Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge



  • DebsFernandez
    Stairs are hard! Lol. Started the stair thing yesterday evening. I did 750 stairs in 30 minutes. Phew, that was tough. Will be doing it again tomorrow. That should get me the 1500 I need. I think...:P
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Down 1 lb this week to 275.6. Have done 714 stairs so far. Of course I count up and down so if you only count ups then it is about 357 or so. At least I am trying.
  • lkcurvy
    Stairs seems to be working for me. I work on the 5th floor so I go up 100 stairs more than once a day. It's difficult but I stop take a break and keep on going.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I totally SUCKED at the stairs challenge - I think I might have hit 75...yeah, I know, I'm bad.

    Everybody ready for tomorrow?!?! Don't forget to log your FINAL SEPTEMBER WEIGHT!!!!!

    FYI - if you're doing the October challenge, please post your ending September weight as your starting October weight unless you decide to weigh in on Saturday morning, too. The link to the October thread should be a few posts above this one.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Well I didn't make 10 pounds, but I made 6 pounds! Which is still a great accomplishment! And I started strength training so I haven't really lost any weight the last 2 weeks but I have lost 13 inches overall from the strength training. So I guess the real question is, where do I sign up for the October challenge? Congrats to everyone who lost!!!! I proud of all of you.
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    For this week's Mini Challenge:

    Water: Not a problem most days, but there were a couple busy days at work that I hardly had time to reach for the water bottle.
    Stairs: Not sure, I should've counted the stairs at my house. Been making extra trips to the basement and at lunch going to the train station and walking their stairs rather than the escalator. So at least I've gotten more in than usual.
    NSV: Walked/Jogged first 5k and didn't once feel out of breath. Had to slow down a few times to keep pace with my sister. She's usually the runner, so I thought I'd have a difficult time keeping up with her speed! =)
    (wow...my nsv sounds a little selfish, like I'm picking on my sis, but it made me proud of how far I've come these past few months!)
  • zumbawhit
    zumbawhit Posts: 115 Member
    Seriously, jr, thanks for the push for weight training in the first week. Not only did I stick with it, but yesterday I was up 10 pounds on the majority of my lifting, I see a "line" on my arms, and I lost weight a lot faster once I started doing that than before. Something I knew I should be doing, but just hadn't until the encouragement. So thanks! Love ya, friend! I owe you a drink! ;-)
  • obstacleone
    I'm down 14.4 for September.

    Thanks Jana for setting this up. I'm still on the fence about the October challenge (not really into boot camp) I think with the other challenge that we are on together that I should be alright. I'll be following along though!

    Congrats everyone for an amazing September. Keep it up, I really hope you find the successes and results you are all striving for.

  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Seriously, jr, thanks for the push for weight training in the first week. Not only did I stick with it, but yesterday I was up 10 pounds on the majority of my lifting, I see a "line" on my arms, and I lost weight a lot faster once I started doing that than before. Something I knew I should be doing, but just hadn't until the encouragement. So thanks! Love ya, friend! I owe you a drink! ;-)

    MOSCATO!! lol...I think you knew what my response would be! :P
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    I started off great with the stair challenge, I didn't quite make the bill, 832 stairs completed. I tried. But, I am down 8lbs for September. :drinker:
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I didn't lose 10 pounds but I did lose 7.3 which is awesome because I was on a 3 month plateau! See you all at the October challenge!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Lots of nice losses out there this month! Good show folks! :happy:

    I have 134 more steps to go, and a date with the !@#$%-ing stairmaster at the gym. I'll probably end about 1700 - half from the stairmaster and half from just taking extra laps down to the 1st floor and back up again at the office.

    I'm down 11 lbs this month too. Woohoo!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Just went and checked on the spreadsheet - and thus far, we've had 9 people reach the 10 lb goal. Way to go, guys - every one of you.

    Don't feel discouraged if you didn't hit 10 lbs - many of you got really close and others not so close - but the point is that you're making an active effort to get healthy. Kudos to all of you, and I hope you'll join us for October!!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Can some attach the link to the october post? I have the spreadsheet link but need a link to the post. thanks
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Can some attach the link to the october post? I have the spreadsheet link but need a link to the post. thanks

  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm so sorry for posting so late! :( Crazy busy day at school... @.@ So I didn't reach the 10lb loss, but... I lost over 8 lbs!!! :DD Logged in today at 167.8! I'm so happy it's finally all coming off! ^.^ Thank you so much for this challenge and I'm looking forward to October's! ;D

    For the mini challenges...

    1. WATER, WATER, WATER! : Piece of pie, Piece of cake. XD lol Done! :D

    2. 1,500 stairs between Friday morning and next Thursday evening... Using the stair stepper thing at the gym I got really close, 1,400 something so I think I did pretty good. :)

    3. *Posted in last week's weigh in*

    Thanks again! :D Also, congrats to everyone else! You all are so awesome and inspirational! WTG!!!! :DD
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Lots of great losses this month. Great job everyone! 6 pounds gone for the month...not 10 pound goal...I am happy with one less bag of sugar on myself :) Feeling great. See everyone next month!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,043 Member
    September final mini challenge~

    Water~ goal+ everyday
    Stairs~ about 800 or so
    Weight~ still retaining water, I did drop 2lbs, holding out until Sunday morning to see if I can at least get back to my September starting weight

  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member
    All of you have done awesome! Congrats to your weight losses. :smile:
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    September final week -

    Water - done, love drinking water!
    Stairs - only did 728, but I did not count my usual going up and down during normal house activities
    NSV - My hubby says I'm getting my shape back!! Yay!

    I am looking forward to October's challenges!

    Good luck everyone! See you in October!