely okay with that, maybe building some muscle there.
    Round 6: October 09 - 29 - 11.4 - A bit higher, but I truly feel like my arms are tightening up
    Round 7: October 30 - Nov 19 - 11.25
    Round 8: November 20 - Dec 10 - 11.25 - Glad to see this number even though I have gained quite a bit of weight recently.
    Round 9: Dec 11 - Dec 31 - same end as this 100!

    Going to keep this up. 4-5 minutes is easy to fit into a schedule. Positive new habit.

    Round 9 start measurement 11.25 upper arm (batwing)

    Day 01 - Dec 11 – 7:14 of the 3, the only exercise that I got besides all of the walking at the restaurant
    Day 02 - Dec 12 – 8:04 of the 3
    Day 03 - Dec 13 – Missed!
    Day 04 - Dec 14 – 6:29 of the 3, then stayed with legs up and did 20 butt lifts for my lower abs.
    Day 05 - Dec 15 – 7:41 of the 3 plus 20 low ab lifts with legs up. Good excuse to keep my legs up a little longer. One Fitness Marshall song is like a gazillion ab crunches from many angles + fat burning, but whatever, it doesn't hurt to do 20 reps in one position only.
    Day 06 - Dec 16 – 7:01 of the 3 plus the 20 lower ab lifts while legs are up there.
    Day 07 - Dec 17 – 7:53 of the 3 + the 20 lower ab lifts
    Day 08 - Dec 18 – Skipped. I get quite a sore shoulder from my second job. Maybe I will make it up another day.
    Day 09 - Dec 19 – 8:58 of the 3
    Day 10 - Dec 20 – 9:21 of the 3
    Day 11 - Dec 21 – 9:37 of the 3
    Day 12 - Dec 22 – 7:57 of the 3
    Day 13 - Dec 23 – Missed
    Day 14 - Dec 24 – 8:52 of the 3
    Day 15 - Dec 25 – 7:27 of the 3
    Day 16 - Dec 26 – 7:43 of the 3
    Day 17 - Dec 27 – 7:18 of the 3
    Day 18 - Dec 28 –
    Day 19 - Dec 29 –
    Day 20 - Dec 30 –
    Day 21 - Dec 31 –

    Start weight of this 100: 143.2
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member
    edited December 2023

    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ Sept 23, 2023 thru Dec 31, 2023

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 176.0 (12 lbs)
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: 188.0
    Challenge Ending Weight: xxxxx


    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0

    Thoughts at the start of this challenge:

    1. I am down 23.3 pounds from my highest ending weight during these challenges (#5)
    2. I am up 2.8 pounds from my lowest ending weight (#9)
    3. I am still down 11.8 pounds from the first challenge (#1)
    4. I am still ahead of the game and these challenges are working for me. It is up & down and slower than I would like but it’s generally working. I’ve got to continue to dedicate myself and put in the work. When I do, clearly the results are much better.

    Previous Weeks This Round

    Day 01-09/23-187.8-(Trend weight 190.6)

    Day 02-09/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 03-09/25-188.8-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 04-09/26-187.6-(Trend weight 190.1)

    Day 05-09/27-187.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 06-09/28-188.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 07-09/29-188.6-(Trend weight 189.6)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Gain (Already starting this round playing Catch-Up.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 Gain

    Day 08-09/30-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 09-10/01-187.2-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-10/02-187.0-(Trend weight 189.0)

    Day 11-10/03-186.2-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 12-10/04-186.6-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 13-10/05-185.8-(Trend weight 188.2)

    Day 14-10/06-188.0-(Trend weight 188.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 Lost and 0 Gained

    Day 15-10/07-186.8-(Trend weight 188.1)

    Day 16-10/08-186.2-(Trend weight 187.9)

    Day 17-10/09-184.8-(Trend weight 187.6)

    Day 18-10/10-183.2-(Trend weight 187.1)

    Day 19-10/11-183.0-(Trend weight 186.7)

    Day 20-10/12-185.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 21-10/13-185.4-(Trend weight 186.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.6 lbs. Lost

    Day 22-10/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 23-10/15-187.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 24-10/16-184.6-(Trend weight 186.4)

    Day 25-10/17-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 26-10/18-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 27-10/19-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 28-10/20-185.0-(Trend weight 186.2)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.0 lbs Lost

    Day 29-10/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 30-10/22-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 31-10/23-184.4-(Trend weight 186.1)

    Day 32-10/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 33-10/25-186.8-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 34-10/26-183.6-(Trend weight 185.9)

    Day 35-10/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.4 lbs Lost

    Day 36-10/28-183.4-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 37-10/29-185.6-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 38-10/30-183.0-(Trend weight 185.2)

    Day 39-10/31-181.4-(Trend weight 184.9)

    Day 40-11/01-181.2-(Trend weight 184.5)

    Day 41-11/02-183.2-(Trend weight 184.4)

    Day 42-11/03-182.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.4 lbs Lost

    Day 43-11/04-184.0-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 44-11/05-184.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 45-11/06-185.4-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 46-11/07-183.6-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 47-11/08-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 48-11/09-183.2-(Trend weight 184.0)

    Day 49-11/10-183.0-(Trend weight 183.9)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Gain
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-11/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Halfway Progress Report: 5.0 lbs Pounds Lost so Far. I am using day 49’s weight since I will be on a short vacation travel during this weigh-in and still away from home.

    Day 51-11/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 52-11/13-183.8-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 53-11/14-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 54-11/15-181.4-(Trend weight 183.8)

    Day 55-11/16-179.6-(Trend weight 183.4)

    Day 56-11/17-179.8-(Trend weight 183.0)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.2 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 8.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-11/18-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-11/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 59-11/20-180.8-(Trend weight 182.5)

    Day 60-11/21-180.4-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 61-11/22-179.6-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 62-11/23-182.0-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 63-11/24-183.2-(Trend weight 182.2)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.4 Gain (Thanksgiving Weekend)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.8 Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-11/25-183.0-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 65-11/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-11/27-180.4-(Trend weight 182.4)

    Day 67-11/28-179.8-(Trend weight 182.2)

    Day 68-11/29-179.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 69-11/30-182.4-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 70-12/01-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lb Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.6 lbs. Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-12/02-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 72-12/03-182.0-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 73-12/04-181.0-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 74-12/05-180.6-(Trend weight 181.7)

    Day 75-12/06-179.4-(Trend weight 181.4)

    Day 76-12/07-179.2-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 77-12/08-179.0-(Trend weight 181.0)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.4 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 9.0 lbs Lostp

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-12/09-179.6-(Trend weight 180.9)

    Day 79-12/10-179.6-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 80-12/11-178.8-(Trend weight 180.6)

    Day 81-12/12-178.2-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 82-12/13-178.8-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 83-12/14-177.2-(Trend weight 179.9)

    Day 84-12/15-177.8-(Trend weight 179.7)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.2 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 10.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-12/16-178.0-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 86-12/17-178.6-(Trend weight 179.6)

    Day 87-12/18-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 88-12/19-179.2-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 89-12/20-179.2-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 90-12/21-178.8-(Trend weight 179.6)

    Day 91-12/22-178.8-(Trend weight 179.5)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 9.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-12/23-179.2-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 93-12/24-178.4-(Trend weight 179.4)

    Day 94-12/25-178.2-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 95-12/26-179.0-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 96-12/27-179.2-(Trend weight 179.2) I am up 0.6 lbs this round and we haven’t even had our true family Christmas Feast yet! Oh, but all the celebrations all around! It will be a very busy rest of the week for me. I hope to stay as mindful as possible but there is a trip out-of-town either today or tomorrow. I have to go to a hospital to submit blood for my A1C check before a January endocrinologist appt. This has been a tough round, for sure. It’s great to see everyone picking the reins back up and getting back in control so quickly!

    Day 97-12/28-179.4-(Trend weight 179.3) It was not a perfect day yesterday, but not too bad either. I kept the snacks at bay. Meals were on target. I danced for the first time in awhile and I could feel that it would help tighten my stomach which I need. Today I travel to get the groceries for our Main Christmas Feast on Saturday. Also, I have to stop and give bloodwork at the hospital for an upcoming appointment. Dinner will be out but I will try to choose wisely. Tomorrow is baking day, oh my.

    Day 98-12/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 99-12/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-12/31…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN:xxxxx (This is 9 days of data to tally up the end of the round)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Strength Training Mini Challenge Round 9:
    I will continue to work on batwing arms and flabby thighs. I will also try to engage in some “floor” exercising to tighten stomach area. I will try to add in some “regular” exercise like walking or dancing, or the exercise bike AT LEAST 5 days a week. This is not my dream, it is my pledge.

    Day 01 - Dec 11 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 36 min on exercise bike, 15 min of floor exercising, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 02 - Dec 12 – 6 min with 5 lb weights, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 60 min of "extra" activity around the house outside of the norm, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 03 - Dec 13 – 5 min with 5 lb weights, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 04 - Dec 14 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 36 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 05 - Dec 15 – 5 min with resistance bands, 17 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 06 - Dec 16 –6 min with resistance bands, 21 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises.
    Day 07 - Dec 17 – All work and no play.
    Day 08 - Dec 18 – 6 min with 5 lb weights, 20 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 09 - Dec 19 – 5 min with resistance rope, 32 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 10 - Dec 20 – 5 min with resistance rope, 36 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 11 - Dec 21 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 31 min on exercise bike, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 12 - Dec 22 – Nothing whatsoever. Too tired honestly.
    Day 13 - Dec 23 – 6 min with resistance bands, 31 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 14 - Dec 24 – Nothing. Travel / Family day.
    Day 15 - Dec 25 – 5 min with resistance rope, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 16 - Dec 26– 7 min with 5 lb weights, 32 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 17 - Dec 27 – 6 min with resistance bands, 33 min of aerobic dance, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 18 - Dec 28 –
    Day 19 - Dec 29 –
    Day 20 - Dec 30 –
    Day 21 - Dec 31 –

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member
    I borrowed this from a friend on my feed board. I thought we could all use a little inspiration today.

