AWESOME POSSUMS......10 Wks and 20lbs (CLOSED GROUP)



  • joi1407
    dammit, i'm sick, can't keep any food down. no idea where that suddenly comes from, at least i'm not feeling too bad, only hungry. anyways, I guess I will have to give it a couple of days and hopefully will be back to normal by friday.
  • bigchid88
    Today's challenge is done along with my first day back to running. I felt like I could go longer but decided it would be best to ease back in lol
  • kamfam
    Updating with measurements -

    R calf - 13
    R thigh - 22
    HIps - 37
    Waist - 35
    Chest - 30.5
    Bust - 34
    R bicep - 12

    Completed my water goal, and was under my calorie goal. Did 50 minutes pilates, along with M, T, and W challenges!!!! Woohoo :)
  • Strongmamaof5
    Only got today's challenge done. Tomorrow my goal is to get a run in even if I have to do it in the rain.
  • ta198488
    ta198488 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, you all seem so young & active. I tried the push ups on Monday & survived. I have not done any push ups for 30 years & I did not know what a Burpee was until I looked it up on the internet. I don't think I will be doing many of those either. The reason I joined this group was to feel I was not alone on my quest to get healthier & loose those extra pounds. I started using MFP the middle of August & think it is the greated. I will be 52 next month & needed to get my weight back under control so I don't need to take medication for high blood pressure. I weighed 180 when I started & now weigh 165. I do enjoy walking for exercise lots better then the push ups.

    Neck 14.5
    Waist 35
    Hips 42
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Today's challenge and Ripped in 30 is done! I hardly slept at all last night and wanted to sleep so bad! LOL But i'm glad I didn't! It will be a coffee day for sure!

    Today I need to be better about logging my food. It gets so busy, I didn't get a chance yesterday but I ate way good. I also need to drink way more water today!

    I love your rewards list! Family pictures is an awesome one! I need to get ours done too.... hmmm you may have just motivated me to make a list too:wink:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Wow, you all seem so young & active. I tried the push ups on Monday & survived. I have not done any push ups for 30 years & I did not know what a Burpee was until I looked it up on the internet. I don't think I will be doing many of those either. The reason I joined this group was to feel I was not alone on my quest to get healthier & loose those extra pounds. I started using MFP the middle of August & think it is the greated. I will be 52 next month & needed to get my weight back under control so I don't need to take medication for high blood pressure. I weighed 180 when I started & now weigh 165. I do enjoy walking for exercise lots better then the push ups.

    Neck 14.5
    Waist 35
    Hips 42

    Don't you watch Biggest Loser!!! :wink: They have 60 somethings doing crazy workouts. If they can do it so can you!:wink::wink:

    Just trying to motivate ya:bigsmile: I totally understand where you are coming from. Push-ups killed me! And I had no clue what a burpee was either. Just the fact that you tried them says a lot:flowerforyou: Walking is great, just keep doing what your comfortable with and you will be fine.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    So I didn't get my squats done but I did exercise for 50 minutes today. I think I'm hooked on Wii Sports Boxing! I've played 3 times now and I'm almost a pro:bigsmile: I have to set myself limits as to when I'm gonna quit cause I'd play all day! I went running this morning also. It was so nice in the crisp air, It really helped me keep a steady breath and felt so refreshing:smile:

    Mon- Check
    Tue - Check
    Wed- Check


    Mon 26th- 15 Pushups - Check Plus 10 extra!
    Tues 27th- 30 Burpee's - Check... Damn those things are hard, Love em though
    Wed 28th- 40 Squats
    Thur 29th- 20 Pushups
    Fri 30th- 60 Jumping Jacks
    Sat 1st- 20 Lunges each leg
    Sun 2nd- You choose

    1) Break into the 140's
    2) Run at least 3 days this week- Mon, Wed,
    3) Log EVERY day in my food diary (really slacking on that lately) Mon, Tue, Wed,
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Rough day yesterday...Back on track this morning...Taking it one snack/meal at a time...

