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💡- more clean up or moderation of community boards

SafariGalNYC Posts: 933 Member
Many of the community categories are clogged with 1 post wonders with no photo, no investment who never stick around long enough to reply or engage and 12 yr old posts that are revived because newer users don’t understand they are replying to someone who has been long gone and a post that is irrelevant, would it be possible to have more moderation to make it more high quality content?

I see some roll out “of already answered” flair - thanks.

Some ideas:
💡 On Reddit - people can’t reply to old posts because they are archived, but they can still read the content.

💡 In other app community chats, posters have to have an icon or photo and more investment to interact, they get a pop up if this has been asked before and where to find the answer thread to deter from a quintuple question.

💡 People may interact more and find more friends if who liked their post was known rather than anonymous.

💡Stickies have become irrelevant- it’s obvious new users are largely not reading them or using the search tool for previously answered questions. Have a reply that says - this question may have already been answered.. with a link to the search function. (This function is also found in Reddit.)


Added these because the community boards used to be quite robust …. Hoping these or other suggestions can be used to recreate that more engaged community.

5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,412 Member
    I agree with some of this, especially the idea of limiting ability to respond to very old threads that have been inactive for a very long time.

    But please don't completely get rid of "Most Helpful Posts". These not only give me a place to recommend that new users go to learn, but also let me quickly find useful old posts to suggest to people without having to keep my own outside list.
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 933 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I agree with some of this, especially the idea of limiting ability to respond to very old threads that have been inactive for a very long time.

    But please don't completely get rid of "Most Helpful Posts". These not only give me a place to recommend that new users go to learn, but also let me quickly find useful old posts to suggest to people without having to keep my own outside list.

    In favor of most helpful posts .. just for @AnnPT77 😉