  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    I’m Teri
    Age 60, 5’4”

    Challenge Starting Weight: 142.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 137lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-133 lbs
    Day 01-09/23-xxxxx-

    Day 02-09/24-xxxxx-

    Day 03-09/25-xxxxx-

    Day 04-09/26-xxxxx-

    Day 05-09/27-xxxxx-

    Day 06-09/28-xxxxx-

    Day 07-09/29-xxxxx-

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 08-09/30-xxxxx-

    Day 09-10/01-xxxxx-

    A week late to this new challenge, after falling off the wagon for a while. But I’m so glad to be back. Celebrated my 60th on 09/23 and I’m feeling good. Now to get back into the habit of weighing and logging in daily. I believe this is my 4th 100-day challenge. Good luck everyone!

    Day 10-10/02-142.8 – New day, new start! Looking forward to being productive with work and to get some exercise in today. Need to work on my eating habits.

    Day 11-10/03-142.5 – No workout yesterday but eating was pretty much on point. Probably not going to exercise today as well since I’m meeting friends for Happy Hour. I’ll try my best not to go overboard with alcohol and carbs (“don’t slash the other tires” LOL). One of the friends I’m meeting has returned to Maui for a funeral for family members who perished in the recent wildfire here. Lots of healing still to be done.

    Day 12-10/04-141.7 – Wasn’t planning on working out yesterday, but my anxiety was high for most of the day, so I decided to jump on the Peloton to try to relieve it. Good call. Also, great get together with friends in the early evening and the ‘everything in moderation’ attitude performed well: just one glass of wine and an appetizer!

    Day 13-10/05-DNW – Had a great start to the day yesterday, even got in a work out in the afternoon, until uncontrollable late night snacking got me. So, I didn’t want to feel even more disgusted by seeing the number on the scale this morning. On another note, it’s a beautiful day outside!

    Day 14-10/06-143.4 – Not happy about this gain, but not surprised. This is the result of the copious amounts of sugar 2 & 3 days ago. [sigh]. Did well yesterday and if I keep it up, I should be happy with progress by Sunday.

    WEEK 2 GAIN: +0.6
    Accumulated Gain: +0.6

    Day 15-10/07-143.5 – Nothing exciting to report. Just trudging along.

    Day 16-10/08-DNW

    Day 17-10/09-144.3 – Have to work harder. I don’t remember it being this hard.

    Day 18-10/10-144.4 – Had a productive day yesterday, but no workout. Did not go off the rails with “bad” foods. I’m too close to 145 lbs. Need to reel it in.

    Day 19-10/11-144.3 – Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class. But snacking gets me everytime.

    Day 20-10/12-143.8 – Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. I hope I worked off the calories & carbs from my hamburger & fries from McDonald’s. No chips all day… yay me!

    Day 21-10/13-xxxxx-142.7 – Happy with this scale read. Low carb day yesterday and no “bad” snacking. Took a break from working out. My body was hurting from the kettlebell workout the day before. Harder to recover the older I get.

    WEEK 3 LOSS: -0.70 [weigh-in: 142.7]
    Accumulated Loss: -0.1

    Day 22-10/14-142.8

    Day 23-10/15-143.8 – Can’t explain this jump.

    Day 24-10/16-143.6 – Now back to my weekday routine of eating better, no alcohol and making more of an effort to fit in my workouts.

    Day 25-10/17-142.9 – Improvement. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. Eating was on track. Ready for a productive day!

    Day 26-10/18-143.0 - Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class, 5-min core.

    Day 27-10/19-142.4 – Yesterday’s workout: 45 min ride on the Peloton. Nothing too intense but better than nothing. Slowly getting around to decluttering my home office. Got a new desk so that area is now organized. I don’t know why but I’m suddenly more productive. It’s like my brain has more room to process and follow thru with tasks. Something to be said for getting rid of clutter. Now to declutter the rest of my office.

    Day 28-10/20- 143.1 Having dinner & cocktails out tonight. Expecting a weekend gain as usual.

    WEEK 4 GAIN: +.04 [weigh-in: 143.1]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +.30

    Day 29-10/21-DNW

    Day 30-10/22-DNW

    Day 31-10/23-143.3

    Day 32-10/24-142.3- Surprised at this dip. It will probably go up again tomorrow though. Always starts with the weekend. It would be fine if I could get right back on track come Monday. I’ll have to work on it. Planning on shrimp tacos for dinner. Low carb tortillas for me.

    Day 33-10/25 - 142.8- Dinner before 6pm yesterday and nothing afterward. Surprised myself!

    Day 34-10/26 - 142.8

    Day 35-10/27 - 142.8- Same weight 3 days in a row and back to the weight I started this challenge with. Now it’s the weekend which always derails me. I will try harder.

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -.3 [weigh-in: 142.8]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.0 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 36-10/28 - DNW

    Day 37-10/29 - DNW

    Day 38-10/30 - 143.4 Worked all weekend. No workouts.

    Day 39-10/31 - 143.9 I will have to limit the wine, pizza and candies tonight. Fingers crossed. Happy Halloween!

    Day 40-11/01 - 143.6 Not too bad considering the wine & pizza I had last night. Didn’t go overboard though so that’s a good thing.

    Day 41-11/02 - DNW

    Day 42-11/03 - 143.6 Gaining and losing the same pound over and over. Whatever I’m doing is just maintaining. I need to figure out how to actually lose weight.

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +.8 [weigh-in: 143.6]
    Accumulated Gain: +.8 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 43-11/04 - 142.7 Surprised at this number but I’ll take it. Got a cardio workout in yesterday... finally!

    Day 44-11/05 - 143.4

    Day 45-11/06 - 144.3

    Day 46-11/07 - 143.5 Back down a pound. Whew! It's a beautiful day here, although quite breezy.

    Day 47-11/08 - 143.6

    Day 48-11/09 - 144.9 Too much chili & rice yesterday. My favorite!

    Day 49-11/10 - 143.2

    WEEK 7 LOSS: - .4
    Accumulated Gain: + .4 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 50-11/11 - DNW

    Day 51-11/12 - DNW

    Day 52-11/13 - 145 No words. Disappointed

    Day 53-11/14 - 144.3

    Day 54-11/15 - 143.1 Don’t know where this drop came from. lol I never know how accurate my scale is. Yesterday’s exercise: 1 hour (11.78 miles) Peloton ride. Nothing crazy, no climbs. Just at a flat road pace after dinner. Easing back into it.

    Day 55-11/16 - 143.4 Could have done better with what I ate yesterday. Glad I got in some exercise: 15-min low impact cycling and a 20-min kettlebell class. I’ll be hurting for the next 2 days for sure.

    Day 56-11/17 - 143.9 It’s the snacking / self-sabotage. Ugh! Yesterday’s exercise: 35 min cycling and 10 min. upper body strength training.

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +.7 [weigh in: 143.9]
    Accumulated Gain: +1.10 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 57-11/18 - 142.1 Whoa…. Should I believe my scale? Almost a 2 lb drop in a day. Eating was on point yesterday and I stopped eating at about 7pm. Workout after dinner: 50-min bike ride.

    Day 58-11/19 - DNW

    Day 59-11/20 - 143.1 Busy week: full-time job, cleaning & prepping for Thanksgiving. I need to find time to fit in my workouts. Excited to see my daughter who flies in with her roommate on TG morning.

    Day 60-11/21 - 143.0 Not the greatest with food choices yesterday, but what else is new? One more trip to Costco this morning and I’ll be ready to start TG food prep tomorrow. Will be decorating and setting-up today. Last night’s workout after dinner: 45-min bike ride.

    Day 61-11/22 - 143.7

    Day 62-11/23 - DNW Forgot all about weighing this morning. Hit the ground running preparing for our Thanksgiving shindig.

    Day 63-11/24 - DNW Continued celebrating with family and food.

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 64-11/25 - DNW I will not be weighing this week. Not ready to see the damage and I don’t want to have any regrets as I really enjoyed the long weekend, especially with my daughter being home.

    Day 65-11/26 - DNW

    Day 66-11/27 - DNW Back on track today.

    Day 67-11/28 - DNW Thanksgiving weekend was definitely a trigger. Slowly weaning off the carb/sugar cravings. Yesterday was ok and today should be better. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min high intensity bike ride, 30-min “walking” bike ride.

    Day 68-11/29 - DNW

    Day 69-11/30 - DNW Stopped eating by 7:45pm last night. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min chest & back, 5-min core, 30-min biking. 10-min stretch class this morning, which I hope to do on a daily basis to combat pain & stiffness and to help with flexibility.

    Day 70-12/01 -

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 71-12/02 - DNW

    Day 72-12/03 - DNW

    Day 73-12/04 - 144.5 - No words. It shouldn’t be this hard.

    Day 74-12/05 - 143.9 – Lost a few ounces but I still feel the bloat and one of my old faithful tops is fitting pretty snugly. I know what I have to do. Got my stretching in this morning. Trying to make this become part of my morning routine. Otherwise, I foresee stiffness in my lower back and hips becoming a chronic issue. Sunny and breezy here today. Currently 75° F.

    Day 75-12/06 - 142.6 Morning stretch [√]. Feeling a little better today. Inflammation has subsided a wee bit. Did not go crazy with food yesterday, and no potato chips!
    Yesterday’s workout: 20-min Pilates, 30 min. spin class, 10 min cool down bike ride.

    Day 76-12/07 - 142.2 Body feeling much better. I’m sure on top of this week’s improved eating habits and exercising, vitamin supplements are helping. However, I’ve been feeling quite fatigued lately. Last time that happened I had a vitamin D deficiency. Hoping I can get in this week for a lab test.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min core strength, 20-min glutes & legs strength, 40-min bike ride.

