Ready for a Change



  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Options's the latest update on my weightloss and health journey. I was heading out to dinner last night and twisted my knee very badly. It made a weird popping sound so I'm getting
    around on crutches . I'll be heading to the hospital to get a scan and see what's going on.
    On a positive note this is a great opportunity to explore MFP more, and catch up on paperwork. And even better....
    less mobility means that I won't be jumping in the car to head to the chocolate shop for a snack. :)
    So the advice I wanted to ask is different to what I thought yesterday.
    Given the exercise is basically out of the question for now , I wonder if I should be cutting calories. I'm on a 1200 calorie per day program and am I right in thinking that I shouldn't go lower than that?.
    I have got some light dumbbells...( 1 kg) so I can do a bit of an upper body workout but it's definitely not going to be high intensity stuff for now.
    I can't weigh myself either because I can't stand on the scale . Hopefully I get a nice surprise next week. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,581 Member
    edited January 25
    Yikes! I'm sorry to hear that!

    It should not be necessary to cut below 1200.

    Be aware that an injury will increase water retention, because inflammation is part of the healing process, and it triggers water retention. That may cause a jump on the scale that's completely meaningless with respect to fat loss (which I think is the real goal?). It could be several pounds.

    When you're healing, in fact, it may even be a good plan to go to estimated maintenance calories until the acute phase of healing is over. Healing requires calories and nutrition, and - perhaps surprisingly - it can increase our calorie needs (TDEE) while it's happening. In that sense, 1200 may be way too low.

    For now, I'd argue that priority #1 is healing. I'd put weight loss on the back burner, and just hold the line on current weight, if it were me. I didn't do that after a minor-ish outpatient surgery during weight loss (laparoscopic gallbladder removal). I stayed at a calorie deficit.

    In retrospect, I was sorry I did that. I did see the water-retention scale jump, and a plateau at that level. Then there was loss . . . plus the onset of weakness and fatigue, suddenly. No one needs that! Fortunately, my body did prioritize healing, and it tanked energy/strength instead.

    If I were doing the same thing again, I'd go to maintenance calories for a while when healing - duration depending on the nature/severity of the injury.

    Wishing you speedy healing, and a good long-term outcome!
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    That's really sound advice and I'm definitely taking it on board. As much as the urge for a meat pie suddenly came upon me ( hey..I'm an Aussie ! ) I resisted the urge and settled for nutrient dense salad and fish. :)
    I'm absolutely hearing your warning about the possible inflammation/ water weight gain and decided to not jump on the scales...and if I do , just not freak out / become dispirited/ get angry..or a combo of all three. I'm in repair and recuperation mode...combined with a clean healthy diet. That'll benefit my recovery waaaaay more than inflammatory sugar treats.
    Maybe I'll save the meat pie for a later date. :)
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    That's so true..and I'm thinking that aquafit and yoga really lessen the impact on joints and increase flexibility. I've never done " proper" yoga but I do have occasional bursts of stretching. As I get older I'm realizing how important flexibility is. Yoga is definitely something I should add to my 2024 hit list.
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I wanted to report in and tell you all that I'm still tracking my calories and heading in the right direction. I weighed in at 95.7 this morning so it's definitely proof that the slow , steady , and consistent approach is working. Thanks for the useful advice which I've appreciated and applied along the way. Its made a difference to know that I'm part of a big community who are all on their own journey toward health and well-being. I feel very empowered to realize that my own goals and results are in my hands and I'm very pleased to be taking charge.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,413 Member
    Keep sticking to it @Overheadfan!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,711 Member
    That’s is absolutely awesome, and on top of the twist, too. Good work!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,581 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I wanted to report in and tell you all that I'm still tracking my calories and heading in the right direction. I weighed in at 95.7 this morning so it's definitely proof that the slow , steady , and consistent approach is working. Thanks for the useful advice which I've appreciated and applied along the way. Its made a difference to know that I'm part of a big community who are all on their own journey toward health and well-being. I feel very empowered to realize that my own goals and results are in my hands and I'm very pleased to be taking charge.

    You are doing wonderfully well: Keep up the goodness, and you've got this conquered!
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Well , my knee is on the improve and I'm walking slowly and steadily around the house getting my step count up. And staying in the aircon because it's 44 Celsius today. :)
    I'm four weeks out from my next weigh in at the doctor's and feeling strong and positive. Tracking my food has made me feel in control and not how I used to feel... basically like being on a runaway train and unable to slow it or get off.
    Still early days, I know, but so far, so good.
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    I hit 95kg today so that felt marvellous. I know it's not huge but it reinforced the belief in the method and the path I'm on going forward. I know it won't all be smooth sailing but it given me a boost to keep tracking and moving.

