Starting over alcohol free

Today is day 15 alcohol free. Starting over with diet and exercise today. About a year and a half or so ago, I went a couple of months with no alcohol and dieting and exercising regularly. Lost 20+ pounds, and then one day, decided margaritas would be a good idea. Well, that ended December 3 when I was detoxing so bad I could not hold a glass and was vomiting. I should have gone to the ER but I could not even drive myself.

I guess I am posting this as much for my own sake and sort of a diary to keep me motivated as much as to see if there are others who might need some motivation and encouragement. I will be posting daily so I hope I don't upset or offend. Thanks


  • Darlene_Oregon
    Darlene_Oregon Posts: 125 Member
    Thank you Susan. I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to reply. I'm somewhat new to this stuff. And I am still drinking. I will do my best to taper off.
  • Gsaunders02
    Gsaunders02 Posts: 1 Member
    Today is day 15 alcohol free. Starting over with diet and exercise today. About a year and a half or so ago, I went a couple of months with no alcohol and dieting and exercising regularly. Lost 20+ pounds, and then one day, decided margaritas would be a good idea. Well, that ended December 3 when I was detoxing so bad I could not hold a glass and was vomiting. I should have gone to the ER but I could not even drive myself.

    I guess I am posting this as much for my own sake and sort of a diary to keep me motivated as much as to see if there are others who might need some motivation and encouragement. I will be posting daily so I hope I don't upset or offend. Thanks

    I quit drinking months ago. Was drinking beer every night, usually to the tune of 8-16 per night. And usually high calorie IPAs.

    Quit drinking and haven't lost a pound. Not one.

    Not sleeping better, not feeling better. Really makes me question things.
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