    Day 77-12/08 - 142 Ate well yesterday, except for some potato chips after dinner. Ugh, so addicting!
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min Pilates, 5-min core, 20-min chest & back, and 42 min bike ride.

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.5 lbs lost (used Monday’s number as a start since I DNW for a week prior)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: .8 lbs lost (Challenge start: 142.8)

    Day 78-12/09 - 142.9 Up a bit. Darn Friday night cocktails! Taking a ride to Lahaina today as I need to go to a shop on that side of the island. First time I’ll be seeing the devastation first hand. Not sure I’m prepared for it. Many memories for me spending time there. A whole town wiped out. Incomprehensible.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min Pilates, 10-min core, 20-min bike ride.

    Day 79-12/10 - DNW

    Day 80-12/11 - 144.6

    Day 81-12/12 - 144.3 As usual, I fall off on the weekends and get back on at the start of the work week. Will I ever get ahead of this?

    Day 82-12/13 - 144.9 I’m assuming this uptick is from a high sodium dinner last night. Hoping I’ll be able to get a workout in today. My left arm still hurts from my 2nd of 2 shingles shot.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min Pilates, 10-min core, 20-min glutes & legs, 30-min cycle class.

    Day 83-12/14 - DNW

    Day 84-12/15 - 142.7 Ate fairly well yesterday but insomnia again last night. I really dislike taking sleep aids and I never know when I’ll need it. Wasted a good chunk of this morning while I slept-in, sort-of. So frustrating. I have so much to get done this weekend. I need sleep!
    Yesterday’s workout: 15-min Pilates, 5-min core, 20-min chest & back, 30-min cycle class.

    WEEK 12 GAIN: + .7 lbs (Weigh-in: 142.7)
    Accumulated Loss: - .1 lbs (Challenge start: 142.8)

    Day 85-12/16 - 144.1 Uptick is from snacking late last night.
    Yesterday’s workout: 15-min Pilates, 5-min core, 20-min glutes & legs

    Day 86-12/17 - 143.8
    Yesterday’s workout: 30-min Yoga

    Day 87-12/18 - 144.5 Lots of walking yesterday trying to finish up Christmas shopping and eating was not bad either, so not sure where my weight increase came from. Plus, I'm feeling less bloated. Hoping for better results tomorrow.

    Day 88-12/19 - 143.9 Inflammation is everything. Still need to lose 12 - 13 lbs but I do feel smaller and less full these days. I attribute this to more consistent work outs. Gotta keep going.
    Yesterday’s workout: 5-min core, 10-min chest & back strength, 30-min cycle class

    Day 89-12/20 - 143.5 Busy day yesterday and therefore, fast food for lunch and pizza for dinner. And we have Christmas cookies in the house so that’s risky. BUT my daughter is home for the Holidays and that’s all that matters.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min core, 20-min lower body, 15-min cycle class, 10 min arms & light weights

    Day 90-12/21 - 144.3 Carbs and sugar last night.

    Day 91-12/22 - 143.4
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min core, 30-min upper body, 30-min cycle class

    WEEK 13 GAIN: +.7 lbs
    Accumulated Gain: +.6 lbs (Challenge start: 142.8)

    Day 92-12/23 - DNW

    Day 93-12/24 - DNW

    Day 94-12/25 - DNW

    Day 95-12/26 - DNW

    Day 96-12/27 - DNW

    Day 97-12/28 - 145.1 Lotta work to do after the new year to get my weight down. But I'm having a great week with visiting family. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season!

    Day 98-12/29 -

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,652 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jeanne. 👋😀
    I'm 47, 5' 4". I live in Canada 🇨🇦
    1st round of 100 - lost 7.8 lbs
    2nd round of 100 now
    No specific goal for me.
    Need to move & lose weight
    any amount is a win for me!!!!
    Before this challenge my weight
    would yo-yo 🪀 real BAD!
    So this challenge is working for me!!
    My yo-yo 🪀 is still out but not as bad.

    Day 01-09/23 : 158.6
    Day 02-09/24: 159.4
    Day 03-09/25: 159.8
    Day 04-09/26: 158.6
    Day 05-09/27: 159.4
    Day 06-09/28: 160.2
    Day 07-09/29: 159.6

    WEEK 1 GAIN: +2.8 😕
    Accumulated Gain: +2.8 😕

    Day 08-09/30: 161.4
    Day 09-10/01: 158.6
    Day 10-10/02: 158.6
    Day 11-10/03: 158.8
    Day 12-10/04: 159.2
    Day 13-10/05: 159.4
    Day 14-10/06: 158.6

    WEEK 2 LOSS: -3.4 😀
    Accumulated Loss: -0.6 😀

    Day 15-10/07: 158.0
    Day 16-10/08: 157.6
    Day 17-10/09: 157.8
    Day 18-10/10: 159.0
    Day 19-10/11: 160.0
    Day 20-10/12: 160.2
    Day 21-10/13: 160.2

    WEEK 3 GAIN: +3.0 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +2.4 😕

    Day 22-10/14: 161.0
    Day 23-10/15: 160.2
    Day 24-10/16: 160.2
    Day 25-10/17: 160.0
    Day 26-10/18: 159.6
    Day 27-10/19: 159.6
    Day 28-10/20: 158.0

    WEEK 4 LOSS: -1.6 😀
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 29-10/21: 159.4
    Day 30-10/22: 158.6
    Day 31-10/23: 157.8
    Day 32-10/24: 158.2
    Day 33-10/25: 159.0
    Day 34-10/26: 157.4
    Day 35-10/27: 157.2

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 36-10/28: 158.0
    Day 37-10/29: 157.6
    Day 38-10/30: 157.6
    Day 39-10/31: 157.4
    Day 40-11/01: 157.0
    Day 41-11/02: 157.6
    Day 42-11/03: 157.6

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +1.4 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 43-11/04: 159.4
    Day 44-11/05: 163.6
    Day 45-11/06: 160.2
    Day 46-11/07: 159.0
    Day 47-11/08: 159.2
    Day 48-11/09: 159.2
    Day 49-11/10: 157.8

    WEEK 7 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 50-11/11: 158.0
    Day 51-11/12: 158.0
    Day 52-11/13: 157.8
    Day 53-11/14: 159.4
    Day 54-11/15: 158.6
    Day 55-11/16: 159.2
    Day 56-11/17: 158.2

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +1.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.6 😕

    Day 57-11/18: 159.2
    Day 58-11/19: 158.8
    Day 59-11/20: 159.2
    Day 60-11/21: 160.0
    Day 61-11/22: 159.8
    Day 62-11/23: 161.2
    Day 63-11/24: 158.0

    WEEK 9 GAIN: +0.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.8 😕

    Day 64-11/25: 159.4
    Day 65-11/26: 159.4
    Day 66-11/27: 159.8
    Day 67-11/28: 157.6
    Day 68-11/29: 157.6
    Day 69-11/30: 158.0
    Day 70-12/01: 160.8

    WEEK 10 GAIN: +0.6 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +1.4 😕

    Day 71-12/02: 160.0
    Day 72-12/03: 158.0
    Day 73-12/04: 158.0
    Day 74-12/05: 156.4
    Day 75-12/06: 155.8
    Day 76-12/07: 158.6
    Day 77-12/08: 156.4

    WEEK 11 LOSS: -2.6 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -1.8 😀

    Day 78-12/09: 156.8
    Day 79-12/10: 155.8
    Day 80-12:11: 156.4
    Day 81-12/12: 156.4
    Day 82-12/13: 155.2
    Day 83-12/14: 158.2
    Day 84-12/15: 157.4

    WEEK 12 SAME: 0 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -1.8 😀

    Day 85-12/16: 156.8
    Day 86-12/17: 158.1
    Day 87-12/18: 157.4
    Day 88-12/19: 157.6
    Day 89-12/20: 158.2
    Day 90-12/21: 159.4
    Day 91-12/22: 156.8

    WEEK 13 LOSS: -1.0 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -2.8 😀

    Day 92-12/23: 155.8
    Day 93-12/24: 158.2
    Day 94-12/25: 157.0
    Day 95-12/26: 157.8
    Day 96-12/27: 157.6
    Day 97-12/28: 159.2 ⬅️
    Day 98-12/29:

    WEEK 14…

    Day 99-12/30:
    Day 100-12/31:

    100 day challenge
    Total : 197 days 😀👍

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member

    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ Sept 23, 2023 thru Dec 31, 2023

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 176.0 (12 lbs)
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: 188.0
    Challenge Ending Weight: xxxxx


    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0

    Thoughts at the start of this challenge:

    1. I am down 23.3 pounds from my highest ending weight during these challenges (#5)
    2. I am up 2.8 pounds from my lowest ending weight (#9)
    3. I am still down 11.8 pounds from the first challenge (#1)
    4. I am still ahead of the game and these challenges are working for me. It is up & down and slower than I would like but it’s generally working. I’ve got to continue to dedicate myself and put in the work. When I do, clearly the results are much better.