    Our daughter starts Uni in a few weeks so we're heading across the country to get her settled into student accomodation.

    That will be a bit of a challenge food wise.. Melbourne has a fabulous foodie culture, filled with cafe's and restaurants.
    I've booked a hotel room with a mini kitchen/ microwave as opposed to a hotel with a lavish brekky buffet and restaurants onsite.. I figured that a few pre cooked supermarket type dinners would be an easier way to track calories and keep a bit more control. At least the calories are generally written somewhere.

    When I'm dining out I tend to try to find the omelette on the breakfast ( hold the thick buttered slices of toast) and the salmon and vege type options for lunch and dinners.
    Hopefully all the walking and going up and down stairs at the accomodation college will balance out the extra off treat.
    I need to work out what my maintenance calories are least staying the same weight will mean I don't come back home to a weight gain.
    And do I work out my maintenance calories. ? Could anyone point me in the right direction please. ?
    All tips and hints gratefully received. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,581 Member
    @Overheadfan, there's a thread in the "Goal: Maintaining Weight" section's "Most Helpful Posts" about various methods for figuring out maintenance calories.
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Thankyou! I'll check that out
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    That is a really helpful guide and I need to thank you again AnnPT77.
    I also realized that even though I'm losing weight slowly ( and a good 15 kgs from goal )I have suddenly found a name for the feelings I have.... " regain anxiety".
    It would be funny if it wasn't taking up too much of my time thinking about it.
    Very handy to give something a name, understand it and put it away in my brain where it's not upsetting my positive thoughts.
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Just have to apologies in advance for the rant....
    I had a number of cousins visit , thoroughly enjoying being with them all ..but one particular cousin kept referring to me in the collective as " you fatties". As in " you fatties are so good at baking".
    Say what?!!!

    So that was embarrassing. But I smiled nicely and just ignored it EVERY time she said it and thought to myself..." See you in a few months Cuz".

  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Overhead Fan! Im in my lower 60's and weigh about the same as you. I have been on an off My Fitness Pall more time than I care to admit. I am starting out to improve my stats right along with you. I don't know how I'm going to attack it yet but I will have a plan by the end of today. Good luck!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,581 Member
    Just have to apologies in advance for the rant....
    I had a number of cousins visit , thoroughly enjoying being with them all ..but one particular cousin kept referring to me in the collective as " you fatties". As in " you fatties are so good at baking".
    Say what?!!!

    So that was embarrassing. But I smiled nicely and just ignored it EVERY time she said it and thought to myself..." See you in a few months Cuz".

    That is . . . ugh . . . toxic. I'm so sorry.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,711 Member
    I saw that and had to walk away from the keyboard.

    Ann was much nicer than me.

    I know they’re cousins but it doesn’t give them a license for ugliness.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just have to apologies in advance for the rant....
    I had a number of cousins visit , thoroughly enjoying being with them all ..but one particular cousin kept referring to me in the collective as " you fatties". As in " you fatties are so good at baking".
    Say what?!!!

    So that was embarrassing. But I smiled nicely and just ignored it EVERY time she said it and thought to myself..." See you in a few months Cuz".

    I think I would have politely asked that particular cousin to "Get the F out of my house." If they looked at me funny, I'd add, "You and your bad manners aren't welcome here; now get out. NOW!"

    Don't put up with that *tiny feline*
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Thankyou all for you supportive responses. I did feel embarrassed , hurt and annoyed but just sat there pretending to be completely unaffected.
    Apart from the stupidity and meanness of her comment, it's just bad manners.
    I have never , and not would I ever, make a comment like that to anyone , or to anyone ABOUT anyone.
    Weight appears to be the one thing which others feel they have " ownership " over. It's always astounded me, the need in other people to comment . My mum suffered many embarrassing and hurtful comments and I saw the impact that had on her.
    Kindness Matters!
  • Overheadfan
    Overheadfan Posts: 49 Member
    Hi to Walker306
    My apologies for being ignorant about posting...I don't know how to click on your message and respond . I'll wait for my son to visit... he'll sort me out. :)
    All the best on your wellness journey. I'd love to read your progress over the next few months. I report in most days, make sure you say hello!