

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I was going to recommend ground turkey in place of the pork. Ground chicken would also work. You also can use fat free Greek yogurt to save calories.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, I woke up with a headache...{not a migraine) :) So I can't complain. LOL. I think it's from this stupid cough that I picked up. I didn't eat well again last night. I have to sit down and meal plan and make a list (checkin' it twice) LOL. I think I am moving my exercise "stuff" to another room. I am hoping that I will have more opportunity to move my body. It's hard when I am the first one up and the last to go to bed, doesn't seem to have "time" when someone is not sleeping. I plan on doing that today. Until it gets warmer outside again and I can walk outside with the baby without shivering. LOL

    @trooworld , so sorry you have a migraine. I hope you meds don't give you the nausea so you can get your stuff done.

    @fabgeekmom Yes those are the reasons I "should" be exercising. My back needs to be stronger and I have osteoporosis with fractures in my yes that should be my top priority. Keep posting and motivate me LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @fabgeekmom Well, you are a bit ahead of the game then! But I say count the squash as you want. :D

    @theslightedgeforever I'm not trying to gain anymore, that was an accidental gain. I have to speak with the dietician tomorrow and then I'll find out if I have to lose weight or maintain it. They certainly will not want me to be gaining. Wow, that sounds like a great webinar! Congrats on a good day yesterday and a great week, way to go on the loss!

    @cbabie I'm sorry about the headache and the cough. I hope it helps to move the exercise stuff to the other room. Thanks, I was nauseated for a while but not all day. And I got some stuff done. :D

    Hi all. My migraine went away with the medication and I wasn't too nauseated to do what I had to do. Today, I will be working on some crafts, I think, and cooking. I'm making America's Test Kitchen's Best Ground Beef Chili with some cornbread (Fresh Corn Cornbread from ATK). The cornbread recipe is a favorite. I haven't made the chili before.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie I’m sorry you woke up with a headache. Moving your exercise stuff to another room is a good idea. Meal planning also is a good thing. I miss walking outside but it is just too cold! @trooworld My son had made the chili recipe and it is so good! He’s fixing it on Tuesday for family dinner. I’ll have to check out the cornbread recipe. Hi, all. I didn’t sleep well last night. Hopefully tonight will be better. I’m going to ride my recumbent bike today- either listen to an audiobook or do a Peloton workout. I need to go to the grocery store to get fruit and vegetables. My daughter is preparing Skinnytaste Shepherds Pie Stew tonight.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @cbabie Winter won't last forever. Have you started your meal plan yet? How about just think about one meal instead of the whole thing cause that can be overwhelming. I use my Trello board and have the same breakfasts and lunch menus throughout the week. Each day is different but I just rotate them from one week to the next. That way I only have to think about planning 7 "dinners" each week. Doing it this way has helped so much. I made a custom field called points so I could put the # of points right on the card. Then I can see whether or not I'm staying within my boundaries as I plan. You could do the same with calories.

    @trooworld Hopefully the dietician will give you a good plan to follow.

    @fabgeekmom What book are you listening to? My daughter loves shepherd's pie.

    I walked for 32 min today in the mall. Then shopped for bday gifts. I have a party on Friday for 3 people. We always do a combined January bday party. I made Hawaiian chicken and sage potatoes. (too high in points but they were really good). I used up some weeklies I did stop myself at just one portion. I just had some blueberries for a snack.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslighestedgefoever I’m listening to Murder in Connemara by Carlene O’ Connor. It’s the second in a series. I checked it out on Hoopla. I like cozy mysteries. Most of the time I eat the same breakfast and lunch with a few variations.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @fabgeekmom It is good. I really like the cornbread recipe. I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. How was last night? Great job with the bike!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes! Sounds like you did well yesterday. Dinner sounds like it was good. Great job stopping at one portion!

