Not losing weight very quickly



  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 212 Member
    I want to echo the points made about slow weight loss and non-scale victories. I’ve been at this since, I guess, August with an initial goal of losing about 15 pounds. I’m just getting close to that now, though the numbers continue to fluctuate day to day. For example, several weeks ago I dipped down to to 174 and then went back up to 176. This week I got below 171 for the first time, but I’m fully expecting to see 173 for the next few days. It’s the larger trend that matters; I will be at 170 shortly and then start striving to drop the last 15. It took seeing the fluctuations over maybe 6-8 weeks, while still knowing there was progress, to realize they aren’t indicative of the trend.

    Regardless of the numbers, the big change is that, after spending the last two years in elastic-waist bamboo pants, I can fit into some of my regular pants that zip - even though there’s plenty of belly flab and back fat, and strangely it seems like I have a much more noticeable muffin top than before; not sure if that is some kind of flab redistribution thing?

    Anyway, point is, you are headed in the right direction. I read Yirara’s comment as saying you knew you were losing too fast before and now seemed to be wanting to lose too fast again. Glad you are listening and learning, as we all are. Best of luck.
  • ReReNotMe
    ReReNotMe Posts: 63 Member
    Honestly I'm in the same spot you are and have plateaued for a while.

    The main way I'm finding motivation to keep going and not go off the deep end with obsessive restriction is to have functional fitness goals alongside weight loss ones.

    I'm more flexible, my night-time exercises are becoming easier and I'm spending more time admiring my progress and socialising at the gym than body checking in the mirror. I think if you spend more time focusing on things like that instead of the scales you'll eventually move past the rut (and maybe start losing gain too)

    Hope that helps. Sorry if it doesn't
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,413 Member
    I'm also losing weight very slowly...

    Good for you! That means you're doing it right. Slow and steady wins the race. Keep sticking to it, and keep losing slowly.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    I'm also losing weight very slowly...

    Sounds right to me.
  • MamaBearWorx93
    MamaBearWorx93 Posts: 18 Member
    I love all the input and support. Mine is slowly coming off but it IS coming off. Slow and steady, up and down but the trend is down. And I'm eating so much healthier and focusing on moving my body as much as possible. This community is awesome. Thank you everyone for your help!