
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @theslightedgeforever It looks like you have found a way to prevent heartburn. Good job on planning for cake at the birthday party. Yes, life has to be balanced. I gave up on making zoodles as I would prefer a small amount of pasta. And I threw away my spiralizer before I moved. The homemade pizza sounds good. You are correct in that sometimes the weight comes off when we least expect it to. My motto is to keep on keepin’ on.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. I see the dietician once a month, next meeting is Feb 5th. I see her over the phone. I send her only one week's worth of my diary. I could still ask for suggestions though. Yes, exercise would help but the only time I really have to do that is the weekends so I don't know how much that would help? I already do walk on the weekends. 70s, that's nice! I hope you enjoyed your walk and breakfast. Steak night...mmmm!

    @theslightedgeforever Ah that sounds like something that would be helpful. That's great you were able to get healthy food with delivery. I have a device that makes zoodles, too, but I never use it because I'm not really a fan of most zoodles. Maybe it's the way they are cooked. If I get a gastric bypass, the only thing I can take for pain is Tylenol. That could be with the water. I've been weighing weekly. Maybe I should weigh daily? Good point about the delay. I did track everything, I really did. Portion sizes, they should be pretty much correct per the recipe. Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the pizza. I've made alternative crusts before and they turned out well (including mozzarella/almond/coconut flour crust, "Fathead" pizza crust which is low carb and contains mozzarella, cream cheese, eggs, and coconut flour, and the 2-ingredient dough pizza crust). Now, I want to make some of these lol. I'm glad you were able to balance things out at the birthday party.

    Good morning everyone. Thanks for your suggestions and support. I really appreciate it. You both made good points. My #1 goal this weekend is to get the walking pad set up. I feel like I only have a little bit of time before work and after work to do anything: I get up at 4 am, drink coffee, check my email, and respond to MFP stuff until 5, and then I start getting ready for work and taking care of the dogs. I'm out the door by 6:20 am. Then, when I get home at 5:15-5:30, I have to walk the dogs, possibly make dinner if it is my night to cook, and eat, and then I am in bed by 7:00. It doesn't leave much room for exercise. I think what I need to do is to walk on my 10/15 minute breaks at work each day. And then, really do some exercise on the weekends.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Morning all, I don't even know what happened to this week. I seem to be so disorganized, or in reality, the baby boy takes most of my waking moments. I haven't eaten well or exercised and I feel lousy. I read some of the post and the heartburn..yep I have it all the time now. I am not sure what is causing it, but it has to go away. It used to be when I ate too much fat..NOW I don't know. I seem to be on edge and eating more out of that. So today I re-evaluate and try something different. I have been working on my closet, so that is a plus. I need to do things like that to take my anxiety down. LOL

    I am not going to reply to post as there are too many. I will just start afresh today. What I did read, I love how you guys are helping each other to find the path that helps each one to find that sweet spot as I call it. You guys are encouraging and uplifting.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @cbabie Cut yourself some slack. It’s hard with a baby. Concentrate on the food. When the weather is nicer, take the baby for walks. Just do what you can. Organizing the closet is a good thing. @trooworld You do have a busy day! Walking the dog is exercise. Do what you can but don’t stress over it. Hi, all. Steak night was good! My son wants Domino’s tonight. I’m planning on eating 2 or 3 slices and bringing a salad to my daughter’s house. DH and I are going to the recreation center to use the recumbent ellipticals and then go grocery shopping.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,290 Member
    @fabgeekmom I like your saying keep on keepin' on You have a great balance in your health journey.

    @trooworld I'm not a fan of daily weighing. Gives too much power to the scale. I was asking because it might be possible your weight was lower on the day before but happened to rise on the day you weighed in. I've been following a trend line so it gives me an average. That way the occasional high doesn't bother me. For your morning routine how can you shave off 5-15 min. For instance, if you only spent 45 minutes checking email and MFP you would have 15 min to walk on the walking pad or do some weights/bands, etc. I've been doing the same with my time budget. Seeing where I can shave off a bit of time so I can do other things that are better for me.

    @cbabie The good thing about closet organizing is it is something that you can control. Your heartburn might just be a side effect from one of the meds you are taking.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good advice about not weighing daily. It can cause anxiety. Your time management is also a good idea.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @cbabie That's good you are working on your closet. I'm sorry about the chaos and heartburn. I hope you can nail down a plan. HUGS.

    @fabgeekmom Yes, I do. The dog walking only equates to about 20 minutes two times a day but yes, it is exercise. Thanks! I hope you enjoyed pizza night and the rec center.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah that's what I am afraid of. I will get obsessed. Maybe I will weigh in twice a week. Once I get the walking pad set up, that's a good idea to shave off some time in the mornings. I do best with morning exercise.

