

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited February 22
    Machka, we see more and more medical people who aren't quite MD doctors. But I prefer specialist experience to general education. Even at the triage stage, experience is so important.

    Have a good day my friends!

    Annie in Delaware

    Yeah, that's why I like going to specialists like neurosurgeons, gynaecologic-oncologists, optometrists and physiotherapists, etc. ... they've got the experience. Chances are they've seen similar situations before.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Machka: I am amazed you have been able to write code with double vision issues. That is amazing! I love your explanation of the medical system. My GP doesn't do a breast exam...depends on the mammo results. And she wants me to go to a dermatologist every year for a skin check up

    Rosemarie from GA

    By the end of a day at work, I usually have a headache. Some days I get really horrendous headaches.

    Climbing stairs and walking at lunch help a bit.

    Sometimes I go into the toilet and sit with the heels of my hands on my eyes for a little while during the day.

    On the weekends I like spending time in the garden, cycling, walking and colouring, things which don't stress my eyes so much.

    Sleeping with an eye mask also helps.

    The only "examination" my GP has done was to check my blood pressure. Everything else is outsourced.

    M in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    Morning ladies
    Machka- you hit the nail on the head they pawn me off on APRNs now. And ive had one specialist since I was 36 my nephrologist. But since my heart surgeries sheesh its a never ending revolving door.
    Im getting tired of taking so many pills..and I really want to get off the statins
    Off to the rheumatologist this morning.. ( specialist) and then home to do laundry..
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Thank you all! DH in dentist, temp was 60°F, decided to walk to get mins and steps in. They are calling for rain and I got caught in a sprinkle so high tailed it back to truck. I really was just going to sit and read, but grabbed umbrella and finished up walk. 25 mins active, and 3700 steps. I heard all of you telling me that I won't melt in the rain. ;) The rain stopped when I got the umbrella from the truck-haha! Temperatures are dropping fast though. But yay! Great start to day. The last time I got step goal was last Friday.

    Heading back to my book now. Have an awesome day with the best choices you can make.

    Kylia in Ohio
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,493 Member
    edited February 22
    Rosemarie - All weight-bearing exercises are good for osteoporosis, including the spine, so walks with your grand dog are a great exercise for your osteoporosis. Prolia showed an 8.8% increase in bone density in the spine, specifically, so they've definitely got you on the right stuff!

    Ginny - The GYN guy said something similar, and my morning's exhaustive research showed that somewhere near half of post-menopausal women have this kind of atrophy. Apparently, lots who have it don't report it, assuming it's part of growing older, or just being too shy to say it. It can be the cause of so many issues. More medical stuff:
    This rant goes back to the discussions around specialists earlier. My GPs have been supremely uninterested in that pelvic pain, because of everything else that's going on, so any thought of that pain being something besides what's been identified already never occurred to them. The specialists stay in their lane, as well.

    I'll be pounding this drum forever, it seems, and I know it's been said here by many, including you, Ginny - the only one who knows what's going on with our entire bodies is US and the only one who can successfully fight for our entire care is US.

    That said, I utterly hated being seen by a GYN. He was incredibly nice, as gentle as he could be, and non-threatening as all get out, and it still felt like a violation to me. However, the vast majority of that is my hang-ups! I am hoping that getting past those was worth it and that more than one of my symptoms will be helped with the topical estrogen. I may have suffered through a couple of years of this pain simply due to my reluctance to be touched, and that's frustrating.

    Annie - I just have no words for your long-suffering patience with your dad. It sounds like Teddy is a great companion. Didn't realize he was Maltese, but your patience there shows up as well. I do know if I ever get another dog, it will be a short-haired one. Had a wonderful little Yorkie for 13 years while I was married to the ex, and the care that the long-haired dogs need for their coats is constant! Glad to see you're back to getting your habits back to healthy. One of the things I love most about this group is that we don't beat up on each other when we slide... but support for getting back to center is always available.

    Rita - I take generic OTC Zyrtec (cetirizine) morning and night, and it keeps my respiratory allergies under control. I will occasionally take a decongestant for my sinuses, but try not to take them too much, as they push me into being too dry.

    Tina - That vision issue would put me on tilt! But then, I'm still adjusting a year later to dealing with progressive bifocals. Hope you can get it rectified. I got rid of all the pictures of the ex except a couple of the wedding pictures. I plan to get through all my pictures in the next big decluttering and either scan them or take a picture of them with my phone, and then either give them to the kids or discard them.

    Allie - Thinking about you, baby girl. Hope the doctor hopscotch all comes out well.

    Barbie - Hope your tests turn out well, too.

    Betsy - I think of you and your sister often. I have no words, just many hugs from here.

    I'm on a rest day today - going to open every window I can - it's 61 now (16C) and supposed to be 73 (23) this afternoon. Just need to not be anywhere or talk to anyone or do anything else today. My sister's dentist canceled yesterday as her full dentures hadn't come in yet. She sounded resigned when I talked to her on the phone. No word yet as to getting them finished.

    Have a good Thursday,
    Lisa, from the path of the eclipse (99.3% totality over my house, apparently)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) Health is something I always put on my daily gratitude list along with my family. I have been very fortunate and I do everything I can to maintain it. The blood test results came back already and the doctor and has reviewed two of them, I don't play doctor when I read them even though they are clearly written. I have an appointment in two weeks to see my doctor and talk to her about them. We are very fortunate here to have such excellent medical care. Some of the specialists Jake sees require an hour drive but I have to drive only about 15 minutes.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited February 22
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good morning

    Yesterday I at least felt productive-hehe! Not quite caught up at work, but made a huge dent. At home got sheets changed, laundry done, a few things ordered, dinner cooked, and kitchen cleaned. Really need to move more!

    Rita Allergies....for years I took zyrtec every night and still got bronchitis 3 times a year from allergies. I have been adding local honey to my coffee for about 10 years and rarely have to take any allergy meds nor have I had bronchitis. DH was taking, under allergist care, allegra at night, zyrtec in the morning, using nasacort in the morning and Flonase at night. He finally agreed to trying local honey in his coffee about three years ago. He has been down to zyrtec in the morning and Nasacort at bedtime for over a year. Might be worth finding a local beekeeper.

    Pip Like you, I too get rid of cars when they become problematic. I don't want the hassle. It is nice that the newer model still is to your liking. I loved my Escapes, but after the second one, haven't cared for the changes Ford made.

    To those suffering with health issues, hugs! We really are our best advocates. I believe gone are the days when GPs knew you and listened.

    Need to get day started. DH has dentist appointment this morning.

    I am thankful for all of the support and information that everyone shares!

    Much love,
    Kylia in Ohio

    How much and when do you take the yogurt? I will look for some and start using it.

    Thanks for all the allergy information all. Sounds like we all are pretty much doing the same things. Windy today and tree allergies are high today so will wear a face mask when outside. Only way to avoid the pollen and dust from the winds.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,928 Member
    Today is a good day to walk the dog
