Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 246



  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,206 Member
    edited January 8
    Hi, I'm Charissa

    Thank you, QuiltingJaine for keeping us focused!

    62 y/o female
    OSW 2022-03 230.3
    1SW 2023-01 221.8
    1SW 2024-01 223.4

    Round 246, just in the nick of time!!! In the course of a year, I managed to gain. Normally this would upset me and I'd throw in the towel, only to gain more weight; but I did have success in 2023. Life just got in the way and I lost my focus. During the ride, I learned some things that work and truly are sustainable, I also learned that I need to work on my emotions and how they relate to how I treat or mistreat my body.

    So here we go 2024... my motto -
    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Goals this round:
    *This round will be odd, but it will be a start. I will be on vacation 12/29 - 1/2. I will get plenty of exercise (walking) but I probably won't begin the nutrition refocus until I get back since I won't be cooking and not sure what my options will be.
    1/3 on...
    - Tracking to the best of my ability 🍎and staying under calorie budget (just say NO!)
    • Defining a higher calorie budget which will make the loss slower but again, more sustainable.
      Also get rid of the oops factor. When targets are too low, it easy to say...Oops, I went over so I
      might as well have...<fill in the blank>
    - Water (Goal 32 - 64 oz - starting slower to incorporate success) : ✅
    - Closing my rings : 🚶🏽

    Stats and Previous Rounds
    HW: 230
    CW: 223.4 as of 12/27/2023

    2023 Round History
    2023 EOY Results = 1.6 Gain

    Round 210/1 SW: 221.8 EW: 220.6 Loss 1.2 Total Loss 1.2 (01/02/2023)
    Round 211/2 SW: 220.6 EW: 218.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 3.2
    Round 212/3 SW: 218.6 EW: 216.6 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 5.2
    Round 213/4 SW: 216.6 EW: 219.8 Gain -3.2 Total Loss 2.0 Yikes!
    Round 214/5 SW: 219.8 EW: 219.4 Loss 0.4 Total Loss 2.4
    Round 215/6 SW: 219.4 EW: 216.9 Loss 2.5 Total Loss 4.9
    Round 216/7 SW: 216.9 EW: 219.5 Gain -2.6 Total Loss 2.3
    Round 217/8 SW: 219.5 EW: 217.4 Loss 2.1 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 218/9 SW: 217.4 EW: 221.7 Gain -2.6 Total Loss .1
    Round 219/10 SW: 221.7 EW: 220.9 Loss 0.8 Total Loss .9
    Round 220/11 SW: 220.9 EW: 218.9 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 2.9
    Round 221/12 SW: 218.9 EW: 213.4 Loss 5.5 Total Loss 8.4
    Round 222/13 SW: 213.4 EW: 216.9 Gain 3.5 Total Loss 4.9
    Round 223/14 SW: 216.9 EW: 214.5 Loss 2.4 Total Loss 7.3
    Round 224/15 SW: 214.5 EW: 214.0 Loss 0.5 Total Loss 7.8
    Round 225/16 SW: 214.0 EW: 213.6 Loss 0.4 Total Loss 8.2
    Round 226/17 SW: 213.6 EW: 214.7 Gain 1.1 Total Loss 7.1
    Round 227/18 SW: 214.7 EW: 212.7 Loss 2.0 Total Loss 9.1
    Round 228/19 SW: 212.7 EW: 213.8 Gain 1.1 Total Loss 8.00 * Holiday, 6 days vac- last home weigh in
    Round 229/20 SW: 213.8 EW: 215.2 Gain 1.4 Total Loss 6.6 A bit of a setback
    Round 230/21 SW: 215.2 EW: 213.8 Loss 1.4 Total Loss 8.0 simply lost what I gained
    Round 231/22 SW: 213.8 EW: 215.1 Gain 1.4 Total Loss 6.7
    Round 232/23 SW: 215.1 EW: 215.1 Loss 0.0 Total Loss 6.7
    Round 233/24 SW: 215.1 EW: 217.4 Gain 2.3 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 234/25 SW: 217.4 EW: 214.7 Loss 2.7 Total Loss 7.1
    Round 235/26 SW: 214.7 EW: 214.5 Loss .2 Total Loss 7.3
    Round 236/27 SW: 214.7 EW: 216.0 Gain 1.3 Total Loss 6.0
    Round 237/28 SW: 216.0 EW: 217.4 Gain 1.4 Total Loss 4.4
    Round 238/29 SW: 217.4 EW: 214.6 Loss 2.8 Total Loss 7.2
    Round 239/30 SW: 214.6 EW: 216.8 Gain 2.2 Total Loss 5.0
    Round 240/31 SW: 216.8 EW: 216.8 Gain 0.0 Total Loss 5.0 ~ Vacation and didn't weigh so just going to leave it here even though its not right🙂
    Round 241/32 SW: 216.8 EW: 220.2 Gain 3.4 Total Loss 1.6 at least I know why....
    Round 242/33 SW: 220.2 Can't find my scale and totally missed reporting this round
    Round 243/34 SW: 220.2 EW: 216.4 Loss 3.8 Total Loss 5.4 .
    Round 244/35 SW: 216.4 EW: 218.8 Gain 2.4 Total Loss 3.0 .
    Round 245/36 SW: 218.8 EW: 223.4 Gain 4.6Total Gain 1.6 .
    2024 Round History
    I restarted my counter for 2024 since 2023 was basically a wash ....
    2024 YTD Results = 4.4 Loss

