Small Steps, Big Wins: Support and inspiration for your 2024 goals



  • Soul_mate
    Soul_mate Posts: 77 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I'm back after a long hiatus of knee surgery and subsequently gaining back all the weight I'd lost and then some. My small steps are to make a point to stay active with on purpose exercise albeit lower impact than before! I am also upping my protein intake (or trying to), and have lowered my carbs. The scale and I have never been on speaking terms 😆 and so clues from the mirror and clothing will be my guide. For me, the scale moves extremely slowly and its depressing so I'm not looking at that. 🫣
    Praying for us all. Blessings on your individual journeys! 🙏
    I don't like the scales either 😕 they've never been my friend 😂

    Scales are not linear.. zigzag.. even if we maintain calorie deficit consistently.. due to harmones.. muscle gain.. water retention
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,220 Member
    I'm not doing a diet but, keeping my foods to whole foods and managing my portions.
    For the most part, removal of processed foods....because to be honest....if its processed, its not a real food is it?? hmmmm?
    Be protein conscious.
    Get in daily activity.

    That's enough to focus on.
    Its been hard for me to find an active group on MFP. I hope this one continues to be active.

    I'm not weighing myself. I don't like the idea of it. Back in the 1800's they didnt' weigh themselves (guessing) .... why should I? As long as my jeans fit or get a little loose...I'll take that as my win. More importantly I want my mindset to be happy, joyful and proud. Instead of shame, guilt and anxiety.
  • I have a wonky knee & know I need to lose weight to get it healed. Yoga is my friend now until I can get back to my walking routine. I was walking 5 miles a day with a friend until my knee flared up again. I lost 35# with just walking. But I’m stuck @ 208#. This gave me a nudge to start watching what I eat. Right now Iowa is in a blizzard condition so I am confined to the house.
    Thanks for everyone’s support! Have a warm & wonderful day!
  • julienbutter
    julienbutter Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, I’m from London, England and I want to lose 3-5kgs of body fat and increase my overall level of fitness
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,813 Member
    edited January 14
    Hi all, I've been on MFP for a few years and found a group that is really supportive and encouraging with optional challenges and weekly weigh-ins. It's called Fat 2 Fit Weight Loss Challenge and Support Group.

    If you want to add me as a friend, I'd be happy with a few more folks on my feed.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,813 Member
    edited January 14
    Would love some friends on here for motivation and support. Have been on here a few times but am wanting to finally make the change in my life that I need to feel better about myself. Feel free to add me (no clue how to add others 🤦🏻‍♀️)

    I tried to add you as a friend but couldn't do it, maybe your settings are private or something. Could you try clicking on my profile pic or name and go to my page? You should be able to click on the tab with an outline of a group of people (something like this 👥👤👥) send me a message and we can then connect.
  • ChefRamsey14
    ChefRamsey14 Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve been using MyFitnessPal for years and it has helped me to lose 80 pounds. I’ve also been doing the keto diet and I believe that is the key. Now that I am modifying the keto diet to include more carbs, the weight has been inching back up. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
  • kvisser1
    kvisser1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I've been using MFP for 8 years. I lost a lot of weight in the beginning and started running long distances, culminating in 2 half marathons and one full marathon in 2018, but then developed an over use injury in my hip. Since then, I've struggled to stay on track with fitness and food focus and gained back about half the weight I had lost. I mostly do low carb, moderate fat. I still run a few days a week, but have added spinning and pickleball to my cardio. I also do weight training 2 days a week. I guess I'm ready to regain the excitement for making a change I had when I started in 2015 and looking for folks to help make it interesting and maybe some new low carb recipes 😋
  • prodigal6766
    prodigal6766 Posts: 123 Member
    kvisser1 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been using MFP for 8 years. I lost a lot of weight in the beginning and started running long distances, culminating in 2 half marathons and one full marathon in 2018, but then developed an over use injury in my hip. Since then, I've struggled to stay on track with fitness and food focus and gained back about half the weight I had lost. I mostly do low carb, moderate fat. I still run a few days a week, but have added spinning and pickleball to my cardio. I also do weight training 2 days a week. I guess I'm ready to regain the excitement for making a change I had when I started in 2015 and looking for folks to help make it interesting and maybe some new low carb recipes 😋

    Injuries suck big time. Not only can they keep you from working out, depression can set in. Try to keep N attitude of gratitude, and make smart food choices while you are not as active. Especially cut down on the carbs. I mean way down. Good luck!
  • ambydf
    ambydf Posts: 4 Member
    Well, my daughter
  • ambydf
    ambydf Posts: 4 Member
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    I had a ruff weekend with a migraine. I didn't eat a whole lot so I didn't log. If any of you have migraines you know it's hard to function. So mostly just layed down the medicine makes me feel strange. I forgot to weigh this morning I'll get it tomorrow.
  • I’m working on my flexibility. I’ve always been strong until a wonky knee made me figure out I needed to start stretching. I found a free chair yoga on YouTube & love it. I can’t believe the difference in 5 days! My knee is starting to feel better & my posture is already improving. Hopefully after we get snowplowed out here in Iowa & the temps aren’t negative degrees; I will be able to start walking with friends again!
  • All4kyks
    All4kyks Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All I am new here and have progressively put on weight as the years have past, particularly since Covid. So looking to get back to my healthy weight and be more active and healthy. Also think I need a forum like this to stay accountable!!