J CREW - C25K - WEEK 1



  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hi everyone checking in ;). I started week 1 day 1 on Monday...and plan to do day 2 on Thursday. Have a great run everyone!
  • Day 1 complete. 30 minutes/249 cals

    We are all awesome!
  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    Day 1 complete. 30 minutes/249 cals

    We are all awesome!

    Great job!!
  • breezey77
    breezey77 Posts: 89 Member
    Good morning Boys & Girls!!! I'm a little ahead of schedule, I did W1D2 yesterday and I had definetly had to push, I did squats and lunges the day before and my legs were crying...but I did it!!!! 31 mins / 247 cals / 2 miles. Good luck on whatever workout you have today!!!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Did my first day yesterday! A little nervous because of the five knee surgeries I've had in the past....I just went kind of slow. Did it while my son practiced soccer at the rec department!! whoo hoo. Then did my Jullian Michaels ripped. ...take a day of rest from the running today....and will do day two Thursday!
    Also...ran the pandora along with the program on the droid! It worked! Thanks so much for the advice!
  • Wow awesome job everyone!!! I'm taking my rest day today because i'm sore and I've worked out everyday since Sunday and want to start taking a break in the middle of the week.....

    Will be getting up bright and early tomorrow for my run #2!!!!

  • lonnie26
    lonnie26 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm glad to see people doing this :) I have been wanting to for a while. I really want to run with my dad in the boulder boulder which takes place in colorado. I know it would mean a lot to him :) I just did first day today and it was a little rough I hope to be able to keep going. I had a spinal fusion done a little over a year ago and I just recently I have found that I am dealing with plantar faciatis? not sure how it's spelled lol. anyways I am tired of having health issues and i started watching biggest loser and if they can do it I know I can :) I wish everyone luck and hope to keep up with y'all :)
  • I'm glad to see people doing this :) I have been wanting to for a while. I really want to run with my dad in the boulder boulder which takes place in colorado. I know it would mean a lot to him :) I just did first day today and it was a little rough I hope to be able to keep going. I had a spinal fusion done a little over a year ago and I just recently I have found that I am dealing with plantar faciatis? not sure how it's spelled lol. anyways I am tired of having health issues and i started watching biggest loser and if they can do it I know I can :) I wish everyone luck and hope to keep up with y'all :)

    Lonnie it was rough for me to yesterday around the last 3 runs I started slowing down some but was determined to finish...good luck to you also..
  • Day 1 complete! Good job everyone!!!

    31min 216cal
  • Day 1 completed Monday 30 min
    Day 2 completed Tuesday 31 min
  • Day 1 completed Monday 30 min
    Day 2 completed Tuesday 31 min

    good job
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Week 1 day 2 completed - and ough I have to say my legs were screaming at me initially - especially my knees. Once I settled in it was better and even though I limped (not literally) over the line - I actually think I felt better in the last few cycles than I did yesterday. I am definitely not saying it was easy- I am 55 and the first attempt at running since the 1970s- so old enough to the mother of many here .......but I am still in. Is there anyone else older than 50 attempting this?

    Good luck to everyone for your tomorrow - here in Aus we significantly ahead time wise. So this was my Thursday run done late afternoon here.

  • Just finished Couch to 5K week 1 run 2 with Get Running – 28½ minutes of exercise and 8 minutes of running. Next run: Saturday 1st. (30min/199cal)


    can i just also say I beat my previous record of 171 calories in 30mins
  • breezey77
    breezey77 Posts: 89 Member
    Good Job People!!! I think our bodies try to trick us into not doing the next day because...it hurts! But for me I just got on and said I would try and do as much as I can and I as able to finish D2. Well today is D3 and I'm nervous that my body wont' hold up...but if I have to walk the whole thing I will get it done!

    Let's do our BEST today!!!
  • cfreema
    cfreema Posts: 30 Member
    My head tried to talk me out of continuing all day yesterday and was VERY loud at 6am, but I did it! 25 mins and 204 calories!
  • You know what ladies,
    I'm going to try and do run 3 tomorrow instead of Saturday. I feel so much better when i'm up and working out in the morning time!!! And even if I can't complete all the runs tomorrow, i'm still exercising....I will just try again on Saturday!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey J Crew! I finished, Week 1, Day 2 this morning. I unfortunately do not own a HRM, so I couldn't tell you with precision the calories burned. But I did it!

    It wasn't difficult for me,(probably because I think I need to amp up my speed) which I will do on Saturday's run. I'm doing my runs on a treadmill, although I really do wish I could do them outside its just not practical with my schedule and the impending cold weather, oh and location, location, location. :ohwell: :indifferent: :frown:
  • Hey J Crew! I finished, Week 1, Day 2 this morning. I unfortunately do not own a HRM, so I couldn't tell you with precision the calories burned. But I did it!

    It wasn't difficult for me,(probably because I think I need to amp up my speed) which I will do on Saturday's run. I'm doing my runs on a treadmill, although I really do wish I could do them outside its just not practical with my schedule and the impending cold weather, oh and location, location, location. :ohwell: :indifferent: :frown:

    I kinda like it outside because on the treadmill I always feel like i'm about to fall off lol...and then when i need to go back to walking, the speed is still too high lol
  • Week 1 day 2 complete. 30 min/ 265 cals

    Well it was storming outside and I do not have a gym membership so I did laps inside the house. My cat was lookin at me like I was an idiot. Lol good thing the inside of my house makes a nice wide circle lol