    Previous Weeks This Round

    Day 01-09/23-187.8-(Trend weight 190.6)

    Day 02-09/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 03-09/25-188.8-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 04-09/26-187.6-(Trend weight 190.1)

    Day 05-09/27-187.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 06-09/28-188.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 07-09/29-188.6-(Trend weight 189.6)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Gain (Already starting this round playing Catch-Up.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 Gain

    Day 08-09/30-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 09-10/01-187.2-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-10/02-187.0-(Trend weight 189.0)

    Day 11-10/03-186.2-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 12-10/04-186.6-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 13-10/05-185.8-(Trend weight 188.2)

    Day 14-10/06-188.0-(Trend weight 188.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 Lost and 0 Gained

    Day 15-10/07-186.8-(Trend weight 188.1)

    Day 16-10/08-186.2-(Trend weight 187.9)

    Day 17-10/09-184.8-(Trend weight 187.6)

    Day 18-10/10-183.2-(Trend weight 187.1)

    Day 19-10/11-183.0-(Trend weight 186.7)

    Day 20-10/12-185.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 21-10/13-185.4-(Trend weight 186.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.6 lbs. Lost

    Day 22-10/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 23-10/15-187.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 24-10/16-184.6-(Trend weight 186.4)

    Day 25-10/17-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 26-10/18-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 27-10/19-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 28-10/20-185.0-(Trend weight 186.2)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.0 lbs Lost

    Day 29-10/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 30-10/22-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 31-10/23-184.4-(Trend weight 186.1)

    Day 32-10/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 33-10/25-186.8-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 34-10/26-183.6-(Trend weight 185.9)

    Day 35-10/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.4 lbs Lost

    Day 36-10/28-183.4-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 37-10/29-185.6-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 38-10/30-183.0-(Trend weight 185.2)

    Day 39-10/31-181.4-(Trend weight 184.9)

    Day 40-11/01-181.2-(Trend weight 184.5)

    Day 41-11/02-183.2-(Trend weight 184.4)

    Day 42-11/03-182.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.4 lbs Lost

    Day 43-11/04-184.0-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 44-11/05-184.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 45-11/06-185.4-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 46-11/07-183.6-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 47-11/08-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 48-11/09-183.2-(Trend weight 184.0)

    Day 49-11/10-183.0-(Trend weight 183.9)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Gain
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-11/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Halfway Progress Report: 5.0 lbs Pounds Lost so Far. I am using day 49’s weight since I will be on a short vacation travel during this weigh-in and still away from home.

    Day 51-11/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 52-11/13-183.8-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 53-11/14-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 54-11/15-181.4-(Trend weight 183.8)

    Day 55-11/16-179.6-(Trend weight 183.4)

    Day 56-11/17-179.8-(Trend weight 183.0)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.2 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 8.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-11/18-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-11/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 59-11/20-180.8-(Trend weight 182.5)

    Day 60-11/21-180.4-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 61-11/22-179.6-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 62-11/23-182.0-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 63-11/24-183.2-(Trend weight 182.2)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.4 Gain (Thanksgiving Weekend)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.8 Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-11/25-183.0-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 65-11/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-11/27-180.4-(Trend weight 182.4)

    Day 67-11/28-179.8-(Trend weight 182.2)

    Day 68-11/29-179.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 69-11/30-182.4-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 70-12/01-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lb Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.6 lbs. Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-12/02-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 72-12/03-182.0-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 73-12/04-181.0-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 74-12/05-180.6-(Trend weight 181.7)

    Day 75-12/06-179.4-(Trend weight 181.4)

    Day 76-12/07-179.2-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 77-12/08-179.0-(Trend weight 181.0)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.4 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 9.0 lbs Lostp

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-12/09-179.6-(Trend weight 180.9)

    Day 79-12/10-179.6-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 80-12/11-178.8-(Trend weight 180.6)

    Day 81-12/12-178.2-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 82-12/13-178.8-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 83-12/14-177.2-(Trend weight 179.9)

    Day 84-12/15-177.8-(Trend weight 179.7)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.2 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 10.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-12/16-178.0-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 86-12/17-178.6-(Trend weight 179.6)

    Day 87-12/18-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 88-12/19-179.2-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 89-12/20-179.2-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 90-12/21-178.8-(Trend weight 179.6)

    Day 91-12/22-178.8-(Trend weight 179.5)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 9.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-12/23-179.2-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 93-12/24-178.4-(Trend weight 179.4)

    Day 94-12/25-178.2-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 95-12/26-179.0-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 96-12/27-179.2-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 97-12/28-179.4-(Trend weight 179.3) It was not a perfect day yesterday, but not too bad either. I kept the snacks at bay. Meals were on target. I danced for the first time in awhile and I could feel that it would help tighten my stomach which I need. Today I travel to get the groceries for our Main Christmas Feast on Saturday. Also, I have to stop and give bloodwork at the hospital for an upcoming appointment. Dinner will be out but I will try to choose wisely. Tomorrow is baking day, oh my.

    Day 98-12/29-179.8-(Trend weight 179.3) I am teetering on re-entering the 180’s which is horrifying for me after all the hard work. Yesterday was travel (restaurants and sitting), today is the biggest baking day of the year (bites, tastes and licks) and tomorrow is the Family Feast and Gift Opening with all the children/spouses and grandchildren. So the numbers are only going to get worse. I’ll do my best but I know my weaknesses and my limits. January better watch out as I am coming at it with a vengeance!

    Day 99-12/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-12/31…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN:xxxxx (This is 9 days of data to tally up the end of the round)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Strength Training Mini Challenge Round 9:
    I will continue to work on batwing arms and flabby thighs. I will also try to engage in some “floor” exercising to tighten stomach area. I will try to add in some “regular” exercise like walking or dancing, or the exercise bike AT LEAST 5 days a week. This is not my dream, it is my pledge.

    Day 01 - Dec 11 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 36 min on exercise bike, 15 min of floor exercising, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 02 - Dec 12 – 6 min with 5 lb weights, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 60 min of "extra" activity around the house outside of the norm, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 03 - Dec 13 – 5 min with 5 lb weights, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 04 - Dec 14 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 36 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 05 - Dec 15 – 5 min with resistance bands, 17 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 06 - Dec 16 –6 min with resistance bands, 21 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises.
    Day 07 - Dec 17 – All work and no play.
    Day 08 - Dec 18 – 6 min with 5 lb weights, 20 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 09 - Dec 19 – 5 min with resistance rope, 32 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 10 - Dec 20 – 5 min with resistance rope, 36 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 11 - Dec 21 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 31 min on exercise bike, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 12 - Dec 22 – Nothing whatsoever. Too tired honestly.
    Day 13 - Dec 23 – 6 min with resistance bands, 31 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 14 - Dec 24 – Nothing. Travel / Family day.
    Day 15 - Dec 25 – 5 min with resistance rope, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 16 - Dec 26– 7 min with 5 lb weights, 32 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 17 - Dec 27 – 6 min with resistance bands, 33 min of aerobic dance, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 18 - Dec 28 – 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises.
    Day 19 - Dec 29 –
    Day 20 - Dec 30 –
    Day 21 - Dec 31 –

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,652 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jeanne. 👋😀
    I'm 47, 5' 4". I live in Canada 🇨🇦
    1st round of 100 - lost 7.8 lbs
    2nd round of 100 now
    No specific goal for me.
    Need to move & lose weight
    any amount is a win for me!!!!
    Before this challenge my weight
    would yo-yo 🪀 real BAD!
    So this challenge is working for me!!
    My yo-yo 🪀 is still out but not as bad.

    Day 01-09/23 : 158.6
    Day 02-09/24: 159.4
    Day 03-09/25: 159.8
    Day 04-09/26: 158.6
    Day 05-09/27: 159.4
    Day 06-09/28: 160.2
    Day 07-09/29: 159.6

    WEEK 1 GAIN: +2.8 😕
    Accumulated Gain: +2.8 😕

    Day 08-09/30: 161.4
    Day 09-10/01: 158.6
    Day 10-10/02: 158.6
    Day 11-10/03: 158.8
    Day 12-10/04: 159.2
    Day 13-10/05: 159.4
    Day 14-10/06: 158.6

    WEEK 2 LOSS: -3.4 😀
    Accumulated Loss: -0.6 😀

    Day 15-10/07: 158.0
    Day 16-10/08: 157.6
    Day 17-10/09: 157.8
    Day 18-10/10: 159.0
    Day 19-10/11: 160.0
    Day 20-10/12: 160.2
    Day 21-10/13: 160.2

    WEEK 3 GAIN: +3.0 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +2.4 😕

    Day 22-10/14: 161.0
    Day 23-10/15: 160.2
    Day 24-10/16: 160.2
    Day 25-10/17: 160.0
    Day 26-10/18: 159.6
    Day 27-10/19: 159.6
    Day 28-10/20: 158.0

    WEEK 4 LOSS: -1.6 😀
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 29-10/21: 159.4
    Day 30-10/22: 158.6
    Day 31-10/23: 157.8
    Day 32-10/24: 158.2
    Day 33-10/25: 159.0
    Day 34-10/26: 157.4
    Day 35-10/27: 157.2

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 36-10/28: 158.0
    Day 37-10/29: 157.6
    Day 38-10/30: 157.6
    Day 39-10/31: 157.4
    Day 40-11/01: 157.0
    Day 41-11/02: 157.6
    Day 42-11/03: 157.6

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +1.4 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +0.8 😕

    Day 43-11/04: 159.4
    Day 44-11/05: 163.6
    Day 45-11/06: 160.2
    Day 46-11/07: 159.0
    Day 47-11/08: 159.2
    Day 48-11/09: 159.2
    Day 49-11/10: 157.8

    WEEK 7 LOSS: -1.4 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -0.6 😀

    Day 50-11/11: 158.0
    Day 51-11/12: 158.0
    Day 52-11/13: 157.8
    Day 53-11/14: 159.4
    Day 54-11/15: 158.6
    Day 55-11/16: 159.2
    Day 56-11/17: 158.2

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +1.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.6 😕

    Day 57-11/18: 159.2
    Day 58-11/19: 158.8
    Day 59-11/20: 159.2
    Day 60-11/21: 160.0
    Day 61-11/22: 159.8
    Day 62-11/23: 161.2
    Day 63-11/24: 158.0

    WEEK 9 GAIN: +0.2 😕
    Accumulated LOSS: +0.8 😕

    Day 64-11/25: 159.4
    Day 65-11/26: 159.4
    Day 66-11/27: 159.8
    Day 67-11/28: 157.6
    Day 68-11/29: 157.6
    Day 69-11/30: 158.0
    Day 70-12/01: 160.8

