Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • brick_house1
    brick_house1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm back on MFP trying to make 2024 my year! Looking for health focused pals 😊 happy to connect with anyone looking for the same.
  • brick_house1
    brick_house1 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been trying to add people in this thread but they all seem to say private profile and I can't figure out how to do it
  • rach5ie
    rach5ie Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 10
    It would be good to have some more friends added. I’m not very motivated at the moment.
  • HungryCatapilar24
    HungryCatapilar24 Posts: 43 Member
    Ah friends are over rated
  • RegroupResetGoAgain
    RegroupResetGoAgain Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all, back after a hiatus and ready to kick on. :smile:
  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member
    I'm looking for friends who likes stories, insights, jokes, inspiration, and more. I need to lose 160lbs, so I should be around for a while. If you like my avi, great; my teenage daughter made it for me on her computer. If you don't, my teenage daughter made it for me. :D
  • HungryCatapilar24
    HungryCatapilar24 Posts: 43 Member
    Oh go on then I could do with some friends
  • ItsMeAnna3
    ItsMeAnna3 Posts: 211 Member
    Add me if you like, never too many friends
  • jlval1989
    jlval1989 Posts: 89 Member
    Add away! Back again, after putting weight back on. Getting married in May, and would like to look a bit better in my suit...
  • craig007usn
    craig007usn Posts: 33 Member
    Back on here and trying to stay consistent and keep myself accountable on here! Always happy for more friends
  • rhysmm2021
    rhysmm2021 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. Looking for new friends to motivate and entertain each other! 🤣
  • ThisIsMegs53
    ThisIsMegs53 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi all, feel free to add me - I’m always happy to see others reaching their goals and motivate them on their journey 👍
  • WLWGranny
    WLWGranny Posts: 6 Member
    Kelven2330 wrote: »
    Kelven2330 wrote: »
    PS. I am totally starving right now and could eat my computer.

    PSS. Thanks for listening.

    Lol! Wait 30 min. Then see if the craving has passed.

    Thanks I made it!

    That would have been an expensive lunch and difficult to record in my diary!

    Also hard to digest lol
  • WLWGranny
    WLWGranny Posts: 6 Member
    I have used MFP off and on for years but never had any friends to support or inspire me. I was always afraid of failing and not wanting anyone to know .I am starting again and this time I am not allowing myself to think that way. Because I realize that having support and inspiration is what is needed to help succeed.
  • Robert3376
    Robert3376 Posts: 1 Member
    Support and friends that help one other in their journey through motivation and inspiration are key to growth for oneself. I like to meet and friend like minded people
  • TNorbz
    TNorbz Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to connect! I used MFP from
    2010-2017 and lost 100 lbs, had a baby in 2016 and lost the baby weight and then some. I managed to maintain from 2017 to 2020 and then it just became a roller coaster, yo yo gain loss gain loss with a 55 lb loss in 2022. I’ve put that 55 pounds back on and I’m ready to take it off for good!! Anyway… all of the connections I once had here are gone as I let my account go inactive. If you’ve read this far and still want to connect please do ☺️.
  • CartyBen21
    CartyBen21 Posts: 2 Member
    New To my fitness pal. Add me so we can keep one another accountable