Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    i lost 1/2 pound this week, but i'm ok with that!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    We've had a couple good losses so far.... Let's keep them coming!!

    What are you doing different this week to increase your weight loss potential?
    Daughter and I started the 30 Day Shred on Monday. Last night was Day 2. It's a short workout, but tough. Am really looking forward to the 10 day and 20 day progress and see if it's making a difference. We are also going to monitor our calories again (because we were slacking) and make sure we are eating without our limits.
  • Didn't lose any last weigh in.. but maintained my random friday weigh in at 206.0
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I weighed in at 191 this morning, which I am pleased as a peach with. :happy:
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I weighed in at 140 today, so one pound down from a week ago. That is right on track!

    I've done much better with my water, and have upped the exercise. That means I am eating more, which had worried me but now I'm to the point where I just enjoy the "extra" food, because it's NOT extra, it is FUEL and it is satisfying my hunger. I am now noticing hunger and noticing when it is satisfied - I don't have to feel full, because feeling satisfied feels good.

    Wow, I think that might be an NSV!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I weighed in at 140 today, so one pound down from a week ago. That is right on track!

    I've done much better with my water, and have upped the exercise. That means I am eating more, which had worried me but now I'm to the point where I just enjoy the "extra" food, because it's NOT extra, it is FUEL and it is satisfying my hunger. I am now noticing hunger and noticing when it is satisfied - I don't have to feel full, because feeling satisfied feels good.

    Wow, I think that might be an NSV!

    Absolutely, that is a NSV!! You and your body are grooving together!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    21 days without any real changes. Last week up .2 this week back down .2. My sleep has been really off, my water has decreased, and when my computer crashed I stopped tracking for several days because I was ticked at it. September has been my worse month so far. I'm hoping to get my focus back and get back on track asap!

    The blog is helping me to stay motivated. Today is my husband's shrinking face!
  • -4.6 pounds after TOM has ended. Mostly water loss I am sure. I'm not sure if I am on track to what I want to be at by thanksgiving. Need to work on exercise and water intake, it is the biggest challenge for me.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    momof6monkees - what is your weight for this week?
  • I love weighing in after TOM. Seriously, there is so much loss (I know it's water, but still!).

    2.6 pounds away from mini goal - 29 pounds in 3 months! Stoked! Still so much to lose however, but if I average 10 pounds a month (which I don't always expect to do) then it will take me 12 months to lose it all. However, that really isn't realistic, after I hit the 50 lbs mark I will be changing up what I eat (adding some healthy carbs like whole grains and high fiber fruits) to slow down the weight loss and see how my body will handle the sugar. It will also let me know if I am on a sustainable path.

    I would love to totally be down another size by thanksgiving... ROCK ON! :D
  • Well a bit of success for me today after last weeks fiasco, and tomorrow I am going to have to walk for a couple of hours as I have the chance to go to Jamies (oliver) Italian. As aware as he is of healthy eating, he doesnt have calories or nutritional breakdown on his menu - I will have to proceed with caution, but mmmm, I cannot wait!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    21 days without any real changes. Last week up .2 this week back down .2. My sleep has been really off, my water has decreased, and when my computer crashed I stopped tracking for several days because I was ticked at it. September has been my worse month so far. I'm hoping to get my focus back and get back on track asap!

    The blog is helping me to stay motivated. Today is my husband's shrinking face!

    Hey guess what? September is almost over - might as well use the last couple days as practice days for your awesome October that is coming very quickly!! :)
  • 21 days without any real changes. Last week up .2 this week back down .2. My sleep has been really off, my water has decreased, and when my computer crashed I stopped tracking for several days because I was ticked at it. September has been my worse month so far. I'm hoping to get my focus back and get back on track asap!

    The blog is helping me to stay motivated. Today is my husband's shrinking face!

    I think you are doing awesome! October is a new month and a great chance to get back on track. I am having issues with water also... on days I am pushing carts at work, I will drink all my daily water intake in just a span of a few hours, but if I am not pushing carts, I am lucky to get in one bottle.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    It is so good to check in and see how everyone is doing! We're all going to look and feel FABULOUS when the holidays hit, and that will be huge motivation to stay on track! New Years Resolutions?? Got it covered and going into the new year already successful at it ROCKS!

    We can do this!!!!!!!!!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Hey guys, I just finished the 30 Day shred with no breaks! So proud of myself so I had to share! Off to the gym to go run for a bit, but I will post pictures later. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!! :)
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    Hey guys, I just finished the 30 Day shred with no breaks! So proud of myself so I had to share! Off to the gym to go run for a bit, but I will post pictures later. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!! :)

    wow! way to go!! you should be proud of yourself!!

    I've started it 3 different times, but can't seem to get past day 3!!

    happy weekend, everyone!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well! If the next 2 weeks don't show an improvement I'm going to readjust my goals. September was not a good month weigh wise. October I'm counting on you!
  • Think this Wednesday sees us at the half way mark? I feel I ought to readjust my goals, as I really had no idea about weight loss when I started this back in July. I think I need to be aiming to get out of "obese" and into overweight for thanksgiving, which would also put me in ONEderland. Starting today I am upping my water , thanks to Ash and the really great tools she has on her blog, I have a far clearer idea of how much I should be drinking.

    My trip to Birmingham on Thurs/Fri had it's own NSV, a pair of jeans two sizes smaller than when I was last there (in July), going to aim for the next size down when I go next !

    It is a mad, mad time for me at the moment with three different shows on next weekend, and the rehearsal for them this,and all the paperwork and organisation that goes with it, so it's going to be difficult to take time out to exercise, but I am loving running up and down stairs!

    Hope you all have a great working week - and check out Ash's blog !
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Think this Wednesday sees us at the half way mark? I feel I ought to readjust my goals, as I really had no idea about weight loss when I started this back in July. I think I need to be aiming to get out of "obese" and into overweight for thanksgiving, which would also put me in ONEderland. Starting today I am upping my water , thanks to Ash and the really great tools she has on her blog, I have a far clearer idea of how much I should be drinking.

    Hope you all have a great working week - and check out Ash's blog !

    When I started my goals had been a bit lofty. I adjusted them when I realized what my body could do and still tweak them if I have a rough month. I'm looking at you September. I'm just working hard to get out of the 300's right now.

    Thanks about the blog! I did some more updating on it tonight. Added some nice social media buttons and published a new post.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Hoping for a loss on weigh-in day.
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Okay so I finished the 30 Day Shred in 30 days with no break! So proud of myself and so happy with the results... still miles away from my goal, but inching my way to success! I also ran 30+ miles in the month and attended BodyPUMP once or twice a week. :)

    Alright so here it is: before/after, loss (inches and pounds)

    Weight: 176.9/169.5, -7.4 lbs
    Neck: 13.75/13.25, .5"
    Chest: 35/33, 2"
    Breast: 38/37, 1"
    Waist: 35/32, 3"
    Lower Waist (belly button): 42/38.75, 3.25"
    Hips: 41.5/39, 2.5"
    Bicep: 13.5/13, .5"
    Lower arm: 10/10, 0"
    Thy: 24.5/23.75, .75"
    Calf: 15.25/15, .25"

    Total loss of 13.75 inches and 7.4 pounds!


    Taking a couple weeks of from Jillian, but will be starting Ripped in 30 soon! I'll post a topic later on to see if anyone wants to join me in that journey! Yay! :)