Small Steps, Big Wins: Support and inspiration for your 2024 goals



  • amberbaila
    amberbaila Posts: 1 Member
    I have been in a very similar position. No matter your weight you are loved

  • Alsie49
    Alsie49 Posts: 1 Member
    Fingers crossed I can get to lose 3kg. Scared I won’t
  • prodigal6766
    prodigal6766 Posts: 123 Member
    Are you still logging EVERYTHING? If you have lost your motivation, then you need to do something. Hopefully you have developed habits that will take affect, and you won’t spiral too far. Hang in there. Feelings are temporary. Just keep doing what you know to do, whether you want to, or not.
  • JustVickiLynn
    JustVickiLynn Posts: 6 Member
    Motivation - I've heard for so long to understand your "why" for losing weight. That was so elusive to me. Since December, I've purposefully thought about my why everytime I wanted to binge or eat off plan. It's finally sticking. My why (right now) is two cruises coming up this year, knees feeling better, clothes fitting better. I have to make a point of thinking about those things and it seems to be working. I'm also tracking everything I eat - and I mean everything. Good, bad, and in between.

    I'm not on Weight Watchers but I am taking a page from their book and making some things okay to eat one serving without tracking. So - blackberries, blueberries, strawberries (ONE serving) I don't track. Baby carrots, cucumbers, celery (ONE serving) I don't track. If they are a snack and not part of a planned meal - I take a single serving as a snack throughout my day. Now - if I sit down with a pint of strawberries - I HAVE to track that.
  • Wean_over_that_now
    Wean_over_that_now Posts: 54 Member
    Some great comments here! Thanks for sharing. Will certainly take some hints 😃
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,937 Member
    I'm not doing a diet but, keeping my foods to whole foods and managing my portions.
    For the most part, removal of processed foods....because to be honest....if its processed, its not a real food is it?? hmmmm?
    Be protein conscious.
    Get in daily activity.

    That's enough to focus on.
    Its been hard for me to find an active group on MFP. I hope this one continues to be active.

    I'm not weighing myself. I don't like the idea of it. Back in the 1800's they didnt' weigh themselves (guessing) .... why should I? As long as my jeans fit or get a little loose...I'll take that as my win. More importantly I want my mindset to be happy, joyful and proud. Instead of shame, guilt and anxiety.

    I agree, Whole Foods are the way to go. Easy to shop, easy to prepare, and simple to log.

    I don’t understand why you would not want to weight yourself tho. I weigh everyday. It’s up, it’s down, and sometimes it hasn’t changed, but it is key in knowing what is working for me. And it gives me a tremendous feeling accomplishment when I see results going in the right direction. I would encourage you to weigh, at least once a week. You will be happy you did.

    Back in feb. 2023 my father passed away. I gained 7# overnight. and then started using food as a coping device. Mentally I was using the scale as punishment for how bad I felt, and it making me feel worse. So my therapist advised I take a break from it for a while. I stopped seeing her, but continued with the not weighing. I know I need to track the body weight .... My goal is to be brave for once before Jan 30th. I may take photos as well. I did take my body measurements - which had not changed.

    I used to weigh in daily and just use it as a number. Somewhere down the line my brain got scrambled and It quit working.

    Sorry to hear about your father passing 😭. That has to be tough. How are you coping now? Obviously, take the time to get back to a good space.

    Thank you for asking!

    It did take time. I'm getting back there, I've been coping pretty good - minus the holiday being different. My brain is a TON less scrambled the past 2 weeks. Feeling the momentum of making whole food choices and shutting down the voice that wants the others. That's been the biggest shift. I just feel better inside and mentally - Still haven't weighed in ... maybe by the end of the month.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,937 Member
    kvisser1 wrote: »
    I exercised and I stretched today. Lower body weight training that really used my hamstrings.
    Food is logged and I published it to a few social groups I am in. Hoping that helps me for accountability.

