Poll for Racing Runners: Do You Carry Your Own



  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    It depends on the person, on the run, on the weather.....

    I had a half marathon over the summer on a 96* day that only had 1 water stop. Luckily I wore my belt with 2 8oz bottles, that saved me that day. For a 5k, no belt, for a 10k, I'll look at the water stations if there aren't enough for me I'll carry water too.

    I have a friend who hates to stop running so she carries her own bottle no matter what.

    I like to drink when I run so I always always always look at how many water stations there are and how they correlate with how I like to drink during a race.
    There will always be someone else doing it too.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i carry one of these

    and then fill it up from the tap or filtered water and replace every 2 or 3 weeks
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I always carry mine with me if over 5 miles although if you aren't used to running with one it can feel really awkward at first.

    Good luck whichever you decide!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I generally carry just a little 8 oz bottle that has the little finger notches. If it's a summer race I'll carry two. I did a half in March and was so happy I DID! I am not a really fast runner (mid range) and by the time I got to the water stops, there was no water at all! I was totally pissed, but relieved that I had brought my own. It was a fairly new race and many, many people complained about the water.

    Anyway. I generally carry some water because I need it to wash down my gel and sometimes I don't want to wait for a water stop. Plus it is much easier to drink without spilling or stopping. On my last race I wanted water and not gatorade on one water stop and had to stop and go backwards for the water. That was quite annoying!
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Never carry water. I always stop , pinch top of cup to a spout and drink at water stops. Also drink quite a bit right before I run.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    I do. I use a belt, I can't carry anything in my hands.
    Before I had a baby I could run 5-8 miles without water - now I can't even do a 5k without sipping - so I take my own AND I drink at water stops.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    training yes, actual race, no. Ill use the aid stations when needed and i dont like carrying the extra weight. At the aid stations just pinch the rim of the cup and pour it into your mouth vs. trying to sip it.

    Youll be fine
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    It's totally a personal choice. I hate to have anything extra on me when racing, so no, I absolutely would not bring a bottle. But then again, I saw someone that said they were going to wear their Camelbak for a marathon, which astounds me! For myself, I cannot IMAGINE schlepping 26 miles w/several pounds of water on my back and the chafing I would imagine would ensue from wearing the vest.....no way, enough other misery going on w/o that! But if it works for her/him.....well, go for it.

    Another thing to think about is how much time you'll actually lose by walking thru the aid stations. Unless you're pretty fast, it probably won't be significant--plus, it feels kind of good to take that 30 seconds or 1 minute and walk and drink your water.

    Anyway, do whatever seems best to you and see how it goes. Best wishes!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I hate carrying anything and I hate hydration belts. I wear one on my very long runs if it is hot out, but in a race I just use the water stops and grab 2 cups that way when I spill half of a cup each cup I still have a cup to drink.
  • Depends on if you are "racing" or "running". Most folks racing worry about carrying just an extra pound or two of body weight so won't likely be carrying a water bottle. Check the top age group runners to see what they are doing. An extra pound could be 1-2 minutes of time over a marathon.

    However, if you are just out to finish then do what ever makes you most comfortable. Personally, I never carry anything for a race and just make sure I know what electrolyte drink is going to be offered and make sure I am comfortable and have trained with that specific drink. Of course, this assumes the race is well supported and I can count on the aid stations being well stocked.

    Also, most runners will try to get water at the beginning of the aid station. Run past the first few tables and you can generally miss the crowds. I always grab 2-3 paper cups so if I spill I can always get the liquid I need. I almost always drink the electrolyte liquid and use the water to pour on my head or neck if it is warm out.

    Good luck and have fun!
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