    Good morning all. The allergies that I've been experiencing are turning out to be more than allergies: yesterday's became a full-blown cold. :( I'm really congested and have a runny nose and nothing is helping. I'm going to try to work from home today or not work at all...depending on how I feel. Right now, I don't feel so well. The chili turned out well and hit the spot on a cold night.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Too bad about the cold! Hope you feel better soon. Working from home or not working is a good idea. My son had a cold and is getting over it. Thankfully my DH and I have not gotten it. I’m glad you liked the chili. I slept better last night and feel more rested. Hi, all. Despite being tired yesterday, I had a good day. DH and I went to the grocery store and got fruit and vegetables. Also turkey deli for sandwiches. My son went to IKEA and brought back yummy cookies. I ate one and a molasses cookie with hot tea for an afternoon snack. I made bread in the bread maker that didn’t rise. It was still good! My son and I ate a few hunks of it before going to my daughter’s house. I usually have some kind of dessert after dinner so I skipped it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks! That's good you haven't gotten your son's cold. I'm glad you got more rest. How fun to make bread, I'm sorry it didn't rise but that's good it was still good.

    Hi all. I worked until 10:30 and then clocked out for the day. I slept most of the day. I had my consultation with the bariatric surgeon dietician. It was underwhelming, to say the least: it lasted 9 minutes. She just told me that the idea was to get me ready for surgery so the diet afterward wouldn't be so hard. I don't have to lose any weight, I just have to make sure and not gain any. For the first 2-3 months after surgery, my diet will be simple after surgery and eventually can eat a little of everything. She emailed me some PDFs: a 5-day sample menu of a 1,200 meal plan, cooking tips, how to create my own meal plan, a food and activity log, a portion control handout, and how to read food labels. Not really that helpful stuff as I have seen it all before but I'll take another look.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Interesting info about your upcoming surgery. There probably isn’t anything new about dieting so that’s why the visit didn’t give you new information. I hope you’re feeling better. A cold can knock you down. Yesterday was a swim day. My son spatchcocked a chicken that I had marinated in buttermilk and roasted it on top of potatoes, celery, carrots and onions. It was so good! We froze the leftovers for soup. Today DH and I are meeting a cousin and her DH for lunch. I haven’t seen her since before COVID so it will be good to get caught up. My son is making ATK chili and a knock off Outback wheat bread for family dinner.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the cold. DH has one now with fever and I’m hoping he keeps it to himself. That seems crazy that they want to do surgery but will only give you 9 min of their time for explanations. I was thinking if I could follow a 1200 cal diet plan I wouldn’t need surgery 😃 I suppose you’ll figure it out.

    @fabgeekmom For some reason murder mysteries don’t interest me. Neither book or films. That and sci-fi. When I went to the dietitian last year she said you know everything. I can’t help you. I said knowing is not doing Can you help me with doing. Evidently not. Cause a year later and here I am. I eat so much better quality wise than I used to I should be thinner I’ll figure it out

    Now you all have made me hungry for chili.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I think we all know what to do to lose weight. It’s the doing that is the secret! You’ll figure it out.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Stopping by to say a quick hello!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes. True, and I've heard it all before because of all the programs I've been in. Wow, the chicken sounds good! I hope you enjoyed the time with your cousin and dinner.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks. Yeah I think I had a fever at one point. I will take a COVID test today just to be sure but I HATE taking those, they are so uncomfortable, especially when you are congested! Yeah, she said, "Since you are sick, I won't keep you..." but I think it would have been that short even if I wasn't. And thank you, exactly, if I could follow a 1200 cal diet plan, I'd be set! LOL My plan is to LOSE some weight while I'm waiting, not just maintain. Make yourself some chili lol.

    @gemwolf110 Hi Missy!

    Hi all. I'm still sick. I worked until 11 yesterday and called it quits. I could have worked longer but I had to pick up my husband from work. Today, I will work longer. I considered going in but I'm still congested and coughing on occasion and sneezing. I will call my work and see what they want me to do.