    WEEK 10 GAIN: +0.6 😕
    Accumulated GAIN: +1.4 😕

    Day 71-12/02: 160.0
    Day 72-12/03: 158.0
    Day 73-12/04: 158.0
    Day 74-12/05: 156.4
    Day 75-12/06: 155.8
    Day 76-12/07: 158.6
    Day 77-12/08: 156.4

    WEEK 11 LOSS: -2.6 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -1.8 😀

    Day 78-12/09: 156.8
    Day 79-12/10: 155.8
    Day 80-12:11: 156.4
    Day 81-12/12: 156.4
    Day 82-12/13: 155.2
    Day 83-12/14: 158.2
    Day 84-12/15: 157.4

    WEEK 12 SAME: 0 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -1.8 😀

    Day 85-12/16: 156.8
    Day 86-12/17: 158.1
    Day 87-12/18: 157.4
    Day 88-12/19: 157.6
    Day 89-12/20: 158.2
    Day 90-12/21: 159.4
    Day 91-12/22: 156.8

    WEEK 13 LOSS: -1.0 😀
    Accumulated LOSS: -2.8 😀

    Day 92-12/23: 155.8
    Day 93-12/24: 158.2
    Day 94-12/25: 157.0
    Day 95-12/26: 157.8
    Day 96-12/27: 157.6
    Day 97-12/28: 159.2
    Day 98-12/29: 155.8 ⬅️

    WEEK 14…

    Day 99-12/30:
    Day 100-12/31:

    100 day challenge
    Total : 197 days 😀👍

  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    I’m Teri
    Age 60, 5’4”

    Challenge Starting Weight: 142.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 137lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-133 lbs
    Day 01-09/23-xxxxx-

    Day 02-09/24-xxxxx-

    Day 03-09/25-xxxxx-

    Day 04-09/26-xxxxx-

    Day 05-09/27-xxxxx-

    Day 06-09/28-xxxxx-

    Day 07-09/29-xxxxx-

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 08-09/30-xxxxx-

    Day 09-10/01-xxxxx-

    A week late to this new challenge, after falling off the wagon for a while. But I’m so glad to be back. Celebrated my 60th on 09/23 and I’m feeling good. Now to get back into the habit of weighing and logging in daily. I believe this is my 4th 100-day challenge. Good luck everyone!

    Day 10-10/02-142.8 – New day, new start! Looking forward to being productive with work and to get some exercise in today. Need to work on my eating habits.

    Day 11-10/03-142.5 – No workout yesterday but eating was pretty much on point. Probably not going to exercise today as well since I’m meeting friends for Happy Hour. I’ll try my best not to go overboard with alcohol and carbs (“don’t slash the other tires” LOL). One of the friends I’m meeting has returned to Maui for a funeral for family members who perished in the recent wildfire here. Lots of healing still to be done.

    Day 12-10/04-141.7 – Wasn’t planning on working out yesterday, but my anxiety was high for most of the day, so I decided to jump on the Peloton to try to relieve it. Good call. Also, great get together with friends in the early evening and the ‘everything in moderation’ attitude performed well: just one glass of wine and an appetizer!

    Day 13-10/05-DNW – Had a great start to the day yesterday, even got in a work out in the afternoon, until uncontrollable late night snacking got me. So, I didn’t want to feel even more disgusted by seeing the number on the scale this morning. On another note, it’s a beautiful day outside!

    Day 14-10/06-143.4 – Not happy about this gain, but not surprised. This is the result of the copious amounts of sugar 2 & 3 days ago. [sigh]. Did well yesterday and if I keep it up, I should be happy with progress by Sunday.

    WEEK 2 GAIN: +0.6
    Accumulated Gain: +0.6

    Day 15-10/07-143.5 – Nothing exciting to report. Just trudging along.

    Day 16-10/08-DNW

    Day 17-10/09-144.3 – Have to work harder. I don’t remember it being this hard.

    Day 18-10/10-144.4 – Had a productive day yesterday, but no workout. Did not go off the rails with “bad” foods. I’m too close to 145 lbs. Need to reel it in.

    Day 19-10/11-144.3 – Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class. But snacking gets me everytime.

    Day 20-10/12-143.8 – Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. I hope I worked off the calories & carbs from my hamburger & fries from McDonald’s. No chips all day… yay me!

    Day 21-10/13-xxxxx-142.7 – Happy with this scale read. Low carb day yesterday and no “bad” snacking. Took a break from working out. My body was hurting from the kettlebell workout the day before. Harder to recover the older I get.

    WEEK 3 LOSS: -0.70 [weigh-in: 142.7]
    Accumulated Loss: -0.1

    Day 22-10/14-142.8

    Day 23-10/15-143.8 – Can’t explain this jump.

    Day 24-10/16-143.6 – Now back to my weekday routine of eating better, no alcohol and making more of an effort to fit in my workouts.

    Day 25-10/17-142.9 – Improvement. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min full body kettlebells, 5-min core and 20-min spin class. Eating was on track. Ready for a productive day!

    Day 26-10/18-143.0 - Yesterday’s workout: 50 min spin class, 5-min core.

    Day 27-10/19-142.4 – Yesterday’s workout: 45 min ride on the Peloton. Nothing too intense but better than nothing. Slowly getting around to decluttering my home office. Got a new desk so that area is now organized. I don’t know why but I’m suddenly more productive. It’s like my brain has more room to process and follow thru with tasks. Something to be said for getting rid of clutter. Now to declutter the rest of my office.

    Day 28-10/20- 143.1 Having dinner & cocktails out tonight. Expecting a weekend gain as usual.

    WEEK 4 GAIN: +.04 [weigh-in: 143.1]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +.30

    Day 29-10/21-DNW

    Day 30-10/22-DNW

    Day 31-10/23-143.3

    Day 32-10/24-142.3- Surprised at this dip. It will probably go up again tomorrow though. Always starts with the weekend. It would be fine if I could get right back on track come Monday. I’ll have to work on it. Planning on shrimp tacos for dinner. Low carb tortillas for me.

    Day 33-10/25 - 142.8- Dinner before 6pm yesterday and nothing afterward. Surprised myself!

    Day 34-10/26 - 142.8

    Day 35-10/27 - 142.8- Same weight 3 days in a row and back to the weight I started this challenge with. Now it’s the weekend which always derails me. I will try harder.

    WEEK 5 LOSS: -.3 [weigh-in: 142.8]
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.0 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 36-10/28 - DNW

    Day 37-10/29 - DNW

    Day 38-10/30 - 143.4 Worked all weekend. No workouts.

    Day 39-10/31 - 143.9 I will have to limit the wine, pizza and candies tonight. Fingers crossed. Happy Halloween!

    Day 40-11/01 - 143.6 Not too bad considering the wine & pizza I had last night. Didn’t go overboard though so that’s a good thing.

    Day 41-11/02 - DNW

    Day 42-11/03 - 143.6 Gaining and losing the same pound over and over. Whatever I’m doing is just maintaining. I need to figure out how to actually lose weight.

    WEEK 6 GAIN: +.8 [weigh-in: 143.6]
    Accumulated Gain: +.8 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 43-11/04 - 142.7 Surprised at this number but I’ll take it. Got a cardio workout in yesterday... finally!

    Day 44-11/05 - 143.4

    Day 45-11/06 - 144.3

    Day 46-11/07 - 143.5 Back down a pound. Whew! It's a beautiful day here, although quite breezy.

    Day 47-11/08 - 143.6

    Day 48-11/09 - 144.9 Too much chili & rice yesterday. My favorite!

    Day 49-11/10 - 143.2

    WEEK 7 LOSS: - .4
    Accumulated Gain: + .4 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 50-11/11 - DNW

    Day 51-11/12 - DNW

    Day 52-11/13 - 145 No words. Disappointed

    Day 53-11/14 - 144.3

    Day 54-11/15 - 143.1 Don’t know where this drop came from. lol I never know how accurate my scale is. Yesterday’s exercise: 1 hour (11.78 miles) Peloton ride. Nothing crazy, no climbs. Just at a flat road pace after dinner. Easing back into it.

    Day 55-11/16 - 143.4 Could have done better with what I ate yesterday. Glad I got in some exercise: 15-min low impact cycling and a 20-min kettlebell class. I’ll be hurting for the next 2 days for sure.

    Day 56-11/17 - 143.9 It’s the snacking / self-sabotage. Ugh! Yesterday’s exercise: 35 min cycling and 10 min. upper body strength training.

    WEEK 8 GAIN: +.7 [weigh in: 143.9]
    Accumulated Gain: +1.10 [Challenge start: 142.8]

    Day 57-11/18 - 142.1 Whoa…. Should I believe my scale? Almost a 2 lb drop in a day. Eating was on point yesterday and I stopped eating at about 7pm. Workout after dinner: 50-min bike ride.

    Day 58-11/19 - DNW

    Day 59-11/20 - 143.1 Busy week: full-time job, cleaning & prepping for Thanksgiving. I need to find time to fit in my workouts. Excited to see my daughter who flies in with her roommate on TG morning.

    Day 60-11/21 - 143.0 Not the greatest with food choices yesterday, but what else is new? One more trip to Costco this morning and I’ll be ready to start TG food prep tomorrow. Will be decorating and setting-up today. Last night’s workout after dinner: 45-min bike ride.

    Day 61-11/22 - 143.7

    Day 62-11/23 - DNW Forgot all about weighing this morning. Hit the ground running preparing for our Thanksgiving shindig.

    Day 63-11/24 - DNW Continued celebrating with family and food.

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 64-11/25 - DNW I will not be weighing this week. Not ready to see the damage and I don’t want to have any regrets as I really enjoyed the long weekend, especially with my daughter being home.

    Day 65-11/26 - DNW

    Day 66-11/27 - DNW Back on track today.

