Turbo Jammers 3/16-3/22



  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member

    Good morning Ladies!

    Kelly I'm sorry you had a long night. Rest when you can. If it's head colds you are battling, an old wives tale remedy is to put Vicks on your feet (and your kids if they are older than 2), and put on your socks before you go to bed. Something about "drawing" the cold out of your head...it works, I don't know how or why but it does.

    Megan glad you are feeling better.

    Amanda congrats on your day yesterday. Everyday is an accomplishment and you should be proud you made it through. Take snarfs advice, look up something online so you don't go out to find lunch blindly. It will save you!

    Deedun sorry you aren't feeling well, but congrats on not gaining anything thru your weeks of partying. If I even think about a weekend of fun I gain 3 lbs!

    Snarf welcome back. I hated Tae Bo the 2 times I did it. Billy Blanks annoys me. I did like the tai chi stuff though at the end. I love knowing that TJ burns so many calories in such a short amount of time....I don't have hours to exercise so I'm glad that I love Turbo Jam. Put it in, party, burn lots of cals, and be done...and still be happy or even happier when I'm done.

    Not much going on here today. Hubby has the rest of the week off so we will probably be trying to get little errands done that we keep putting off. I'm on my way to work out in just a bit. No idea what I will be doing today, but I'll find something....probably CP2.
    I pre ordered my new Hungry Girl cookbook yesterday, I'm so freaking excited! I got it thru Wal*mart and it was only 10 bucks. 200 recipes under 200 cals for 10 bucks, you can't beat that!!!

    I hope you all have a lovely day.
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Hi everyone.

    Wow we've got a bunch down with the sick stuff. My love and hugs going out to all of you.

    Waving hi to those I haven't met yet.

    Just a quick check in for me this morning. Been feeling lousy all weekend, finally up to a little exercise this morning, but definitely had to push myself to finish. Did Kettlebell workout with Gin Miller and then walking on the treadmill. Just have no energy at all. BLAH!! And I don't even want to get on the scale today. It was a lousy eating 3 days. But the good news is, I did get up and exercise today and I am counting my calories. No giving up, which I would have done a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to all of you for your motivation. You make it worth my while to log in and check in.

    Have a great Tuesday. I'll be back to Jammin tomorrow!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member

    I pre ordered my new Hungry Girl cookbook yesterday, I'm so freaking excited! I got it thru Wal*mart and it was only 10 bucks. 200 recipes under 200 cals for 10 bucks, you can't beat that!!!

    Ooooohh that sounds really good!!

    I gotta learn how to post pics so I can do these just like you happy_st.patrk.gif:laugh:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Beauties,
    Hope all are well and feeling much, much better!! No fun being sick at all. Checking in ~ last nite did 20 min (that is such a great short work out ~ really gets my heart rate going and Ab Jam and started the day off with Sculpt. Wanted to add the 20min in there too but just could NOT drag my carcass out of bed this morning!! I'm such a sleepy head:laugh: Had to really push to do the strength training; I always feel like I need to burn more calories. But Chalene says that muscle burns fat - even when resting. I need to read more about that so maybe my mind will shift a little bit. I know it's good for me but my mind tells me that if I'm not sweating up a storm I'm not working hard enough.:grumble:

    Drevans - can't wait to hear how you like the cookbook! 200 recipes for under 200 cals sounds like a great motivator to get in the kitchen and try something new. It does get hard trying to be creative and I tend to eat the same thing(chicken) quite alot. We need some feedback:wink: Hope your w/o is good!

    Snarf - Hi! I used to think Tae Bo was the untimate.... until I tried TJ. I think I picked up the bootcamp DVD once since I got this set of TJ. I agree the workout is better, so I'm with you there.

    Amanda- I haven't forgotten about the lunch ideas just have been busy:ohwell: aplogies. I'll be sure to get some ideas to you. Great job on your day yesterday - keep on going!!

    Michelle - Good job on working out when you didn't feel like it ~ I think those times are the best for my
    commitment to what I'm doing, it reinforces it. and I always feel better afterwards.

    Megan- hope you're feeling more human today!

    ((Big Hugs)) to all I missed and I'll check in later,
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I only have a sec b/c I need to do another workout. I just wanted to let you know I did Hip Hop Abs: Fat Burning Cardio. 30 minutes....200 cals. Once again, TJ wins on the calorie burn front! I'll post more about it later. Trying all these new workouts is fascinating!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    JANET HAS A FACE!!!!! And you are so beautiful!!! I love actually being able to see you!!!

    Michele sorry you aren't feeling well either.

    Deedun it took me forever to figure out pics...and I stole those little pretties from another website :)

    Sara-thanks for the info, but I think we already knew that TJ is the best!! :laugh:

    Just looked at the clock OH GOODNESS.......gotta run!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Janet I'm loving the new profile pic!!!

    Well I didnt manage any exercise today as my cold got worse! I think I was a bit delerious earlier on!!

    I'm taking work off 2moro as I NEED to get better soon!

    Hope you all have a good day!!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Well, my 2nd consecutive day of the 20 minute workout. Wow!!! I really could tell that I was sore from yesterday when I started it. I was smart and came home to work out BEFORE getting the kids. Emma wasn't too crazy about the workout yesterday. Haha! I actually was able to focus more. Now I'm trying to stop sweating before going to get them.

    Janet love the picture!!!

    Happy St. Patty's to all!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hello to all...still fighting the good fight with the "sickies" over here:frown: DH just go home from work and I'm off to spend the rest of the night on the couch. I need to kick this thing in the booty!!!!