    Yes, my plan is to actually LOSE some weight or at least try. I had told her that my husband and I enthusiasts and kind of foodies so we make mostly homemade foods and not a lot of packaged stuff, would that work with her plan? And she said yes. But the stuff she sent is pretty basic and I don't know how that will. I'm just going to do my thing and try to stay below 1850 cals a day (which is what I would need to lose .5 lbs a week) on the lower carb/lower sugar side of things.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Sorry you are still sick. Your eating plan sounds good and workable. As you know I’m a foodie, too. Hi, all. My visit with my cousin was fun. A bit sad as she told us her DH was having symptoms of Parkinson’s and some dementia. He has PHD in math and had a government job. DH and I are thankful for our good health. Dinner last night was good. I ate moderate amounts. Today is a swim day. I’m cooking dinner tonight. I have some pork chops that I’m going to air fry. Also polenta. There’s a microwave recipe on ATK. Some kind of vegetable, possibly butternut squash as I have one. I’m out of my low calorie bread and need to go get some. It’s a brand that sometimes is hard to find.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom that’s my goal. Figure out the secret. Sad about your cousin’s husband. Yeah good health is so important. I want that and my mobility. My mil has lived with me for almost 9 years. Watching her is a model of what I don’t want.

    @gemwolf110 waving hello 👋🏻

    @trooworld So how could you convert what you and hubby make to fit her plan? Portion sizes?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    edited January 11
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. Yes! I know you are just as much a foodie as I am. :) I'm sorry about your cousin's husband. That's very sad. I hope you enjoyed dinner and your swim.

    @theslightedgeforever I don't think I need to eat 1,200 calories to maintain my weight or even lose. That's far too low. But as far as the idea, it's already how I eat (see below, never mind the examples). I eat leftovers, I incorporate a variety of foods, I don't drink juice, and I don't eat a lot of sweets, starchy carbs or processed foods. I do need to work on portion sizes and impulse foods and eating before I am starving: for instance, the other day, I didn't eat any snacks after lunch. By the time dinner came around, I was famished and was eating tortilla chips while my food microwaved. Not good. The portion size thing will have to be a little-at-a-time thing. Thanks for asking.

    Hi all. Still sick but a bit better. I worked from home yesterday and will again for the rest of the week. My goal for this weekend is to have my husband help me with setting up the replacement walking pad. I have a busy Saturday so it will have to be Sunday. I need to get moving once I feel better. I had a good day yesterday: I tracked 100% of what I ate and didn't snack on stuff I shouldn't. On Monday, I made hummus and I added sundried tomatoes to it which was a really good flavor. I also made baked pita chips in the air fryer. It was a nice planned snack.

    Water yesterday: 32 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, Sorry this week I have been trying to get back into the routine of driving my daughter to and from school, homework, cooking dinner, etc. I am exhausted. LOL. I didn't get to exercise yesterday as I was busy with the kids, oh you know, like Dr's, homework all the fun stuff kids bring. :). Today I plan to do 20 min of something, just not sure right now what it is. I didn't get my equipment moved as there didn't really seem to be a place the baby would not try to play with my treadmill is in my closet set up ready to go so I don't have to keep "setting" it up. Still trying to get my meal plans done.

    @fabgeekmom you are always planning your meals and proud of the retirement lifestyle you chose.

    @trooworld LOL I was looking at your picture you sent and I was thinking what is BLDS? Is that a new name for how we eat...then DUH....Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack hit my brain. Well at least it made me use my brain. :)

    @theslightedgeforever I can hear mom...sometimes me think you think too much. LOL. You are going to find the secret. Think like Indiana might just be looking at it and not see it. :)

    @gemwolf110 Hi, glad you stopped in!! Hope your week is going well.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Sorry you are still sick. Good job on tracking. The meal plan looks doable but I am assuming that is not all you can eat. Also using MFP will get you the same thing. I hope you get the walking pad up. Exercise is so important. @theslightestedgeforever You will find a way to live a healthy lifestyle. My dad is part of my motivation as he was morbidly obese and even though he lived to 92, he didn’t live a fulfilling life. @cbabie Keep on trying with meals and exercise. It is hard when you are so exhausted. Children will do that to you! Hi, all. Dinner last night was good. Pork chops in the air fryer with a rub I made months ago, roasted butternut squash and microwaved polenta ( I used an ATK recipe). Today DH and I are going to the recreation center and then to Sam’s Club. My son is making soup from ATK for dinner. I can’t remember what it is called. Something with Indian spices that DH won’t eat. I will post it later.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    Hi, all. Chana Masala is the recipe my son is making.