Age 40+ accountability buddies needed!

Hello! I lost 100 pounds in 2023. I’m ready to build muscle and get more active! I started tracking again as of today and would like an accountability buddy to keep me on track. I’m at a comfortable weight (according to myself) but could stand to lose 30-50 more pounds to be considered not obese. I’m not looking to go hard, but I really could use the motivation and encouragement. I live in ND so outdoor activities are not an option.


  • MyBodModProject
    MyBodModProject Posts: 255 Member
    Hey 31Hoodies, Congrats on 100 pounds! That is fantastic! Way to go. I'll help out with cheer leading and encouragement and such, if you'd like. I have been sedentary for a decade when I used to exercise every single day; I need to get off my butt and start moving. It would be nice to have a few people to commiserate with on the days I don't want to move!
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 3
    100 lbs - a rare and impressive accomplishment!!

    Your goals going forward are similar to mine (20 lbs to get out of obese, and a final goal of about 60 lbs).
  • Sassymom1976
    Sassymom1976 Posts: 6 Member
    That is an accomplishment to be proud of!!!
    I’m at the beginning of my journey and I’d be happy as well to cheer you on and help motivate you! Feel free to add me.
  • TJ_Rugger
    TJ_Rugger Posts: 166 Member
    I've been on here for years and some years I was able to make some great progress and while the number on the scale didn't go down too much, I was lifting more and looking better. In 2022 I herniated a disc in my back and I spent much of that year in some level of pain trying everything before I finally got an epidural spinal injection that helped tremendously. Unfortunately during that year I became increasingly sedentary and I began focusing more on my work and less on my fitness and activity.

    Unfortunately with my job and travel I've also cancelled my gym membership, but I did get some things to workout a bit at home. I'm looking for some accountability to get me moving bit my bit more and more.

    I will try to also be supportive of those who are supporting me, I ebb & flow on here but hoping that some new connections will help me.

    Feel free to add me on here and let's see what we can all do together this year!

  • bibber2000
    bibber2000 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 3
    45 years old and counting 🥳🥳🥳 I am in Denmark and calculate in kilograms..... I am on a weight loss journey from 89 to 65... 3 months in and this morning I was 83,9kg 💪😎

    Just add me I could use a buddy...

    I hit the gym 3-4 times a week.
    I try to go for walks but my couch is pulling quite hard 😂
    I struggle to eat all my calories, so my body thinks it is starvation time, and holds on to all my fat 🤷 making it hard for me to lose weight...
  • LovePammiek
    LovePammiek Posts: 14 Member
    40 here! I lost 50 pounds and gained 10 back over the holidays... now im back over 200 it sucks, but im back for the battle.
  • Texton66
    Texton66 Posts: 2 Member
    Well done on the 100lbs. That’s fantastic! Happy to offer support and encouragement. Hoping for the same.

    I put on a lot of weight during lockdown and it hasn’t come off. In fact it keeps increasing. I am at my all time highest weight and want to lose at least 2st (14lb / 6.3kg). I am currently 12st 3lb (171lb / 77.6kg). My scales tell me that I am 3st (42lb / 14kg) over weight but I think that might be going too far. The scales also tell me that my metabolic age is 64 (I am 57) so keen to reduce that.

    I used to be quite active but during the last 6 months with a house move, change of job and injury have provided easy excuses. I also need to cut back on my drinking. I love a glass of wine a bit too much.

    Not sure how this goes but I would be up for setting goals and reporting back weekly on progress (say on a Monday for the week just passed) offering words of encouragement when they havent been met and praise when they have.

    My goals are:

    Maintain a dry January
    Aim for 2lb a week weight loss
    Minimum 30 minutes a day exercise (at least 1 hour cardio and 2x weekly yoga/pilates)
    1 x open water swim/dip

  • AdamKast
    AdamKast Posts: 7 Member
    I am 40 and also looking for accountability buddies! Congratulations on the progress you've made! What an accomplishment!