Small Steps, Big Wins: Support and inspiration for your 2024 goals



  • hcrews9535
    hcrews9535 Posts: 1 Member
    I’ll turn 78 in 2024, and I’m looking to have an accountability partner of similar age who also desires to lose weight and age gracefully I am fighting arthritis in my leg and swelling in my feet ankles knees from Venus insufficiency. I want to overcome these challenges and still live a productive, active life, are there any takers out there?
  • bignate001
    bignate001 Posts: 1 Member
    I joined this forum because of the 7 day plan kind of requested a forum like this. I'm trying to drop from 217lbs to 155lbs. Currently on my journey I'm plateaued at 195.6 lbs. I've been there for about a solid month. I'm hoping to read the forum and be inspired by other stories.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    I’m working on my flexibility. I’ve always been strong until a wonky knee made me figure out I needed to start stretching. I found a free chair yoga on YouTube & love it. I can’t believe the difference in 5 days! My knee is starting to feel better & my posture is already improving. Hopefully after we get snowplowed out here in Iowa & the temps aren’t negative degrees; I will be able to start walking with friends again!

    I've been taking physical therapy for a month and the make me stretch my legs and I can tell a big difference in my legs and posture as well. I've been snowed in for a week now. It snowed here all day. I didn't love to be able to go outside and walk . I ordered a exercise bike but the weather has the mail held up so I've not received it yet 😞
  • prodigal6766
    prodigal6766 Posts: 123 Member
    lilrayray7 wrote: »
    Hi everyone- I’m Rachel - not looking to lose a set amount of weight but I just want to feel and look healthy. Busy RN, military wife and mom of 4 & 17y/o. I’m just tired of feeling tired constantly.

    Best way is to log everything, and then go back and determine what is working for you. Best of luck!
  • KrystleDeakin
    KrystleDeakin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I've used this app a couple of times over the years, never consistently though like I am this time. Really going to give it a good go for 2024! ❤️ would love some friends on here that are on the same path 🥰 I'm a wife and a stay at home mum of 4, I am terrible with just snacking through the day as I'm usually really busy with the kids and around the house, so I just grab biscuits from the pantry as I walk by,or chocolate, lollies etc, always sugar 🫠 trying to get into a healthy weight range for my bmi at least. Currently 67kg, my first goal is to get to 64 then will reevaluate. Little goals 😍 (I'm 161cm tall)
  • prodigal6766
    prodigal6766 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi! I've used this app a couple of times over the years, never consistently though like I am this time. Really going to give it a good go for 2024! ❤️ would love some friends on here that are on the same path 🥰 I'm a wife and a stay at home mum of 4, I am terrible with just snacking through the day as I'm usually really busy with the kids and around the house, so I just grab biscuits from the pantry as I walk by,or chocolate, lollies etc, always sugar 🫠 trying to get into a healthy weight range for my bmi at least. Currently 67kg, my first goal is to get to 64 then will reevaluate. Little goals 😍 (I'm 161cm tall)

    You can take care of the nasty snacking habit by getting rid of your snacks. Make sure you have healthy alternatives before you start craving those snacks. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

  • gmluiso03
    gmluiso03 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I’m Joe. I’m in my mid fifties and have struggled with weight & body issues since my youth. I have been fortunate to have always had good numbers; cholesterol, BP, blood sugar, ETC… I’m ready to take charge of my food intake, weight and overall health. I now think of my longevity and being here as long as possible for my family. I could use to lose 40-50 lbs. I’m glad to be here.😊
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    kvisser1 wrote: »
    I exercised and I stretched today. Lower body weight training that really used my hamstrings.
    Food is logged and I published it to a few social groups I am in. Hoping that helps me for accountability.

    I realized sometime this morning, that I used to make a plan, follow the plan and....when I wanted to go off plan, I said "NO". For example, having a serving of cheese, kinda wanting more. I would say, NO, that's all I get for today, you can have more tomorrow! and then, put it on tomorrow's plan. Some how I stepped off that train, and need/am going to / get back on it. Today, as my day 1.

    I know exactly what you are talking about! I do this too. I keep putting foot down and saying no more, but then my discipline and focus fly out the window! Time to really make that switch back to getting diet and fitness under control! We can do this!

    My therapist says if you don't feel it you're not doing anything. She's really tuff on me but I need it because I'm first to tell you I'm lazy.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    hcrews9535 wrote: »
    I’ll turn 78 in 2024, and I’m looking to have an accountability partner of similar age who also desires to lose weight and age gracefully I am fighting arthritis in my leg and swelling in my feet ankles knees from Venus insufficiency. I want to overcome these challenges and still live a productive, active life, are there any takers out there?

    I'm not 78 I'm 54 but I'm fighting arthritis in my knees and shoulders and I definitely need to lose about 100 pounds.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Hi everyone praying everyone is doing good today. I'm going to be honest I didn't do very well over the weekend I skipped exercise both days and gained 2 pounds. So it's back to exercising today and eating healthier this week. I'm glad I have guys. I hope you all will keep me accountable of what I eating.
  • Arose719
    Arose719 Posts: 49 Member
    @nanerkay proud of your transparency! We got almost a foot of snow last Monday, and were woefully unprepared. My survival instincts kicked in, and we ate..and ate.. and ate and ate. And we snuggled and played video games and had a lot of fun family time, but we hardly moved our bodies.

    I, too, am getting back at it this week. We're going to work hard this week, and eventually, we will build these habits.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Arose719 I mostly set her alone with my cats. I sat on the couch watching Blueblood all weekend. I also had a lot of snow over the weekend. I did get today and did 20 minutes of low impact aerobic workout.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,438 Member
    'A dead end street is a good place to turn around.' ~ Naomi Judd

    Had a laugh at this 'well duh' moment this morning.... Turns, u-turns, adjustments are the way forward ,)

  • AngieMeza3409
    AngieMeza3409 Posts: 2 Member
    mssexyt1 wrote: »
    Happy New Year!
    I want to stop playing games and return to my fitness routine.
    I've had back-to-back surgeries since June last year, most recently yesterday.

    Making sure I was committed, I started my journey on Christmas Eve, and as of this morning, I am 8 lbs down. :)
    I would love a friend to help push me through because some days are tough.
    I have more to go to achieve my goal! Please message me if you are interested.
    We have mutual goals and can support each other.

    I too would like to have a friend who can walk this journey with me and motivate me when I need it and a kick in the pants too.
  • marie19781
    marie19781 Posts: 194 Member
    Sorry so long
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Had a ruff day at PT today but I know it's making me stronger so it's worth it 💪. I've done good on logging everything and staying under my calories.