    Round 246/37 SW: 223.4 EW: 219 Loss 4.4 Total loss 4.4 .
    Goal Weight
    Goal Weight #1 213 Achieved on:
    Goal Weight #2 203
    Goal Weight #3 193
    Goal Weight #4 183
    Goal Weight #5 173
    Goal Weight #6 163
    Goal Weight #7 153
    Goal Weight #8 143

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    SW: 223.4 end of round 245
    12/28 223.8 ~ This morning was a Don't think, just do it morning. I set the alarm to make sure I woke up in time to exercise. I wanted to turn over and go back to sleep but I didn't. Went to the gym. Weights: Arms & Legs. 10 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Always happy when it's done!🙂 Lots of junk in the house from the holidays. I forgot I made Buckeyes as they were in the refrigerator. I tried one and then had another, they were so good. I'm going to freeze them into individual servings for portion control :). The rest of the stuff is going out (garbage) tonight. We leave tomorrow for Vegas for 3+ days so I will come back to an empty house and start with a clean slate!
    12/29 223.6 ~ 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!! Weights: Shoulders, Back and a little chest🙂 30 minutes on the treadmill. Ready for mini vacation!!
    12/30 *vacation*
    12/31 *vacation*
    1/1 *vacation* Happy New Year!!! Getting lots and lots of steps in. Big dinner last night but mostly sea food. One more day then a travel day. It's been fun!
    1/2 * vacation* Travel day. Interesting...the last couple of trips I've actually been ready to come home. Real work starts tomorrow. There was alcohol to celebrate the new year, but today...I turned down mimosas at breakfast. A start🙂 Nothing changes if nothing changes!
    1/3 223.6 I didn't want to budge this morning but 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!! Weights: Shoulders, Back and Chest - 2 exercises each body part. 30 minutes on the treadmill. The scale remained the same after 4 days of splurging... It was all the walking!! You have to be willing to change what you think is good enough! I increased weights on my roll machine today and contemplated on my laterals (next time)! Also back on the fast train today (IF) only 20 minutes left. I can do it :wink:
    1/4 222.4 :heart: Just one day and I expect the first 5 to 7lbs to go fairly quickly. 🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!! Weights: Leg and arm day. I forgot that I like doing these weights the best. If completed yesterday and today at 17 hours! 👏 Trust (and follow) the process🙂
    1/5 221.6 :heart:
    1/6 219.0 :heart: :heart: :heart: Nice way to end this round. The next round will see the rubber hit the road🙂

  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    61, 5'6 female ~ first round
    Goal: 150lbs & walk 18 holes without fatigue
    Daily 30 Minute Movement
    Add More Protein

    1/1 175 -- Need help, not gonna lie!
    1/2 172 -- First workout, kinda hurt my back, I'll try something new tomorrow. Dinner out at Olive Garden, not as big a challenge as I thought. What was the insomnia last night???
    1/3 170 -- squeezed in a step video I found on YouTube (getfitwithrick) at 9pm (worth it), good food day, bad water day.
    1/4 168.8
    1/5 168.8 I'm tracking!
    1/6 168 Today is a struggle
    1/7 FORGOT
    1/8 169 WHAT???
    1/9 169 Still trying, still tracking, need more movement!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,883 Member