Lose 10 lbs by April 15th, 2024- focusing on a healthy lifestyle and enjoying life!

Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
edited February 18 in Challenges
Hello all,

I am 54 and gained 10 lbs in 6 months. I l led a 3 month challenge during the pandemic and lost 12 lbs. I felt great and it was awesome to be in a group that motivated each other.

I need so much support now. I've tried to lose weight on my own without success. It would be great to lose 10 lbs by April 15th. I believe two months is attainable with a healthy life style. I can’t do fast diets or starve :)

You may want to lose more weight and we can keep extending the challenge after the 10 lbs. I believe having short term objectives works better for most people.

If you would like to participate in this challenge and commit yourself to a healthier life style, I would suggest the following:

-Try to post once a day. We all have days that we don’t eat as healthy or we can’t exercise. We need to enjoy ourselves without restricting foods or/and eating too little calories. The key is portion control which is a challenge for me.

-Let's share what we are grateful for, our wins and challenges. My challenges maybe the same as yours and we can support each other.

-You can weigh whenever you feel is good for you. I will share my weight once a week starting today.

This is what I would like to share with the group everyday. You can follow this format or share anything else with the group.

What I am grateful for….my beautiful family and sitting next to a window admiring the sunset.

Wins- I am drinking a lot more water.

Challenges - This is my #6 day with the flu and feeling better but I can’t work out.


Starting weight- 162
Goal weight buy April 15- 152

2/18- 162

Who is in? We can do this together! :)



  • chekispr
    chekispr Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Paz,

    I'd love to join your challenge. It will be my first one on MyFitnessPal so I'm a little nervous but also excited.

    Here's a little about my journey... I am 38 years old, about to turn 39 on March 3rd. I have tried to loose weight by myself and was successful about 6 years ago. However, what I was doing wasn't sustainable. I'm hoping that it is this time as I'm trying to focus on realistic and sustainable small changes. I'm also hoping that joining some of these challenges will help me connect with people who can motivate me and also support me when I'm trying to give up.

    I am grateful for the rain

    Wins - I did my first workout today in a long while and it felt great.

    Challenges - I'm trying to figure out how to balance my meals so that I am able to feel full and not deprived.

    I did not weigh myself today. However, I will do that first thing tomorrow and include it in my daily post. 🙂
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 19
    Welcome chekispr! I am glad you are joining the group- you and me for now :)

    I agree with you on focusing on a lifestyle that is realistic and sustainable. It is a nice birthday gift to yourself to make some new healthy changes in your life. Small changes make a big difference. :)
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    Hi Chekispr,

    I hope you had a nice first day on MFP.

    I am grateful for.... having nice friends.

    Wins- drinking a lot of water and getting some paperwork done that I kept procrastinating!

    Challenges- I am feeling better today from the flu but I can't go for a walk outside yet. It is too cold here in Ct.

    We can do this! one day at a time! :)


  • chekispr
    chekispr Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Paz!

    I'm grateful for... the motivation from groups like this one!

    Win of the day: I got through my second workout and I truly though I wouldn't be able to do it half way through!

    Challenge of the day: I'm having trouble getting movement in throughout the day besides my workout

    SW: 243.3 lbs
    CW: 240.3 lbs

    Let's do this! 💪🏼

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    Hi Cheryl

    Thank you for posting and motivating me. It is wonderful to feel supported.

    I will not give up! We can do this 💪🌸
  • kell622
    kell622 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Kelly and I'm in Australia.

    I've been using MFP for 10 years on and off with success at times but with the usual tale of when I lose focus the weight comes back on. I'm joining this challenge to make myself accountable.

    Wins- I am also drinking a lot more water.

    Challenges - It has been too hot to walk

    Other - I recently joined the gym and am trying to find the right balance of food to support my new routine

    Starting weight- 147pd/67kg
    Goal weight - 132pd/60kg

    2/18- 147pd/67kg
  • judeunuwai
    judeunuwai Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 20
    Hi Paz,

    My name is Jude and I would like to join your group I am also 54 living in Australia originally from NZ.

    I have struggled for many years with my weight and feel like using MFP will be an amazing help.

    My biggest downfall I find is my lack of motivation for exercise which I am trying to change.

    Starting weight. 107 kg
    Goal weight. 85 kg

    2/18- 107 kg

    I will be here daily to motivate you 💯👍
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 20
    Welcome Kelly and Jude!

    I am so glad both joined this group. It makes a difference when we support each other! I think the key for me is to take this new step as a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. If I think that I am on a diet, it feels so restrictive. I've been there when I have lost weight and then go back to not eating great.

