Any like-minded ladies in their 40s?



  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Are y'all daily weighers? Weekly? Monthly? I currently weigh daily, because I'm afraid if I weigh weekly I might miss my lowest day and feel discouraged on my weekly weigh day. That sounds really neurotic as I write it out LOL Interested in what y'all do:)
  • GlammyHolly
    GlammyHolly Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to mfp. Age 37.
    I need some friends as well. I'll just be happy to lose anything at this point🙂
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    TxTiffani wrote: »
    Are y'all daily weighers? Weekly? Monthly? I currently weigh daily, because I'm afraid if I weigh weekly I might miss my lowest day and feel discouraged on my weekly weigh day. That sounds really neurotic as I write it out LOL Interested in what y'all do:)

    I was weighing daily but I got discouraged by not seeing the numbers fast enough 😆. I took a break from that so I just weigh here and there. Going to start back though!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Hey everyone! Just turned 40 last month. Definitely could use the support. Looking to lose around 35 lbs, but most importantly get my body healthy, and develop a healthy lifestyle because this isn't temporary. Good luck to all
  • michelleannkedian
    michelleannkedian Posts: 6 Member
    TxTiffani wrote: »
    Are y'all daily weighers? Weekly? Monthly? I currently weigh daily, because I'm afraid if I weigh weekly I might miss my lowest day and feel discouraged on my weekly weigh day. That sounds really neurotic as I write it out LOL Interested in what y'all do:)

    Ha I thought I was the only one who weighed daily foe the same reason 😂
  • michelleannkedian
    michelleannkedian Posts: 6 Member
    So I finally plucked up the courage to post a comment for the first time on another chat as I joined MFP premium a couple of weeks ago and did not get any response :(

    I am 44 years old and 33 pounds (15kgs) over weight :( it's my birthday in April so that's my target. I have thought about my goals over and over but won't motivation to do the doing!!! Thoughts or words of wisdom or accountability check ins welcome and I will return the favour.
  • RachelKoerner6158
    RachelKoerner6158 Posts: 4 Member
    I have no idea how to add people on here, but I'm 37 and have lost 37 pounds and would like to lose about 40-50 more pounds to hit my ideal weight. Please feel free to add me too!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    Kiwi2mfp wrote: »
    I turn 40 next month. 2 years ago I felt like life was all down hill from there. I weighed 217 pounds at 5'7" female...had a fasting glucose of 113, high cholesterol, kidney issues from Covid, fibromyalgia, planters facitis, degenerative disk disease, and two bulging disks in my back. Was exhausted and in so much pain I spent way too much time in bed. After a health scare kicked my butt into the "get busy living or get busy dying" mode I lost 70 pounds, corrected my high cholesterol, brought my fasting glucose into really normal range, and my kidneys corrected. On top of all that my pain level decreased by 90 percent and my energy increased by 90 percent! I saw my mother's health take a drastic decline in her late 30's as she packed on weight. She never turned it around. I don't know if that health scare didn't come along if I would have ever turned it around either. But my mom now is morbidly obese, type two diabetic, disabled and recently had part of her foot amputated because she let herself go that bad. As it is, I went from seeing my grave on the horizon to seeing the beginning of new the point that my husband and I decided to try for a baby! I'm now 30 weeks pregnant with our first girl! This would not have happened had I stayed trapped in the painful and exhausted body I was in. I had my gestational diabetes test last week and passed it with flying colors even. So I know what it's like to watch family members lives get destroyed by making bad choices and never changing their ways. That is another thing that fueled me besides the health scare. I currently weigh 184 pounds and am just trying to maintain this weight until my baby is born... then I'll likely be right back into weightloss mode to be fully energized to start my new life with my little girl and husband. I'll be 40 years old when she's born.

    This is sincerely wonderful.
  • kierasayshi
    kierasayshi Posts: 67 Member
    Kiwi2mfp wrote: »
    I turn 40 next month. 2 years ago I felt like life was all down hill from there. I weighed 217 pounds at 5'7" female...had a fasting glucose of 113, high cholesterol, kidney issues from Covid, fibromyalgia, planters facitis, degenerative disk disease, and two bulging disks in my back. Was exhausted and in so much pain I spent way too much time in bed. After a health scare kicked my butt into the "get busy living or get busy dying" mode I lost 70 pounds, corrected my high cholesterol, brought my fasting glucose into really normal range, and my kidneys corrected. On top of all that my pain level decreased by 90 percent and my energy increased by 90 percent! I saw my mother's health take a drastic decline in her late 30's as she packed on weight. She never turned it around. I don't know if that health scare didn't come along if I would have ever turned it around either. But my mom now is morbidly obese, type two diabetic, disabled and recently had part of her foot amputated because she let herself go that bad. As it is, I went from seeing my grave on the horizon to seeing the beginning of new the point that my husband and I decided to try for a baby! I'm now 30 weeks pregnant with our first girl! This would not have happened had I stayed trapped in the painful and exhausted body I was in. I had my gestational diabetes test last week and passed it with flying colors even. So I know what it's like to watch family members lives get destroyed by making bad choices and never changing their ways. That is another thing that fueled me besides the health scare. I currently weigh 184 pounds and am just trying to maintain this weight until my baby is born... then I'll likely be right back into weightloss mode to be fully energized to start my new life with my little girl and husband. I'll be 40 years old when she's born.

    This is truly inspiring. I'll be 40 in August. I'm at my heaviest now. At 200lbs. Like you, I have seen far to many family decline or die relatively young by not prioritizing their health. I'm determined to succeed and live and thrive. I have a 5 year old and she is my biggest inspiration every day.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Looks like we have lots of amazing women in here!

