85lbs to lose in 2024

Hey everyone, I am English and like many have a long journey ahead of me. At almost 57yrs I have tried many y to times before and failed. My mindset is different now I am a new nanny for the first time. Good luck everyone and good to meet you all x


  • sabinem65
    sabinem65 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Luck. I am right there with you, trying to take it day by day. Happy New Year.
  • drjen
    drjen Posts: 1 Member
    You can do this! Mindset is everything!
  • Arose719
    Arose719 Posts: 49 Member
    How are you doing so far? I’m proud of you for trying. I’m about 100lbs overweight; right there with you!!
  • Whitetail2448
    Whitetail2448 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck on your journey.
  • Wurlitzer1015
    Wurlitzer1015 Posts: 7 Member
    Great to see you here, good luck on your journey. Set your daily intake goals and then use the tool to select meals that will keep you under it. Don't have a meal and then enter it, you'd be surprised how this helps. Well, it did for me anyway.
  • carolmclintock6786
    carolmclintock6786 Posts: 2 Member
    hiya - 57 and English here too, have put so much weight on since lockdown and changing jobs that I have resurrected my account here and looking to lose at a slow and steady rate. Good luck and happy to support you if needed
  • dew11252
    dew11252 Posts: 88 Member
    edited January 16
    Hey 365, I can fully relate. I lost about 30 pounds last year so I could have a knee replaced. Got that done, great recovery, now I want the other knee done. However, I gained the 30 lbs back and am having a difficult time getting back on track. I know I CAN do it - cuz I did. I know I WANT to it cuz I want the other knee replaced.

    Retired. Just turned 70. Live alone. No valid excuses for not going to the gym and eating healthy. Although, I just had a delicious, healthy salad! Maybe today is my new start!!!!

  • beens0523
    beens0523 Posts: 1 Member
    Right there with you Sister! I’m am just starting the same journey with 100ish to lose. Tired of using it all as armor and looking to free myself from the burden.

    This quote got me recently as I can totally relate: “You never change until you step out of your comfort zone. Change begins at the end of your comfort zone” (Roy T Bennett).

    Sending kudos to you on your kickstart! You got this Girl! 💕