Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Lea_fless
    Lea_fless Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I’m just tryna get back on my streak of keeping track of my food and committing to an exercise routine again. Let’s motivate each other 👊🏼, feel free to add me
  • operationremie
    operationremie Posts: 4 Member
    I'd love to have be friends as I'm starting things out again
  • WhenWillIBeThin
    WhenWillIBeThin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi 👋 I’m new and love a friend here !! I am woman, want to lose weight and at the starting point !! 🌞🌞🌞
  • nniles49
    nniles49 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I've been using MFP for a long time, off and on, as I struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle as a working mom and primary caretaker of my elderly father. I have some comorbidities that prevent me from exercising and eating the way I want to, so I'm scheduled for BPD/DS surgery in August. Not looking for anyone to tell me to skip the surgery and just eat better. Been there, done that. Heard it 10,000 times. But I am looking for anyone who's either had surgery or is scheduled for surgery and eating a bariatric surgery diet. I would love some encouragement, accountability and food ideas and would love to provide that to others in return.

    Here are my deets:
    HW: 365
    CW: 355
    SW: unknown but hoping for 340
    GW: 150-175 would be a miracle ... but I'll settle for the weight I maintained for years and years before I got sick, which was in the 210 range.
  • Whyohwhydidsheswallowthefly
    Whyohwhydidsheswallowthefly Posts: 36 Member
    edited June 3
    Hi all, I'm jen from the UK

    I've been on a pretty consistent binge/restrict cycle for years now and it needs to stop, I've been doing good with hitting the gym but my diet is all over the place so I need some accountability and friends to cheer me on along the way as I get into a more stable space where diet is concerned..
    And of course I'll do my best to be a good cheerleader for you along the way!

    Good luck everyone! ❤
  • suecavill8396
    suecavill8396 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey 👋

    Really need some healthy eating motivated friends.

    I’m in Hertfordshire, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
  • julieberg49
    julieberg49 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 3
    Hi my name is Julie, I'm 63 yr old retired woman with 30+ pounds to lose. I thought I should actually add some friends for support this time around on MFP. Also if you know of any good groups I would be interested in please let me know.
    Have a great day
    Julie <3
  • deniecyblessed3256
    deniecyblessed3256 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I am just starting over trying to lose 100 lbs. Currently 240 lbs. and would love to be a healthy 130 lbs. Would love all the encouragement and support I can find. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • seagirl_33
    seagirl_33 Posts: 18 Member
    bgosh15 wrote: »
    Or any friends would be great!

    Add me
  • sylviajlash1
    sylviajlash1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. During Covid I lost 80 pounds. Through the years, relationships, life struggles, etc. I have gained it back. I do have to say, I originally lost the weight in not a very healthy way: eating way too little and making food my every concern. I had gone through a breakup at the time and wanted to change. Today, I am in a wonderful relationship with someone who thinks I’m beautiful regardless of weight. I am feeling that wonderful feeling of self consciousness so I am looking to change again. Healthy and sustainably this time. Add me so that we can support each other and make sure our habits stay healthy.
  • Rockman67
    Rockman67 Posts: 89 Member
    Always looking for new friends, Please feel free to add me, and chat me. More accountability buddies are always great! Not just faces on a list, Happy to be of support and get any support from anyone, I am a good buddy too, constant moral support a great motivator and easy to talk to lol anyone feel free to add me. A very down to earth individual—if you like to chat add me
  • emberslight
    emberslight Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all ♡ I'm (F26) down 55 pounds right now with 35 to go and am looking for friends going through the same thing ~
  • imhardeepwtfim
    imhardeepwtfim Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 4
    Looking for accountability partner from India

    Please reach me on WhatsApp +91 8557070324
    And mention you found this on MyFitnesspal
  • BronzeScorpio1111
    BronzeScorpio1111 Posts: 132 Member
    I am not new to MFP but I am looking for new friends to help keep me motivated and inspired.. And I love to do the same 🙂
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    Heya, would love to have some motivational peeps on my feed !
  • ItaliaLownsbury
    ItaliaLownsbury Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Friends!

    Everyone calls me Talli, I live in upstate NY. Recently I've had to go on an elimination diet for health reasons and am now gluten and dairy free. I am looking to lose weight, improve my fitness, and overall just feel better. I love to cook, learn new recipes, walk, hike, and bowl. I'd love to make some new friends!
  • caylapal888
    caylapal888 Posts: 50 Member
    @ItaliaLownsbury I am dairy free as well. Have you tried any plant milks or plant based products yet?
  • ItaliaLownsbury
    ItaliaLownsbury Posts: 2 Member

    I make my own almond milk, I really like the so delicious brand for yogurts, and just started exploring some vegan cheese's. Any tips my friend?
  • caylapal888
    caylapal888 Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 5
    @ItaliaLownsbury I am allergic to almonds but I make and buy my own oat milk. I love using coconut milk as well.

    Vegan cheese is hit and miss but I like the brands Chao and Daiya. Violife is okay too. The cheese just depends on what you are making sometimes vegan cheese needs a little help.

    One of my favorite treats is Breyers Vanilla Non-Dairy Oat Milk Ice Cream.
  • BronzeScorpio1111
    BronzeScorpio1111 Posts: 132 Member
    I am not new to MFP but I am looking for new friends to help keep me motivated and inspired.. And I love to do the same 🙂 please feel free to Add me.