    I realized sometime this morning, that I used to make a plan, follow the plan and....when I wanted to go off plan, I said "NO". For example, having a serving of cheese, kinda wanting more. I would say, NO, that's all I get for today, you can have more tomorrow! and then, put it on tomorrow's plan. Some how I stepped off that train, and need/am going to / get back on it. Today, as my day 1.

    I know exactly what you are talking about! I do this too. I keep putting foot down and saying no more, but then my discipline and focus fly out the window! Time to really make that switch back to getting diet and fitness under control! We can do this!

    I started to make a 24 hour food plan and, evaluate it daily. Asking myself "what could make this easier?" That question has led me to making my plan so realistic.
    Also, listening to great podcasts to inspire me, as well as having a TO DO list to work on so that I am less "bored" and by myself in my head. ITs been a couple weeks and I feel like I'm doing a LOT better.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,937 Member
    My biggest shift was as @prodigal6766 suggested.... I put raw veggies and fruits as the snack items. Next, I purposefully chose to allow a couple cookies and to eat when hungry. For some reason I am not hungry between 2-5pm. But I am hungry for dinner - which I love now.

    I am working thru my thoughts when its 3pm and my habit brain tells me "grab something". Then I am working on recognizing that thought and shutting it down with my "human brain" saying - "Nope, I am not hungry, I'm actually full. WHat is really happening here?" and then I journal a little bit on what is bothering me. Like today, it was transistioning from a longer break in work into one harder work task. Obviously my habit brain thinks the work task will suck. But my human brain goes: It will still suck that much regardless of what you eat. So just do the task and be done.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    @JustVickiLynn do you think it helps, in your mind, when you don't log a healthy snack?
    For me, I think it would lead to cheating myself on other snacks that weren't so healthy. I don't log my food and drinks every day but, when I do, I log every single thing.

    Since St Valentine's Day (when I ate and drank lots), I haven't logged anything. I gained about ½ a kilo, so not too bad. A new week begins and I'll start again.
  • Nus95
    Nus95 Posts: 9 Member
    No friends at the moment! 😭
    Please feel free to add me 💜

    Trying to lose weight and could really use some motivation xx
  • LovePammiek
    LovePammiek Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone! My small steps are to only drink water for the Month of March, lower my unhealthy carb intake and try to reach 10,000 steps a day at least 5 days a week. I guess I can add I want to add in some light weight training until I get a full routine going.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    I wish we could comment on each other's post directly.

    Hi Jim, you can comment on a particular post by hitting
    "Quote. It puts the original comment into a new comment box and then you can type your message.

  • annstebbing
    annstebbing Posts: 19 Member
    I wish we could comment on each other's post directly.

    Hi Jim, you can comment on a particular post by hitting
    "Quote. It puts the original comment into a new comment box and then you can type your message.

    Thanks. I wondered how you did that.
  • prodigal6766
    prodigal6766 Posts: 123 Member
    edited February 25
    I started going to AA meetings January 8. No alcohol for 48 days. Started counting my calories about 4 weeks ago and have added in exercise with weights 2 times a week and cardio 5-6 days a week. My cardio goals are 400 calories per day. So far I am down 12 pounds with a goal of 60 more to go to get to 150. I have found that planning my meals the day before helps. Breakfast especially. I usually only eat breakfast and lunch with a snack in the evenings. As far as macros goes, I try to keep my carbs, protein and fiber close to the recommended amounts along with calories. I used a macro's calculator and found that mine are right where they need to be, so I don't really worry about those. Good luck to everyone. Let's keep each other motivated. I wish we could comment on each other's post directly.

    Hey there Jim. I have been in AA for the last 30 years, and I now have 8 years of sobriety. I just recently started going back to meetings. I go 3X a week, after my gym workout. MFP has been a godsend. Been logging for over 100 days and love it. As an alcoholic, I really try to watch my sugar (I’m a diabetic also).

    Feel free to send me a friend request. We can talk about anything. Good luck and God bless!
  • cfriedman44
    cfriedman44 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am new here, my first week. So far I journaled my food and water. I haven't started to exercise yet. Have very bad knees and can barely walk. My goal this week is to start chair exercises this week. This is my hardest area in my weight loss journey.