    Day 67-11/28 - DNW Thanksgiving weekend was definitely a trigger. Slowly weaning off the carb/sugar cravings. Yesterday was ok and today should be better. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min high intensity bike ride, 30-min “walking” bike ride.

    Day 68-11/29 - DNW

    Day 69-11/30 - DNW Stopped eating by 7:45pm last night. Yesterday’s workout: 20-min chest & back, 5-min core, 30-min biking. 10-min stretch class this morning, which I hope to do on a daily basis to combat pain & stiffness and to help with flexibility.

    Day 70-12/01 -

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 71-12/02 - DNW

    Day 72-12/03 - DNW

    Day 73-12/04 - 144.5 - No words. It shouldn’t be this hard.

    Day 74-12/05 - 143.9 – Lost a few ounces but I still feel the bloat and one of my old faithful tops is fitting pretty snugly. I know what I have to do. Got my stretching in this morning. Trying to make this become part of my morning routine. Otherwise, I foresee stiffness in my lower back and hips becoming a chronic issue. Sunny and breezy here today. Currently 75° F.

    Day 75-12/06 - 142.6 Morning stretch [√]. Feeling a little better today. Inflammation has subsided a wee bit. Did not go crazy with food yesterday, and no potato chips!
    Yesterday’s workout: 20-min Pilates, 30 min. spin class, 10 min cool down bike ride.

    Day 76-12/07 - 142.2 Body feeling much better. I’m sure on top of this week’s improved eating habits and exercising, vitamin supplements are helping. However, I’ve been feeling quite fatigued lately. Last time that happened I had a vitamin D deficiency. Hoping I can get in this week for a lab test.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min core strength, 20-min glutes & legs strength, 40-min bike ride.

    Day 77-12/08 - 142 Ate well yesterday, except for some potato chips after dinner. Ugh, so addicting!
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min Pilates, 5-min core, 20-min chest & back, and 42 min bike ride.

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.5 lbs lost (used Monday’s number as a start since I DNW for a week prior)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: .8 lbs lost (Challenge start: 142.8)

    Day 78-12/09 - 142.9 Up a bit. Darn Friday night cocktails! Taking a ride to Lahaina today as I need to go to a shop on that side of the island. First time I’ll be seeing the devastation first hand. Not sure I’m prepared for it. Many memories for me spending time there. A whole town wiped out. Incomprehensible.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min Pilates, 10-min core, 20-min bike ride.

    Day 79-12/10 - DNW

    Day 80-12/11 - 144.6

    Day 81-12/12 - 144.3 As usual, I fall off on the weekends and get back on at the start of the work week. Will I ever get ahead of this?

    Day 82-12/13 - 144.9 I’m assuming this uptick is from a high sodium dinner last night. Hoping I’ll be able to get a workout in today. My left arm still hurts from my 2nd of 2 shingles shot.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min Pilates, 10-min core, 20-min glutes & legs, 30-min cycle class.

    Day 83-12/14 - DNW

    Day 84-12/15 - 142.7 Ate fairly well yesterday but insomnia again last night. I really dislike taking sleep aids and I never know when I’ll need it. Wasted a good chunk of this morning while I slept-in, sort-of. So frustrating. I have so much to get done this weekend. I need sleep!
    Yesterday’s workout: 15-min Pilates, 5-min core, 20-min chest & back, 30-min cycle class.

    WEEK 12 GAIN: + .7 lbs (Weigh-in: 142.7)
    Accumulated Loss: - .1 lbs (Challenge start: 142.8)

    Day 85-12/16 - 144.1 Uptick is from snacking late last night.
    Yesterday’s workout: 15-min Pilates, 5-min core, 20-min glutes & legs

    Day 86-12/17 - 143.8
    Yesterday’s workout: 30-min Yoga

    Day 87-12/18 - 144.5 Lots of walking yesterday trying to finish up Christmas shopping and eating was not bad either, so not sure where my weight increase came from. Plus, I'm feeling less bloated. Hoping for better results tomorrow.

    Day 88-12/19 - 143.9 Inflammation is everything. Still need to lose 12 - 13 lbs but I do feel smaller and less full these days. I attribute this to more consistent work outs. Gotta keep going.
    Yesterday’s workout: 5-min core, 10-min chest & back strength, 30-min cycle class

    Day 89-12/20 - 143.5 Busy day yesterday and therefore, fast food for lunch and pizza for dinner. And we have Christmas cookies in the house so that’s risky. BUT my daughter is home for the Holidays and that’s all that matters.
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min core, 20-min lower body, 15-min cycle class, 10 min arms & light weights

    Day 90-12/21 - 144.3 Carbs and sugar last night.

    Day 91-12/22 - 143.4
    Yesterday’s workout: 10-min core, 30-min upper body, 30-min cycle class

    WEEK 13 GAIN: +.7 lbs
    Accumulated Gain: +.6 lbs (Challenge start: 142.8)

    Day 92-12/23 - DNW

    Day 93-12/24 - DNW

    Day 94-12/25 - DNW

    Day 95-12/26 - DNW

    Day 96-12/27 - DNW

    Day 97-12/28 - 145.1 Lotta work to do after the new year to get my weight down. But I'm having a great week with visiting family. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season!

    Day 98-12/29 - 144.7

    WEEK 14 GAIN: + 1.3 lbs
    Accumulated Gain: + 1.9 lbs
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,616 Member
    I borrowed this from a friend on my feed board. I thought we could all use a little inspiration today.


    That didn't open...
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,616 Member
    edited December 2023
    Thank you for keeping us going @deepwoodslady !!
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2" (used to be 5'3"), 63 years old as of September 20th.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 118.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 4 out of the 6

    Week 1 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 1 actual weight - 142.0 - Started the week at 143.2

    Week 2 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 2 actual weight - 141.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - First week of eating 1/2 a banana each day

    Week 3 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 3 actual weight - 143.2 - Started the week at 141.8

    Week 4 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 4 actual weight - 142.4 - Started the week at 142.6

    WEEK 5 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 5 Actual weight: 142.2 - Started the week at 142.2

    WEEK 6 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 6 Actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - Hit the 141(.6) once during the week

    WEEK 7 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 7 Actual weight: 144.8 - Started the week at 143.0

    WEEK 8 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 8 Actual weight: 143.4 - Started the week at 143.4

    WEEK 9 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 9 Actual weight: 144.2 - started the week at 143.4. Ribs aftermath week.

    WEEK 10 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 10 Actual weight: 144.8 - started the week at 144.2

    WEEK 11 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 11 Actual weight: 145.8 - Started the week at 144.4, and during the week reached a higher weight than I have been at in 3 years

    WEEK 12 Goal: Getting back to my start weight of 143.4
    Week 12 Actual weight: 145.4 - Started the week at 146.6

    WEEK 13 Goal: Getting back to my start weight of 143.4
    Week 13 Actual weight: 144.4, started the week at 145.0

    Day 92-12/23 - 143.8 - Hmm. Well, I changed it up a little last night, had a cup of basmati rice with some chicken nuggets cut up into it. Maybe the rice cleaned me out? I was soooo tired after work last night, but stopped at Walmart since it is very close to where my second job is. I went specifically for some coffee cream so that I could have a nice morning and not have to run out to the store before having coffee. Very glad that I did that : - ) Steak and Prawns on the menu for today later. Officially on a few days off before I go to 38 days straight no days off. Going to try to rest my ankle, tidy up my house, listen to Christmas music and basically just chill. I saw my doc on Thursday, of course he wants me to lose weight to help my ankle. However, there are spurs over my plate and screws, that is leading to the internal bleeding. He has referred me to an Orthopedic surgeon, which he says is a very long wait list. I definitely could not take a couple of months off anyway at this point. I am going to get another injection of Kenalog (cortisone) next Thursday in the meantime.

    Day 93-12/24 - 144.4 - Well worth the .6 pound gain for the beautiful New York Striploin and Prawns that I had. I have officially booked off the day of my injection (Thursday) and the following night from my second job. Yeah, googled those injections, and they work better if you stay off of your feet for 24-48 hours. My second jobs doesn't involve as many "steps" on the pedometre, but is much more taxing on my body. So my 7 days a week will now not start until December 31st. Pretty happy with that. Hopefully my injection will give me some relief in order to do 34 straight instead of 38 straight. Really taking it easy today and tomorrow, just puttering around, trying not to have to put shoes/boots on too often. Green Christmas unfolding, so no temptation of cross country skiing and stuff.

    Day 94-12/25 - 145.2 - Merry Christmas everyone : - ) The weather dropped 13 degrees overnight here. No snow, but colder. Nice and sunny and blue although I have not ventured outside at this point. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful holiday time.

    Day 95-12/26 - 146.2 - I kept it reasonable, 1350 calories, some Christmas dance workouts, a nice forest walk. I did have my once per year snifter of B&B, I think that bottle has lasted me 20 years lol. Back to work today, but a fairly light week since I am taking 2 shifts off around my ankle injection, one from each job. Weather is going to be in the + in the afternoons for the next 2 weeks according to the Weather Network. Just didn't feel the same without snow. I have only had one Christmas without snow before, and that was at my parents' place in Florida. I rented "Holiday Inn" the movie, I loved it. I am going to keep wearing my Christmas earrings and stuff all of this week : - ) I have been eating "Christmas Dinners" since Thanksgiving mostly, and plan to keep that up just cooking up new veggies to add.

    Day 96-12/27 - 146.8 - climbing climbing climbing. My calories were 1123 yesterday, 200 less than the day before, and a good amount of exercise. Early dinners both days, good nights of sleep for a change. Oh well. Not going to get upset about it today. I did not get out on a trail, maybe that is it. Tomorrow morning I get my ankle injection and have taken the day off of work to give it a chance to "take". I will get lots of Fitness Marshall in beforehand since I will need to relax afterward.