    How’s everyone’s week gone?
  • Kiwi2mfp
    Kiwi2mfp Posts: 166 Member
    TxTiffani wrote: »
    Looks like we have lots of amazing women in here!

    How’s everyone’s week gone?

    Hi there! My week has been going pretty good! It's snowy here in Maryland but very pretty outside. We heat with a woodstove and are stocked well with wood so that's a comfort. We can just bundle up and enjoy the view. I've got my next OB appointment on the 23rd and so far I am maintaining weight from two weeks ago so I'm happy with that. I see the doc now every two weeks so my goal is maintenance between each appointment. I already gained 35 pounds so far and have 2.5 months left so the longer I can maintain, the better. My doc says even a little weightloss is okay at this point as long as I gained the recommended 25-35 pounds minimum. I hope everyone else is having a good week and sticking to their goals. Taking it day by day and week by week seems to be key for me.
  • Kiwi2mfp
    Kiwi2mfp Posts: 166 Member
    edited January 20
    This is truly inspiring. I'll be 40 in August. I'm at my heaviest now. At 200lbs. Like you, I have seen far to many family decline or die relatively young by not prioritizing their health. I'm determined to succeed and live and thrive. I have a 5 year old and she is my biggest inspiration every day.

    Thanks for sharing![/quote]

    Thank you 😊 I am having a little girl! I have two older sons (18 and 16 years old) so no daughters yet. We are effectively starting completely over. I am excited to have a daughter for the first time! She is already motivating me and I've yet to meet her. You picked a good age to get your health back on track before precious years go by that you didn't get to live your best life in. So many people truly miss out by not taking charge of their health again at around this point. They say your 30's are your best years...well I think 40's are going to be my best years. I'm already over caring what everyone else thinks (watch someone come tell me how to raise my baby 😁 not this time around lol) , healthy, and free to live as I please. I wish this with you also.

    Edit to say: somehow that didn't quote right. Kierasayshi, I hope you see this.
  • Kiwi2mfp
    Kiwi2mfp Posts: 166 Member
    Kiwi2mfp wrote: »
    I turn 40 next month. 2 years ago I felt like life was all down hill from there. I weighed 217 pounds at 5'7" female...had a fasting glucose of 113, high cholesterol, kidney issues from Covid, fibromyalgia, planters facitis, degenerative disk disease, and two bulging disks in my back. Was exhausted and in so much pain I spent way too much time in bed. After a health scare kicked my butt into the "get busy living or get busy dying" mode I lost 70 pounds, corrected my high cholesterol, brought my fasting glucose into really normal range, and my kidneys corrected. On top of all that my pain level decreased by 90 percent and my energy increased by 90 percent! I saw my mother's health take a drastic decline in her late 30's as she packed on weight. She never turned it around. I don't know if that health scare didn't come along if I would have ever turned it around either. But my mom now is morbidly obese, type two diabetic, disabled and recently had part of her foot amputated because she let herself go that bad. As it is, I went from seeing my grave on the horizon to seeing the beginning of new the point that my husband and I decided to try for a baby! I'm now 30 weeks pregnant with our first girl! This would not have happened had I stayed trapped in the painful and exhausted body I was in. I had my gestational diabetes test last week and passed it with flying colors even. So I know what it's like to watch family members lives get destroyed by making bad choices and never changing their ways. That is another thing that fueled me besides the health scare. I currently weigh 184 pounds and am just trying to maintain this weight until my baby is born... then I'll likely be right back into weightloss mode to be fully energized to start my new life with my little girl and husband. I'll be 40 years old when she's born.

    This is sincerely wonderful.

    Thank you 😊
  • kymmie78
    kymmie78 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am looking for accountability partner also. I am 45 with grown adult child. I am also watching my mother's health decline and my health due the weight. I have 80 pounds to lose.
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all- 48 here and have about 20 to lose. I’ve slowly gained weight over the last 10 years and I just feel yucky. I’ve always worked out regularly but I’ve let the diet go and need to focus more on the diet.
  • smnovosad1
    smnovosad1 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi ladies, I am hoping to join here! I am 47 and probably at my highest weight ever — I am having to squeeze into my fat clothes😢. I am too afraid to get on the scale currently — I have set an initial weigh in date of Valentine’s Day. I am hoping that if I can eat well and exercise until then, the shock of seeing some horrible number will be offset by knowing I have put a month into improving myself. I am 5’5” with an ideal weight of 130 lbs and apparently a ton to lose.

    I don’t know how to add anyone but I’d love to be friends with people even though I’m late to the party!
  • SparkleMK
    SparkleMK Posts: 10 Member
    TxTiffani wrote: »
    Are y'all daily weighers? Weekly? Monthly? I currently weigh daily, because I'm afraid if I weigh weekly I might miss my lowest day and feel discouraged on my weekly weigh day. That sounds really neurotic as I write it out LOL Interested in what y'all do:)

    I recently read that daily weighing at the same time (for example in every morning before breakfast) was a good idea, but to only "record" it once a week. So write it down daily but then add it together and average it out and record that average as your "real" weight every Friday or whatever day you choose to do consistently. Made a ton of sense to me because if I wait a week the number can jump wayyyy up, but if I do every day the number going up and down can make me nutty, so this was a good way to get a balance.
  • SparkleMK
    SparkleMK Posts: 10 Member
    I’m seeking a circle of support! I’m in my 40s and I have 80+ pounds to lose. I’m witnessing my mother‘s health decline, and I want to give myself the best shot possible for optimal health as I age. I also want to feel as though I am not trapped in my body. If any of resonates with you, please reach out! This is something that I know I can only do with adequate support.

    Right there with you. I'm in early 40's and I think I have about 100 to go =( We can do this!