    Hi all. No time to set up the walking pad yesterday but I'm making it a priority today. I will get it unboxed and do as much as I can without his help so what he will have to do will be minimal. I'm also going to spend some time crafting today.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @trooworld Good idea to limit weight ins. It sounds like you are off to a good start. Hi, all. Pizza was good last night. My daughter ordered the mushroom pan pizza which had more calories than I had planned to eat at dinner. I brought a salad which helped me be able to only eat 2 slices. When I got home I was still hungry and ate 2 fun sized Reese’s cups. That wasn’t too bad calorie wise. I’ve been trying to eat more protein. Yesterday I didn’t eat enough and that’s why I was hungry. I’m going to try to get 100 grams today. My daughter speaks to a nutritionist once a month and that’s what she recommends. Tonight my daughter is cooking. I don’t know what but I am sure it will be good. I left the salad at her house so we can have it at dinner. I’m exercising on my bike today as it is raining.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,290 Member
    @fabgeekmom I have good ideas. I don't always follow those good ideas. I'm still having a hard time getting up early to exercise. I've decided to just start setting my alarm for 15 min earlier and then slowly getting up earlier and earlier til I hit 5:15. Good plan for taking a salad to eat with the pizza.

    @trooworld I really do better with exercising about 6 pm but can't seem to do it here at home versus at my daughter's house.

    Today is my older son's bday. He likes his traditional Betty Crocker chocolate cake with fudge icing.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks! Good job with the pizza and the bike.

    @theslightedgeforever Are you distracted at home, is that why? Are you going to have some of the BC cake? I do like a boxed cake once in a while. Happy birthday to your son.

    Hi all. My husband was cooking for his family and doing laundry and then took the food over to his family. By the time he got back at 6:00 pm, it was too late to ask him to help with the walking pad. It is still in the box but the box is opened. I am disappointed that it didn't get done but not surprised. Now it will have to wait until Saturday. I am going to go for a walk on my break in the morning today at work.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Morning all, It's supposed to be warm here the next 4 days, but then awfully cold after that. I love this mixed up weather. NOT!! LOL. I am trying to get to the bikes in the garage today. My middle daughter wants to get back to bike riding after work. So we will see if this happens, today is busy, but it's on the list.

    @trooworld You and I have the same time stealer..LOL I think we should ask them to leave. I think they are cousins. LOL. You will get the pad up and "walking" I am sure of that. Just not when you wanted.

    @fabgeekmom That was good you had room for mini candy. I love those...just enough to satisfy the craving. I made PB fudge yesterday for my GD birthday, that was what she asked for. I had 2 pieces and now I am done. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever You know we are not alike..I like mornings you like evenings..Are you sure we are sisters? LOL. By 6 pm I am pooped and don't want to do anything. It's not possible here, but I don't want to do anything. LOL You are doing better than you were before..just keep remembering that.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @trooworld Too bad about the walking pad. It’s a good idea to walk during your break. I’m assuming the weather is milder in San Diego. @theslightedgeforever I’m sure you enjoyed the cake. I always have a small piece when cake is offered. I like to exercise in the late morning or early afternoon. I prefer in the morning so after lunch I can relax. @ cabbie I don’t like the mixed up weather. It’s cold and windy here. Hi, all. Yesterday was busy. I walked around the block and did a Peloton cycling workout. Also went to 2 grocery stores with my son. For lunch he made chicken fajitas. For dinner my daughter made a crockpot chicken dish. We had salad leftover from Saturday. I skipped the potatoes. Eating a protein bar in the afternoon helped me from overeating. I made banana bread from ATK which we ate for dessert. Calories were not too bad even though I ate more calories that day because of it. Today is a swim day. Leftover vegetable lo mein with chicken and veggies from yesterday for dinner. My DH gets spaghetti my cousin made for him.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @cbabie We had good weather over the weekend and yesterday but tomorrow's weather is not so good: more rain! That would be great if you could ride your bike. LOL yes, we should! Yes, I will. I am determined! :D

    @fabgeekmom Yes, it was nice yesterday (mid-60s and sunny), so it was perfect for walking. Good job with the Peloton workout! I love chicken fajitas. I make mine in the air fryer. That's good you still have stuff your cousin made your DH so you can enjoy what you want.

    Hi all. I DID go for a walk yesterday on my break. I took a bit longer than I was supposed to, I only get a 10-minute break twice a day (and a 30-minute lunch) but I walked for almost 17 minutes. I think I will do that again today. Because I took that walk and was actively walking around the building at work, I hit my step goal for the day (6,000). I actually got 8,099 steps. There is a new study that says you don't need 10,000 steps for health benefits: walking just 3,967 steps a day reduces the risk of dying from any cause and 2,337 steps a day reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

    Another study said: Your personal peak depends on your age. People younger than 60 should indeed walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day to get the best benefits in terms of life expectancy and cardiovascular health. People older than 60 show the most benefit between 6,000 and 8,000 steps.

    I have to take one of my dogs to the vet today: her eyes were gooey yesterday and she was squinting so she needs to be seen today as eye problems can become very serious very quickly.

    Water yesterday: 114 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Morning all, I have another scratchy throat. This is ridiculous. It's supposed to be 79 today. I am in a flannel shirt and jeans. LOL. I am going to try to get going for a walk, but not sure I will. I have eaten eggs two days in a row for breakfast. I think I will be going back to my protein powder. LOL.