    Day 97-12/28 - 146.4 - Had a nice trail walk after work, did not take an offered shift at the second job or attend the 8pm Christmas party at my first job. I have managed to book a few days off for after my injection this morning : - )
    It definitely looks like I will have gained in this 100. So be it. I won't be getting much exercise over the next few days, at least no walking or putting on shoes/boots. I can do Fitness Marshall in slippers and modify so that my ankle is not moving in any weird ways. I got up extra early to get a whole bunch of dances in before going for my injection. Kind of looking forward to not going to work for 3 days, I will putter around the house. I am going to eat what I feel like eating, within reason. I go back to work starting NYE 7 days a week until February 2nd, hopefully with an improved ankle.

    Day 98-12/29 - 146.0 - The doc hit some sort of nerve/tendon/ligament or something. He froze me first and injects in several places. When he hit that area it was deep and I let out a cry, it was a strange and painful feeling. It is bruised this morning, but I am still going to be able to take it easy until work on NYE. Watched the "Barbie" movie last night, I loved it. I rented it from YouTube. No heat allowed near my ankle, otherwise I would have watched it in my nice hot bath with the TV on wheels pulled up close.

    WEEK 14 Goal: Abandoned my goal lol
    Week 14 Actual weight: 146.0 - Started the week at 143.8 - Yikes

    Final 2 days
    Saturday Dec 30 -
    Sunday Dec 31 -

    Mini 21 day Challenge

    Legs straight up (draining) with arm weights exercises, 4-6-ish minutes.

    Round 1, June 25.23 start: 12.5" start, 11.75" end.
    Round 2: 11.75" start, 11.5" Even though my weight is higher, my batwings are getting smaller?
    I have a mole, so it is easy to measure in exactly the same place.
    Round 3: 11.5" - Wow, a whole inch off of my upper arm since beginning this!!
    Round 4: 11.0" start 11.5- So pleased!!
    Round 5: September 18 - October 08. 11.25 started with 11.0 but completely okay with that, maybe building some muscle there.
    Round 6: October 09 - 29 - 11.4 - A bit higher, but I truly feel like my arms are tightening up
    Round 7: October 30 - Nov 19 - 11.25
    Round 8: November 20 - Dec 10 - 11.25 - Glad to see this number even though I have gained quite a bit of weight recently.
    Round 9: Dec 11 - Dec 31 - same end as this 100!

    Going to keep this up. 4-5 minutes is easy to fit into a schedule. Positive new habit.

    Round 9 start measurement 11.25 upper arm (batwing)

    Day 01 - Dec 11 – 7:14 of the 3, the only exercise that I got besides all of the walking at the restaurant
    Day 02 - Dec 12 – 8:04 of the 3
    Day 03 - Dec 13 – Missed!
    Day 04 - Dec 14 – 6:29 of the 3, then stayed with legs up and did 20 butt lifts for my lower abs.
    Day 05 - Dec 15 – 7:41 of the 3 plus 20 low ab lifts with legs up. Good excuse to keep my legs up a little longer. One Fitness Marshall song is like a gazillion ab crunches from many angles + fat burning, but whatever, it doesn't hurt to do 20 reps in one position only.
    Day 06 - Dec 16 – 7:01 of the 3 plus the 20 lower ab lifts while legs are up there.
    Day 07 - Dec 17 – 7:53 of the 3 + the 20 lower ab lifts
    Day 08 - Dec 18 – Skipped. I get quite a sore shoulder from my second job. Maybe I will make it up another day.
    Day 09 - Dec 19 – 8:58 of the 3
    Day 10 - Dec 20 – 9:21 of the 3
    Day 11 - Dec 21 – 9:37 of the 3
    Day 12 - Dec 22 – 7:57 of the 3
    Day 13 - Dec 23 – Missed
    Day 14 - Dec 24 – 8:52 of the 3
    Day 15 - Dec 25 – 7:27 of the 3
    Day 16 - Dec 26 – 7:43 of the 3
    Day 17 - Dec 27 – 7:18 of the 3
    Day 18 - Dec 28 – 8:09 of the 3
    Day 19 - Dec 29 –
    Day 20 - Dec 30 –
    Day 21 - Dec 31 –

    Start weight of this 100: 143.2
    End weight:

    Next 100:
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 170.4
    Challenge GW: 155

    Week 1 Loss: -2.6
    Total Loss: -2.6
    September Loss: -2.6

    Week 2 Loss: -1
    Total Loss: -3.6

    Week 3 Loss: +1.2
    Total Loss: -2.4

    Week 4 Loss: -3
    Total Loss: -5.4

    Week 5 Loss: +1.6
    Total Loss: -3.8
    October Loss: -1.2

    Week 6 Loss: -3.8
    Total Loss: -7.6 This is right where I want to be, average of 1-1.5 pounds lost per week.

    Week 7 Loss: -1
    Total Loss: -8.6

    Week 8 Loss: -1.2
    Total Loss: -9.8

    Week 9 Loss: -0.4
    Total Loss: -10.2
    November Loss: -11.4 Not as good as it looks. I started the month bloated from eating out for the previous 3 nights!

    Week 10 Loss: -4
    Total Loss: -14.2

    Week 11 Loss: 0
    Total Loss: -14.2

    Week 12 Loss: -2.4
    Total Loss: -16.6

    Week 13 Loss: -0.6
    Total Loss: -17.2

    Day 92: Sat, 12/23: 153.2
    Day 93: Sun, 12/24: 151.4
    Day 94: Mon, 12/25: 153
    Day 95: Tue, 12/26: 153.6
    Day 96: Wed, 12/27: 152.8
    Day 97: Thu, 12/28: 152.2
    Day 98: Fri, 12/29: 152.8
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member
    edited December 2023

    That didn't open...


  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,616 Member
    Thank you for keeping us going @deepwoodslady !!
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2" (used to be 5'3"), 63 years old as of September 20th.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 118.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 4 out of the 6

    Week 1 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 1 actual weight - 142.0 - Started the week at 143.2

    Week 2 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 2 actual weight - 141.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - First week of eating 1/2 a banana each day

    Week 3 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 3 actual weight - 143.2 - Started the week at 141.8

    Week 4 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 4 actual weight - 142.4 - Started the week at 142.6

    WEEK 5 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 5 Actual weight: 142.2 - Started the week at 142.2

    WEEK 6 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 6 Actual weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 142.2 - Hit the 141(.6) once during the week

    WEEK 7 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 7 Actual weight: 144.8 - Started the week at 143.0

    WEEK 8 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 8 Actual weight: 143.4 - Started the week at 143.4

    WEEK 9 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 9 Actual weight: 144.2 - started the week at 143.4. Ribs aftermath week.

    WEEK 10 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 10 Actual weight: 144.8 - started the week at 144.2

    WEEK 11 Goal: 139.8 - this will be my goal each week until I hit it
    Week 11 Actual weight: 145.8 - Started the week at 144.4, and during the week reached a higher weight than I have been at in 3 years

    WEEK 12 Goal: Getting back to my start weight of 143.2
    Week 12 Actual weight: 145.4 - Started the week at 146.6

    WEEK 13 Goal: Getting back to my start weight of 143.2
    Week 13 Actual weight: 144.4, started the week at 145.0

    WEEK 14 Goal: Abandoned my goal lol
    Week 14 Actual weight: 146.0 - Started the week at 143.8 - Yikes

    Final 2 days
    Saturday Dec 30 - 146.6 - None of my usual dance/walking exercises. Really babying my ankle before tomorrow when I start 136 days with zero days off between the 2 jobs. Going to take it very easy today and hopefully by the time of my shift tomorrow the injections will have kicked in and I can work comfortably. Definitely going to show a gain for this 100, which I know doesn't help my ankle, but it is what it is.
    Sunday Dec 31 -

    Mini 21 day Challenge

    Legs straight up (draining) with arm weights exercises, 4-6-ish minutes.

    Round 1, June 25.23 start: 12.5" start, 11.75" end.
    Round 2: 11.75" start, 11.5" Even though my weight is higher, my batwings are getting smaller?
    I have a mole, so it is easy to measure in exactly the same place.
    Round 3: 11.5" - Wow, a whole inch off of my upper arm since beginning this!!
    Round 4: 11.0" start 11.5- So pleased!!
    Round 5: September 18 - October 08. 11.25 started with 11.0 but completely okay with that, maybe building some muscle there.
    Round 6: October 09 - 29 - 11.4 - A bit higher, but I truly feel like my arms are tightening up
    Round 7: October 30 - Nov 19 - 11.25
    Round 8: November 20 - Dec 10 - 11.25 - Glad to see this number even though I have gained quite a bit of weight recently.
    Round 9: Dec 11 - Dec 31 - same end as this 100!

    Going to keep this up. 4-5 minutes is easy to fit into a schedule. Positive new habit.