    Have a good one everybody!

    E :)
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Ripped in 30/ pushups done.

    I'm not feeling like I'm losing any weight which is super discouraging to me. But I FEEL good so that's gotta mean something. lol
  • lauehorn
    So far, so good! Met all the challenges and my goals Mon - Weds and feeling great!
  • bigchid88
    Did today's challenge along with 30 DS(Day 15 for me...I have finally reached the half way point WOOT WOOT!)

    Don't get discouraged you guys. This journey is more than just the number. As long as you feel good in your skin that should be enough to put a smile on your face =]
  • meglomaniac87
    Thanks for the encouragement. I forget that sometimes.
    Did today's challenge along with 30 DS(Day 15 for me...I have finally reached the half way point WOOT WOOT!)

    Don't get discouraged you guys. This journey is more than just the number. As long as you feel good in your skin that should be enough to put a smile on your face =]
  • clarahackworth1999
    Well yesterday was better than the previous day! I went to zumba and burned a good amount of calories! As of today I'm gonna stay under calorie goal, drink my water and exercise thus evening when I get home from work. I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday .
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I sooo want to try Zumba!!
    The places that have it don't offer the classes when I can make it....Anyway...

    Looks like everyone is doing a great job :)

    Had a good day yesterday, worked out, water consumption and calorie intake...I do need to be better about planning my meals and snacks for the week!

    Have a great Friday :)

  • clarahackworth1999
    Would love Zumba!!!!!! :)
  • reese1206
    OKAY..........I'M A LOSER!!!!!! Today is the first day this week that I actually worked out :( I have been eating crap since Monday! I wasn't able to get on the forum and have been having problems accessing the site through my phone. Finally busted out my laptop today and I'm back :) I'm hoping I either stay the same or lose a bit because I have been HORRIBLE!!!!!! Going back to the gym this morning felt great. I didn't not hit my normal 1100-1300 Cal though. I only did 50min and 515cal. I was so tired. I am shooting for at LEAST 1200 cal tomorrow. NO MORE being a lazy bum. ALL week I have felt tired and unmotivated....That's why I HAVE to get up at 4am and hit the gym. It sets the tone for my day. EXCITED to go back tomorrow. No more taking a 5 day break!!!!!!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I LOVE all these little exercises! My thighs are pretty sore from my squats... I did 80 of them while watching tv:bigsmile: Keep up the good work guys! Feeling good about yourself is way more important than some silly number. Yesterday I weighed myself at the little quarter machine at the mall... It gives you your weight, lucky numbers, and your fortune. My fortune said "Tomorrow will be a better day". Thought it was funny cause I was actually having a really great day but its a nice thing to keep in mind regardless:smile:

    Mon- Check
    Tue - Check
    Wed- Check
    Thur - Check
    Fri - Check


    Mon 26th- 15 Pushups - Check Plus 10 extra!
    Tues 27th- 30 Burpee's - Check... Damn those things are hard, Love em though
    Wed 28th- 40 Squats - Done on Thursday with 40 extra!
    Thur 29th- 20 Pushups - Check plus 10 extra
    Fri 30th- 60 Jumping Jacks
    Sat 1st- 20 Lunges each leg
    Sun 2nd- You choose

    1) Break into the 140's
    2) Run at least 3 days this week- Mon, Wed,
    3) Log EVERY day in my food diary (really slacking on that lately) Mon, Tue, Wed,
  • bigchid88
    Day 2 of running and I didnt go as long as I wanted but I was proud of myself for doing multiple steep hills =] I did today's challenge and day 16 of 30DS. OHHHHHHHH and I had a doc appt today and of course I had to step on the scale....I weighed 220.6!!!!! that is the LOWEST I've weighed since sophomore year of high school!!! I'm defs gonna make sure that I dont eff it up this weekend.Going to make sure I make only healthy decisions and see what monday's weigh in brings.
    Cheers to the weekend!!!
  • kamfam
    Today was awful. Ate like crap, and only did 30min pilates. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Back on track tomorrow am......