    It is so nice that you are both from Australia. My daughter's best friends is in Sydney now studying for a semester. I don't know how they do it but they manage to talk everyday :)

    Kelly, it is great you that you started going to gym. It is better to do that when is so hot out. Water is a key for me. Sometimes I think I am hungry but I am really thirsty especially when I just had a meal 10 minutes before😂😂

    Jude, It is challenging to start to workout. I live in CT and when is too cold out I can find many excuses to stay home. Sometimes, I do fun walking YouTube videos for 15-20 min. It is awesome and has great music. I do the beginner one. I have back and hip issues so I need non impact exercises. Please let me know if you are interested and I can send it to you.

    We can do this together! 😊💪


  • chekispr
    chekispr Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm grateful for funny tv that lifts my spirits up!

    Challenge of the day: trying to stay within my macros

    Win of the day: I increased my step count today!

    2/18- 240.3lbs
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 21
    Hi Cheryl, I love funny movies!

    I am grateful for having my daughter home for a few days.

    Win: I had a portion of rice and stopped! I love rice.. all carbs.

    Challenge- there are lots of sweet at home which my daughters bought. I put them in two pretty boxes so each can have their snacks. I tell myself.. they are not MINE.😊I have such a difficult time with sugar. I need to clean the kitchen and go up to bed right after. Staying in the kitchen is not a great idea.😀

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 23
    He everyone,

    I am grateful for the nice walk today with dog!

    Win, I am able to be aware of my food portions today.

    Challenge- I ate very poorly yesterday. I logged my food and I stopped because I was way over my goal. Today is a new day!

    It is ok to have one of those days. Our journey will have those ups and downs. The key is to keep going.

    We can do this!

  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi 👋

    I’d love to participate.

    I joined MFP a few years ago after gaining some pounds due to office job. It took me a few months to get back into shape, but then 5 years ago I had my first child, then my seconds a couple years ago, and mors recently my third. Needless yo say, I have a few pounds to lose.

    10 lbs by April would be about a quarter of my goal. That’s very encouraging.

    How’s everyone doing with their goals?
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    @ tatilove1988

    Welcome! 10 lbs at a time is much more realistic and sustainable.

    I will weight myself on Sunday.

    Going to the gym now!

  • judeunuwai
    judeunuwai Posts: 2 Member
    Hi 👋 everyone ,

    Hope you have all been travelling well.

    I understand how your feeling Paz I also was very over on my calories today was ready to give up and not continue.

    Then I read your post. You’re right one day at a time 💯🌻. Thanks for the motivation.

    Tomorrow I am going to start my first day of exercise.

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 25
    Hi Everyone!

    Jude, I am so glad you posted it! We all have and will have those days. Just come back to this group that gets it. Everyday is a new day. Your post motivated me to exercise today. Thank you!

    I am so grateful with the walk with my husband this afternoon. We went to a beautiful chapel and then walked around town.

    Win- I am posting! and eating a delicious home made cauliflower pizza! (I buy the tortillas from Trader joes- you can use any low cal tortillas)

    Challenges- I had three little muffins last night. Sugar is not good for me bc I am pre-diabetic. There are more in the house that my daughter bought. I have to say that they are not mine!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    We can do this!💪❤️

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 25

    It is so good! 😊
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 26
    Hello everyone!

    What I am grateful for….today’s beautiful sky.

    Wins- I did not eat my daughter’s muffins!

    Challenge- I did not have enough protein during the day and I will have dinner soon. I often overeat if I skip lunch.

    Starting weight- 162
    Goal weight buy April 15- 152

    I stayed the same

    2/18- 162
    2/25- 162 (I was this weight when I had the flu. I am glad I did not gain as I’ve been eating regular food for 5 days)
  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    Paz922 wrote: »
    @ tatilove1988

    Welcome! 10 lbs at a time is much more realistic and sustainable.

    I will weight myself on Sunday.

    Going to the gym now!


    Way to go! You seem very motivated.

    Last week I went to the gym 3 times, did one bike training at home and one long walk, I still gained 3 pounds (water weight). So I’m hoping to see better results this week. I’ll try to drink even more as well
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member

    That is great that you went to the gym and walked! Yes, I am very motivated! I want to reach my goal!

    We can do this!

  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    edited February 29
    Hi everyone!

    I'm another one who's been on and off with MFP, and every time I come back I have a little more to lose... Just done the maths and this time it's at least 15 lbs, but 10 would be a great start! So:

    Starting weight- 170.6 (when I weighed myself last week for first time in 6 months 😒)
    Goal weight by April 15- 160

    2/29- 169

    Today I am grateful to have found this group! Hope everyone else is doing well x