Round 3, Fit-n-Trim to Win (closed group)



  • jamiejum
    Congrats on not smoking for 631 days and thanks for laughing at my joke :laugh:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I defs need the exercise challenge if I am still here after weigh in. :sad:

    F/V lettuce, carrot, tomato, capsicum, cucumber.
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    im always eating fruits and veggies always have steam mixed veggies for dinner etc ... :) and at least 1 peace of fruit a day plus yoghurts :) and having salads when can.. nothing today as had me tooth pulled out :( having tomato in me scramble eggs :) but the other days im good :)
  • losemybabyweight
    losemybabyweight Posts: 225 Member
    Good Morning all!

    So I had an enourmous salad yesterday for lunch with romaine, carrot, cucumber, broccoli and red onions. Then for dinner beef stew with lots of onions, carrots and potatos (I know they shouldn't count). Grapes in am.

    Here is my weigh in for the week.

    Kim I must be really not thinking straight because I don't understand what we do for the challenge....just stop in and write how many minutes we've exercised? Thanks!

    I know - i'm getting a pedicure now that I've reached the 10 pound mark :) Sorry for the ugly toenail :o

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Kim I must be really not thinking straight because I don't understand what we do for the challenge....just stop in and write how many minutes we've exercised? Thanks!

    Anne, you are correct...if you want to participate in the challenge...log your exercise for each day (minutes, calories burned or both)

    The prize for this week is:

    0.5 prize in the pocket for rainy day
    Losing team gets 1 lb disadvantage
    1 person from the bottom 2 teams will switch teams
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    @ Jamie- thank yas! and it was funny. 2 years smoke free in Jan! and my b-day! If only I could get the hubs to join me.

    Anne - CONGRATS!!!!


    I was hoping for more- but with my luck I'll take it.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Do any of you have those particular words you just can't spell? I have a mental block against some words and exercise is one of them so I am warning you now that it is misspelled on my photo that I wil post when I get home from work. I am soooo bummed. I so wanted to officially break the 170 mark (I saw 169 on Sunday) but noooooo. Unfortunately my evil ways of not feeling good and living it up on the weekend caught up with me and the scale said 170.0 :explode:

    Well at least it is a loss and I will take what I can get.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member


    Ron is -1.8 lbs & Kim is - 1.0 lbs

    It's my birthday week and this weekend is going to be a huge challenge!!!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I had a gain this week...hoping my team can pull through for me....but eating hardly anything but carbs due to an icky tummy and tons of headaches the last few days and drinking coke n 7up caught up to me. Thought I would have a loss cause I couldn't keep things down but instead I had a pretty big gain. Frustrated! Will post later today or tonight.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Awe Irish- big hugs hun

    RJ- I hate the english language and have the same problem. I wrote my lil sticky up last night while reading it off of Kim's post. bahahaha

    ok- yay for coffee (some of you will get that, those who do, I'm sorry! lol)

    Kim use this post pleeease! 1.8 pounds down!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Good job to Anne, Robin and Jessica :drinker: :drinker:

    Maria, I am just glad that you are feeling better, I cannot even fathom having a headache for days and days. So, hang in there!!! Anyway, we're weight buddies. I know that your just wating for me and we will leap into the 160s together. :flowerforyou:
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member

    As of today I have officially lost FORTY POUNDS!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    It might not be the 160's yet, but dammit I'm happy!

    Oh, and I'm so sorry you all have to endure the torture of my ugly, fat, crooked *kitten* toes. I think I need to start wearing socks....or find an exercise that targets BIG toes!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    :flowerforyou: CONGRATULATIONS SARA!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Sara, your zigzagging is working!!! No one cares about your toes!!! You are so close to the 160's!!!! Awesome!!
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    I had a gain this week...hoping my team can pull through for me....but eating hardly anything but carbs due to an icky tummy and tons of headaches the last few days and drinking coke n 7up caught up to me. Thought I would have a loss cause I couldn't keep things down but instead I had a pretty big gain. Frustrated! Will post later today or tonight.

    So sorry to hear you've had a sick week, my friend. Like Kim said, be thankful you're starting to feel better - that's definitely better than a weight loss. Now you can get back on track for next week - you'll do great!

    CONGRATS, Sara, on losing 40 POUNDS!!! That's an amazing accomplishment!! Keep up the dedicated work!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Jamie -0.4 lbs
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Is photobucket being a raging bisnatch to anyone else today? It won't show me my pictures... they are there and I can click the buttons to edit them, but it won't show me what I'm doing! ARRRRGGG!

    So anyway, ya'll get two pictures today. I think one is my weight and the other is my cat, but I can't tell which is which. So you get both!!! Yay!


  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member

    No gain, no loss. Interesting. I couldn't have done that even if I had tried!

    I woke up this morning, and something hit me - I kicked myself in the *kitten* realizing how long it's been since I've truly tried to get back on track with eating healthy and exercising daily. It was like an epiphany!! Sooooo guess what???......... I'M BAAA-AAACK!!!!! I'm going to start my day off right, and there's no looking back for me - I'm back on my mission! Not sure where this mojo came from, but dang-it, I'm going to take it and run with it! I WILL BEAT THE UNHEALTHY TEMPTATIONS AND KEEP LOWERING THOSE NUMBERS ON THE SCALE!! Can you tell I'm SUPER excited and SUPER motivated?? Here I go!!!!!
  • RonBo123
    RonBo123 Posts: 19 Member
    Great job Sara. Keep up the good work.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Ugh, I judged an "iron chef" cooking challenge that our consumer/family science teacher does for an enrichment class. The theme was mini-burgers...with green chiles with their burgers. I ate 2.5 mini burgers...which was probably the equivalent of a regular burger, but I'm all bloaty...I'll probably take my pic later today after I get some water in and do some yoga.

    I'm in for the exercise challenge. Is it 1800 minutes/1900 calories for the week?