    Round 9 start measurement 11.25 upper arm (batwing)

    Day 01 - Dec 11 – 7:14 of the 3, the only exercise that I got besides all of the walking at the restaurant
    Day 02 - Dec 12 – 8:04 of the 3
    Day 03 - Dec 13 – Missed!
    Day 04 - Dec 14 – 6:29 of the 3, then stayed with legs up and did 20 butt lifts for my lower abs.
    Day 05 - Dec 15 – 7:41 of the 3 plus 20 low ab lifts with legs up. Good excuse to keep my legs up a little longer. One Fitness Marshall song is like a gazillion ab crunches from many angles + fat burning, but whatever, it doesn't hurt to do 20 reps in one position only.
    Day 06 - Dec 16 – 7:01 of the 3 plus the 20 lower ab lifts while legs are up there.
    Day 07 - Dec 17 – 7:53 of the 3 + the 20 lower ab lifts
    Day 08 - Dec 18 – Skipped. I get quite a sore shoulder from my second job. Maybe I will make it up another day.
    Day 09 - Dec 19 – 8:58 of the 3
    Day 10 - Dec 20 – 9:21 of the 3
    Day 11 - Dec 21 – 9:37 of the 3
    Day 12 - Dec 22 – 7:57 of the 3
    Day 13 - Dec 23 – Missed
    Day 14 - Dec 24 – 8:52 of the 3
    Day 15 - Dec 25 – 7:27 of the 3
    Day 16 - Dec 26 – 7:43 of the 3
    Day 17 - Dec 27 – 7:18 of the 3
    Day 18 - Dec 28 – 8:09 of the 3
    Day 19 - Dec 29 – 8:51 of the 3
    Day 20 - Dec 30 –
    Day 21 - Dec 31 –

    Start weight of this 100: 143.2
    End weight:

    Next 100:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,121 Member

    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ Sept 23, 2023 thru Dec 31, 2023

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 176.0 (12 lbs)
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: 188.0
    Challenge Ending Weight: xxxxx


    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0

    Thoughts at the start of this challenge:

    1. I am down 23.3 pounds from my highest ending weight during these challenges (#5)
    2. I am up 2.8 pounds from my lowest ending weight (#9)
    3. I am still down 11.8 pounds from the first challenge (#1)
    4. I am still ahead of the game and these challenges are working for me. It is up & down and slower than I would like but it’s generally working. I’ve got to continue to dedicate myself and put in the work. When I do, clearly the results are much better.

    Previous Weeks This Round

    Day 01-09/23-187.8-(Trend weight 190.6)

    Day 02-09/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 03-09/25-188.8-(Trend weight 190.4)

    Day 04-09/26-187.6-(Trend weight 190.1)

    Day 05-09/27-187.6-(Trend weight 189.8)

    Day 06-09/28-188.4-(Trend weight 189.7)

    Day 07-09/29-188.6-(Trend weight 189.6)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Gain (Already starting this round playing Catch-Up.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 Gain

    Day 08-09/30-188.2-(Trend weight 189.5)

    Day 09-10/01-187.2-(Trend weight 189.2)

    Day 10-10/02-187.0-(Trend weight 189.0)

    Day 11-10/03-186.2-(Trend weight 188.7)

    Day 12-10/04-186.6-(Trend weight 188.5)

    Day 13-10/05-185.8-(Trend weight 188.2)

    Day 14-10/06-188.0-(Trend weight 188.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.6 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0 Lost and 0 Gained

    Day 15-10/07-186.8-(Trend weight 188.1)

    Day 16-10/08-186.2-(Trend weight 187.9)

    Day 17-10/09-184.8-(Trend weight 187.6)

    Day 18-10/10-183.2-(Trend weight 187.1)

    Day 19-10/11-183.0-(Trend weight 186.7)

    Day 20-10/12-185.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 21-10/13-185.4-(Trend weight 186.4)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.6 lbs. Lost

    Day 22-10/14-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 23-10/15-187.0-(Trend weight 186.6)

    Day 24-10/16-184.6-(Trend weight 186.4)

    Day 25-10/17-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 26-10/18-185.8-(Trend weight 186.3)

    Day 27-10/19-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 28-10/20-185.0-(Trend weight 186.2)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.0 lbs Lost

    Day 29-10/21-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 30-10/22-185.6-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 31-10/23-184.4-(Trend weight 186.1)

    Day 32-10/24-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 33-10/25-186.8-(Trend weight 186.2)

    Day 34-10/26-183.6-(Trend weight 185.9)

    Day 35-10/27-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.4 lbs Lost

    Day 36-10/28-183.4-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 37-10/29-185.6-(Trend weight 185.5)

    Day 38-10/30-183.0-(Trend weight 185.2)

    Day 39-10/31-181.4-(Trend weight 184.9)

    Day 40-11/01-181.2-(Trend weight 184.5)

    Day 41-11/02-183.2-(Trend weight 184.4)

    Day 42-11/03-182.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.4 lbs Lost

    Day 43-11/04-184.0-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 44-11/05-184.6-(Trend weight 184.2)

    Day 45-11/06-185.4-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 46-11/07-183.6-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 47-11/08-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 48-11/09-183.2-(Trend weight 184.0)

    Day 49-11/10-183.0-(Trend weight 183.9)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.4 Gain
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-11/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Halfway Progress Report: 5.0 lbs Pounds Lost so Far. I am using day 49’s weight since I will be on a short vacation travel during this weigh-in and still away from home.

    Day 51-11/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 52-11/13-183.8-(Trend weight 184.3)

    Day 53-11/14-182.6-(Trend weight 184.1)

    Day 54-11/15-181.4-(Trend weight 183.8)

    Day 55-11/16-179.6-(Trend weight 183.4)

    Day 56-11/17-179.8-(Trend weight 183.0)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.2 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 8.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-11/18-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 58-11/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 59-11/20-180.8-(Trend weight 182.5)

    Day 60-11/21-180.4-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 61-11/22-179.6-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 62-11/23-182.0-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 63-11/24-183.2-(Trend weight 182.2)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 3.4 Gain (Thanksgiving Weekend)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.8 Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-11/25-183.0-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 65-11/26-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 66-11/27-180.4-(Trend weight 182.4)

    Day 67-11/28-179.8-(Trend weight 182.2)

    Day 68-11/29-179.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 69-11/30-182.4-(Trend weight 182.0)

    Day 70-12/01-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lb Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 6.6 lbs. Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-12/02-181.4-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 72-12/03-182.0-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 73-12/04-181.0-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 74-12/05-180.6-(Trend weight 181.7)

    Day 75-12/06-179.4-(Trend weight 181.4)

    Day 76-12/07-179.2-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 77-12/08-179.0-(Trend weight 181.0)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.4 Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 9.0 lbs Lostp

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-12/09-179.6-(Trend weight 180.9)

    Day 79-12/10-179.6-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 80-12/11-178.8-(Trend weight 180.6)

    Day 81-12/12-178.2-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 82-12/13-178.8-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 83-12/14-177.2-(Trend weight 179.9)

    Day 84-12/15-177.8-(Trend weight 179.7)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.2 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 10.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-12/16-178.0-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 86-12/17-178.6-(Trend weight 179.6)

    Day 87-12/18-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 88-12/19-179.2-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 89-12/20-179.2-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 90-12/21-178.8-(Trend weight 179.6)

    Day 91-12/22-178.8-(Trend weight 179.5)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 9.2 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-12/23-179.2-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 93-12/24-178.4-(Trend weight 179.4)

    Day 94-12/25-178.2-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 95-12/26-179.0-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 96-12/27-179.2-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 97-12/28-179.4-(Trend weight 179.3)

    Day 98-12/29-179.8-(Trend weight 179.3) I am teetering on re-entering the 180’s which is horrifying for me after all the hard work. Yesterday was travel (restaurants and sitting), today is the biggest baking day of the year (bites, tastes and licks) and tomorrow is the Family Feast and Gift Opening with all the children/spouses and grandchildren. So the numbers are only going to get worse. I’ll do my best but I know my weaknesses and my limits. January better watch out as I am coming at it with a vengeance!

    Day 99-12/30-DNW-(Trend weight DNW) I forgot to take my weekly Fosamax so I took it this morning with a large glass of water. I forgot to weigh first so I’ll have to see the damage another day. I baked all day yesterday and made fudge. I also cleaned the house spick & span top to bottom in anticipation for today’s Family Christmas event. I know my weight is up due to all the BLT’s and the lack of real structured exercise. This will be followed by the Feast today. Tomorrow will not be pretty on the scale. Unfortunately it is the end of the month as well as the end of the year tomorrow and I would like a final tally so I will probably have to bite the bullet and get on the scale and lump it. January will be my atonement.

    Day 100-12/31…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN:xxxxx (This is 9 days of data to tally up the end of the round)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Strength Training Mini Challenge Round 9:
    I will continue to work on batwing arms and flabby thighs. I will also try to engage in some “floor” exercising to tighten stomach area. I will try to add in some “regular” exercise like walking or dancing, or the exercise bike AT LEAST 5 days a week. This is not my dream, it is my pledge.

    Day 01 - Dec 11 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 36 min on exercise bike, 15 min of floor exercising, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 02 - Dec 12 – 6 min with 5 lb weights, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 60 min of "extra" activity around the house outside of the norm, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 03 - Dec 13 – 5 min with 5 lb weights, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 04 - Dec 14 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 36 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 05 - Dec 15 – 5 min with resistance bands, 17 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 06 - Dec 16 –6 min with resistance bands, 21 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises.
    Day 07 - Dec 17 – All work and no play.
    Day 08 - Dec 18 – 6 min with 5 lb weights, 20 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 09 - Dec 19 – 5 min with resistance rope, 32 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 10 - Dec 20 – 5 min with resistance rope, 36 min on exercise bike, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 2.
    Day 11 - Dec 21 – 7 min with 5 lb weights, 31 min on exercise bike, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 12 - Dec 22 – Nothing whatsoever. Too tired honestly.
    Day 13 - Dec 23 – 6 min with resistance bands, 31 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 14 - Dec 24 – Nothing. Travel / Family day.
    Day 15 - Dec 25 – 5 min with resistance rope, 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 1.
    Day 16 - Dec 26– 7 min with 5 lb weights, 32 min on exercise bike including HIIT, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 17 - Dec 27 – 6 min with resistance bands, 33 min of aerobic dance, 15 min of floor exercises, Iso knee therapy x 3.
    Day 18 - Dec 28 – 15 min brisk walking at 4 mph with video, 10 min of floor exercises.
    Day 19 - Dec 29 – 15 min of floor exercises, hours & hours of WAY MORE THAN NORMAL steps & movement with baking, cooking and 3 story housecleaning. It was a LOT.
    Day 20 - Dec 30 –
    Day 21 - Dec 31 –

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s