    Janet...LOVE the picture! You are beautiful:flowerforyou:

    Great job on today's workouts, ladies! I'm so proud of each and every one of you:drinker: :drinker:
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    Finally got around to TJ again. I did so much better this time. Last time I only got 10 min into the 20 min workout and felt kinda silly. Today, I did 40 min. of one of the cardio party ones. I feel pretty proud of myself. The kids are all napping so I'm gonna jet off to a HOT:laugh: bath.:bigsmile:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Finally got around to TJ again. I did so much better this time. Last time I only got 10 min into the 20 min workout and felt kinda silly. Today, I did 40 min. of one of the cardio party ones. I feel pretty proud of myself. The kids are all napping so I'm gonna jet off to a HOT:laugh: bath.:bigsmile:

    That's awesome! Keep up the good work:drinker:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Checking in w/ FB before dinner! Thanks for the nice comments about the pic ~ it's nice not to be a cartoon anymore,:laugh: She is my very serene alter ego. The other one is real ~ crazies and all! Had to go around taking pics in the office for the paper (resident photographer and writer~ no one else wants to do it , hahaha) so I figured why not!
    Glad our sick ones are rallying up stamina and are on the road to recovery. Dinner is on the stove(chicken, so what else is new) and I'm trying out those "valley fresh steamers" that Bob was talking about on Biggest Loser w/ some brown rice. I just love Biggest Loser ~ it's my show and no one talk to for an hour:wink: , yea...right. One can always hope.

    Have a fantastic night with your families everybody and I'll see you tomorrow:flowerforyou:

  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Ladies!

    Got in from DC a little while ago and did CP3 to loosen up after the drive (and to celebrate being healthy again!! :drinker: ) I don't think I'm ever going to be able to look at a tuna salad sandwich again! :sick: :laugh:

    Kelly, hope you got some quiet time for yourself this evening! :flowerforyou:

    Great job on the workouts wilted6 and Amanda!! :drinker:

    JANET- LOVE THE PIC!!! :heart: you have such a beautiful smile :smile:

    Happy St. Patty's to everyone...catch ya in the am...
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Oh and Lyn, love your new pic too

    and Deedun, feel better soon! (HUGS)
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wilted-Great job on your work out. Don't you just feel amazing and accomplished when you finish those longer workouts!

    Megan-glad you made it home safe and sound. Sorry about the tuna sandwich. Thank you for the compliment. We were trying to take pics of the new color and cut, but pics just don't do it any justice.

    Janet-I'm a BL addict. My son knows that he's only allowed to talk during commercials and my hubby knows that when he calls on his way home from class it has to be short, unless he catches me on commercials, then he gets 2 minutes :laugh: Mandi and Aubrey are from the town I live in, so of course I've been cheering them on. So sad to see Mandi go home last week. You mentioned you were having chicken (again). Do you do turkey? We bought a HUGE thing of ground turkey at Costco and we use it for everything. Also we have started doing a lot of veggie dishes...with beans as the "meat." Have you checked out hungry-girl.com? Or aimeesadventures.com? I love aimees because it's a lot of "comfort" foods slimmed down...seriously we had biscuits and gravy the other day! I can't stand eating the same things over and over so I love finding new things to try!

    Kelly did you get any rest? Are you feeling better?

    Off to bed. Did I report that I did CP2 today?? I can't ever remember!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Kelly - I hope everyone is feeling better at your house! Just like clockwork, it has creeped into my house! I swear our kids pass around the same bugs! :laugh:

    Lyn - I can see the pretty purpleness of it! Awesome! How's work going?

    Janet - You're so adorable! Love the pic! I need to get brave & post one of myself again.

    Megan - Glad you are feeling better! SOOO sorry it was tuna that did it to you. :sick:

    Deedun - Hope St. Patty's in Ireland wasn't too nutty!

    Amanda - Good job getting in the 20 min. workout! I only did that one for a couple months before I got brave enough to do the CP. It's a great workout!

    Orchid - YAY! Great job busting out CP! I love it! Hope to see you over here more often!

    Hi, Michele! I'm not sure if you posted, but I thought I'd say hi, anyways. :bigsmile: Same to you, snarf!

    I'm off to the gym today to try Zumba (if I don't start feeling worse). I am SOOOO sore from spinning! Ouchies! And I'm having TJ withdrawl. I never got to do more yesterday after Hip Hop Abs & I can't believe how much I'm missing it! Haven't seen TJ since Sunday! ACK! We'll fix that today I hope!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks for all of the get better vibes girls! Unfortunately, we are still sick (and now hubby has it too). Grrrr...this one is hitting us hard. I haven't worked out since Sunday and it's frustrating me. I know w/ this fever, body aches, and horrible cough it's not the greatest idea though. I'm ready for this bug to leave our house:grumble: :angry:

    Lyn...love your new picture. What a pretty color!

    Have a great day all!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Family,
    Just a quick check in before I start class - 20min TJ this am and CP3 and Ab Jam after work!

    Drevans - love the pic and new cut/color!! hot mama~~

    Megan - Glad you're better, girl, and able to work out. No more tuna (at least for now:wink: )

    Gottaluv- hang in there~ all will be well soon.

    Gotta Run ~ class awaits!

    Check in later

  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    I messed up on my starting weight!!! So my ticker says I have 14 pounds to lose. It should be 18. I snuck on the scale today. I've lost a pound. Woohoo! So, how do I fix my beginning weight?

    eta: I figured it out!

    I will check back in a bit.
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    This may be a little TMI. :wink: But I was curious as to how af affects your weight. I was a little shocked that I was up last week, but now I am thinking it is because it is that TOM for me. Does it affect you ladies? What do you do differently if anything that week?

    I am going to try and work out today. Not sure that I will get it in. We are test driving vehicles. :happy: And taking my kiddos out to dinner.