    @trooworld I like that I don't "have" to have 10K steps anymore. I will take the 6K, LOL. I really used to love walking on my lunch ( I got an hour) it made me not so stressed the latter half of the day. It was also good for my body..I just didn't know how much walking was good for you until now. LOL

    @fabgeekmom LOL You mentioned a protein bar while I was reading your post...and I thought I have one left, I am going to go eat it and I did..the power of our minds. LOL. I am always fixing more than one "meal" the kids don't always like what we are having, my GD doesn't either, so sometimes she just doesn't eat. LOL. My DH is like a garbage disposal and he very thin. He will eat anything I cook. My middle daughter will eat most anything either. One of my parents had this will live here and you will like it...I had the mindset..I may HAVE to live here, but I don't HAVE to like it...they did that will almost anything. You will eat this or you will have nothing..kind of thing. It's funny looking back at how I was raised and how I am now.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @trooworld It’s good that you walked at work. I agree that 10,000 steps is not necessary. If I swim or ride my bike I don’t get many steps. I go by calories burned from my Apple Watch. @cbabie Too bad about the scratchy throat. Something seems to be going around. I also grew up having to eat what was prepared. I remember my brother and I would wad up the vegetables we didn’t like and loss them before putting our dishes in the sink. I’m a whole lot more flexible now. Hi, all. It’s cold here so I worked out on the bike. I made roasted butternut squash soup for lunch to eat with my sandwich. Now I’m drinking hot tea and eating a protein bar. My son is making ATK air fried chicken wings, coleslaw and red potatoes for dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,482 Member
    @cbabie Oh no! I hope you aren't getting sick. We had good weather yesterday but it's supposed to rain starting maybe tonight? Tomorrow for sure. I hate eggs lol. I can eat them sometimes but I definitely don't like them. Yeah, I liked those studies, too lol. Now you know! :D

    @fabgeekmom Thanks! Yeah that's great exercise you are doing. Yummy food.

    Hi all. I didn't get a walk in yesterday at work because I had to take my sick pup to the vet. Turns out she has pinkeye. I didn't even know dogs could get it! So, we got antibiotics and hopefully that will help. But I didn't get to work until 12:30 and then I was busy the rest of the day. I made Tortilla Chicken Verde Chili in the NInja Foodi using the pressure cooking setting and it was good. That was dinner. Tonight is kind of a splurge meal, it is for Chicken Pepperoni ( I may make a salad with it, I scheduled buckwheat to have with it but I think a salad sounds better.The rain is coming here, it should be here tomorrow. Tomorrow's traffic should be really bad.

    Water yesterday: 89 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Morning all, I woke up with some signs of throat issues, but feel way better I think I skirted around it. LOL. I went for a walk today with baby boy. It was a 23 min walk and it was so nice outside. However, we are supposed to get really cold with rain. (Thanks @trooworld ) LOL. I was thinking of ordering a bike for inside, but I don't really have the room. I have always had some kind of equipment in my home, never really liked going to the gym but have many times over the. years. So just keep walking when I can. Diet is not great, have to move along with that.

    @trooworld Sorry you didn't get your walk life is what the baby lets me get done most of the time LOL It's getting better, one day at a time. I used the Ninja pressure cooker one time, glad you liked the recipe. I need to use mine more.

    @fabgeekmom Do you have a favorite protein bar? I have had a few in my life I like, I have been eating the GNC Lean bars, not bad, but kind of hard. but I want the protein not all the sugars and fat that sometimes are disguised as "healthy". LOL. I told my daughter today...If I am going to be outside, it will be with no kids and a good book and a glass of water..but here I am inside and can't seem to have the time to enjoy a good book. (another goal of mine)

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the dog. Hope she is better. The recipes sound good. @cbsbie I’m glad you feel better and were able to walk. The protein bar I like is Barebells. My daughter’s nutritionist recommended them. One bar has 20 grams of protein. Sometimes I split one and eat the other half another day. Hi, all. It’s cold and dreary here. DH and I went swimming after breakfast. I have water boiling for tea. Dinner tonight is chicken noodle soup that was in the freezer from a few weeks ago and ATK whole wheat bread with raisins and walnuts.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,635 Member
    Afternoon, Today was nice in the morning and now it's cloudy and grey. I did get a walk in, met a neighbor who we have both lived here over 30 years and just never meet. So I figure today is a new day and new wonderful things will come to pass as it goes on. Last night I grilled hamburgers on the Ninja grill and air fried carrot stick fries. I am trying to get veggies..LOL

    @fabgeekmom don't you just love when we have things in the freezer and we don't have to cook? I will look up Barebells, thank you. I LOVE raisin bread!!!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    @cbabie That’s great that you got a walk and met a neighbor. Grilling hamburgers is always good. Hi, all. My son had a day off so he took me grocery shopping and cooked lunch. We had air fried chicken and coleslaw. We also made smoothies with protein powder. I bought the Gold Standard Optimum Whey as recommended by my daughter’s nutritionist. I put a scoop of chocolate protein powder, 1 tablespoon dark cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons PB2, 3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk and some ice in the blender. So good and filling! Lots of protein.